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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

17eb60 No.22273611 [View All]

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701 posts and 434 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6dfa33 No.22274510

File: 2cbb2be9811daa4⋯.jpg (46.45 KB,1200x900,4:3,Giorgia_Meloni_202_900_120….jpg)

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5049e7 No.22274511

File: 25ab17fc4fb03ac⋯.png (423.15 KB,887x388,887:388,ClipboardImage.png)

Good Times are Coming

Unless you focus on the Distractions

Then you're not going to have a very good time

But I will & you can watch me having a good time

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ae0dd7 No.22274512

File: bd6e9e0b4580b16⋯.jpg (105.83 KB,400x400,1:1,AnonsSalute.jpg)



should sayannouncethey filter.

and then call others 'narcissists"

Do self - awareness.

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9a3dad No.22274513


Overplayed projection and deflection from the truth. The famefag shill uses "America winning" as a repetitive slogan so that any opposition is projected as attacking America itself, when a famefag shill doesn't represent this board or an entire country. Always a projection the shills had planned for any opposition. They label you as unpatriotic and completely deflect from the fact it's a subversive famefag in a culture that abhors famefags. If you attack the famefag Cat you are somehow attacking America itself which couldn't be further from the truth. God bless America. Famefags get destroyed though. Now that their final last desperate projection has been exposed and destroyed they are absolutely losing their minds because there is nothing left to project but rinse and repeat their failures.

Famefags losing. God bless America

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331c9e No.22274514

File: e7a954c2c819bdc⋯.gif (630.92 KB,400x170,40:17,42738aa8_b445_401a_bba1_cd….gif)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>go go juw boat volcano

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0f1717 No.22274515

File: 1aba85a1e51c4d2⋯.jpg (196.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_diogenes.jpg)

Wrong, broken bitch. I care. All it takes is just one.

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641e65 No.22274516

File: 11fb5adb76ea2c6⋯.png (750.79 KB,970x545,194:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ecbb8 No.22274517


Sweet halapenos

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36296d No.22274518

File: 592be26d9f18375⋯.jpg (178.18 KB,715x467,715:467,BARE_TRUTH.jpg)

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13f18f No.22274519

File: 75d8675983fc015⋯.jpeg (225.63 KB,3072x3072,1:1,IMG_4489.jpeg)


Fucking Elon. What a clown…he and the pajeet are probably both ackchyually the [C_A] type of clowns. The last week and especially the past 24 hours wreaks of that type of clown.

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f4ba8b No.22274520

File: f4da9f820853192⋯.jpg (499.95 KB,1079x1977,1079:1977,Screenshot_20250101_204907….jpg)

File: 57746de1ff71531⋯.jpg (575.12 KB,1079x1808,1079:1808,Screenshot_20250101_205124….jpg)




>>derp derp can't think or research for myself

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8ff983 No.22274521

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO.png)

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a3e60a No.22274522

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB,255x246,85:82,661db28944a961a15d314b9a3d….png)

File: 9089c67397098f6⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,778x500,389:250,9089c67397098f6d4dd038c4c1….jpg)

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,Eiz1SwxWoAAM3YH.jpg)

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108f1b No.22274523

imagine working a department so low you're telling the bitch on "on mission to hunt ai off the books" to shut up cause you can't equal her (volenteer) work to save the agency you work for and all you can do is tell the skitzo's "we're" fuckijng with that like "take your meds"and they're like ok you win I'm drugged still crazy and your like ok "kys??"and you get paid $34.60 an hour to do that thats your whole fucking job imagine how depressed these people are and how much they need they job to define their personality how the mask becomes who they are so all they can see is their own hate and repression look I am *off the books CIA* but I wasn't recruited by humans to I get paid in angel bux to for my cheerleader skills and shadow work to my knowledge. I basically do work freelance for Michael (aka God) always have since 2018 even before that he'd tip me off showed me his whole scrap book on my life and I'm also probably a super rich heiress who shit posts for fun cause humans bore her with all the money I'm heir to a manuare pile but my family faces hard times as the horses were sacrficed to bail me out of jail lolololololollool #gucci gang

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5d6be3 No.22274524


wtf was he gonna do, toast marshmallows?

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36296d No.22274525

File: c48aab1486ce3b0⋯.jpg (92.5 KB,616x406,44:29,HALF_PINT.jpg)




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4352ea No.22274526

File: 0b825f57fe6c9c0⋯.jpg (126.83 KB,391x383,391:383,WaterSurvivalpepesmaller.jpg)


fuckin love me some non-bloated notables.

o7 baker

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589454 No.22274527


Thanks fren.

It's hard to get people to watch videos. kek

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b67cb4 No.22274528

File: 081e4fff90d190f⋯.mp4 (727.12 KB,854x470,427:235,whatsthatbrotha.mp4)

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17eb60 No.22274529

File: 43c4316de49365d⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1588x2309,1588:2309,il_1588xN_1969363790_qbta.jpg)


…Baking now


#27247 >>22273619

>>22273861 @MelaniaTrump - The incidents of violence that have impacted our communities are deeply concerning. The brutality must stop.

>>22273880 @elonmusk - The evil knuckleheads picked the wrong vehicle for a terrorist attack.

>>22273894, >>22273905 Cybertruck actually contained the explosion and directed the blast. Video of contents in cybertruck. 1 5 gallon Gas can, several 1 gallon cans of camping fuel and flares or large fireworks blast upwards. Not even the glass doors of the lobby were broken.

>>22274023 'Hellbent on carnage': New Orleans officials decry attack that killed 10, injured dozens

>>22274155, >>22274224 PF Report: The doomsday plane has been brought out.

>>22274227 Former CIA chief: Chinese U.S. Treasury hack 'could have been prevented' by cybersecurity protocols

>>22274234 Suspect in New Orleans massacre identified as former US Army soldier who deployed to Afghanistan


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a8b1d5 No.22274530


What Middle Eastern country is that?

Military is out in force for why?

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8dbd3f No.22274531

File: baffc06bfd32abd⋯.png (122.79 KB,400x400,1:1,c38.png)

Deportation is coming

11+ million illegal aliens


3 million H1B workers


be safe

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ae0dd7 No.22274532

File: 3be3db54268a7c1⋯.jpg (109.22 KB,540x500,27:25,comfy_AF_pup.jpg)


Hate-Pig is losing its mind.

I wonder why they are so upset?

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e63504 No.22274534

File: 227d4518db5bbb0⋯.png (20.39 KB,400x308,100:77,227d4518db5bbb062f5bc7812a….png)

File: 720d2f196c612a0⋯.webm (5.6 MB,800x450,16:9,_8Bit_.webm)

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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b6d824 No.22274536

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6dfa33 No.22274537

File: 12e8d0e93b52ca9⋯.jpeg (303.18 KB,758x758,1:1,GgN0traXkAArBH5.jpeg)

File: 89503489d13c451⋯.png (244.2 KB,426x753,142:251,89503489d13c451afa79cde974….png)

File: 23d7f04cf1be389⋯.jpg (134.83 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,melania_trump_1_2000_a1a09….jpg)

File: 2cbb2be9811daa4⋯.jpg (46.45 KB,1200x900,4:3,Giorgia_Meloni_202_900_120….jpg)

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543ea3 No.22274538

File: c71cf04240dd5ea⋯.jpeg (710.61 KB,1284x1711,1284:1711,IMG_2606.jpeg)


I thought people where serious about addressing climate change?

Some times you have to fix the environment first be for the climate can change?

Riddle me this? Is it working?

Numbers are hard to argue with…

They make a lot more cents then people do often I find.

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1523bb No.22274539

File: 9fff5787158647b⋯.png (102.69 KB,1158x309,386:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for the screencap. It supports my argument nicely. Added to library.

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4efaf5 No.22274540


Kill yourself Elon, you're a narcissist and a satanist.

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641e65 No.22274542



Happy New Year!

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ae09a1 No.22274543

Smoke and Scan gots Houston

LIVE on YT! Can post please?!

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a3400f No.22274544


January 6th will be the real 2moarweeks.

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381da0 No.22274545


its ackchyually a very slippery slope once you starte down the money whole.

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ee8770 No.22274546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The wildest clips from 2024

Bidan challenging Trump on golf.

==This is hilarious, Trump, "I've seen your swing, I know your swing"



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217548 No.22274547


when you were a kid did you dream of the days you'd shill for elon?

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2ecbb8 No.22274548


Where's mine you slave's of slave's


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93d89c No.22274549

File: d7376990037a456⋯.png (266.02 KB,452x301,452:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4ba8b No.22274550


Can't address muh climate change if it doesn't exist.

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17eb60 No.22274553

File: 3686b91b5670f3a⋯.png (519.19 KB,498x501,166:167,3686b91b5670f3a1949c015049….png)

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0f1717 No.22274555


Not sure. Don't really care what's upsetting them to be honest. Their panic and fear and jealousy is their own responsibility to manage. No anon should have to adjust their behavior to avoid the wrath of a broken bitch whining and crying and slandering and smearing the people that stand up to him, ridicule him, and make him realize he's not as good at his job as he thought he was.

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2ecbb8 No.22274556


I'll shit on your bed bitch

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108f1b No.22274557

fuckiong try to handle my shit I offered you a life line glowtards and you fucking did exactly as expected. the glowies my team that are on my side in the shadows have so much angelic protection its not even fair we're thinking off boosting rising power too but I need to talk to my handle Nick about it he's a conduit for Michael ect but basically I can't remember how the red team went but I know shadow team (my team) has like shadow powers and white is priest team all on rising I'd like to keep talking about the games you know I'm pretty into giving priests/agents resurrection and shit if they use it to back my black hat gucci gang as we bounce into the light and shit think reds on destruction could go for that oh carmine was so pretty evil little thing

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ae09a1 No.22274558



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529c1b No.22274559


climate change = political climate change.

grifting off the scale.

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36296d No.22274560

File: b904af96fce549c⋯.jpg (150.48 KB,626x616,313:308,EVERY_DAY.jpg)



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5049e7 No.22274561


you have my Bless B

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641e65 No.22274562

File: 1676bc966ea635e⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,640x360,16:9,In_the_Year_2025.mp4)

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6dfa33 No.22274564

File: 516436883ac885e⋯.jpg (157.61 KB,1169x855,1169:855,Sisyphus_e1557869810488.jpg)

File: 9fefb8ecc85f52a⋯.jpg (56.26 KB,751x1023,751:1023,7fa579aa763b_ivanka_trump_….jpg)

File: 04f9a8a3405991b⋯.gif (1.65 MB,200x240,5:6,200w.gif)

File: 811f247dd952656⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB,624x818,312:409,811f247dd9526565f6b9afdb0….jpeg)

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febbb9 No.22274566


Maybe some twisted fantasy like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. The camping fuel lit on fire to lead to the fireworks for show and gas for mild explosion. Or maybe it is Deep State trying to look like a fools errand so it doesn't look like Deep State.

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a3400f No.22274567

File: 4e9935eb2484e84⋯.png (704.68 KB,1175x548,1175:548,Screenshot_2025_01_01_0905….png)

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