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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

7fb2b1 No.22251832 [View All]

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701 posts and 486 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3ffd73 No.22252689


not sure he's anti-white.

He's from South Africa so I doubt that.

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a2f6f8 No.22252690


ok look she said something about she wants rights for fairys

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37e9d0 No.22252691

File: 4f5af18450364fa⋯.png (95.5 KB,640x664,80:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f533718e967d5e⋯.png (233.92 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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c40aa4 No.22252692

File: c7e152cd31bc2f3⋯.jpg (232.62 KB,745x1083,745:1083,e3a195d5d75918fcd66eeacdb1….jpg)

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42487c No.22252693



moar avoidance.

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99f16b No.22252694


In God we trust. A statement burnt into the American way of life. If you believe in God you believe in Lucifer. if you don't believe in God… You will.

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57a850 No.22252695

File: 94b7e0625ffaecc⋯.png (149.47 KB,750x1139,750:1139,ClipboardImage.png)

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099ed5 No.22252696

File: de37a3c3ba3944b⋯.jpg (275.23 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241229_190240….jpg)

File: 29420f5d2d88931⋯.png (326.88 KB,710x2610,71:261,620_2.png)

File: 004ae74d66df403⋯.png (30.29 KB,710x408,355:204,1820_2.png)

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42487c No.22252697


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69fd28 No.22252698


















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90c45f No.22252699


I believe in less than a month we'll be finding out

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83b91e No.22252700


…Both are fake.

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a2f6f8 No.22252701

The Three Worlds quake; the lower world through His blood has been ignored; and the link uniting them-represent three suns were seen to be afraid of him.

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4d69ef No.22252702



>Then why are you not dead yet, Anon?

Because I am smarter then them, figured it all out, and have the proper remedies that even most of them don't.

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42487c No.22252703


too stupid to converse…


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b3ded3 No.22252704

File: ac604f2c0115f0f⋯.png (865.17 KB,1186x791,1186:791,JIMMY_CARTER_HABITATE_FOR_….png)

File: 3f152268086676f⋯.png (394.83 KB,658x566,329:283,this_is_among_us_be_a_sham….png)

Habitat for humanity

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f22c29 No.22252705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ffd73 No.22252706

File: bc728cd69fa7a0c⋯.jpg (546.83 KB,1200x1307,1200:1307,schiffoneL.jpg)


I could just read this over and over.

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64c515 No.22252707

File: 7ff46da59947ed3⋯.png (188.23 KB,600x460,30:23,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 9h

The real-life Raiders of the Lost Ark: How Hitler collected thousands of mystical tomes and ordered archaeological digs to discover fabled 'divine' civilisation trib.al/owQowYd

Dec 29, 2024 · 2:37 PM UTC



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7a41f9 No.22252708


>Because I am smarter then them


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42487c No.22252709


if it is honest.

is it?

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c40aa4 No.22252710

File: 12e83f4a57549eb⋯.jpg (543.61 KB,1642x1569,1642:1569,Elon_anti_White.jpg)

File: ca7286af60bdbfe⋯.png (105.88 KB,568x556,142:139,Elon_mindset.png)


And he pushes for the same shit that would trun Whites into a minority the US. Kill yourself faggot kike.

Official x employees are allowed to say “STFU white boi” with Elon’s blessing.

Imagine being an employee of a major US corporation and saying this about any other gender or race.

Elon is an anti-White piece of fat shit. In fact, Elon has crossed the line trying to join the ethnic cleansing of working and middle class Whites train. People will always remember.

Pressure must be kept on all the cuckservative morons to stop denying the fact they are indeed MIGAtards and that there is a very likely possibility no politician is not going to fix anything of importance for anyone. The more people understand this, the more dangerous the population becomes, the more dangerous and angry the population becomes the better chance there is that politicians will start doing what needs to be done to help people have a chance at actually fighting against this judaic, demonic state of affairs on what was once a decent country. And if politicians still try to shit on people like they have been doing for decades now, then people will have the proof that Revolutionary War is the only way to fix things, just like the Founding Fathers did.

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83b91e No.22252711

File: 01a8551d4e6c8f4⋯.png (263.62 KB,426x307,426:307,symblbred.png)


…Next bake habbening


#27223 >>22251843

>>22251862, >>22251869 Baker change

>>22251860 New Israeli Airstrikes Near Damascus Kill 11: War Monitor

>>22251887 DC scrambling to remove city transit ads likening MAGA supporters to garbage after uproar

>>22251957 POTUS Truth - Melania and I are thinking warmly of the Carter Family and their loved ones during this difficult time. We urge everyone to keep them in their hearts and prayers.

>>22252132 All the Details on Jimmy Carter's Funeral

>>22252135 Passengers say plane filled with smoke after fiery landing in Halifax

>>22252318 Biden Furious at Merrick Garland Because He Didn’t Work Harder to Lock Up Donald Trump Before the Election

>>22252375 Bill and Hillary Clinton Honor Jimmy Carter In Joint Statement: ‘He Worked Tirelessly for a Better, Fairer World’

>>22252658 Russia vows response after state media blocked on Telegram in EU


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99f16b No.22252712


Mediocre slide that lost it's momentum yesterday. Why not try a different approach like the fact he matches all the descriptors of the false prophet.

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57a850 No.22252713

File: d3794157e5a8a34⋯.jpeg (13.79 KB,185x186,185:186,IMG_0270.jpeg)

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99f2cf No.22252714


Isaiah 45:7

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

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a2f6f8 No.22252715

all I can say is she's ready to leave her mothers skirts but needs someone who can love her like I do

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00f3d7 No.22252716

File: 53026c3d08861fa⋯.png (179.88 KB,988x669,988:669,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 528a67207bdf614⋯.png (202.25 KB,1004x593,1004:593,ClipboardImage.png)


>How did he get in power?

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b3ded3 No.22252719

File: 2d9d0bc51c403f5⋯.png (1.05 KB,150x82,75:41,ClipboardImage.png)



what's habbning with the count?

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6bf21a No.22252720

File: 644e3ba72e53652⋯.png (410.73 KB,1066x1368,533:684,Screenshot_2024_12_29_at_1….png)



Dec 02, 2018 5:38:29 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: dd90e3 No. 4119025

Dec 02, 2018 5:33:30 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 94c8ef No. 4118906

viva vs vive.png



You are learning, Anon.

[J C]& Vive la France.

Riots in France today.

Comey testimony?

Do you believe in coincidences?


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3ffd73 No.22252721


I doubt Biden said any of that.

Biden can't talk

What are we, stupid?

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a2f6f8 No.22252722

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586ac3 No.22252723


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42487c No.22252724

File: 67b2d3a3d506f19⋯.gif (912.38 KB,510x510,1:1,20181019_150951.gif)


black sun data in there.

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99012c No.22252725


>not sure he's anti-white.

>He's from South Africa so I doubt that.

Mr. Musk got the hell out of South Africa and left the whites there to be murdered.

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f5bf97 No.22252726


Oh, that looks bad. He'll get even more blowback from that boat meme.

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a2f6f8 No.22252727

and you have to make her an offering

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99f16b No.22252728


Fake… A strong theologian argument you have there. You have to raise yourself to God. You have a long way to fall.

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c40aa4 No.22252730

File: 256cd28923e730e⋯.png (149.88 KB,1079x566,1079:566,Elon_replacement.png)

File: 63a11db8657f7c8⋯.png (892.78 KB,568x3175,568:3175,H1B_fraud.png)

File: 433a2809cb04a28⋯.png (271.85 KB,568x621,568:621,H1B_slaves.png)

File: f4351cbde78c330⋯.png (771.36 KB,680x897,680:897,f4351cbde78c330e1e4055bc12….png)

File: 0fb9742bd441819⋯.jpeg (108.59 KB,759x500,759:500,0fb9742bd441819350fec756f….jpeg)


Cry harder low IQ pedophile/jew.

People will always remember:



"We are just getting started. This is only going to further accelerate things. Do you think people are just going to magically forget what they’ve seen and change their minds on this issue?

Do you think when they walk into their local Walmart in the town they grew up in and feel like they are in a third-world slum they are going to just sit back and suck it up?

Do you think when their children can’t find jobs and have to live at home well into their 30’s they are just going to shut up about this?

We are playing the long game and one way or another they’re all going back. A reckoning is coming and the momentum and numbers are on our side.

This is bigger than Trump, bigger than the present moment. We’ve known since 2017 that Trump is a stepping stone to what comes next—and what comes next will make Trump look like Obama in comparison."

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c2223b No.22252732

File: d3261ad0cc942ca⋯.png (853.06 KB,778x1280,389:640,ClipboardImage.png)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that the United States will hit its statutory debt ceiling around the middle of January, a development she said will prompt the Treasury to resort to “extraordinary measures” to prevent the government from defaulting on its obligations.

She noted that the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 temporarily suspended the debt ceiling through Jan. 1, 2025, enabling lawmakers to avert default during contentious budget negotiations. A day after that deadline—on Jan. 2—a new debt limit will be set based on the total amount of outstanding debt subject to the statutory limit as of the end of Jan. 1. Yellen noted that the debt is projected to temporarily decrease by $54 billion on that date due to scheduled Medicare trust fund redemptions, providing a brief reprieve before extraordinary measures become necessary.

“Treasury currently expects to reach the new limit between January 14 and January 23, at which time it will be necessary for Treasury to start taking extraordinary measures.” Yellen wrote.

Extraordinary measures, often described as accounting maneuvers, allow the Treasury to free up cash and delay default. These measures, however, are a short-term solution. Once exhausted, they leave the government unable to meet its financial obligations without congressional intervention. Yellen emphasized the urgency of action, warning that a failure to address the debt ceiling would severely damage the nation’s economic credibility.

“I respectfully urge Congress to act to protect the full faith and credit of the United States,” she wrote.

READ (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/yellen-says-us-will-hit-debt-ceiling-mid-january-forcing-treasury-employ-extraordinary) | XPOST (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1873518899318440335?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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f22c29 No.22252733


My breed.

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f835a3 No.22252734


Gods Makes His Children.

they have no choice.

you have been lied to.

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83b91e No.22252735

File: f11aa899198dbf2⋯.png (330.14 KB,646x430,323:215,bbsocko.png)

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90c45f No.22252736


By a government of ANC communists installed by elites and the C_A

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57a850 No.22252737


Let me guess, your life is painful.

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bd1825 No.22252738


Who's avoiding?

The devil was a liar and a murder from the start.

Have you ever heard of the black stone of mecca? It's said to have fallen from heaven to show Adam where to build the first temple. They say it was pure white but turned black from absorbing the sins of others.

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00f3d7 No.22252739

File: 8b32c01af852ee0⋯.png (128.39 KB,252x317,252:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9cd68 No.22252741


Elvis KEKs

Have meme but ton iPad

Was notable

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83b91e No.22252742

…Anon is atheist.

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f835a3 No.22252743


believes lies.

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