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File: 0c06eb4698ef042⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x800,3:2,storm_shift.png)

b9fe5e No.22271201 [View All]

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af252c No.22272001


>>catches fire

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195c32 No.22272002


I couldn't read them either but the board behind his back may tell a lot.

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48bf2b No.22272003

File: 866849e964c8eb2⋯.mp4 (6.03 MB,634x360,317:180,Jabbar.mp4)

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43e956 No.22272004




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565290 No.22272005

File: 1729cbc815126e9⋯.png (2.68 KB,267x49,267:49,ClipboardImage.png)


how absolutely fucking retarded.

Cybertruck has to be the easiest car to surveil and read its history.

Now, if the s/w has been hacked to eliminate that ability that limits the players to some very specialized groups - all of whom are very obvious.

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000000 No.22272006


https://tepperfoundation.org › posts › 2024-01-22-the-tepper-foundation-s-security-fund-grants-2-5m-to-protect-young-children-in-jewish-meeting-places-amid-rising-antisemitism

The Tepper Foundation's Security Fund Grants $2.5M to Protect Young …

Jan 22, 2024New grants support security needs from existing grantees in synagogues, Jewish community spaces and pre-schools SHORT HILLS, N.J. (January 22, 2024) - The Tepper Foundation is deploying $2.5 million in emergency grants through its Security Fund to enhance security in synagogues, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) and schools during times when …

Milwaukee Jewish Federation

https://www.milwaukeejewish.org › wp-content › uploads › 2023 › 07 › 2023-24-MJF-Synagogue-Security-Guard-Grant-Fact-Sheet.pdf

Fact Sheet: Synagogue Security Guard Grant Program

Jewish Federation. We will reimburse each synagogue up to the appropriate amounts. The program covers expenses incurred between July 1, 2023, through April 30, 2024. 6. Are there requirements my synagogue should know about? As a condition of receiving funding, synagogues will be required to participate in a security assessment and security …


https://www.jewishfoundationla.org › reimagine-grants-synagogues

Reimagine Grants for Synagogues - Jewish Foundation of Los Angeles

What are Synagogue Reimagine Grants? Synagogue Reimagine Grants came about in response to a listening tour The Foundation team conducted to better understand synagogues' needs. We learned that synagogues face unique challenges as spiritual, religious, and community institutions and that the pandemic has taken a toll on their staff. …




Home | Synagogue Security Initiative

The Synagogue Security Initiative is a nonprofit public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3). … Levey is a graduate of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SES CDP). While participating in the SES CDP Mr. Levey was detailed to the City of Los Angeles' Deputy …


The Jerusalem Post

https://www.jpost.com › Diaspora › Jewish-groups-split-on-federal-grants-for-synagogue-security-573055

Jewish groups split on federal grants for synagogue security - The …

Jewish groups split on U.S. federal grants for synagogue security "Pittsburgh was a very high-profile, historic and disturbing event, so it's very much part of the conversation," said Nathan …

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Business Insider

https://www.businessinsider.com › israel-hamas-war-antisemitism-synagogue-security-2023-12?op=1

Rabbis Call Increasing Synagogue-Security Costs 'Antisemitism Tax …

Dec 12, 2023The Nonprofit Security Grant Program, administered by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, awards grants of up to $150,000 for nonprofit organizations …

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e482fd No.22272007

File: 6f3b08d2d24e974⋯.png (1.74 MB,1515x1080,101:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b1719 No.22272008


maybe. others say it's cgi

would have to see other lithium batter explosions

Mostly they burn for a long time

This one just explodes to nothing?

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2dc2ca No.22272009

File: d8cef0b9f7aa5bb⋯.png (336.96 KB,710x2564,355:1282,144_3.png)

File: d154080d9bd407f⋯.png (137.4 KB,710x1024,355:512,4404.png)

File: 539a079cb16a878⋯.png (63.11 KB,710x894,355:447,441.png)

File: 776744af3e091eb⋯.gif (288.97 KB,500x200,5:2,new_years_day_2025_6753651….gif)

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48bf2b No.22272010

File: 9e349a038164008⋯.png (127.41 KB,264x288,11:12,Bildschirm_foto_2025_01_01….png)

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aa704a No.22272011

File: c1cc1b27e9611e0⋯.png (243.46 KB,600x558,100:93,ClipboardImage.png)

The Jerusalem Post

@Jerusalem_Post 2h

The Islamic State claimed responsibility Wednesday for an attack on a Puntland military base in Somalia.

Islamic State claims responsibility for attack on Puntland military base

The Islamic State group on Wednesday claimed responsibility for an attack on a military base in Somalia's nort


Jan 1, 2025 · 5:55 PM UTC




>Everything is a coincidence

Austere carriage catch fire somewhere.

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43e956 No.22272012

File: e0befded994f2ca⋯.png (261.26 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c92e27 No.22272013

Will finish collecting and post finals NB


#27244 >>22271216

>>22271259 German kopykat goes on rampage with stolen excavator killdozer

>>22271284, >>22271382 SUGARBOWL DELAY Georgia vs Notre Dame Postponed Following Bourbon Street Attack

>>22271289 Cybertruck explosion outside Trump Tower in Las Vegas an “ACTIVE CRIME SCENE

>>22271312 Portland DA Tries To Reduce Sentences For Convicts Days Before Tough-On-Crime Replacement Takes Over

>>22271322, >>22271350, >>22271352, >>22271390, >>22271469 New Orleans New Year's Terror Attack Bun

>>22271405 Trump Vegas Hotel Cybertruck Fire


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f7e357 No.22272014

Will Vegas open betting and start running odds on when the next Tesla will catch fire or explode?

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3b1719 No.22272016


weird, who got hurt.

looked like no one there?

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92eb25 No.22272018





it just came to me. in the presser they said the investigation is being ran by the white house and the agencies. the white house doesnt have that kind of authority to investigate crimes. thats not what the executive branch does. but they can "help" by sending resources, investigators etc if the state asks for it. the mechanism a state uses to do that is to declare a state of emergency. thats what lets the federal govt join in on the state run operation. the GOV had to make a knee jerk announcement to cover for biden.

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759270 No.22272019

File: ad18bd5660dfcd5⋯.png (293.67 KB,998x940,499:470,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc8fc4 No.22272021


All hardcovers. Spines too blurry to make out the text. Someone needs to write a Visual Basic GUI to enhance that shit.

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48bf2b No.22272022


new books

he never read them

"leadership" blah blah

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0ba916 No.22272023

File: eec440f5941ab95⋯.png (467.63 KB,462x727,462:727,eec440f5941ab956345ab69525….png)

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4a03e1 No.22272025


That says it all

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280328 No.22272026

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a1f316 No.22272027


crazy how someone just happened to film that particular truck at the right time.

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195c32 No.22272028

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c92e27 No.22272029

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9d04a0 No.22272030


great players…

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0d3cb0 No.22272032


His LinkedIn lists several degrees yet none hanging on the wall.

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155aa0 No.22272033

File: e56d4ce20300af4⋯.png (16.06 KB,730x99,730:99,ClipboardImage.png)

Women haters are shill assholes.

Ignore women haters.

How many posts here are reposted Xs or Truths from women?

The TOGTFO is not a Q thing or an 8Kun thing. It is a shill thing.

Read the rules.

No one wants to know that you are a guy, so stop talking about your wife anon or your g.f.

Stop using the word "she" when referring to your spouse anon.

Rules are Rules.

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

Go to the Welcome Page. Scroll down to (Newfags). Go to the last paragraph and note the sentence that refers to gender: We don't care who you are, what your race or gender is, and we do not want to know.

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8f162f No.22272034

File: decf13cd2e25352⋯.jpg (32.52 KB,600x399,200:133,05biden1_articleLarge.jpg)


Hurry up!

good news incoming!

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9a1f68 No.22272036

Day 1

Past the limit…

So as mk ultra they found or have cars with an alarm like mine. Every morning or when someone demands you take it in they click unlock and or lock when you go to the bathroom where they know there is a window open.

This is to gaslight or harass people. They already searched my car and have vandalized it mult times. They took a tool to the middle area where the shifter was. Cracking a piece of the plastic which is likely over a 1,000 dollars to replace. Why not make a police report? Simple they are in on it from what I understand and are getting orders from the top down.

Next thing I expect is them to constantly want me to shave… why well they act like they are going to test you in some way. Why does this matter I do not know they seem to believe they have the right and ability to do this when ever they want. They use the excuse they are parents… or some bad experience in their life.

We will see if I am correct about this no one told me to shave yet.

I can say that I seem to have thousands of people gang stalking me doing mk ultra constantly. This over and over what they do and I guess this what older people are doing in retirement then younger people with no full time job seem to also be doing this.

So this is day one already this is before I leave my place. It is a hate crime by the FBI to harass someone at where they live. Sure it is just a car doing this but the reality is they are planning and organizing it which makes it a hate crime.

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43e956 No.22272037

File: 07777e7c50235ee⋯.png (221.56 KB,303x937,303:937,ClipboardImage.png)

>>22271405 8:41AM

>>22271417 11:41 estrn?

Q1141 Coincidence?

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eaf000 No.22272038


All the hallmarks of a federal government-run false flag against American citizens.

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195c32 No.22272039

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da0da8 No.22272040

File: d80f1945f1e41b5⋯.png (599.35 KB,1184x636,296:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 605ea770784b71a⋯.png (98.08 KB,941x462,941:462,ClipboardImage.png)

TRTWORLD (Turkey) reporting that the bollards were malfunctioning and that they were not raised based on a decision by City. Sorry no sauce, watching on tv. This is not consistent with the "they were being replaced" narrative.


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48bf2b No.22272041


this was called as notable multiple times!


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000000 No.22272042


Jew is not the same as Zionist

Just as White is not the same as Nazi.

Zionism is Jewish supremacy.

Nazism is a white supremacist who was also a national socialist.

Zionists are Jewish-fundamentalists and they are comprised of some Christians too. Its a political and historical belief derived from insane religion prejudice and fantasy.

Judaism is a religion: taken literally it would be intrinsically racist.

Jewishness is religion that became an identity with multiple identifiers

1 followers of Judaism

2 descendants of followers of Judaism

3 people who falsely identify as descendants of ppl who follow Judaism.

4 people who want free land in Palestine and pretend to be whatever grants that.

You cannot be an atheist Jew it's an oxymoron. Because Jew only exist in religion. Some people divided world into themselves Jews and everyone else gentiles. This is a division in their imagination. Accepting it makes you a believer in as least part of that religion.

If some cult walked around saying we are the Supreme people of Pluto-unicorns, it wouldn't become true. As a non believer in unicorns from Pluto you would say there are no Supreme people of Pluto-unicorns because that isn't real. Thus you cannot be one of them. If you think you are, then you're not an atheist.

If a Christian stops believing in Christ then they aren't a Christian. But xtians don't think of themselves as a race and many Jews do. But they are wrong. Anyone who believe the lies of a rabbi of any race can be Jewish. Because no one has heritage that links back to fictional people.

They don't even realize the historical claims of the Bible are also fiction and part of the religion. So by believing that they are still religious. You can not be an atheist jew and believe Israel is Jewish land. Also judeo-christian makes no sense at all

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dc8fc4 No.22272043

File: 54020cc859fb512⋯.jpeg (94.17 KB,664x531,664:531,iEExFx0ftsTj.jpeg)

I like how the shitposting was instantly put away and the analyzing started like a switch was flipped. Proud to post beside you fuckers.

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155aa0 No.22272044


Getting ready to suck dick?

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a13c63 No.22272045

POTUS: How many high level arrests are scheduled for the first week? Not who, just how many?


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07a3de No.22272046

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00aedb No.22272047

File: e285f13a43fe80b⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB,1920x1920,1:1,IMG_7397.jpeg)

File: aa70e136dd733dc⋯.jpeg (483.44 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_7396.jpeg)

File: b0852c288941cd3⋯.jpeg (161.96 KB,2048x1152,16:9,IMG_7395.jpeg)

File: 14123af84307148⋯.jpeg (121.46 KB,960x766,480:383,IMG_7394.jpeg)

File: 8ed46ce5ff225ca⋯.jpeg (105.91 KB,457x640,457:640,IMG_7393.jpeg)

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c68afb No.22272048

File: 2f11af57cf8bee3⋯.png (818.8 KB,1037x820,1037:820,ClipboardImage.png)


only because you got digits

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48bf2b No.22272049


anon, please repost next bread!

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c92e27 No.22272050

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2dc2ca No.22272052

File: c0061336adb8fe5⋯.png (910.2 KB,710x3864,355:1932,3093.png)

File: 5fe4b6ab9ae150a⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,675x1200,9:16,3139590e6cae8b04c3e7f24074….jpg)

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07a3de No.22272053

File: 7da5dce6b94c835⋯.png (147.48 KB,393x295,393:295,Screenshot_20250101_151040….png)

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fbcd72 No.22272055

File: 539f4e34926ccb5⋯.jpeg (29.85 KB,526x526,1:1,Happy_New_Year_New_Laptop….jpeg)

File: f3864d74a175fbf⋯.jpeg (825.83 KB,1080x2020,54:101,hunter_la_sex_club_.jpeg)

File: f801af4d3577c65⋯.jpeg (289.62 KB,1080x1698,180:283,hunter_la_sex_club.jpeg)

File: bc047e67de680cb⋯.png (2.97 MB,2424x1444,606:361,Hunter_Biden_scumbag.png)

Kek! They kicked the founder of the sex club out of his own sex club for revealing that Hunter Biden was kicked out of the sex club for being a "scumbag."

"Hunter Biden was member of an elite LA sex club SNCTM - but was kicked out for being a 'scumbag', says founder, who's now been banned from party he founded for breaking confidentiality rules to ID president's son"

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502497 No.22272056


Really? It's been a scam against the U.S. worker from the beginning. It's not that U.S. stem majors cannot perform at the level required, it's that they are not even given the chance.


How and Why Government, Universities, Universities, and Industry create domestic labor shortages of Scientists and High-Tech Workers

No wonder Vivec ran from a challenge by Eric R Weinstein, PhD.

The NSF created a false shortage prediction. It got the Immigration Act of 1990 passed.

Appears to be a joint effort to keep domestic wages down. Whatever your view of Weinstein, and I have some more digging to do, this manipulation of wages and crying for foreign workers is the same thing we are facing now: people brought in who will do it for less and keep it that way. Why salaries have not kept up with other factors for a long time. I would encourage downloading and reading.

Some quotes from the paper:

"So when you hear an employer saying he needs immigrants to fill a "labor shortage," remember what you are hearing: a cry for a labor subsidy to allow the employer to avoid the normal functioning of the labor market."

The NSF created a false shortage prediction. It got the Immigration Act of 1990 passed.

"Michael Teitelbaum, vice-chairman of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and Officer of the Sloan Foundations concurred stating: "There is no shortage, there is a surplus. Claims that there was a dearth [of scientists and engineers] began a decade ago, when Erich Bloch, then-Director of the National Science Foundation, claimed that unless action was taken, there would be a cumulative shortfall of 675,000 scientists and engineers over the next two decades. Congress poured in additional money. The National Science Foundation received tens of millions of dollars for science and engineering education. And in 1990, Congress nearly tripled the number of permanent visas for highly skilled immigrants."

"Not surprisingly, the NSF supply-side 'scarcity' study was not viewed kindly by serious analysts. In fact, one of the great mysteries of this era was why the NSF, which had hired talented applied economists, would opt for a 'crank' methodology derided by skilled analysts. In the words of Howard Wolpe who lead the house investigation into the NSF irregularities: "The NSF study projected a shortfall of 675,000 scientists and engineers without considering the future demand for such individuals in the marketplace. It simply observed a decline in the number of 22-year-olds and projected that this demographic trend would result in a huge shortfall. This could be termed the supply-side theory of labor market analysis. But making labor market projections without considering the demand side of the equation doesn't pass the laugh test with experts in the field." -Howard Wolpe Authors David Berliner and Bruce Biddle, concurred in their book "The Manufactured Crisis": "In 1985 the National Science Foundation (NSF), no less, began an energetic campaign to sell the myth [of a shortage of scientists and engineers], basing its actions on a seriously flawed study that had been conducted by one of its own staff members. The study in question argued that supplies of scientists and engineers would shortly decline in America and that this meant we had to increase production of people with these skills. This thesis was dubious at best, but, worse, the study made no estimates of job-market demands for scientists and engineers. Thus, the researcher completely forgot to worry about whether these people were likely to find jobs." -David Berliner and Bruce Biddle, "The Manufactured Crisis", pg. 96"

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30db43 No.22272057


fuck me what is she like 80?

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55ce9b No.22272058


curious about local police optic statement where the spokesmen are wearing mason symbols still…

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