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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

b6381b No.22259948 [View All]

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03ed41 No.22260733



Was guided toward math and science in general because I excelled at it. Wasn't going to high school and college to play games, beat the immigrant kids grade-wise, but still got fucked in the job market. It's not what you know, it's who you know. And how much of a character smearing and paycut you're willing to take for no overtime pay and at-will employment.

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10c464 No.22260734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61ffed No.22260735

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filter & continue on with your regular/usual programming, anon.

anon is not afraid of expanding my knowledge based without having a priest tell me what/how to think.

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c9e782 No.22260736


>poos get free money to start business that whites can't get

but muh free market though

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04d3d5 No.22260738

File: 495202b8a528a7b⋯.png (57.79 KB,1000x805,200:161,5f7dad198800cff6c74b1581_u….png)

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3f533a No.22260741

File: 260d86bb710f005⋯.png (310.01 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f51a96 No.22260744


"Many SPP working groups appear

to be driving toward achieving specific

objectives as defined by a May, 2005

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) task

force report, which presented a blueprint

for expanding the SPP agreement into

a North American Union that would

merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into

a new governmental form."

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c9e782 No.22260745

File: b395a91a4d3d6a8⋯.jpg (113.4 KB,666x500,333:250,trump_nation_state_false_s….jpg)


>North American Union




>NWO acceleration

It is that though. It is exactly that.

What the hell happened to the false song of globalism???

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baab6d No.22260747

Saw the earlier notable on the beginnings of propaganda. Creel refined it to an art form during WWI and it’s expanded ever since despite supposed congressional blocks on using it on our own citizens up until 2012 when those were ‘officially’ lifted.


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374fae No.22260749

File: e963bb95e4d8c5d⋯.jpeg (114.67 KB,800x518,400:259,IMG_2469.jpeg)

This is prolly to cover the fact China’s been printing Benjamins and are going to be caught so cover earlier security breech with :


“ US Treasury says Chinese hackers stole documents in 'major incident'

Raphael Satter and AJ Vicens

Updated Mon, December 30, 2024 at 4:47 PM PST”

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689712 No.22260750

File: e5bc669edc2aa38⋯.png (173.28 KB,490x490,1:1,e5bc669edc2aa38ab9da4dffd8….png)

Proto me, pagan.

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10c464 No.22260751

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417522 No.22260752


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04d3d5 No.22260754

File: 6ad602308c32837⋯.jpg (359.55 KB,1660x1323,1660:1323,6ad.jpg)


sounds blissful

perhaps Mars colonization is good?

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03ed41 No.22260755


>Several shills died in the H1B slide.

Have we considered the possibility the shills are H1B's kek?

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c9e782 No.22260757


>NAFTA vs USMCA - almost no change, except extending copyright for big media

sounds about right

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108093 No.22260759


it's only a free market for the top 1%

and they're using minorities to finish off their competition while using legislation and subversion to do it

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806906 No.22260760

Anyone been to silicon valley in the last 5 years? 70% indian there?

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0ac68f No.22260761

File: cd2ed153bce2047⋯.png (536.92 KB,524x500,131:125,ClipboardImage.png)


imagine if it was just fake fiat

and you could make anyone do anything for that fake shit.

they would betray, kill, and commit treason for what it buys.

it buys nothing that God wants for you.

Give Caesar wat is his due.

That above words from Jesus changed anons life.

All anon needs is enough for the basics.

you cannot buy peace of mind and your soul intact.

It is the only thing that has any value and it is not for sale.

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7e2197 No.22260765


Baker this is a projected total for 2028

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374fae No.22260767

File: 34715b2dc19ce40⋯.jpeg (78.21 KB,500x591,500:591,IMG_2470.jpeg)

Proto benefits: can shitpost!

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244bca No.22260770


Thx for the last second clutch.

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04d3d5 No.22260771


to be fair, all trade agreements help big corps and govt's while hurting citizens

Trump stopped the Trans-Pacific Partnership for that reason

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ced896 No.22260772

File: f24550dc4271a69⋯.png (531.85 KB,1618x1607,1618:1607,AWTY.png)

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789597 No.22260774

File: e3cfc8650050acf⋯.png (152.16 KB,795x770,159:154,Screenshot_20241230_223848.png)

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806906 No.22260775

remember people pooping in san francisco? were those homeless people?

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244bca No.22260776

notables FINAL

#27232 >>22259952

>>22260130 Keanu Reeves' engraved Rolex, stolen in L.A., turns up in Chile

>>22260235 MTG talks the resignation of U.S. Attorney and J6 prosecutor, Matthew Graves

>>22260266 Account boosting to be resolved on X, possible prosecution depending

>>22260281 Harriet Hageman Picked As Chairwoman For House Anti-Woke Caucus

>>22260298 'Dr.' Leanna Wen wants FDA to approve bird flu vaccine for farm workers

>>22260306 America now has more Republicans than Democrats

>>22260312 Conservatives lead Liberals 45-16 in new Canadian poll

>>22260360 Laura Loomer On The Dark Enlightenment World View Of Big Tech Leaders

>>22260363 Over 1,000,000 people have converted to Christianity in Iran as 50,000 mosques close

>>22260373 Hochul Installs New Leader at Prison Where Inmate Was Fatally Beaten

>>22260376 Tesla replaces laid-off U.S. workers with foreigners using visas pushed by Musk

>>22260508 Senator Eric Schmitt Discusses H1B Visa Issue and Fraud Within the Current System

>>22260582 Daylight Saving Time

>>22260665 Steve Bannon’s Plan to Protect American Workers: End H1B, Deport Foreign Workers, Hire Americans, and Demand Reparations

>>22260681 Jimmy Carter – a life in pictures

>>22260692 ICYMI: Data Dump on H-1B visas; majority obtained by Indian tech companies based in U.S.

>>22260138, >>22260347, >>22260400, >>22260417, >>22260433 Memes


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689712 No.22260783

File: 7f33b243a60ea75⋯.jpg (77.05 KB,800x419,800:419,card_img_18600225722444677….jpg)

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96989a No.22260785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9a2600 No.22260787

File: d009f773de1663b⋯.png (3.05 MB,1459x730,1459:730,Screenshot_20051_.png)



good times…

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10c464 No.22260789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Robots help the elderly in Japan's nursing homes

TRT World

8.79M subscribers

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d8184d No.22260791

File: 86a0d03efa443c0⋯.png (1.23 MB,672x846,112:141,86a0d03efa443c09a4c5ed536b….png)

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244bca No.22260793

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0ac68f No.22260795

File: 09f9f7eda7ad8f8⋯.gif (666.98 KB,622x622,1:1,bingo.gif)

File: fd20dd2a2a86cc0⋯.gif (450.88 KB,260x260,1:1,9e4ct5.gif)


noice pattern

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f51a96 No.22260796

File: b8d6f3765ad6375⋯.png (1.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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689712 No.22260798

File: d70cf1033ea3dcd⋯.jpg (839.29 KB,3604x4096,901:1024,media_Gcx9a_yagAAF0D3.jpg)

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806906 No.22260804

>Visa holders must continue working for the company that sponsors them or leave the country.

if you were on this visa and had to work to 3am you could be like "naw" but then you have to leave the country

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35c392 No.22260809


thinks lies knowledge

too stupid to learning

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01e404 No.22260810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8aa882 No.22260816

File: 6efed068b32bc03⋯.png (345.87 KB,500x586,250:293,Protestant_Tax.png)


Protestant Tax

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9b3ccd No.22260819

he accused me of lying about mermaids I'm like dude I'm not an incel all the time it is NY you said no to movie night little fucker face me here you fucking want to ruin a free meal for drivers take and he's gonna get drunk and crash? he's my friend I won't get raped this time I promise shuold I ask him if he can get me a rifle so I can practice pole? too? my lil sis teaches pole she said learn the culture before you judge it wrote up mopping her dance studio floors don't doubt me. I have no reason to keep lying to you. Cheque it aint work my honor.

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04d3d5 No.22260822



it's like being an indentured servant


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bc78d7 No.22260825

File: a351f7e781687e4⋯.png (120.37 KB,615x807,205:269,ElfShelfAlret.png)

File: 67fed13aba66fe5⋯.png (86.79 KB,791x316,791:316,ZionClownsWRWY.png)

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689712 No.22260831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9b3ccd No.22260834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10c464 No.22260835


the tda apt bldg.s are fronts for energy drain

they are siphoning, skimming, trickle charge from apts./homes for mining, maybe pg&e needs a looking at for it's energy trading business.

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fdbcab No.22260837

Do any of you understand what the world wars were about?

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b1a04e No.22260838


liberty survivors should be the highest tribunal

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9b3ccd No.22260839


video unaviable

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af5ee4 No.22261377

File: a93cf8b96af7e33⋯.png (95.84 KB,345x399,115:133,ohio_point.png)

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