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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

10ccfc No.21788095 [View All]

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14ce84 No.21789095

File: b3f00bd35bd1f46⋯.png (4.94 MB,1632x1056,17:11,DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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73ae61 No.21789096

File: a7706fe366610d9⋯.jpg (573.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20241018_082703….jpg)

File: 4188497af3b2132⋯.jpg (92.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2926368148.jpg)

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902ca4 No.21789097


Literally says be a FREE SPEECH HERO

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afe861 No.21789098

File: 325c6a9013d669d⋯.png (44.72 KB,676x518,338:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23f4b73b69b1850⋯.png (51.95 KB,672x578,336:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca6ca47f6ffd07d⋯.png (48.8 KB,672x395,672:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b8430 No.21789099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is only rare to the lower/middle caste americans while the tourists party all day & night

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0b1db7 No.21789101

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e2c0d8 No.21789102


No, it's truth.

you try to deflect, why would you do that instead of posting proof for the lies of the "other" "anon"?

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3b76db No.21789103

whats wrong deep digging anons?

no idea how to trace an ip address?


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2dc72d No.21789104

File: 3529ace0c2aab69⋯.png (83.82 KB,1125x1160,225:232,ClipboardImage.png)


What happened to Black Insurrectionist account on “X”? Was it canceled or just suspended?

From earlier post

"Black Insurrectionist" on "X" has failed to return to continue submitting a promised 40+ posts re allegations against Tim Waltz by a former student after his Monday morning, Oct 14, 2024 post.

He indicated he would continue in the afternoon after his morning medical appointment. He has not returned since.

If Black Insurrectionist sees this at least post you are ok.

Prayers needed.



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c2fbc9 No.21789105



Chex.Notable Donald Trump = 17 in Scrabble

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0b1db7 No.21789106

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14ce84 No.21789107

File: e38eee1a4db40ce⋯.png (4.94 MB,1632x1055,1632:1055,DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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3b76db No.21789108


a free speech board?


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5620f1 No.21789109

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be1202 No.21789110

File: 4b4e96daba16bae⋯.png (314.52 KB,612x407,612:407,wh_press_meme_keks.png)

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902ca4 No.21789111


Just admit that you’re a pro censorship commie faggot already. Everyone sees it. At least it’s respectable to be honest about it.

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e2c0d8 No.21789112


>proof that 16 or 17 million people protect

Okay, show me.

were there elections?

or will you post fake news article from the fake news, who claimed that covid was totally real?

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abd529 No.21789114


o7 ThankQ

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8c1368 No.21789115


The internet, phone company, shit even radio charges a broadcasting fee…

Americant…. The land of illusion.

There is no free speech. Never was.

Never will be.

Daddy's a.bitch

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14ce84 No.21789116

File: aa4b0af3219fee8⋯.png (4.94 MB,1632x1056,17:11,DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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c2fbc9 No.21789117

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bb3f54 No.21789118


The Armor of God was proven the day I warned about the fake pandemic, riots, and toxic vaccines as I knew they would kill me for destroying their plans yet I refrain from defending myself, although I am more than capable. I can ask God to intercede for others but dare not ask for myself. I can only do what I see my Father does. Amen?

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b92921 No.21789119

Deep State whores are too afraid to come and knock on my door. Cowards.

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ff56c6 No.21789120

File: 82679ef7758d728⋯.mp4 (300.11 KB,496x360,62:45,1933_House_of_Rothschild_m….mp4)

As long as the dollar stands, people will bow to it.

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e2c0d8 No.21789122

File: 52c1c8a7909f360⋯.jpg (137.89 KB,500x750,2:3,deleted.jpg)


This board has clear and simple rules.

Find crime.

Identify CRIMINAL responsible for crime.

You don't do that. Why?

Only a moran and liar would blame anyone else.

You are of course not interested in truth, you got a mission and are pissed that your shit is deleted.

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0b1db7 No.21789123

File: 12ebdb1160cab4a⋯.png (1.52 MB,750x1334,375:667,867D831D_4616_43E6_BB8D_07….png)

File: 9240186a51965c6⋯.png (92.9 KB,473x665,473:665,2EC4EAD6_8EED_480F_ADF0_68….png)

File: c1cb158d47965fa⋯.jpeg (539.31 KB,2000x1500,4:3,CCF97ED9_913E_446C_AFBF_C….jpeg)

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b92921 No.21789124

God Almighty loves Trump so very much and evil people hate that.

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ba712f No.21789125

File: aec412053eb772c⋯.jpeg (169.71 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_3174.jpeg)


Product of Stock, Aitken and Waterman.

A.K.A. The (S)Hit Factory

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9be04a No.21789126


kamalama's little video input was a fucking TRAINWRECK.



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be1202 No.21789128

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Awww shit…. you've done it now.

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c2fbc9 No.21789129


<Nazi on_board

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8c1368 No.21789132

U are useless???


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b92921 No.21789133


I've begged for a year now, but they are cowardly pussies.

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902ca4 No.21789135


You don’t know FUCK ALL. That’s YOUR prejudice and hate you are projecting onto others. Posts that violate no rules or laws are deleted daily here because of YOUR feelings. Total opposite of what this board is supposed to be and was. FUCK YOUR FEELZ

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6d4c57 No.21789136

File: d7c982b9d096fec⋯.jpg (140.41 KB,1024x816,64:51,Flannel_Friday.jpg)

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5620f1 No.21789137


#26678 >>21788108

>>21788316, >>21788322, >>21788381, >>21788385, >>21788393, >>21788424 Donald Trump Does Standup Comedy Routine at Al Smith Dinner

>>21788357 President Trump is going to work the fries at McDonald’s today

>>21788499, >>21788791 LIVE WIth President Donald Trump (Ep. 2353) - 10/18/24 The Dan Bongino Show

>>21788529 Team Trump Bus Tour in North Carolina - Jacksonville, NC

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21788240 PF updates

>>21788141, >>21788147, >>21788182 Long–COVID-19 Fatigue Skyrockets Among Danish Residents after Vaccines Rolled Out/lutein

>>21788159, >>21788219 Russian official close to Putin mysteriously dies 'after falling down his stairs and breaking his neck'

>>21788164 Women Priests Secretly Ordained Near the Vatican

>>21788186 Trump Blames Zelenskyy for Ukraine's War With Russia

>>21788194, >>21788365 Trump's Black Tie Interview

>>21788197, >>21788229, >>21788363, >>21788838 NC Gov. Roy Cooper says “Some areas you just shouldn’t build back…we’ve been able to convince people that BUYOUTS ARE BETTER‼️”/lithium/early voting/FEMA

>>21788211 Florida human trafficking sting nabs 157 people, including 25 illegal immigrants

>>21788213 Tropical Weather Outlook

>>21788288 Newscum in NC for early voting

>>21788310 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21788317, >>21788498 This lip reader is really good/Obama n Biden chat

>>21788364 Polyunsaturated fats and endotoxins drive Alzheimer’s

>>21788376, >>21788502 Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson diggz

>>21788395, >>21788446, >>21788497, >>21788558, >>21788638, >>21788714, >>21788786, >>21788808, >>21788985, >>21789086, >>21789098 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science


>>21788474, >>21788490 Putin gives interview to leading BRICS media outlets ahead of the 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan

>>21788528, >>21788969 Swamp Habbenins

>>21788730, >>21788743 ICYMI: ‘Bullet flew by his ear’: Christian prophet’s eerie Donald Trump prediction made months ago

>>21788798 The UK's Labour Party is bragging about flying a hundred people to the US to campaign for Kamala Harris

>>21788810 Wow. Someone at Kamala’s rally said "Jesus is Lord" and she snapped back, "Oh you guys are at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street."

>>21788823 Bank of America Warns Of US Economic Disaster As US Debt Reaches All-Time High

>>21788847 Pennsylvania Democrat Senator Bob Casey — up for re-election — is airing campaign ads promoting his "support" for Trump's trade policies

>>21788861 “A new alert from Border Patrol shows that cartel operatives have been given permission to shoot at US Border Patrol agents”

>>21788866 EXCELLENT THREAD on Baier interviewing Kamala.

>>21788921 Richard Branson to take balloon ride to edge of space

>>21789105, >>21788916 Donald Trump = 17 in Scrabble


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b92921 No.21789138

Deep State puppets are the biggest cowards ever.

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0b1db7 No.21789139

File: dcb68ca43b49c6d⋯.png (22.2 KB,473x147,473:147,251006C6_51D8_4ACC_8632_AD….png)

File: 5a60245c2601f62⋯.webp (122.71 KB,825x550,3:2,A4506836_8EFB_42D7_9BA7_2….webp)

File: 1eaf1f06c3cd14c⋯.png (117.8 KB,473x1127,473:1127,0521740A_6770_416A_89EE_26….png)

File: 15d0bfdf4283fe1⋯.png (36.62 KB,473x350,473:350,648DC85A_0165_4205_803A_03….png)

File: c1bfe0526ee6ba6⋯.png (1.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,0AF828D2_B56D_4546_A19E_E1….png)

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301b08 No.21789143


Utter CRAP.

God, Jesus, scripture and sin ALL need dumping in the nearest bin.

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be1202 No.21789144


Why would we care about tracing an IP address that belongs to a proxy provider? No point, really as many people use it.

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b4164f No.21789148

File: 6b1286f50d7f12b⋯.png (58.07 KB,990x163,990:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1d42099af337ec⋯.png (1.19 MB,996x626,498:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c2ac5952aec680⋯.png (1.56 MB,1041x753,347:251,ClipboardImage.png)

KJP makes telling slip as she's grilled about Biden and Obama's conversation at Kennedy's funeral

By NIKKI SCHWAB, | UPDATED: 18:25 EDT, 17 October 2024

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre made an extraordinary gaffe when she was questioned about the now-viral conversation between Joe Biden and Barack Obama at Ethel Kennedy's funeral. During the service for the Kennedy matriarch, Biden and Obama were caught on camera having an intense conversation.

Lip reader Jeremy Freeman deciphered their chat for DailyMail.com, leading to speculation that they were talking about Vice President Kamala Harris' chances of winning the White House. “Biden appeared to say to Obama that, 'she's not as strong as me,' with the former president replying, 'I know…that's true…we have time.'”

Asked about it Thursday on board Air Force One en route to Berlin, Jean-Pierre didn't give a straight answer and mistakenly called Biden the 'former president.' (Karine is sharingmisinformation, disinformation and malformation)

'It's been kind of busy the last couple hours on the plane, as you can imagine,' she first answered.

Jean-Pierre appeared alongside National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan who was peppered with questions about Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar being killed by Israel. 'Look, I'll say this, the president really very much appreciated being there at the funeral of Ethel Kennedy who he saw as someone who is incredible and was an incredible force obviously in her life during her years,' Jean-Pierre answered. 'And what he wanted to do was lift up - lift her up and speak to her accomplishment and what she meant to him, not just to him but to her family and to the country,' the press secretary continued. 'So he appreciated doing that.'

It was here she fumbled the response calling Biden the 'former president.' 'And we have said many times, the president and former President Biden they have a very close relationship,' Jean-Pierre noted. Biden has three months and three days left of his term. (Bongino on his show yesterday said, that Obama HATES Joe, and Joe hates Obama. He did a body language analysis on the video and it's obvious.)

The White House transcript shows press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's gaffe Thursday, when she referred to Biden as the 'former president'. It was clear she meant to say former President Obama.

'They've had one for a long time, obviously, as he served as his vice president,' she added. 'I don't have anything else to share on that,' Jean-Pierre added. 'I have not had this conversation with the president. Obviously we've been pretty busy these last few hours on the plane,' she reiterated.

Obama has openly aired out his concerns about the forthcoming election. Last week in Pittsburgh, Obama voiced his frustration to a group of black men over how the demographic group was more keen to support him, a man, than Harris, who could become the first female president and first female president of color.

'We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,' Obama said.


(I don't know why this is a big deal, she talks like a monkey and messes stuff up constantly!)

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8e60d7 No.21789149


Reads like its spoken from someone who is NOT a citizen.

Maybe that's because I don't trust…..IDK.

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6d4c57 No.21789150

File: 2ab5bacc3733837⋯.jpg (610.62 KB,1080x1296,5:6,coffee_friday.jpg)

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ff56c6 No.21789151

File: b88b304369da31d⋯.jpg (110.79 KB,1024x831,1024:831,FART_FACE_PEPE.jpg)


Dayton, Ohio >>21789120

It is a VPN

FYI Biiatch!

Polygraph my ass.. Pure Bread American here,

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e4b67d No.21789154

File: eb401ad7f69a395⋯.png (483.95 KB,754x839,754:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>Find crime.

>Identify CRIMINAL responsible for crime.

Really now?

18 U.S. Code § 1091 - Genocide

a)Basic Offense.—Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such—

(1)kills members of that group;

(2)causes serious bodily injury to members of that group;

(3)causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or similar techniques;

(4)subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part;

(5)imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or

(6)transfers by force children of the group to another group;

shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

(b)Punishment for Basic Offense.—The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) is—

(1)in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), where death results, by death or imprisonment for life and a fine of not more than $1,000,000, or both; and

(2)a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both, in any other case.

(c)Incitement Offense.—

Whoever directly and publicly incites another to violate subsection (a) shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(d)Attempt and Conspiracy.—

Any person who attempts or conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be punished in the same manner as a person who completes the offense.

(e)Jurisdiction.—There is jurisdiction over the offenses described in subsections (a), (c), and (d) if—

(1)the offense is committed in whole or in part within the United States; or

(2)regardless of where the offense is committed, the alleged offender is—

(A)a national of the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101));

(B)an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101));

(C)a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States; or

(D)present in the United States.


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88cde7 No.21789156

File: 4fb5d6479554ccf⋯.webp (221.46 KB,1320x1320,1:1,FixX.webp)

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b92921 No.21789158

Only a fool would fear the Deep State.

I'm not even the least bit intimidated by evil people with overinflated egos.

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5620f1 No.21789159





migrate, lockin it up

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6d4c57 No.21789160

File: 428cd89695cab4a⋯.png (70.49 KB,296x296,1:1,yabba_dabba_friday.png)

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be1202 No.21789161

File: 166fe61acec0ab9⋯.png (125.5 KB,416x307,416:307,pepe_Apu_05.png)


So you're deflecting instead of answering the question.

Hello Kamala…

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