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File: 474b554039f9081⋯.png (953.43 KB,1057x608,1057:608,ClipboardImage.png)

14703a No.22308145 [View All]

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db2f06 No.22309061


look ma'h, no hands


Follow HUMA.

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8ff349 No.22309062

File: 8bf0132f1f31cc8⋯.png (397.06 KB,568x576,71:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fe0c4 No.22309063


Anyone that worked under Bush, is still loyal to Bush, they are all spread out like Obama's undercover moles

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db2f06 No.22309064

File: 475294ac02791e5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1364x1086,682:543,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_0….png)

File: 5425892409304d3⋯.png (4.24 MB,2026x1208,1013:604,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_0….png)


Follow HUMA.


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d7bb50 No.22309065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1cf558 No.22309066

File: c6e89c98425fe46⋯.png (191.53 KB,504x319,504:319,ClipboardImage.png)


>Creative Arts Class Irondale, Alabama

>Veterans Affairs

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58c956 No.22309067


What causes humans to live in a place that wants to kill them with weather?

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baf08b No.22309068

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,pepe_hes_right.png)

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8ff349 No.22309069

File: 7814349bf4d1f72⋯.png (272.04 KB,409x408,409:408,ClipboardImage.png)

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db2f06 No.22309070

File: f6e2477a881927c⋯.png (2.36 MB,1336x1328,167:166,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_1….png)

File: 1013472107f0fb1⋯.png (1.9 MB,1088x1448,136:181,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_1….png)



Middle English: via Old French from medieval Latin bastardus, probably from bastum ‘packsaddle’; compare with Old French fils de bast, ‘packsaddle son’ (i.e. the son of a mule driver who uses a packsaddle for a pillow and is gone by morning).

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4f84a7 No.22309071

File: 692c618f7ae55e5⋯.png (529.52 KB,750x696,125:116,X_Post_about_Steve_Scalise….png)

File: d26b6cefbd6a6e6⋯.png (163.1 KB,1158x1151,1158:1151,X_Post_about_Steve_Scalise….png)

File: 052768f692b0ee2⋯.png (331.23 KB,1677x1666,1677:1666,X_Post_about_Steve_Scalise….png)


>Steve Scalise

Comparison photos seen on X just now

LINK - https://x.com/GenXStreetTaco/status/1876656698972426336

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/hLWzC

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fb1613 No.22309072


Springtime is nice in Rome. April 21st, I hear, is a big deal.

Fall is probably nice too.

the 'fall' of Rome happened over and over and over.

They didn't really fall, anon.

they just didn't play along with the emperors anymore.

and in Constantinople, now occupied by the Turks, it was another 1000 years before it 'fell'

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8ff349 No.22309073

File: 18b5041bd6349eb⋯.png (417.91 KB,568x403,568:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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74e301 No.22309074

Destroy all their minions of the dark forces.

Will any of their puppet masters be exposed?

Will you find out who or what P is?

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7ed6eb No.22309075

File: 6991746386c15bf⋯.png (78.43 KB,830x674,415:337,571_1_.png)




Nobody Playing the Game, Gets a Free Pass.

Fuckerburg and his Mindfuckery Games

most effective tactics available

Meta can be used as an acronym for “most effective tactics available,” and calling something “meta” means that it's an effective way to achieve the goal of the game, whether it's to beat other players or beat the game itself.


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772906 No.22309076

File: 805a7972bb3b08f⋯.jpg (163.54 KB,1280x720,16:9,34256.jpg)

UK Government More Concerned About PR Than Their Citizens Getting RAPED AND KILLED

According to the BBC, the Labour government believes the ‘special relationship’ between the British and United States government is under threat if Donald Trump acknowledges Elon Musk’s ‘incendiary rhetoric’ regarding foreign grooming gangs raping and killing children in the UK.

Musk has been vocal on X over the past week concerning the sick child-grooming gang scandal, which was covered up by the Labour government from the 90’s onwards for a period of over a decade, resulting in decades of horrific child abuse.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Keir Starmer accused Musk and British politicians who support his call for justice for victims of grooming gangs of jumping on a “far-right bandwagon.”

According to BBC Newsnight, there is “absolute horror at the highest levels of government at the incendiary language we have seen from Elon Musk.” So, what about the victims they are supposed to protect?

This thin-skinned, morally bankrupt Labour gov't are more concerned about Elon Musk's social media posts than they are about actual Pakistani rape gangs.

— Lee Harris (@addicted2newz) January 7, 2025


Apparently, there’s little horror at the industrial-scale grooming and rape of young white girls by Muslim men, and the biggest outrage is directed at Elon Musk for daring to talk about it.

“And there’s going to be… a hard headed assessment – is this just the view of Elon Musk or is it the view of the wider administration and the incoming president Donald Trump,” said a BBC Newsnight reporter. He added that if Trump shares Elon Musk’s view that grooming gangs are terrible and that there (God forbid) needs to be a new inquiry and actual action taken on the issue, “Then there may be some very serious questions about the nature of our ongoing security partnership with the United States.”

Well, the UK government can go to HELL and take Ukraine with them! Americans don't need them nor do we desire to be allies anymore until they correct the corruption in their government and change leadership!


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9fe0c4 No.22309077


Damn, Kaplan never uses the words "Free Speech" he only uses "Free Expression", only Fox is asking about free speech, he never correct's them. But he's obviously avoiding the words "Free speech" probably doing that so they can't be sued for violating constitutionally protected free speech

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1cf558 No.22309078

File: 4c6fd34130e4eca⋯.png (922.74 KB,1235x760,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

Why so many celebrities in Dubai?


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154760 No.22309079



Seneca Oil Company

New Haven bankers


Who founded Yale University?




What is the history of Harris Beach?

Who are these people?

Edwin Drake. Hired by the bankers

Why? (Conductor = free travel?)

What railroad did he work for?

Who owned said railroad?

Who eventually owned the consolidated railroad? (JPMorgan)

What is the P?


Follow their influence through the books.

An entire set of data untapped. Dig a little, find a lot.

How did Rockefeller get started?

His partner?

Who did his partner support at the end of their life? (Drake)

Are they all connected?

What is Rosemont Seneca?



Money brings power brings control brings people?

History of euro colonialism in America?

Who first interacted with Seneca?

When was oil discovered?

It's all about the rails.

First by water, then by land.

Syracuse history? Rail and water? Interchange?

Expand west. Infrastructure. Planned.

Enter Seneca Oil Company.

Enter Rockefeller

Rothschild, Rockefeller

Enter the first Trust

Essentially created Rockefeller through Drake and railroads.

Rockefeller out in 2016

Replaced in position by Soros.

Rothschild, Soros, Vanderbilt, …..

Far reaching tentacles. MB. Alwaleed bin Talal, for one.

DS WW in a nutshell.

How did you not know any of this?

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772906 No.22309080


I'll never touch VR or use meta in my lifetime, all these technocrats can go fuck themselves!

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8ff349 No.22309081

File: 36f3b0864f113f8⋯.png (59.91 KB,568x352,71:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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ead290 No.22309082

File: 3dc6abd904d91b3⋯.png (506.42 KB,1000x750,4:3,QUICK_THE_FLU.png)


>quick!!! the world sees our rape problem, bring out the fucking flu!

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1cf558 No.22309083

File: f427cbde76a44ed⋯.png (303.67 KB,554x305,554:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ed6eb No.22309084


Oh, GITMO diet too?

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6aed3a No.22309085

File: 4c2a8bf7d7b6adf⋯.jpeg (171 KB,781x781,1:1,18C21489_57EA_48B7_BBBD_9….jpeg)

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91de6a No.22309086

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0ab4f9 No.22309087



#27286 >>22308149


>>22308185 ICYMI: Who Was Responsible for the Violence that Day

>>22308197, >>22308216 Fun watch. This guy is having fun looping this idiot. New Canuck PM candidate

>>22308219 The worker shortage has been one big gaslighting operation probably since a well criticized report given to NSF back in 1986

>>22308229 Oil industry seeks end to climate change lawsuits, have petitioned the Supreme Court

>>22308271 UK: The ringleader of an Asian grooming gang is still living in the town where he committed his horrific crimes

>>22308273 How To Get the Critical Medications Recommended By Dr. Peter McCullough

>>22308274, >>22308983, >>22308991 Moar plandemic fear pron

>>22308280 There is no requirement to be a Canadian citizen in order to vote for the next Prime Minister.

>>22308281 Trump, Monday night made a last-ditch effort to block the release Jack Smith's closing report on two dismissed criminal cases

>>22308283 US Statistics from 2024 that are both shocking and horrifying

>>22308284 13 Days to the WH

>>22308287 Trump plans emergency appeal to block sentencing this Friday

>>22308293, >>22308299 Dallas Express has been notified that a warrant has been issued and executed regarding child pornography images at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.

>>22308401, >>22308413, >>22308730 Don Jr. Trump Force One has landed in Greenland

>>22308418 Hoda Kotb ends her time as co-anchor of the fourth hour of NBC “TODAY” on Jan. 10th

>>22308445 Harris announces ruling removing billions in medical debt from credit reports

>>22308467 Jean-Marie Le Pen died today.

>>22308624 Ahoy The Ship Show - 01/07/2025

>>22308639, >>22308858, >>22308993 Meta FB is going to make Freedom of speech changes to the bad, bad, bad, computer

>>22308641 Swamp Bun

>>22308681, >>22308762, >>22308800, >>22308846, >>22308894, >>22308964, >>22308996 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day & Space News

>>22308689 Eyeing green legacy, Biden declares new national monuments

>>22308751, >>22308804, >>22308920 Don Jr has arrived in Greenland 🇬🇱 🇺🇸 - Greenland is beautiful!!!

>>22308771 @TPointUK exposing the cover up of grooming gangs in Oldham VIDEO

>>22308782 Alleged Mark Milley Approved Heat and Sound Directed Energy Weapons During 2020 Riots

>>22308860 PF - Sharks at gitmo 844 ….on a Tuesday

>>22308866 Please stay safe during this episode of climate change again again

>>22308879, >>22308884 Mike Davis sends warning to Biden Agents who 'Hunted' Jan6 Political Prisoners 'Justice Is Coming'

>>22308897 UFC’s Dana White joins Meta’s board weeks before Trump takes office

>>22308968, >>22308971, >>22308974 Meta is ending its fact-checking program in favor of a 'community notes' system similar to X

>>22309003 House GOP holds first presser of 119th Congress amid reconciliation debate

>>22309076 UK Government More Concerned About PR Than Their Citizens Getting RAPED AND KILLED

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0da996 No.22309088

File: 6685a0fdcbdf6f1⋯.jpg (17.41 KB,255x219,85:73,6685a0fdcbdf6f113f0ebc0b1d….jpg)

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bfe352 No.22309089

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)


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baf08b No.22309091

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


That carousel has a bad case of the crabs…

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6aed3a No.22309092

File: 09a46be3cc8f2e0⋯.jpeg (126.16 KB,972x624,81:52,598528C5_E4A0_4D72_B37A_5….jpeg)

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d6953f No.22309094

File: 661895e2577125a⋯.png (1.33 MB,1950x1300,3:2,IMG_7078.png)


Next generation of computers is gonna be racist as hell

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9fe0c4 No.22309095


He even says Trump wants "free expression", he uses those words 5-7 times.

Anons can we decode exactly what he's saying== He mentions the "First Amendment, once, that are violated by foreign countries. Not US companies

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7ed6eb No.22309096


Notice the Initials?

Notice the date of drop?

[THEY] thought they were protected.

Now comes the PAIN


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fb1613 No.22309099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meet the keyboard modding community

Sign in

Meet the keyboard modding community

Walking through Constantinople during its Peak in 540 AD.


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4f84a7 No.22309101



>GITMO diet too?

I guess that's possible, Anon.

Anyone in Congress is likely to have been compromised.

Maybe there was a reason that someone thought to shoot him on that baseball field a few years ago.

Steve Scalise does not look well, that's for sure.

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0ab4f9 No.22309102

File: dee74d605669fe4⋯.jpeg (105.04 KB,1080x1026,20:19,dee74d605669fe4fee1a4f880….jpeg)

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c2d283 No.22309104


it's comms about the end

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772906 No.22309106


I still know people who like the IRL social get-togethers and I prefer that too regardless almost everyone has smartphone shit (although I don't, I prefer my Jitterbug flip phone to make calls only ;)

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37f30e No.22309108


Steve Scalise has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, and is currently undergoing treatment, including a stem cell transplant. He has expressed optimism about his condition, stating that the cancer is "very treatable" and was detected early.

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7ed6eb No.22309109


GITMO SHOTS are better than Ozempic

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0ed0bc No.22309110


Brainiacs with ivy league degrees pondering where are we going wrong, what are we doing right, cam we do better or should we just kiss the canvas

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d57490 No.22309112


I like the blue light filter…

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0ab4f9 No.22309116

File: 71fe8785fc6ddd9⋯.png (773.36 KB,639x854,639:854,71fe8785fc6ddd95ad2e6f63a3….png)

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7ed6eb No.22309119


Yeah, like No name.

Fake "Condition" as COVER.

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c2d283 No.22309120


the treatment is doing a helluva job on his liver

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9fe0c4 No.22309122


He admits this was enacted because President Trump is focused on technology,so META wants to get in on the moneymaking of AI etc, so this is their offer to the public and Trump to be included in Trillions more

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c2d283 No.22309124



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0ab4f9 No.22309125

File: 0f9bfbab3fd623e⋯.png (917.47 KB,906x1133,906:1133,0f9bfbab3fd623ebaaa9258257….png)

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e4f51e No.22309127

File: 657139ed9b2290b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

galaxy defenders

they won't let you remember

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