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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

674e5d No.22252717 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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701 posts and 505 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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674e5d No.22253537

File: 1897e1f7d032167⋯.jpg (96.36 KB,720x902,360:451,7468ade108427fafd04a91ee37….jpg)

Last call

…Next bake ~@720


#27224 >>22252729

>>22252821, >>22252823 Jimmy Carter's legacy lives on through Habitat for Humanity, volunteers say (ABC)

>>22252843 @realDonaldTrump - The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House, a good man and a friend of mine, from this past September of the Biden Administration, to June of the Trump Administration, will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years.

>>22252886 Democrat Senator Signals Openness To Voting For Some Of Trump’s Nominees

>>22252938 Carter Center Staff Tribute to Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

>>22252991 December 29, 2024 - 7:00 PM EST resident Biden Delivers Remarks on the Passing of Former President Jimmy Carter

>>22253055 AMBER Alert for 2 y/o Elton Bailey, missing from Knoxville.

>>22253106 Joe Rogan Experience #2245 - Rod Blagojevich

>>22253167 Netanyahu awake, recovering after successful prostate removal surgery — PM’s office

>>22253257 Jimmy Carter will have ‘a major service’ in Washington, DC

>>22253327 Russia won’t make concessions on Ukraine in NATO – Lavrov

>>22253351 @C__Herridge - Tomorrow a CIA Whistleblower comes forward…

>>22253367 @NicHulscher - The bird flu vaccine she wants approved for humans is called AUDENZ, made by CSL Seqirus. Humans injected with the AUDENZ died at a rate of 1 in 200 (0.5%) compared to 0.1% in the placebo group, in one of the clinical trials (Study 3). This deadly injection must NOT be authorized for human use.

>>22253387 Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon: "The war will end tomorrow, I have information. I'm not crazy."

>>22253399 DEVELOPING: Democrats are lobbying Biden to pardon the Democrat operative who leaked Trump's tax returns while working for Democrat-run Booz Allen, which landed plum new IRS contract from Biden despite breach

>>22253406 @BasedTorba - In November 2017 a foreign national who was working at Twitter deactivated the account of the President of the United States and then promptly flew back home to Germany. Staffing American technology companies with foreign nationals carries national security risks.


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125fa5 No.22253538

File: 45db8ab688c33c6⋯.png (611.21 KB,728x547,728:547,45db8ab688c33c6e7612249953….png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>go go juw boat volcano

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18b433 No.22253539

File: 49b1fe53f621a0e⋯.png (6 MB,6000x3000,2:1,DECLAS1newmar23whelpjulywi….png)



Fast fingered it

No graphic uploaded

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8fe79d No.22253540


and/or adults are able to disagree sans reee

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cb851c No.22253541


Who provided the subsidies, under what condition?

Did they want the money back, through, 'donations"?

Was that the deal?

Were they using Musk to launder your tax dollars?

Does Musk know who they are?

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78fd70 No.22253542


Ciao Dias

Latin for "Hello Gods"

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9013b5 No.22253543



Guess who will get a note LOL

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da89ab No.22253544


If me counted correctly, that be 44. Jeeps, gotza start from scratch jussabout. Weez be in trouble, Lord. Send Help.

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aeb1de No.22253545

File: c93e7a3d91d1fee⋯.png (453.34 KB,598x703,598:703,ClipboardImage.png)

New Mrs. Q.

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66ce84 No.22253546

File: 1fc3af31683ea47⋯.png (383.87 KB,1466x1144,733:572,googlebus.png)

here is a map of Silicon Valley

so it said 70% of tech workers are indian? so like are you saying 70% of the bus of Google workers taking them to work are indian? what is going on in Silicon Valley?

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576219 No.22253547

File: 8380935935ad839⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,834x480,139:80,kabballah_practicing_jews_….mp4)


see you next time, every time, in every thread

covering for your fellow jews

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ed699b No.22253548

rumble has new verification feature

asks for you date of birth to long into you ac.


put in a fake one,

seemed to work.

did not have to provide proof thou.

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45b66d No.22253550

File: aa9cc19cae52ba2⋯.png (298.12 KB,513x389,513:389,barry_bigmike.png)



Meet The Fockers

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7f29ca No.22253551

File: 0e350a9354bd30b⋯.png (148.4 KB,626x417,626:417,muhjoo97.png)

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3b7e6f No.22253552


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aeb1de No.22253553

File: 7b7172811e7cfd3⋯.png (32.82 KB,310x320,31:32,ClipboardImage.png)


>map of Silicon Valley

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3b7e6f No.22253554


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674e5d No.22253555

File: 91f9627b16fe42e⋯.png (385.29 KB,800x714,400:357,03_as_persing.png)


…Baking now


#27224 >>22252729

>>22252821, >>22252823 Jimmy Carter's legacy lives on through Habitat for Humanity, volunteers say (ABC)

>>22252843 @realDonaldTrump - The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House, a good man and a friend of mine, from this past September of the Biden Administration, to June of the Trump Administration, will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years.

>>22252886 Democrat Senator Signals Openness To Voting For Some Of Trump’s Nominees

>>22252938 Carter Center Staff Tribute to Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

>>22252991 December 29, 2024 - 7:00 PM EST resident Biden Delivers Remarks on the Passing of Former President Jimmy Carter

>>22253055 AMBER Alert for 2 y/o Elton Bailey, missing from Knoxville.

>>22253106 Joe Rogan Experience #2245 - Rod Blagojevich

>>22253167 Netanyahu awake, recovering after successful prostate removal surgery — PM’s office

>>22253257 Jimmy Carter will have ‘a major service’ in Washington, DC

>>22253327 Russia won’t make concessions on Ukraine in NATO – Lavrov

>>22253351 @C__Herridge - Tomorrow a CIA Whistleblower comes forward…

>>22253367 @NicHulscher - The bird flu vaccine she wants approved for humans is called AUDENZ, made by CSL Seqirus. Humans injected with the AUDENZ died at a rate of 1 in 200 (0.5%) compared to 0.1% in the placebo group, in one of the clinical trials (Study 3). This deadly injection must NOT be authorized for human use.

>>22253387 Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon: "The war will end tomorrow, I have information. I'm not crazy."

>>22253399 DEVELOPING: Democrats are lobbying Biden to pardon the Democrat operative who leaked Trump's tax returns while working for Democrat-run Booz Allen, which landed plum new IRS contract from Biden despite breach

>>22253406 @BasedTorba - In November 2017 a foreign national who was working at Twitter deactivated the account of the President of the United States and then promptly flew back home to Germany. Staffing American technology companies with foreign nationals carries national security risks.


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82443d No.22253556


would be dasting to look at when BIS went public, Rots bank went private and crypto vs dig currency with crypto winning took a turn

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29b462 No.22253557

File: 15163980df73324⋯.png (3.34 MB,2284x1156,571:289,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dec 5


Bye Bye Johnny.







Banks control Gov'ts

Gov'ts control people

SA controls elected people.

SOROS controls organizations of people.

Ready to play?



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c81871 No.22253559

File: c415a795986e1b9⋯.png (779.81 KB,650x750,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)

I Miss Crusading

Can't wait for the opportunity to do it again

& I won't be doing it alone this time around

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576219 No.22253560

File: ba96eaf7cc30132⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Rick_Wiles_There_is_no_cho….mp4)



reported for spam

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ab82f3 No.22253561

File: 663e2f703cf9f8e⋯.png (56.2 KB,613x846,613:846,ClipboardImage.png)


Dec 31 is a popular day for Declassification.

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6dc7cc No.22253563

Scorpion w elon’s face on it riding the frog.jpg

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3b7e6f No.22253564


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66ce84 No.22253565


Stanford college is in silicon valley and the largest land owner in silicon valley. is it connected to india and indian consulting firms?

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2767f4 No.22253566

File: df9b0d242a5637c⋯.jpg (159.59 KB,1440x1973,1440:1973,_20241229_202915.JPG)


>verification feature

laying the infrastructure

like most other sites

section 230

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11678a No.22253567

File: cd2c86ffd8dd3e9⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,640x360,16:9,Garryowen.mp4)


So far, so good.Hopefully Tom doesn't disappoint and pulls through with what he has said he is going to do. Especially with jailing those people that get in his way.

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07e1b0 No.22253568

File: 553b0e5cd8718ae⋯.gif (11.08 MB,2388x2000,597:500,553b0e5cd8718aeea176d42380….gif)

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7f29ca No.22253569

File: 12cf7987497a9ad⋯.png (282.16 KB,740x528,185:132,Rent.png)

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45b66d No.22253571

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB,250x194,125:97,seriously.png)


>what is going on in Silicon Valley?


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18b433 No.22253572

File: 961f5846e657b4b⋯.png (16.45 KB,342x254,171:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12fe0601e379787⋯.png (357.39 KB,687x618,229:206,ClipboardImage.png)



On the Clock today

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754ca4 No.22253573

File: 35bade0ca6f7ef1⋯.png (336.25 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3b086 No.22253574

File: 4d748f7bb835dd1⋯.png (168.78 KB,568x479,568:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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125fa5 No.22253575

File: cec6f91c498de60⋯.png (9.6 KB,300x168,25:14,cec6f91c498de601d44cf08487….png)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>go go juw boat volcano

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ab82f3 No.22253576

File: 25fb55fe4ebdc00⋯.png (82.4 KB,1041x463,1041:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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2324a6 No.22253577


ThankQ Catherine Herridge, one of the last true journalist in the world. We will never forget all that you have done for America. God Bless you and your whole household.

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ed839a No.22253578

We go after them for the crimes (((they))) committed, them being juice is a mere coincidence. Rico will bring down the corrupt temple!

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a3b086 No.22253579

File: 8a5ad013f64a826⋯.png (254.81 KB,568x415,568:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed699b No.22253581


source those big butts

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ad51bd No.22253582

File: 23364fa4ce613e2⋯.jpg (482.61 KB,1360x1920,17:24,baking_woman_vintage_poste….jpg)

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674e5d No.22253583

File: 68d019a80e341ed⋯.jpg (56.47 KB,640x360,16:9,alien_4872316_640.jpg)

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2324a6 No.22253584

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9f48c3 No.22253585



100 percent

nothing less will give even a shot of avoiding this again.



needs to know about monsters.

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8fe79d No.22253586


no one will take your lonely echo chamber from you

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a8b9c9 No.22253587


oh, great, I got my wish.

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aeb1de No.22253588


>rumble has new verification feature

must be getting ready to host pron

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4ed395 No.22255624


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4ed395 No.22255628


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4ed395 No.22255632


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