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File: ab33facd93fcce9⋯.png (1.27 MB,1536x864,16:9,19ecf7ab2ff8a9489243e77621….png)

b19ab0 No.21790152 [View All]

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701 posts and 441 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5e0c0c No.21790918


She's against giving children anti-psychotic drugs, over diagnosis, over medicating and 'lableling' of small children.

She wise to the poisonous food Americans are eating, endochrine diisrupting chemicals that affect fertitlity.

Against big Pharma.

Against agencies- or rather wants accountability from them - that are supposed to be in place to protect people.

For holistic treatment.

and moar…

POTUS said she should meet with Robert Kennedy JR

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948389 No.21790919

Inside FBI's secret encrypted phone company called "Anom" https://youtu.be/uFyk5UOyNqI?si=hNRXk21UXOsIzcVi

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746a62 No.21790920


well, we're going to find out soon after 7 years

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df23ef No.21790921

File: 0aedfdb8d6105c3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,854x480,427:240,HRC_QShow.mp4)

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f3db4b No.21790922


You mean indoctrinated biznitches, right?

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83a91c No.21790923


quarter of a second

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6ec710 No.21790924

File: 80ceac04265bac6⋯.png (425.62 KB,568x720,71:90,ClipboardImage.png)

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accf9a No.21790925


House or Field?

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dae74d No.21790926

File: f4e4604484728d4⋯.jpg (67.08 KB,480x640,3:4,EmptyTomb.jpg)

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b19ab0 No.21790927

last call

#26680 >>21790160

>>21790693 WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Detroit, MI - 10/18/24

>>21790798, >>21790865, >>21790889 President Trump: [Detroit roundtable]

>>21790443 WATCH - President Trump Joins a Community Round Table in Oakland County, MI

>>21790505 President Trump in Michigan: "What event did I cancel? I haven't canceled."

>>21790422, >>21790436, >>21790478, >>21790618, >>21790656, >>21790769, >>21790899 Countrywide Campaigning, Debates & Polls Bun

- - - - - - - -

>>21790174 Wayback Machine is back online but for read-only

>>21790184 UK Police Raid Home, Seize Devices of Pro-Palestine Journalist Under 'Terrorism Act'

>>21790197 Europol - 47 sedative pills traffickers arrested

>>21790202, Man gets 60 years sexual assault of Toddlers Used fake calc app to hide his CP videos

>>21790222, >>21790232 Los Angeles Catholic Church's $880M settlement with sexual abuse victims

>>21790227, >>21790229 Moar On Vem Miller

>>21790234, >>21790243, >>21790276, >>21790722, >>21790714 Liberal panic. Donald Trump is going to win in a landslide

>>21790249 Only 17 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21790256, >>21790301, >>21790884 Early Voting Issues & Stats for Pennsylvania

>>21790260 Trump Takes Questions About Killed Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar From Reporters

>>21790279, >>21790290 Bill Clinton speaking in NC tells crowd he's hoping for life in Gitmo

>>21790325 Detroit Democrats Hold Training Session for "Poll Challengers"

>>21790336 @realjimwatkins1 - Trump knows if Kamala wins she will go after him without mercy

>>21790310, >>21790337 Record Breaking Early Voting in NC

>>21790353, >>21790371, >>21790459, >>21790604 MTG claiming that Dominion machines are already switching Trump votes to Kamala Harris

>>21790366 Some 30 Countries lining up to join BRICS – Putin

>>21790448, >>21790490, >>21790514, >>21790684 The steal is on.

>>21790637, >>21790648 Victor Davis Hanson - Those who lecture versus those tired of being lectured

>>21790588, >>21790607, >>21790645 Lips Read - Biden tells Obama ‘she’s not as strong as me’

>>21790818, >>21790821 LAND OF THE FREE - Sounding Off - ooh rah!

>>21790850 Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly

>>21790885 Calif. Utility Cuts Power in 19 Counties Amid 'Diablo' Winds

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0ee885 No.21790928

File: 96162c48c02cf9c⋯.png (66.31 KB,220x154,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)


>John Deaton

>Recent polling shows that even with just a bit of info about me, it's a single-digit race between me and Elizabeth Warren.

Kek. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

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050b2e No.21790929

File: 1dddf11aa8e6b2c⋯.png (847.05 KB,723x513,241:171,trjw1.PNG)

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050794 No.21790930


What kind of FF weather alert could be worldwide I wonder?

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becddc No.21790931


> indicative of a shooter in front on the grassy knoll.[222https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_Man

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2bcbcb No.21790932


>Sounds like a great time for new buses of illegals to arrive from Florida and Texas to liven things up

They have enough non-citizen voters.

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542e8f No.21790933

File: 4c9a5c55944ee0f⋯.png (382.9 KB,685x508,685:508,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc180a No.21790934


The answer is to stop relying on his "Cybersecurity Major" to fix the issue.

I mean, the fucker can't even read the Constitution and what is says about the States and elections.

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3d22c3 No.21790935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e3457 No.21790936

People don't want to violate peoples constitutional rights anymore, thats why they don't want to be police.

Nobody wants to join the military because nobody wants to die for jews and muslims and go die for ukraine.

Nobody wants to be a part of a corrupt criminal enterprise.

This country needs liberty and freedom not more corrupt lawfare or more government.

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aaa0c6 No.21790937

File: c541e40e23e792f⋯.png (7.76 MB,4096x4096,1:1,October_17_2024_Mt_Rannier….png)

October 17, 2024 - Mt. Rannier, Roswell, Alien, UFO over Canada

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b19ab0 No.21790938


#26680 >>21790160

>>21790693 WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Detroit, MI - 10/18/24

>>21790798, >>21790865, >>21790889 President Trump: [Detroit roundtable]

>>21790443 WATCH - President Trump Joins a Community Round Table in Oakland County, MI

>>21790505 President Trump in Michigan: "What event did I cancel? I haven't canceled."

>>21790422, >>21790436, >>21790478, >>21790618, >>21790656, >>21790769, >>21790899 Countrywide Campaigning, Debates & Polls Bun

- - - - - - - -

>>21790174 Wayback Machine is back online but for read-only

>>21790184 UK Police Raid Home, Seize Devices of Pro-Palestine Journalist Under 'Terrorism Act'

>>21790197 Europol - 47 sedative pills traffickers arrested

>>21790202, Man gets 60 years sexual assault of Toddlers Used fake calc app to hide his CP videos

>>21790222, >>21790232 Los Angeles Catholic Church's $880M settlement with sexual abuse victims

>>21790227, >>21790229 Moar On Vem Miller

>>21790234, >>21790243, >>21790276, >>21790722, >>21790714 Liberal panic. Donald Trump is going to win in a landslide

>>21790249 Only 17 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21790256, >>21790301, >>21790884 Early Voting Issues & Stats for Pennsylvania

>>21790260 Trump Takes Questions About Killed Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar From Reporters

>>21790279, >>21790290 Bill Clinton speaking in NC tells crowd he's hoping for life in Gitmo

>>21790325 Detroit Democrats Hold Training Session for "Poll Challengers"

>>21790336 @realjimwatkins1 - Trump knows if Kamala wins she will go after him without mercy

>>21790310, >>21790337 Record Breaking Early Voting in NC

>>21790353, >>21790371, >>21790459, >>21790604 MTG claiming that Dominion machines are already switching Trump votes to Kamala Harris

>>21790366 Some 30 Countries lining up to join BRICS – Putin

>>21790448, >>21790490, >>21790514, >>21790684 The steal is on.

>>21790637, >>21790648 Victor Davis Hanson - Those who lecture versus those tired of being lectured

>>21790588, >>21790607, >>21790645 Lips Read - Biden tells Obama ‘she’s not as strong as me’

>>21790818, >>21790821 LAND OF THE FREE - Sounding Off - ooh rah!

>>21790850 Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly

>>21790885 Calif. Utility Cuts Power in 19 Counties Amid 'Diablo' Winds

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ea9ffc No.21790939

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becddc No.21790940


>fatal shot was indicative of a shooter in front on the grassy knoll.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Moorman_photograph

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b66137 No.21790941

File: c2622bba3ad1e69⋯.png (1.94 MB,1000x675,40:27,capture_1417_04072021_0159….png)

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aaa0c6 No.21790943


will repost

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becddc No.21790945

and that the fatal shot was fired from the grassy knoll and struck Kennedy in the front of the head.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy#cite_note-293

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fdc119 No.21790946


>Why are they always at the scene of mass shootings, giving interviews?

Many are first responders.

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b66137 No.21790947

File: cb16324f14266f2⋯.png (1.21 MB,701x600,701:600,capture_1485_15072022_2116….png)

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050794 No.21790948


NO, its me Dave open up the door!

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ce61e3 No.21790949


tyvm clocks

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83a91c No.21790950

File: 51d9e2ebb1e0d12⋯.jpeg (27.68 KB,255x248,255:248,F1761960_98D0_4E45_8CCF_4….jpeg)

File: c1cb158d47965fa⋯.jpeg (539.31 KB,2000x1500,4:3,9147C0A6_8EE8_4152_90A2_9….jpeg)

File: 6822de1fcf0e230⋯.jpeg (481.66 KB,999x591,333:197,A74A2B89_FD2C_4B94_82C0_C….jpeg)


donut know

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746a62 No.21790951

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becddc No.21790952


the subject of much speculation, including the three tramps, the umbrella man, and the purported Badge Man.[282][283][284] Conspiracy theorists argue that the autopsy and official investigations were flawed or, at worst, complicit,[285] and that witnesses to the Kennedy assassination met mysterious and suspicious deaths.[286]

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b66137 No.21790953

File: 8d83cf656180330⋯.png (1.61 MB,1000x563,1000:563,capture_1711_16072022_1420….png)

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b66137 No.21790955

File: a24f69f52b464aa⋯.png (1.49 MB,723x718,723:718,capture_1741_16072022_1535….png)

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5e0c0c No.21790956

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20d523 No.21790957


Probably the comet that is supposed to impact on the Winter Solstice.

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6ec710 No.21790958

File: e33915685da0cc1⋯.png (773.25 KB,568x565,568:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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542e8f No.21790960



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b19ab0 No.21790961

File: b7744f759ae8bd3⋯.png (648.46 KB,1000x665,200:133,b7744f759ae8bd353eecee8a9c….png)

File: ba071ec99cbde0d⋯.png (2.13 MB,1098x1242,61:69,ba071ec99cbde0d83fc7de8dcc….png)

File: bbb7a0e3b4da5c8⋯.jpg (34.34 KB,401x683,401:683,bbb7a0e3b4da5c82dc73ba92d1….jpg)

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b66137 No.21790962

File: 3451fc1e2bbd365⋯.png (1.61 MB,1000x563,1000:563,capture_1904_28072022_1046….png)

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83a91c No.21790964

File: 4e6adc717e736c8⋯.jpeg (672.96 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,AD0A8F42_D96E_40A5_839E_0….jpeg)

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becddc No.21790965

This photo and a similar one are known as the "backyard photographs"; according to Bugliosi, it is one of the pieces of evidence most damning for Oswald. Oswald told Dallas police that the photographs were not genuine and that someone must have superimposed his head.[15] Marina Oswald testified that she took the pictures.[16]

In 1964, KGB Agent Yuri Nosenko defected to the United States. He divulged that Soviet intelligence surveilled Oswald, regarded him as mentally unstable, and had no association with him.[24] Although the FBI trusted Nosenko, the CIA believed that he was a mole and convinced the Warren Commission not to interview him.[25]

At Oswald's request, he met with FBI Special Agent John Quigley while in custody. Posner cites this as proof that Oswald was not a government agent, questioning why he might "blow his cover".[39]

Jack Dougherty, the only witness who saw Oswald enter the Depository on the morning of the assassination, testified to the Warren Commission that he did not remember seeing Oswald with any package.[44] Bugliosi questioned his reliability as a witness: Dougherty's father told FBI agents on November 23 that his son "had considerable difficulty in coordinating his mental facilities with his speech".[45]

After the first shot, witness Virgie Rachley—an employee at the Texas School Book Depository—reported seeing sparks on the pavement shortly behind the president's limousine.[62]

Student Billy Harper later found a fragment of Kennedy's skull on the road.[80]

The journalists pictured with them arrived as the end of the motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza.[89]

Bugliosi notes that Lee Bowers Jr. did not mention the "commotion" in an earlier affidavit, in which Bowers did take time to list all other suspicious happenings like circling vehicles with "Goldwater for '64" stickers. Moreover, conspiracy theorist Jim Moore questions whether Bowers could even have seen the area. Bowers testified that he "threw [the] red-on-red [signal]" just after the fatal shot, but the grassy knoll was partially obstructed from Bowers' position at the work panel.[95]

Three spent cartridges were found on the floor. One live round was found in the rifle. Dallas policemen thoroughly photographed the rifle before its removal.[104]

Lieutenant Day of the Dallas police examined the weapon prior to its seizure by the FBI. He found and photographed fingerprints on the trigger housing. Although Day believed the prints to be those of Oswald's right middle and ring fingers, the ridges were not clear enough to make a positive identification. Day then discovered a palm-print on the barrel underneath the wooden stock. He tentatively identified it as Oswald's, but was not able to photograph or analyze it in more depth as the FBI took the Carcano.[108] In D.C., FBI fingerprint expert Sebastian Latona found the photographs and extant prints to be "insufficient" as to make any conclusion. The rifle was returned to the Dallas police on November 24.[107] Five days later, the FBI made a positive identification using a card from Day.[109]

At the time of Kennedy's assassination, most of his cabinet was on a trip to Japan.[126]

Nix himself believed that the shots had come from the grassy knoll.[182]

In 1973, due to Floridians' discontent with the change, Florida Governor Reubin Askew mandated that Cape Kennedy be referred to as Cape Canaveral on all state documents and maps. The U.S. Board of Geographic Names accepted the name change later that year.[300]

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b19ab0 No.21790967

File: faf13261d8abc2c⋯.png (94.77 KB,1891x2484,1891:2484,8kun_solid_white.png)

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b66137 No.21790969

File: 3567d1c91d74a91⋯.png (3.02 MB,1081x975,1081:975,capture_4731_30062022_1108….png)

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821c15 No.21790972


That doesn't sound like someone else wrote it for him at all…

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b19ab0 No.21790974

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB,280x280,1:1,1509645963585_2020_07_22_0….png)

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b66137 No.21790978

File: 4b2423dddc4a251⋯.png (3.75 MB,1283x1019,1283:1019,capture_4758_30062022_1447….png)

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ce61e3 No.21790980

File: 0623782cf971bba⋯.png (53.31 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b66137 No.21790981


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