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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99161d854161c86edffc2cc….jpg)

e7da19 No.22294661 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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567 posts and 243 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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654e4f No.22295824

File: 9f070821b02f3c5⋯.jpeg (105.36 KB,625x485,125:97,IMG_4584.jpeg)




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19b838 No.22295825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If by words alone, then all would achieve.

By words alone.

Get out of our fucking way.

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72bd54 No.22295826


"loomer apologizes"

that's something

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bb789f No.22295827


what fucking difference does it make?

bread is FIVE HOURS old

how long is baker supposed to hang around in the kitchen?

undelete some damned posts….

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19b838 No.22295830


>"loomer apologizes"

>that's something

Bitched out and groveled.

Insta-mute from me personally.

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53e118 No.22295831


it's all good im chillin

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72bd54 No.22295832

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693470 No.22295835

>>22293183 pb

Looks like a combo between Lincoln and Tesla with Laser Eyes.

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19b838 No.22295837


You already lost faggot.


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72bd54 No.22295838


that guy's not trying to help, kek….

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000000 No.22295839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what's in those catechism crackers?

You gotta tell EM, anon.

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654e4f No.22295841

File: 39ca9d89112bd16⋯.jpeg (54.08 KB,666x358,333:179,IMG_4852.jpeg)

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d7743d No.22295843


>Get out of our fucking way.

When the time comes, I will go before you, with more than words, but with The Law.

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bb789f No.22295846


i woulda guessed john mcafee

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000000 No.22295848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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72bd54 No.22295849

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79b4e0 No.22295850

File: 05bc3f9e76646d5⋯.png (1.29 MB,1122x1432,561:716,Screenshot_2025_01_05_at_0….png)

File: 32d23e10929085a⋯.png (1.82 MB,1820x1444,455:361,Screenshot_2025_01_05_at_0….png)

File: 2247675710b2705⋯.png (456.66 KB,664x718,332:359,Screenshot_2023_11_11_at_1….png)

File: e08a77275da2994⋯.png (1.02 MB,860x886,430:443,Screenshot_2023_11_12_at_1….png)

File: 8fdcfd7bf5dd9bd⋯.png (328.11 KB,668x502,334:251,Screenshot_2024_01_18_at_1….png)



you better put this bitch back in the shoe box

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72bd54 No.22295853


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654e4f No.22295854

File: 62b2a3b36a50e01⋯.png (235.31 KB,502x525,502:525,IMG_4830.png)


fuck off

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19b838 No.22295856

File: 41f3b5b99892474⋯.jpg (29.58 KB,590x590,1:1,Thingy.jpg)


Welcome to the bunker, bitch.

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bb789f No.22295858


no wonder they have to beg people to baker

absolutely ZERO respect for peoples' time

guess that never crosses their self-righteous minds

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a20789 No.22295860

File: e7dc56d4fa9deb6⋯.png (335.29 KB,603x708,201:236,y.PNG)


Chanel Rion OAN


While no one was looking…

Why did Biden REMOVE this clause from Policy Directive 28?:



reminds us… Biden ALSO quietly lifted DoD Directive 5240, a 40 yr rule, preventing the military from collecting on US Citizens… just before the election.

4:18 AM · Jan 4, 2025




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a5e4da No.22295863

"We're going to stop these Jew-Haters!" Trump

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19b838 No.22295865

File: 502158f63440a62⋯.mp4 (696.54 KB,512x512,1:1,solar.mp4)


Some dogs are brown.

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79b4e0 No.22295867

File: c63d6729c8de98d⋯.png (229.01 KB,320x324,80:81,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: bd512946c936ff7⋯.png (3.2 MB,1760x1430,16:13,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: af0de8df7dc660c⋯.png (670.85 KB,1024x628,256:157,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 4259fa5f4522ceb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1180x1118,590:559,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 367f1c0b08e39ca⋯.png (1.93 MB,1348x1072,337:268,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

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bb789f No.22295869



and we got self-appointed hall monitors in here bitching about post counts….

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654e4f No.22295872

File: bdef58dede02d3c⋯.jpeg (101.12 KB,720x537,240:179,IMG_4980.jpeg)


forget about having bakers

should just do back to back auto e-bakes

don't worry about notables, most never read them or they are shit anyway

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19b838 No.22295875



These are my balls and this is their skin.

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79b4e0 No.22295876

File: c4857694f4a824f⋯.png (1.6 MB,1818x930,303:155,Screenshot_2023_11_17_at_2….png)

File: da2764491a1946d⋯.png (1.53 MB,1084x1154,542:577,Screenshot_2023_12_08_at_2….png)

File: 571a6d35c0d42c9⋯.png (1.46 MB,1212x1106,606:553,Screenshot_2023_12_13_at_0….png)

File: 2b92e3f2ab40456⋯.png (724.98 KB,712x682,356:341,Screenshot_2023_11_17_at_2….png)


say my name, bitch

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000000 No.22295878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You gotta tell EM, anon.

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306260 No.22295880

File: bc0a5d24d6baba1⋯.jpeg (115.24 KB,977x822,977:822,4mKNlAq8XjMd.jpeg)

7 boxxies 'elon'. Time to go home to mommy and send out your good twin you half breed dumb alien motherfucker.

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e8bc44 No.22295881

File: 93b145baf07a731⋯.png (720.28 KB,518x777,2:3,93b145baf07a73182ffb31b089….png)

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3a9d37 No.22295882


Saw an interesting philosophy in a frivolous bit of fiction. The idea is that "luck" is a function of how much you consider others, and how far into the future you consider them. Thus someone who considered all people, for all time, would have fortune unsurpassed by any other living soul, appearing as divinity in the flesh to outside observers.

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a20789 No.22295883

File: e396549b0c1f308⋯.png (304.45 KB,589x455,589:455,bob.PNG)



Bob Moran


12:13 AM · Jan 5, 2025




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351c61 No.22295885


A symbol is an expression of one thing for a more complete definition of another.

A character is an identifier of a certain value.

Some values change, others are immutable.


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000000 No.22295886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>>You gotta tell EM, anon.

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79b4e0 No.22295887

File: 8ace6c431eb24e2⋯.png (1.91 MB,1552x1040,97:65,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: aa67753e4478ab4⋯.png (986.38 KB,1148x708,287:177,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 20e365a96cfd02b⋯.png (765.76 KB,1106x666,553:333,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 3c21509fbc28ad9⋯.png (2.86 MB,860x1300,43:65,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)

File: 13943705153510a⋯.png (2.33 MB,2704x678,1352:339,Screenshot_2025_01_04_at_1….png)



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19b838 No.22295888

File: d47921e7209f931⋯.png (237.59 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)


>When the time comes, I will go before you, with more than words, but with The Law.

You're in for a surprise.

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53e118 No.22295889

FINAL Notables @ ~605

#27271 >>22294671

>>22294674 Britt Allcroft, the creator of the Thomas the Tank Engine TV series has died at 81

>>22294682 VIDEO: Alberta’s $70 Billion AI Data Center

>>22294684, >>22294831 New footage of Cybertruck explosion

>>22294683, >>22294691, >>22294743 The "Pfizer Boob Job": A Case of Unexplained Gigantomastia

>>22294709 JAN 4: Kansas City, MO -Crazy Pile-Up on I-470 from Ice-Covered Roads

>>22294733, >>22294754 Report - JENNIE TAER: The ISRAELI spy who was granted carte blanche to just walk right the fuck in at the alleged NEW ORLEANS BOMBER’S HOUSE

>>22294749 Anons discuss purpose of /qresearch

>>22294780 “ELLEN PAO, the former CEO of REDDIT, said… that (Ghislane) Maxwell was at the party hosted by KLEINER PERKINS… where she worked as a PARTNER” - Dig CALL

>>22294791, >>22294899 Bill Gates Malaria Vaccine Fuckery

>>22294889 DEC 30: Trinidad and Tobago declared state of emergency after record number of murders

>>22295101 Hawaii fireworks explosion update

>>22295475 LIVE FEED: Blizzard Highway Closures

>>22295413 8kun HTTPS certificate expires tomorrow

>>22295513, >>22295583 Biden Quietly Bans Most Gas-Powered Tankless Water Heaters

>>22295860 @ChanelRion: Why did Biden REMOVE this clause from Policy Directive 28?

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872283 No.22295892


Notice there's no before pics- even of her in just everyday life.(At home, out with friends, at the beach, birthday party)

Sounds a bit off.

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654e4f No.22295894


elon is a narcissistic faggot

thinks he is king of the world

dumbass sth african mutt

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a20789 No.22295895

File: f2a055499cb1724⋯.png (767.38 KB,831x703,831:703,dc.PNG)

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7e3c58 No.22295896


Interesting. There are treasures and Treasures.

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bb789f No.22295897


>don't worry about notables, most never read them or they are shit anyway


i watched this bread from the top

didn't seeing anything worthwhile that was NOT notabled

some stupid bloatable shit was included

but that's easy to ignore

i collect the good ones and distribute them to normies afraid to venture here

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000000 No.22295900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bb789f No.22295901


ya left out CCP lackey

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53e118 No.22295902

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654e4f No.22295903

File: abb075eb9c728c0⋯.jpeg (67.87 KB,552x591,184:197,IMG_3942.jpeg)

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a0090f No.22295904


Migrate to fresh Locking

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d7743d No.22295905


>You're in for a surprise.

Kek, that wouldn't surprise me. There is a difference between I am The Law and with The Law.

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