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File: 05e049e957a2932⋯.png (2.2 MB,3381x1798,3381:1798,8ea1cfbc542fba1e4bde094094….png)

c14516 No.22286886 [View All]

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701 posts and 480 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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14901a No.22287637

File: 810e427fdde5dc6⋯.png (24.67 KB,374x407,34:37,ClipboardImage.png)


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f0f74c No.22287638

File: fd3bedfaba736f5⋯.png (6.04 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2673.png)

File: 9016ccc4462dd39⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1284x1586,642:793,IMG_2692.jpeg)

File: 483608f51ddf53b⋯.png (7.81 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2674.png)

It is an accident of course lol

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d09260 No.22287639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DeepFurry Trap

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000000 No.22287640


JESUS who closes / destroys churches

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fdab6e No.22287641

File: 8352c7f6a4449b7⋯.jpg (482.01 KB,1395x1373,1395:1373,roberts3.jpg)

File: 534b6dccd042bb8⋯.png (859.37 KB,1170x656,585:328,roberts.png)

File: dd08c14a5578c7a⋯.jpg (95.24 KB,693x500,693:500,RobertsFISAscheme.jpg)

File: 5a795bcac0ff61b⋯.jpg (55.33 KB,711x400,711:400,RobertsObamacare.jpg)

File: 7b5baa0d62c4b48⋯.jpg (87.12 KB,500x632,125:158,RobertsImpeach.jpg)



sounds truly legit

Everybody at Bannon's War Room is talking about the new sentencing date of Jan 10th Next Week.

One thing that's being ignored; they will obviously use his conviction on 32? bogus counts of alleged felony fraud to bar him from the Presidency.

And of course we cannot trust the SCOTUS

Can you see what's coming?

After corrupt Roberts just put out the word, proactively, that their orders MUST BE OBEYED.

You see what's coming, right?

anybody remember the informant who was deposed by Lin Wood?

Remember how all the shill attack Mr. Wood and sided with Flynn?

Remember Roberts and Bannon are both…. Catholics?

Could Bannon be covering for thie by being silent on what's obviously coming?

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685959 No.22287642

File: dbb564527bd87fe⋯.jpg (196.95 KB,1600x900,16:9,6403852_Manly_P_Hall_Quote….jpg)

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4df28d No.22287643

File: a79178fe805d11a⋯.mp4 (14.18 MB,464x848,29:53,drone_scam_1_.mp4)


Is the the reason for the drone scam.

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53f8b4 No.22287644


Not true.

His wife and children were kidnaped, and held against their will.

Why do you think Trudeau was smiling at Mar lago?

Remember Trump said "release the hostages"

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6ab50b No.22287645

File: 6624968a100afa9⋯.png (2.12 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


They always say what they did without ever providing proof of them doing it.

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9163b6 No.22287646

File: bd920f5c17de896⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_7810.MP4)


The latest from blueanon world

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f94ab3 No.22287647


>Is there a sequel?

All [3] movies playing simultaneously?


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e65432 No.22287648

File: 57a7dfac52c0ea3⋯.jpeg (154.78 KB,736x891,736:891,IMG_7610.jpeg)

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9163b6 No.22287649

File: 8ee1b94414f9d15⋯.png (979.1 KB,1238x649,1238:649,ClipboardImage.png)


How bout you?

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bcdc6f No.22287650

shawn ryan: we now have iranian missles inside the united states.

The drones expanded story.

the china ship to the iranians story 54 minutes timestamp

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afdba4 No.22287651


Correct, there would have to be a timing device. Without a timing device, the only other way is remote detonation.

One thing to consider here, is maybe that person was isolated and given information to alter his mind or maybe they had dirt on him and gave him the safe family suicide deal then remote hacking to alter his files, send emails, and change data. A consideration. The whole thing does not make sense.

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7e53d4 No.22287652

Q said the best is yet to come.

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1c39ce No.22287653


The 4chan prophecy?

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fba30d No.22287654

File: 37ab73f58aa71b2⋯.jpeg (510.99 KB,1284x1469,1284:1469,IMG_2592.jpeg)

File: d34d5f408a242fc⋯.jpeg (212.04 KB,610x483,610:483,IMG_2604.jpeg)

File: b5d2c03f86bbdf6⋯.jpeg (275.14 KB,732x558,122:93,IMG_2603.jpeg)

File: 4d64193d07d01a3⋯.jpeg (180.15 KB,664x496,83:62,IMG_2517.jpeg)

File: 568fcd16077fece⋯.jpeg (249.61 KB,1023x747,341:249,IMG_2513.jpeg)


No it is not unusual for them this is normal gang stalking behavior, it is fun for them…?

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000000 No.22287655


we'll mark your spot, and wait and see, and when you are wrong, you can take this fucking Q bullshit and permanently shove it up your ass.

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e65432 No.22287656

File: 0755a9edaef5df3⋯.jpg (215.16 KB,1200x976,75:61,Agent_A_Non_BLUResearch.jpg)

File: c05620a2f46706a⋯.jpeg (165.91 KB,800x561,800:561,Blue_Anons_01.JPEG)

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acc4ff No.22287657

File: b2c16e2afeba762⋯.png (67.84 KB,1166x316,583:158,Screenshot_2025_01_03_at_6….png)

JUST IN - Greenland leader calls for independence from Denmark in the wake of Trump's recent comments — The Hill


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732875 No.22287658

File: c3af46500938399⋯.jpg (302.16 KB,1106x2008,553:1004,c3af46500938399e553d219ff6….jpg)

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a8468d No.22287659

To the Shills N grifters currently having meltdowns.


You fucked up.

You are not alone, you never where and you never will be.

Remember that.

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4aa22b No.22287660

use one adjective to describe Liz Cheney

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c14516 No.22287661

Hand Off Top Of Next Bread


not a joke



#27262 >>22286900

>>22286938 New video of Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger driving the truck around Vegas

>>22286948 Microsoft expects to spend $80 billion on AI-enabled data centers in fiscal 2025

>>22286962, >>22286988, >>22287046 shawn ryan podcast, twat post - sources and full text

>>22286982 Trump can take the oath from anywhere. Sentencing won't stop Trump's Inauguration

>>22286999 Things got really weird between Cheney and Biden during sham ‘award’ ceremony

>>22287055, >>22287127 Judge sets Trump's sentencing in hush money case for Jan. 10, but signals no jail time or penalties

>>22287067, >>22287094, >>22287540 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has urged whistleblowers from Fort Bragg to come forward on recent terrorisms

>>22287131 Healthcare facilities in California, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin are reinstating face mask mandates DO NOT COMPLY

>>22287167 RT - Leaked emails show Tesla car bomber Livelsberger conspiracy-fueled rants

>>22287189, >>22287359, >>22287379, >>22287440 Dasting Mapping of the Dart Balls

>>22287190, >>22287192 Las Vegas police found two letters in the Cybertruck

>>22287196, >>22287345 COMING SOON 17 DAYS!!!

>>22287218 TRUMP TRUTH The CIA must get involved, NOW, before it is too late. The USA is breaking down

>>22287227, >>22287230, >>22287244, >>22287248 Celeste Guap sex-crimes scandal Old&Dug

>>22287317 @samosaur I knew taking this public would insert me into the “glowy boi” conspiracy cycle, especially since I’m an intelligence officer.

>>22287324 Tren de Aragua Crashing the Border to Insert As Many Gang Members As Possible Into U.S. Before Jan. 20

>>22287353 Apple CEO Tim Cook will personally donate $1 million to President-elect Trump's inaugural committee

>>22287497 FBI Says They Have ‘Strong Evidence’ email manifesto gud was b4 explosion

>>22287504 Military blocks police from arresting impeached South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol

>>22287510 @TonySeruga - Does anyone know Tonell Love? Our fear is he is being radicalized right now.

>>22287560 (?) They used Livelsberger as a patsy because he blew whistle on a coming drone assassination attempt on Trump

>>22287563 Americans FUME After Adam Schiff Announces New Senate Committee Assignments

>>22287569 Judicial Body Rejects Requests To Refer Supreme Court Justices To DOJ

>>22287580 POSO digging on cybertruck guy and dropping truth bombs

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b2bfb9 No.22287662

File: e76fb05c2d8510f⋯.webp (277.71 KB,426x200,213:100,200.webp)

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e65432 No.22287663

File: 556dc97f68ace8a⋯.jpeg (81.02 KB,620x400,31:20,IMG_7611.jpeg)

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373bb4 No.22287664

File: f863f232bf0c254⋯.png (398.89 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20250103_184422.png)


Whole lotta lumps

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f0f74c No.22287665

File: ccaeefc42947d0d⋯.png (11.46 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_1988.png)

File: df0a55d9fb46dd8⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB,1284x1935,428:645,IMG_1971.jpeg)

File: 500e41bba4df7e0⋯.png (2.5 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2482.png)


Lol was not aware enlighten everyone about it?

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10e9c5 No.22287667

File: c27af441a52dfea⋯.png (10.79 KB,438x208,219:104,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember THIS DAY.

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9163b6 No.22287669

File: bbffeab93e4763d⋯.png (178.24 KB,412x308,103:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Greenland will US

NEW - Greenland leader calls for independence from Denmark in the wake of Trump's recent comments.



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9118db No.22287670

File: 73ef39a89835443⋯.png (742.77 KB,1287x1012,117:92,Keks_in_Communist_Chinese.png)

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c984d2 No.22287671


>been hear 8 fucking years

Same here from day one, and still the medication doesn't work. The only thing that keeps me sane is all the insanity; if you would believe.

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c89095 No.22287672

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4df28d No.22287673


The CIA - involved

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000000 No.22287674


>remote detonation.

Nobody had a fucking spectrum analyzer running nearby so it's moot point.

LP FM connected to a fuckin digital switch. might not even register on the short little antenna.

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4348f8 No.22287675

File: 1cb6fac200ad624⋯.jpeg (148.38 KB,619x772,619:772,IMG_1438.jpeg)


i haven't been able to post there in months…

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e65432 No.22287676

File: b8da71a5b1fbc3b⋯.jpeg (67.03 KB,625x390,125:78,IMG_7612.jpeg)

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10e9c5 No.22287677

File: 5532349f08114e0⋯.jpg (17.52 KB,368x298,184:149,GIJO_Barroness.jpg)

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e9ed40 No.22287678

File: 9016ccc4462dd39⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1284x1586,642:793,IMG_2692.jpeg)

File: a062c8575046f22⋯.jpeg (879.57 KB,1284x844,321:211,IMG_2642.jpeg)

File: 178472223704d78⋯.png (3.95 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2493.png)


Sounds like a threat?

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406a03 No.22287680

File: 132a6fcb538881e⋯.png (154.54 KB,751x601,751:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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634e3a No.22287681

File: 3323fb7b8faa4c0⋯.png (579.15 KB,650x985,130:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebac98 No.22287682


Spoilers… switching on now.

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c14516 No.22287683

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,e593d419bad0b414e964828055….jpg)

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000000 No.22287684



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6ab50b No.22287685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ec8b2 No.22287686


OK Explain lavender Mafia please

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406a03 No.22287687

File: 42934bb327af9a0⋯.png (137.52 KB,900x369,100:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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10e9c5 No.22287688

File: 8f4d6f7a1ef84fa⋯.png (430.61 KB,674x407,674:407,PepeApuGHD.png)

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c14516 No.22287689

File: 414698f9b6372c5⋯.jpg (18.81 KB,255x248,255:248,414698f9b6372c5f648ba7be51….jpg)

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