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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

56a20e No.22261934 [View All]

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701 posts and 536 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a402d6 No.22262780


do you even mathbro

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220d73 No.22262781


>…The most retarded thing said, this morning?

Billionaire George Soros spent $650,000 (£497,000) trying to “shift the priorities of the US Catholic Church”, according to leaked emails released through WikiLeaks.

The two groups that received funding were Pico, a faith-based community organising group, and Faith in Public Life, which works to promote left-wing social justice causes.

Minutes from the May 2015 meeting of Soros’s Open Society Foundation in New York showed that in the planning stages of the US papal visit, the group planned to work through one of the Pope’s key advisers, Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga.

Using the opportunity provided by the Pope’s visit to the US, the report said that “we will support Pico’s organising activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodríguez, the Pope’s senior adviser, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-incomeCatholics in America”.


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4d1797 No.22262782

He's turning into Nostraspamus. I guarantee you he'll never quote the Bible.


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8328ce No.22262783


Too late. All the governments that wanted our private data had over a decade to steal it and already have.

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5cd857 No.22262784

File: 2955f97e8f20372⋯.png (148.43 KB,568x657,568:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5c2a6 No.22262785

Mike Lee (not the politician) of Saint Louis tortures people.

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3988dd No.22262786


He died two days ago.

How does this connect to Thursday? (As that's when this post falls on the Q clock)

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5cd857 No.22262787

File: d99f2622aa45b4a⋯.png (86.6 KB,568x327,568:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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75ae19 No.22262788


and yet…some of us have lived under its career-crushing weight for our entire careers

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56a20e No.22262789

File: afa544194a56bb1⋯.jpg (54.31 KB,900x574,450:287,004b4414766375cbf2dac62071….jpg)

Last call

…Bakering ~720


#27234 >>22261939

>>22262029 'First Buddy' Elon Musk has hunkered down at Donald Trump's exclusive Mar-a-Lago club as the president elect forms the agenda for his second term.

>>22262108 Microplastics found in multiple human organ tissues correlated with lesions

>>22262209 A New Jersey law that removes a requirement for teachers to pass a reading, writing and mathematics test for certification will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025

>>22262448 Nigel Farage's New Year Message

>>22262546 Disgraced ‘Today’ Show Anchor Matt Lauer Now Faces Allegations of Sheep Abuse

>>22262726 Nearly all of Puerto Rico is without power on New Year's Eve

>>22262733 An incoming geomagnetic storm may mean a greater chance of seeing the aurora this New Year’s Eve.

>>22262739 A South Korean court on Tuesday approved an arrest warrant for President Yoon Suk Yeol, who has been impeached and suspended from power over his decision to impose martial law on Dec. 3, investigating authorities said.

>>22262749 Conservatives are calling on the Liberal government to recognize exiled Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González as president-elect.

>>22262753 Chinese Hackers Breached Workstations, Stole Documents, Treasury Department Says

>>22262756 Matthew M. Graves will step down shortly before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.


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5cd857 No.22262790

File: 26356348009dde6⋯.png (130.31 KB,568x487,568:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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8328ce No.22262791


RINOs, Republicans In Name Only.

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4d80dd No.22262792

File: b2ff13424c1c361⋯.png (43.96 KB,992x257,992:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d50946bf294691⋯.png (289.73 KB,553x451,553:451,ClipboardImage.png)


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6df4fc No.22262793


>trips of completeness.


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c6ca55 No.22262794


The pump and dumper says we weren’t raised right.

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4d1797 No.22262795


I've got an idea. Delete your X app and get Musks balls out of your mouth.

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8328ce No.22262796


They probably already have orgies together in DC.

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5cd857 No.22262797

File: 3609984682a78ce⋯.png (172.04 KB,568x576,71:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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5cd857 No.22262798

File: 95fe140e65d36d9⋯.png (248.9 KB,568x427,568:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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3988dd No.22262799

File: be22fbfc7af9b00⋯.png (54.04 KB,453x850,453:850,Q3686.png)

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c9801f No.22262800


His family says it was Christmas Eve 24th of December 2024.

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56a20e No.22262801

File: f20bb1f689a2416⋯.jpg (131.4 KB,1600x1200,4:3,lightning_ball_1178426_279….jpg)


…Bakering now


#27234 >>22261939

>>22262029 'First Buddy' Elon Musk has hunkered down at Donald Trump's exclusive Mar-a-Lago club as the president elect forms the agenda for his second term.

>>22262108 Microplastics found in multiple human organ tissues correlated with lesions

>>22262209 A New Jersey law that removes a requirement for teachers to pass a reading, writing and mathematics test for certification will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025

>>22262448 Nigel Farage's New Year Message

>>22262546 Disgraced ‘Today’ Show Anchor Matt Lauer Now Faces Allegations of Sheep Abuse

>>22262726 Nearly all of Puerto Rico is without power on New Year's Eve

>>22262733 An incoming geomagnetic storm may mean a greater chance of seeing the aurora this New Year’s Eve.

>>22262739 A South Korean court on Tuesday approved an arrest warrant for President Yoon Suk Yeol, who has been impeached and suspended from power over his decision to impose martial law on Dec. 3, investigating authorities said.

>>22262749 Conservatives are calling on the Liberal government to recognize exiled Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González as president-elect.

>>22262753 Chinese Hackers Breached Workstations, Stole Documents, Treasury Department Says

>>22262756 Matthew M. Graves will step down shortly before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.


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bd61e3 No.22262802

File: 11f47cc52102f07⋯.png (100.69 KB,496x490,248:245,Cape1ab.png)

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5cd857 No.22262803

File: 02ff5332cbd0b27⋯.png (262.98 KB,568x627,568:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cb1234c552fc1b⋯.png (194.3 KB,591x456,197:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f888f No.22262805

File: aa6b9f6c2210026⋯.mp4 (12 MB,480x854,240:427,eaglewave.mp4)

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44acca No.22262807

File: 9c8a072865b4923⋯.jpg (25.62 KB,600x336,25:14,Lawyers.jpg)

File: 6f14b3916c4d0f3⋯.jpg (251.17 KB,1024x547,1024:547,Lawyers3.jpg)

File: 677dbf1091495b7⋯.png (288.74 KB,826x250,413:125,The_Thirteenth_Article_of_….png)

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5cd857 No.22262808

File: ac16cfd9ab9ccb2⋯.png (340.93 KB,568x492,142:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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75ae19 No.22262809

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a402d6 No.22262810


how very jewish of her

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8328ce No.22262811


USSA today, "justice" is a facade.

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5cd857 No.22262812

File: 9c2af39b06bb51c⋯.png (295.93 KB,568x660,142:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dcd4a No.22262813


>It’s obviously an issue near and dear to anons hearts

See how this shill tries to use emotion to back their argument? anon does

Whats near and dear to people are 500 children missing, not some pajeet getting a job, obvious this shill is sick in their head and very mislead

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641ef9 No.22262815

File: 081e4fff90d190f⋯.mp4 (727.12 KB,854x470,427:235,ew_brother_ew.mp4)

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7e8b94 No.22262816

File: 2fb2f98ccf230bd⋯.jpg (644.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20241231_093853….jpg)


funny your talking about carter's funeral but I guess I can't. fuck off

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319299 No.22262817

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75ae19 No.22262819

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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8328ce No.22262820

This place is glowing today.

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56a20e No.22262821

File: 6371227609e45ef⋯.jpg (489.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,JAN15_28_HD5476_001.jpg)

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2dcd4a No.22262822


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e8a9f6 No.22262823

File: 3abf763296570e0⋯.png (272.45 KB,508x501,508:501,gk1.png)

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB,364x293,364:293,gk2.png)

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB,213x163,213:163,gk3.png)


> your


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641ef9 No.22262824

File: c6623df4ce0c1eb⋯.jpg (245.31 KB,750x1000,3:4,shills_anons_3.jpg)

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8328ce No.22262825



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5cd857 No.22262826

File: b244b76d9ae0e54⋯.png (69.7 KB,568x343,568:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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8328ce No.22262828

GLOW AWAY, bye bye.

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5cd857 No.22262830

File: 30827c1e05ffb87⋯.png (409.22 KB,568x558,284:279,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dcd4a No.22262833


but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.

but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.

but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.

but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.

but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.

but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees.


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5cd857 No.22262834

File: d251fbd76635967⋯.png (130.15 KB,568x495,568:495,ClipboardImage.png)

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e928b7 No.22262835



best comment so far

stop using your boobs to share your cringe propaganda

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5cd857 No.22262837

File: f211c478f4b7e7e⋯.png (452.83 KB,568x687,568:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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879d83 No.22262838


Gonna get worse the closer we come to innauguration

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