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273ca3 No.21755366 [View All]

Welcome To Q Research AUSTRALIA

A new thread for research and discussion of Australia's role in The Great Awakening.

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>>21251854 Q Research AUSTRALIA #37

Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

Wednesday 11.20.2019

>>7358352 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.

>>7358338 ————————————–——– All assets [F + D] being deployed.

>>7358318 ————————————–——– What happens when the PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH [magnitude] re: [D] party corruption?

Tuesday 11.19.2019

>>7357790 ————————————–——– FISA goes both ways.

Saturday 11.16.2019

>>7356270 ————————————–——– There is no escaping God.

>>7356265 ————————————–——– The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption.

Friday 11.15.2019

>>7356017 ————————————–——– "Whistle Blower Traps" [Mar 4 2018] 'Trap' keyword select provided…..

Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5945210 ————————————–——– Sometimes our 'sniffer' picks and pulls w/o applying credit file

>>5945074 ————————————–——– We LOVE you!

>>5944970 ————————————–——– USA v. LifeLog?

>>5944908 ————————————–——– It is an embarrassment to our Nation!

>>5944859 ————————————–——– 'Knowingly'

Q's Posts referencing Australia












Q's Posts referencing Australian citizens

Malcolm Turnbull (X/AUS)

Former Prime Minister of Australia, 2015 to 2018





Alexander Downer

Former Australian Liberal Party politician and former Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom


Cardinal George Pell

Australian Cardinal of the Catholic Church and former Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy




Julian Assange

Australian activist, founder, editor and publisher of WikiLeaks












Virginia Roberts Giuffre

American-Australian survivor of the sex trafficking ring operated by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
































Q's Posts referencing The Five Eyes intelligence alliance (FVEY)

An anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States





"Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?"


Nov 25 2018


99 posts omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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273ca3 No.21755597

#37 - Part 101

Australia / China Tensions - Part 16

>>21642550 Quad leaders meet; group ‘incites bloc confrontation’ - "At the Quad leaders' summit US President Joe Biden hosted in his Delaware hometown over the weekend, the four-nation group - which consists of the US, Japan, India and Australia - agreed to expand security cooperation, including joint coast guard mission, with China on mind. The agenda of the meeting and its joint statement, which referred to East and South China Seas, exposed Quad's nature of bloc confrontation, analysts said on Sunday, criticizing the four-nation partnership for its detrimental role of fomenting confrontation and inciting geopolitical tensions in Asia Pacific. US national security adviser Jake Sullivan insisted earlier Saturday during a briefing with reporters that "China is not the focus of the Quad," CNN reported, but the issue (of China) featured throughout the day. The joint statement, released on the White House's website, did not directly name China, but it did mention "East and South China Seas," meanwhile, Biden was caught on a hot mic telling the other leaders that an "aggressive China is testing us," CNN reported. Anchored by shared values, the Quad leaders seek to uphold the international order based on the rule of law and they are "seriously concerned" about the situation in East and South China Seas, according to a joint statement after the summit." - Zhang Han and Guo Yuandan - globaltimes.cn

>>21642580 Taiwan in bid for UN membership after success for Palestine - Taiwan has urged Penny Wong to throw Australia’s support behind the self-governed territory’s bid for UN membership after the Albanese government backed Palestine’s admission to the global body. Taiwan’s top diplomat in Australia, Douglas Hsu, said Palestine’s recently upgraded UN status underscored the injustice of Taiwan’s exclusion from the organisation at China’s behest. “We found it very interesting and we found it very unreasonable, because Taiwan is a leading democracy,” he told The Australian. “Taiwan is an important economy in the world. We play a very important role in global supply chains. However, we are not even granted the status of being included in the United Nations.” As the Foreign Minister departed for New York to attend the UN General Assembly’s annual high-level session, Mr Hsu said: “We are asking like-minded countries to address this issue.” Taiwan’s request follows the Senate’s repudiation last month of Beijing’s interpretation of a 1971 UN resolution recognising the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representative of China to the UN”. It passed a bipartisan motion declaring UN Resolution 2758 “does not establish the People’s Republic of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan and does not determine the future status of Taiwan in the UN, nor Taiwanese participation in UN agencies or international organisations”.

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273ca3 No.21755598

#37 - Part 102

Australia / China Tensions - Part 17

>>21642629 Labor elders now just weak-kneed ‘appeasers’ on AUKUS - "Paul Keating and Gareth Evans in their attacks on AUKUS demonstrate they have learned nothing from history. One lesson is that to keep the peace it’s necessary to maintain a balance between major powers and their allies. That was the key to peace in Europe for nearly a century after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. It’s the key to peace in the Indo-Pacific region today. We have to maintain a balance of power with an aggressive China. Both Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 of AUKUS will help to do that. If we don’t, China will dominate the region, reducing neighbouring countries to the traditional status of mere tributes to China. The South China Sea would be turned into a Chinese lake, giving China complete command of sea and air traffic through that vital waterway. And Taiwan would of course be incorporated into the People’s Republic of China. To stop this, there is a coalition of nations that balances the power of China and deters Chinese adventurism. That coalition is led by the US and its allies. It’s also includes countries such India and, for that matter, Indonesia, which while cautious not to become allies of any nation nevertheless want a balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region. This seems to me to be a straightforward proposition for anyone who is concerned about Australia’s security. But the likes of Keating and Evans seem to think a policy of appeasement will work. If deterrence and power balances are one of the lessons of history, then another is that appeasement does not work. In the 1930s it failed and it is not going to work today. Using language such as de-escalation when the Russians are pouring missiles and bombs into Ukraine, the Iranians through their surrogates are firing thousands of rockets and missiles into Israel, and the Chinese are threatening and harassing allies such as The Philippines is the language of weakness and fear. They need to understand that unless this behaviour stops they run the risk themselves of escalating to the point of war with the West. If we stick with the appeasement strategy - the one favoured by Keating and Evans - that is the strategy that leads to war." - Alexander Downer, foreign affairs minister from 1996-2007, and high commissioner to the UK from 2014-18 - theaustralian.com.au

>>21648253 Defending nation’s sovereignty is not ‘appeasement’ - a response to Alexander Downer - "Could the Alexander Downer who accuses me and Paul Keating of appeasement possibly be the same Alexander Downer who recently wrote in this newspaper that if he had a vote in the US presidential election it would be for Donald Trump? That same Donald Trump whose willingness to accommodate Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine makes Chamberlain’s behaviour in Munich in 1938 seem almost Churchillian. And could this Downer, who now tells us the West is facing “an existential threat from the alliance of Russia, Iran and China”, possibly be the same Downer whose enthusiastic embrace of George W. Bush’s fanciful “axis of evil” (Iran, Iraq and North Korea) led us to blindly follow the US in its invasion of Iraq in 2003, with consequences resonating catastrophically ever since? I would normally ignore being offensively lectured to and misrepresented by a former foreign minister whose only memorable achievement in nearly 12 years in that office was longevity, but his latest contribution is so wrongheaded and at odds with Australia’s national interests as to demand a response. It is not appeasement to demand that those who beat the drums of war justify their fearmongering with more than rhetoric. And it is not appeasement to believe that Australia’s national interests - as for others in our region trying to navigate a course between the US and China – lie in maintaining close and mutually beneficial relations with both the neighbourhood giants, not becoming either’s patsy, and working diplomatically to encourage détente between them. While China’s behaviour certainly justifies push-back, much of it is no more than what we can and should expect of a rapidly, economically rising, hugely trade-dependent regional superpower, which is wanting to claim its own strategic space, and to generally reassert some of its historical greatness after more than a century of wounded national pride. It is not unreasonable to think much of China’s assertiveness would be significantly moderated were the US to step back from demanding recognition of America’s continued primacy, with Washington now seeing just about every arena as a zero-sum struggle for dominance." - Gareth Evans, Australia’s foreign minister from 1988-96 and president of the International Crisis Group from 2000-09 - theaustralian.com.au

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273ca3 No.21755600

#37 - Part 103

Australia / China Tensions - Part 18

>>21660354 Jim Chalmers takes economic charm offensive to China - Jim Chalmers has warned that further deterioration in China’s slowing economy would wreak havoc on Australia, with a drop of one percentage point in Chinese GDP growth projected to inflict about $6bn in lost domestic output. Amid global concerns over the rapid slowdown in China and as President Xi Jinping met his top comrades to discuss their enormous economic challenges, the Treasurer arrived in Beijing on Thursday to meet National Development and Reform Commission chair Zheng Shanjie, who oversees China’s five-year economic plans and the country’s foreign investment regime. Dr Chalmers, who late on Thursday co-chaired with Mr Zheng the first meeting of the ­Australia-China Strategic Economic Dialogue since 2017, said there were “consequences for us” if the Communist nation’s economic slowdown and structural challenges worsened. Writing for The Australian to mark the first visit to Beijing by a treasurer in seven years, Dr Chalmers said Australia’s resilience and prosperity were closely connected to China’s economy and the global economy, which is “why we monitor the Chinese economy so closely”. Hours before Dr Chalmers met his Chinese counterparts, China’s politburo - led by Mr Xi – pledged a new stimulus package to ­implement better “the driving role of government investment”.

>>21660373 China-Australia relations see more high-level exchanges, conducive to avoid amplifying difference: experts - "China-Australia relations have seen positive progress with more recent high-level exchanges, and observers noted that strengthened communication between the two sides can effectively avoid amplifying differences. The two countries' top diplomats met on Tuesday, meanwhile the fourth China-Australia Strategic Economic Dialogue is scheduled to be held in Beijing. According to Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Australian counterpart, Penny Wong, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told Wong that both sides should continue to build a more mature, stable, and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership. Both sides should properly handle the issues in bilateral exchanges and not define China-Australia relations from the perspective of differences, Wang said, hoping Australia joins hands with China to ensure that bilateral relations go on the right track and achieve more results. Wong said Australia is ready to work with China to strengthen economic and trade cooperation, engage in constructive communication on issues of differences, and promote the stable development of bilateral relations. The Australian side's adherence to the one-China policy has not changed, Wong said." - Xu Keyue - globaltimes.cn

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273ca3 No.21755602

#37 - Part 104

Australia / China Tensions - Part 19

>>21660409 Morrison pushes for stronger Quad to counter aggressive China - Scott Morrison has warned Quad leaders to not allow their “focus and agenda to become diluted and distracted” in a new era of globalised strategic rivalry pitting western powers against aggressive and coercive autocracies led by China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Following criticism about the substance of the Quad leaders’ dialogue meeting in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware last weekend, Mr Morrison said the pact between Japan, Australia, the US and India must be maintained and strengthened as a key pillar in deterring the “arc of autocracy”. Speaking at the Yomiuri International Economic Security Symposium in Tokyo on Thursday, the former prime minister launched a defence of his former government’s “strident position” towards Xi Jinping’s People’s Republic of China. “We can peacefully coexist, but only with the right safeguards in place. We must do so with our eyes wide open and with the good sense to put a sufficient deterrent in place to counterbalance the growing power and influence of autocracies,” Mr Morrison said. “The objective of such a deterrent is simple, to ensure that when President Xi (Jinping) wakes up every morning and thinks about Taiwan, he concludes ‘not today’.” Ahead of Jim Chalmers meeting with Chinese counterparts in Beijing on Thursday, marking the first visit to the Communist nation by an Australian treasurer in seven years, Mr Morrison explained why he had pushed-back against the PRC. “I believed this was necessary to counter the PRC’s deliberate strategy to test Australia’s will and to split us off from our allies and partners. I believed that pretending to share values and interests with an autocracy seeking to bully and coerce us, while they undermined the very rules and norms that afforded us our freedom, got us where we are today. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

>>21666439 Pierside accident: -China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization- China’s newest nuclear-powered attack submarine sank in the spring, a major setback for one of the country’s priority weapons programs, U.S. officials said. The episode, which Chinese authorities scrambled to cover up and hasn’t previously been disclosed, occurred at a shipyard near Wuhan in late May or early June. It comes as China has been pushing to expand its navy, including its fleet of nuclear-powered submarines. The Pentagon has cast China as its principal long-term “pacing challenge,” and U.S. officials say that Beijing has been using political and military pressure to try to coerce Taiwan, a separately governed island that Beijing claims as part of its territory. China says its goal in building a world-class military is to deter aggression and safeguard its overseas interests. A spokesman for the Chinese embassy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The U.S. doesn’t know if the sub was carrying nuclear fuel at the time it sank, but experts outside the U.S. government said that was likely. The Zhou-class vessel that sank is the first of a new class of Chinese nuclear-powered subs and features a distinctive X-shaped stern, which is designed to make the vessel more maneuverable. The sub was built by China State Shipbuilding Corp., a state-owned company, and was observed alongside a pier on the Yangtze River in late May when it was undergoing its final equipping before going to sea. After the sinking, large floating cranes arrived in early June to salvage the sub from the river bed, according to satellite photos of the site.

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273ca3 No.21755603

#37 - Part 105

Australia / China Tensions - Part 20

>>21718402 Darwin Port increases 'friendly cooperation' with China in new deal - The Chinese-controlled Port of Darwin has signed a "friendly cooperation" agreement with Shenzhen Port in southern China, a city that controversially entered a "strategic partnership" with the Northern Territory capital five years ago. Representatives from both ports last month conducted a signing ceremony in China's Guandong Province to establish the non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which aims to increase trade links between both strategic maritime gateways. Details of the "friendly port relationship" do not appear to have been announced locally in Australia, but according to official Chinese statements both parties will soon carry out "all-round in-depth exchanges and cooperation". In a brief statement, Darwin Port CEO Peter Dummett confirmed to the ABC that he had travelled to China to sign the agreement with Shenzen representatives on September 23. "Darwin Port and Shenzhen Port have entered into a friendly non-binding MOU in order to establish a closer relationship between both ports and to further understand potential business opportunities for trade and development." In 2015 the CLP Northern Territory government signed a $506 million deal with Chinese-owned Landbridge Group to lease Darwin Port for 99 years, sparking security concerns at the highest levels of Australia's defence department and in the United States. Last year, the Albanese government announced it would not cancel the controversial lease after a review by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet found there was "a robust regulatory system in place to manage risks to critical infrastructure". Both the federal government and Northern Territory government are yet to respond to requests for comment about the recent "friendly cooperation agreement" struck between Darwin Port and Shenzhen Port.

>>21739533 Chinese trade restrictions on Australian lobsters to be lifted before Chinese New Year - Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he has secured a promise from China's Premier Li Qiang to lift a ban on Australian rock lobsters by the end of the year. The news will be welcomed by the rock lobster industry, which has struggled since being locked out of the lucrative market, and which had been growing increasingly frustrated by the delay to restoring the trade. Mr Albanese met with Premier Li today on the sidelines of the ASEAN meeting in Laos, and emerged saying China's second most senior leader had agreed on a "timetable" to let lobsters back by the end of this year, in time for Chinese New Year in early 2025. "This will be welcomed by the people engaged in the live lobster industry in places like Geraldton and South Australia and Tasmania and so many parts of particularly regional Australia," he said. Australian rock lobster exports to China were worth some $700 million a year before Beijing locked them out as part of a broader campaign of economic punishment against Australia in 2020 and 2021, when the bilateral relationship hit its nadir. China has already removed tariffs and barriers on a host of other Australian products – including wine, coal and barley – leaving lobsters as the last major industry that remained frozen out of the massive market. Mr Albanese told journalists in Vientiane that Premier Li's promise had once again vindicated the government's approach to China. "With our patient, calibrated and deliberate approach, we've restored Australian trade with our largest export market, and today we discussed restarting exports of Australian live rock lobsters," Albanese said in Laos.

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273ca3 No.21755605

#37 - Part 106

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 1

>>21258061 Satanic Temple set to return to Memphis-area school with 'Before School Satan Club' - The Satanic Temple has plans to come back to the Memphis area. After hosting its “After School Satan Club” at Cordova-based Chimneyrock Elementary on Jan. 10, the Salem, Massachusetts-based nonprofit is poised to host a “Before School Satan Club” in the coming weeks. The pending dates are March 20, April 17, and May 15, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., the group said in a social media post. The plan is to offer science projects, community service projects, puzzles and games, nature activities, arts and crafts, and snacks. A flyer posted on Twitter says “Hey Kids! Let’s have fun at the Before School Satan Club!” When the group started promoting the “After School Satan Club,” it used the line, “Hey Kids, Let’s have fun at the After School Satan Club.” Not long after The Satanic Temple started promoting the original After School Satan Club, interim superintendent Toni Williams, board chair and reverend Althea Greene, and board member Mauricio Calvo passionately denounced the group, while flanked by pastors of local churches. “As a superintendent, I am duty bound to uphold our board policy, state laws, and the constitution,” Williams said at the time. “But let’s not be fooled. Let’s not be fooled by what we’ve seen in the past 24 hours, which is an agenda, initiated to make sure that we cancel all faith-based organizations that partner with our district.” Added board chair Althea Greene: “You see the faith-based community standing here,” she said. “We're going to stand up and we're going to be vocal. Satan has no room in this district.”

>>21258069 Satanic group leads invocation at Ottawa County board meeting amid lobby uproar - Protest and support chants erupted in the lobby steps away from the Ottawa County board podium, where a leader of a West Michigan satanic group led the commissioners in prayer before a meeting Tuesday night. Standing tall with a smile in the middle of a small room with every seat filled, a man identifying himself as Luis Cypher with the Satanic Temple of West Michigan greeted residents and commissioners before delivering the opening invocation. "That must be destroyed by truth, should never be spared. It's demise. It is done. Hail Satan. Thank you very much, we wish everyone a wonderful evening tonight," Cypher said while raising his hand with his index finger and pinky extended in the air. What appeared to be over 100 individuals flocked to the lobby ahead of the meeting, signs were waved reading "One Nation Under God" as well as chants of "Hail Satan!" and "We Love Satan!" The allowance of a Satanic Temple, described on their website among other things as a "leading beacon of light in the battle of abortion access," sparked an uproar at the Tuesday night meeting. Ottawa County residents took advantage of the public comment period to advocate toward beliefs of God, shaming the Satanic temple. "Tonight you all had failed miserably in your primary responsibility. You have out of the respect for a flawed custom of men allowed worship not only to a false ideal of man's creation but to the greatest enemy of the all good God who allowed you to fill these positions," one resident said at the podium while holding a cross.

>>21258072 Video: Commissioner disagrees with policy allowing Satanist to give opening prayer - Ottawa County Commissioner Doug Zylstra disagrees with a policy change allowing an ordained minister of Satan to give opening prayer during a board meeting Tuesday. Luis Cypher, head of the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, delivered the opening invocation while over a hundred attended, many pushing back against his troubling remarks. On Tuesday, people choosing to worship Satan, and those worshiping Jesus came face to face. A protest erupting ahead of Tuesday's meeting. “That which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise. It is done, hail Satan," Cypher said. Many attending Tuesday's meeting held signs, sang and prayed while disagreeing with the choice to let Cypher speak. Followers of Christ held flags with "One Nation under God" while others like Joseph Amorasos prayed for change. “For the lord has truly risen, hallelujah, let us pray," Amorasos said. Every chair in the meeting room was filled, while overflow in the hallway sang Amazing Grace. One woman even held a sign with "My Jesus mercy" while Cypher gave his remarks.

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273ca3 No.21755607

#37 - Part 107

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 2

>>21258080 Satanic Temple invocation forces Ottawa County to reckon with the meaning of religious freedom - It was an odd night in Ottawa County. The planned invocation from the Satanic Temple of West Michigan, scheduled several months after a lawsuit led the board to develop new policies for accepting invocation requests, drew hundreds to the Fillmore Complex on Tuesday. The Satanic Temple of West Michigan announced in March they'd been scheduled to give the meeting’s prayer April 23. The meeting drew one of the largest crowds the board has seen since Ottawa Impact commissioners took office in January 2023. Hundreds gathered in the lobby and in front of the Fillmore Complex. Many stood in small groups to pray, sing hymns and hold signs opposed to the TST. Attendees in the lobby continued to sing through the start of the meeting, including during the invocation. Cypher, minister of Satan and lifelong resident of Ottawa County, gave an invocation which, including an introductory statement, lasted about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. He started by offering a “loving embrace” to residents. “Let us stand now, unbound and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds in darkened times. Let us embrace the Luciferian impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge and dissipate our blissful and comforting delusions of old,” Cypher said. Commissioners Gretchen Cosby and Kendra Wenzel prayed to themselves during the invocation. Prior to the meeting, Commissioner Rebekah Curran handed out heart-shaped cookies with “John 3:16” stickers on the packaging. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." When the meeting moved to public comment, Curran was the first speaker. She offered a prayer from the lectern. “I feel like it's a really important moment in time to not only show the love of Christ, but show the power of Christ,” Curran said. “I just pray that everyone will feel the manifest presence of God in this room and in this building today.”

>>21258091 Q Post #3967 - These people are pure evil. This is not about politics. You are ready. Q - https://qanon.pub/#3967

>>21258091 Q Post #4545 - Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow darkness to infiltrate and destroy. Like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future. Will we be a free nation under God? Or will we cede our freedom, rights and liberty to the enemy? If America falls so does the world. If America falls darkness will soon follow. Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy. This is not about politics. This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow. We are living in Biblical times. Children of light vs children of darkness. United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity. Q - https://qanon.pub/#4545

>>21274018 Australian Federal Police charge man for allegedly trafficking Indonesian girl to Sydney to work in brothels - A man has been charged with recruiting a teenager from Indonesia to work in Sydney brothels as part of what authorities say is an international sex trafficking ring. Australian Federal Police (AFP) claim to have removed at least seven potential victims from sexual exploitation following a 20-month investigation into the alleged syndicate operating between Australia and Indonesia. A 43-year-old Arncliffe man has been charged with one count of trafficking children and is accused of facilitating the transportation of a 17-year-old girl from Indonesia to Sydney to engage in sex work. Authorities also allege he was the "principal" in the criminal operation. AFP officers have been working with Indonesian authorities since December 2022 after receiving intelligence about a trafficking ring forcing young women into sexual servitude in Sydney brothels. Officers searched several properties in Sydney's south-west in March this year, where they allegedly found several foreign nationals who were identified as potential victims of human trafficking. AFP Commander Kate Ferry said she was "confident we have disrupted the criminal syndicate". "This result is a testament to our resolve and the resolve of the Australian Federal Police to stop the exploitation of vulnerable women being trafficked into Australia for sexual exploitation," Commander Ferry said. "We understand it can be incredibly difficult for vulnerable victims to come forward, and we want to assure them that there is help and protection available."

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273ca3 No.21755608

#37 - Part 108

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 3

>>21274077 Video:The children for sale - and the Australians who exploit them- Anna dreams of becoming an astronaut when she grows up. “I want to go to the moon,” the 12-year-old murmured as she stared down at her interlaced hands inside a children’s rescue shelter three hours north-west of the Philippines’ capital, Manila. The moon is worlds away from the province of Bulacan, where Anna and her two younger cousins - aged 11 and 8 - were sexually abused by their parents and two uncles. Their offenders arranged for Western foreigners to purchase live-stream viewings of the crimes and watch from thousands of kilometres away for their sick sexual gratification. Shamefully, Australian predators are major contributors to the dark and disturbing trade. The children were told the acts were needed to pay for food, clothes and school. International law enforcement alerted local authorities to the abuse and the three cousins were sent to the People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development Assistance Foundation (Preda), where they have spent more than two years trying to heal from a type of pain no child should ever understand, let alone feel. The phones used to record the abuse were traced to their parents, who are detained awaiting trial and their uncles, who fled and are at large. The Philippines is the global epicentre of the live-stream child sexual abuse trade, according to the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund. According to the 2022 Disrupting Harm Study conducted by UNICEF, ECPAT International and Interpol, 20 per cent of internet-using Filipino children aged 12 to 17 were subjected to online abuse and exploitation, representing an estimated 2 million children. Statistics show Australia is among the leading countries feeding the demand. Rescue organisations say the issue has worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic began, when high internet usage combined with lockdowns created a thriving environment for online exploitation. Behind each statistic is an innocent child who, in the majority of cases, has been abused by those they trusted the most, selling their bodies to Australians and other foreigners for as little as $20 per act of abuse.

>>21332280 National Gallery of Australia acquires painting by controversial artist Paul Gauguin for almost $10 million - Paul Gauguin was a violent paedophile. The blue roof, or Farm at Le Pouldu, by Paul Gauguin has been purchased by the National Gallery of Australia for $9.8 million, becoming the first painting by the artist in an Australian public collection. Gauguin is one of the world's most famous artists, but has a controversial legacy due to accusations of sexual predation of girls while in French Polynesia.

>>21348278 Brett Sutton - Australian coach of olympic triathlon medallist was child sex offender - An Australian who coached the women’s triathlon silver medallist is the second known child sex offender to be accredited for the Paris Olympics. The presence of the Dutch beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, who was jailed for raping a 12-year-old British girl, caused a storm of protests when he competed last weekend. Now The Sunday Times can reveal that on Wednesday Brett Sutton, 65, who had been given accreditation by China, attended the triathlon to watch his athlete, Switzerland’s Julie Derron, take silver ahead of Team GB’s Beth Potter. Sutton even gave an interview to Swiss television close to the finish line on Pont Alexandre III in which his official Olympic accreditation lanyard could be seen hanging from his neck. Sutton pleaded guilty in 1999 to five counts of sexual abuse of a 13-year-old Australian girl, a talented swimmer he had been coaching. He was sentenced to two years in prison the year before the Sydney Olympics, but the sentence was suspended for three years. The judge, Robert Hall, said that Sutton had interfered with the girl in a “gross and disgraceful way” and “abused his role to an inexcusable degree”, but he took into account that, as the national triathlon coach, Sutton was preparing a number of athletes for the Games. “A large number of leading athletes will suffer disadvantage from your absence from the scene,” Hall said. Sutton has been at the Olympics despite being banned from coaching by several federations.

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273ca3 No.21755610

#37 - Part 109

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 4

>>21354276 Australian sex offender has left the Games, IOC looking into the issue - A convicted sex offender who coached women’s triathlon silver medallist Julie Derron of Switzerland has left the Paris 2024 Games and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Sunday it was looking into the matter. Australian Brett Sutton appeared on an interview with Swiss TV channel RTS commenting on Derron's performance after Wednesday's triathlon. He was wearing an Olympic accreditation and was also seen wearing a red jacket with the Chinese flag and Olympic rings on it. The Chinese Olympic Committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In 1999, Sutton pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual abuse of a 13-year-old Australian swimmer he had been coaching and was sentenced to two years in prison. The sentence was suspended for three years. "I understand that this person is no longer here at the Games, they have left the Games," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams told a press conference on Sunday. "It is an issue for the Chinese Olympic Committee and the national federation will need to get involved," he added, referring to reports that Sutton had been accredited by the Chinese Committee. "Looking forward I can tell you we will obviously look into this issue." "Coaches are not accredited by us but by the National Olympic Committees, and approved by the IOC," a World Triathlon spokesperson said on Sunday.

>>21386017 Video:How 'unassuming' crocodile expert Adam Britton shocked a community- Every month, Merinda Sharp cuts flowers and visits her neighbours' neglected rural home. "I put them on the gate, in memory of the torture and the horrific life that those animals went through," she says. On the outskirts of Darwin, hidden within a tight-knit outback community of dusty and isolated sprawling properties, where dogs are trained to scare off visitors, this one remained quiet and overlooked for years. Then one of the nation's worst cases of bestiality exposed the sinister events that had been taking place for almost a decade, sending shock waves through the neighbourhood and fracturing it with disbelief. Adam Britton, celebrated as a world-renowned crocodile expert and zoologist, was arrested and remanded in custody in 2022, last year pleading guilty to 60 charges of bestiality, animal cruelty and possessing child abuse material. In a shipping container he called his "torture room", Britton filmed himself abusing, raping and killing dozens of dogs and puppies. In some instances, he would drive to a secluded location to brutally murder his victims "for his own sadistic sexual pleasure", court documents state. Between 2020 and 2022, Britton sourced 42 dogs for free from online classifieds giant Gumtree, promising their previous owners he would give them a "good home". Britton killed at least 39 of them before his arrest. The details of Britton's crimes are so graphic, the ABC has chosen not to publish them in full.

>>21386104 Adam Britton:TV croc expert who filmed dog abuse, killings jailed for ten years- A prominent crocodile expert who appeared on ABC will spend the next six years behind bars after admitting to the “sadistic” torture and sexual abuse of more than 42 dogs. Adam Robert Corden Britton, 51, was sentenced before Darwin Supreme Court on Thursday to 10 years and five months behind bars with a non-parole period of six years. Britton, who worked as a croc expert with David Attenborough on the BBC as well as National Geographic, was also sentenced for the possession of child abuse material. It comes two years after Britton’s arrest and almost a year after he was found guilty, but was slammed as “pathetically weak” by Animal Justice Party MLC Emma Hurst. “These were horrific acts of animal cruelty. There is a well-researched link between violence towards animals and violence towards people,” Ms Hurst said in a statement. “This man is a danger to other animals and the community. I am relieved to hear his sentence includes time behind bars … but it is not long enough.” According to the facts, Britton would refer to the cruelty as “ZooSadism” and posted to Telegram groups such as “New Wicked Kennel”, which had 15 users. In an online chat, Britton referred to his “torture room” and what implements he would use, including a bread knife, before adding that: “I can’t stop myself hurting dogs. “I am going to get another dog to kill tomorrow. I plan to hurt it, a lot. I am ridiculously excited about it,” he said.

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273ca3 No.21755615

#37 - Part 110

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 5

>>21386175 Adam Britton:NT crocodile expert sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for bestiality and animal cruelty crimes- Adam Britton, a once-celebrated zoologist, remained expressionless as he was sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison, with a non-parole period of six years, for the rape, torture and murder of dozens of dogs. His sentence was backdated to his arrest in April 2022. Britton has been on remand at the Darwin Correctional Centre since his arrest, and has faced multiple delays to sentencing since pleading guilty to 60 charges of bestiality, animal cruelty and possessing child abuse material last year. On Thursday afternoon, in front of a packed gallery in the Northern Territory Supreme Court, as Chief Justice Michael Grant detailed what he described as Britton's "grotesque" and "unspeakable" crimes against animals, the distress in the courtroom was palpable. Like at previous court appearances, Justice Grant warned that the details had the potential to cause "nervous shock or some other adverse psychological reactions" and excused court officers. While Adam Britton marketed himself as an acclaimed crocodile expert and researcher, appearing in National Geographic and in documentaries alongside David Attenborough, he concealed a disturbing double life systematically torturing animals for years. Britton sourced 42 dogs from online classifieds giant Gumtree between 2020 and 2022, promising dog owners - who were often reluctantly giving their pets away due to travel or work commitments — that he would give them a "good home". He then filmed himself raping and killing them in a shipping container he called his "torture room" on his rural property on the outskirts of Darwin. On the free messenger service Telegram, Britton discussed his kill count and uploaded videos of his murders under the pseudonyms 'Monster' and 'Cerberus'. Justice Grant said Britton's communications with other users on Telegram incited violence, and said it was "manifestly clear" that he derived "perverse pleasure and excitement from the suffering of these animals". "Your conduct on each of those occasions involved a degree of depravity and reprehensibility which falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception and comprehension," Justice Grant said.

>>21386240 Adam Britton:British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs- A renowned British crocodile expert has been jailed for 10 years and five months in Australia, after admitting to sexually abusing dozens of dogs, in a case which horrified the nation. Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty. The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms. His abuse went unnoticed for years, until a clue was found in one of his videos. Britton was arrested in April 2022 after a search of his rural Darwin property, which also uncovered child abuse material on his laptop. Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock". As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues. Born in West Yorkshire, Britton grew up in the UK before moving to Australia more than 20 years ago to work with crocodiles. With a PhD in zoology, he had built a global reputation for his expertise, even hosting Sir David Attenborough while the veteran broadcaster filmed part of the Life in Cold Blood docuseries on his property. Locals have told media he seemed like a quiet but passionate defender of animals. But he was harbouring a "sadistic sexual interest" in them, court documents say. In reality, he was abusing the animals in a shipping container on his property that had been fitted out with recording equipment - which he called his "torture room" - before sharing footage of his crimes online using aliases. He was only caught after uploading a clip in which he tortured at least eight dogs - all except one were puppies - which was passed on to NT police in an anonymous tip-off. Britton usually went to great lengths to avoid identifying himself or his location in his videos, but in this one a bright orange City of Darwin dog leash could be seen in the background. Within weeks, in April 2022, police swooped on his property and arrested Britton, who has been remanded in custody ever since.

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273ca3 No.21755617

#37 - Part 111

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 6

>>21396446 ‘He could’ve been stopped’: State pays $34m compensation to survivors of paedophile teacher - Survivors of a paedophile teacher who was moved around Victorian schools for decades received up to $34 million compensation from the state government - the highest payout linked to a state school offender. Vincent Henry Reynolds was jailed in 2019 after he pleaded guilty to sexually abusing 38 children over three decades at state primary schools across north and central Victoria. The 83-year-old is serving a 12-year sentence and will be eligible for parole after spending nine years behind bars. The $34 million in compensation paid to his victims is the most the department has paid out in relation to a single perpetrator. But one man, abused by Reynolds as a schoolboy and who did not wish to be named, told The Age that the damage could not be measured in monetary terms. “It’s lives lost, education abandoned, health and happiness destroyed,” the survivor said. “He could have been stopped, and we could have been spared. It’s heartbreaking.” Rightside Legal partner Grace Wilson said mismanagement by education authorities over the years had allowed Reynolds to wreak havoc on many lives. “The mismanagement beggars belief. The cost to the state of repeatedly putting a sex offender back into the classroom is big, but the cost to the victims is much, much bigger,” Wilson said. The lawyer said the compensation helped many victims put their lives back together, but only to an extent. “Nothing can restore the childhood innocence they were robbed of.”

>>21409571 Notorious pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale admits more child sex abuse - Convicted pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale has admitted more historical child sexual abuse in Victoria. Appearing in Bendigo Magistrates Court via video link from Port Phillip Prison, as he lay in his prison bed and propped up by three pillows, the frail 90-year-old pleaded guilty to eight additional sexual assault charges against children. He was facing 62 child sexual assault charges but 56 were withdrawn. The former Catholic priest, who had been too unwell to appear before his committal hearing previously, admitted six counts of indecently assaulting young males and two counts of buggery of two children who were aged under 14. The crimes were committed in the regional Victorian towns of Inglewood, Ballarat, Apollo Bay, Horsham and Mortlake between 1973 and 1981. "Are you guilty or not guilty, Mr Ridsdale," Magistrate Megan Aumair asked the accused on Wednesday. "I'm guilty," Ridsdale replied. Ridsdale is serving a maximum of 40 years in prison after previously pleading guilty to sexually abusing at least 72 children during the 1970s and '80s while working as a Catholic priest at multiple schools and churches across Victoria. He had a fall in November 2022 and was bed-ridden, suffering chronic pain, muscle wasting and weak limbs and was recommended to be placed into palliative care in 2023. If he serves out his current maximum sentence, Ridsdale will be at least 100 years old.

>>21415088 Geelong man from secretive church pleads guilty to raping multiple boys - A member of a secretive and ultra-conservative Pentecostal church has pleaded guilty to raping and persistently sexually abusing multiple children in the Geelong area. Todd Hubers, 38, also known as Todd Hubers Van Assenraad, from East Geelong, was charged in January 2023 with a string of child abuse charges relating to nine boys, including the sexual penetration of two children who were aged under 12 years old. On Thursday, Hubers, a software engineer, stood for the County Court via video link from remand at Ravenhall Correctional Centre and uttered the word “guilty” after each of the 16 charges. The court heard that between 2016 and 2023 Hubers sexually penetrated and touched boys aged 16 and two boys aged under 12, multiple times, and performed indecent acts in front of other children. The court heard the crimes took place at various locations around the Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula areas including at public swimming pools and on one occasion inside play equipment. Hubers is a member of the controversial Geelong Revival Centre (GRC), where sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity said he taught religion and music within the assembly. The Age has previously spoken to more than a dozen former GRC members who raised serious allegations about a range of incidents stemming from their years inside the church. These include alleged incidents of sexual abuse not being reported to police, claims of brutal physical punishments on children, pressure on members not to seek medical treatment for serious illnesses in the belief that prayer would be sufficient, and the forced separation of families if a member decides to leave the church.

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273ca3 No.21755621

#37 - Part 112

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 7

>>21415105 Identities of abusers should be listed on church websites, WA child sexual abuse inquiry finds - The names of known child abusers should be published prominently on church websites and the WA government should create a centrally accessible list of all known perpetrators, an inquiry into institutional child sexual abuse has urged. The Community Development and Justice Standing Committee handed down its final report on Thursday after examining the support available to survivors of institutional child abuse. It found the Catholic Church and other religious entities had prioritised their own institutional and financial wellbeing over the needs of those that had been abused by their members. "Institutions that maintain an unholy wall of silence can only be doing so as a strategy to limit their financial liability rather than providing just outcomes for victim/survivors," the committee said in its report. "Transparency would be a game changer." The committee singled out the Christian Brothers, accusing them of moral failure by trying to hide information on the abuse of children under their care to protect their financial viability. It claimed they refused to attend the inquiry - despite every effort made to accommodate them - giving reasons "that did not bear scrutiny". "It is the conspiracy of secrecy and institutional denial around abuse that not only adds to the trauma suffered by those who were abused but also obstructs their path to justice," committee member Christine Tonkin told state parliament on Thursday.

>>21489976 Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed sentenced to 17 years in jail for sexual abuse of hundreds of victims - A sex predator who pretended to be a teenage YouTube star to blackmail hundreds of children into performing sexual acts has been sentenced to 17 years in jail. In handing down her sentence in the District Court of WA on Tuesday, Judge Amanda Burrows said the volume of offences was of such magnitude there was "no comparable case … I can find in Australia". Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed, 29, targeted children in Australia and overseas by pretending to be a 15-year-old social media influencer with a large following. He would approach children online in that guise, sending them pictures of the online star and initially asking innocuous questions to gain their trust. The court heard that then escalated to sexually explicit "fantasies" he asked them to approve of, while also asking them for pictures of themselves he could "rate". He threatened to send screenshots of their responses to friends and family unless they performed increasingly extreme sexual acts - including those involving family pets and other young siblings or children in the home. In sentencing, Judge Burrows said those offences were "of a degrading, humiliating nature [and] the conduct involving a family pet was particularly abhorrent". The court heard Rasheed would set a "countdown" timer, threatening to distribute the responses and further images he had made of them if they didn't comply with his demands. Judge Burrows said Rasheed's offending was aggravated by the fact he abused a number of the victims with groups of other adults, inviting other paedophiles to watch live streams while he directed children to perform the distressing acts.

>>21492766 Video: AFP to take on cyberscam kingpins fleecing Australians of billions - The Australian Federal Police is taking on cyber scam syndicates netting billions of dollars a year from unsuspecting Australians in a new global operation using the same sophisticated tactics that have helped bring down some of the nation’s most-wanted offshore criminals. Operation Firestorm will focus on disrupting online criminal networks operating out of Southeast Asia and Eastern ­Europe that fleeced Australians out of $2.74bn last year, and restraining the assets of syndicate crime bosses, The Australian has been told. It will also seek to disrupt human trafficking networks that The Australian revealed in an investigation in May had already tricked tens of thousands of workers into forced criminality in cyber slave factories operating across Southeast Asia. The global initiative is being welcomed by enforcement agencies across Southeast Asia, where increasingly sophisticated, Chinese-run criminal networks are generating more revenue than the regional drug trade. The operation will be run out of the AFP-led Joint Policing Cybercrime Co-ordination Centre (JPC3) in Sydney, which brings together law enforcement and key industry partners including Austrac and the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission in the fight against cybercrime. It will involve extensive co-­operation and intelligence sharing with partners worldwide to reach criminals fleecing Australians.

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273ca3 No.21755623

#37 - Part 113

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 8

>>21494425 ‘Leader of the Pack’: Inmate allegedly led child sex abuse ring from prison - A woman who called herself “leader of The Pack” was allegedly directing a child abuse ring from inside a NSW prison, police say. Jessica Isabelle Rose, 31, a transgender woman formerly known as Dean Angus Bell, allegedly directed a group of inmates who called themselves “The Pack” to share letters detailing the sexual abuse of children and plans to abuse more children in the future. The group allegedly wrote accounts based on real-life experiences of abusing children, as well as assaults they planned to commit after release - with murder allegedly mentioned in one of the stories. The group allegedly passed the stories between them at Junee Correctional Centre. Police became aware of the alleged child abuse ring in April as part of Strike Force Edits, which was established to uncover the distribution of child abuse material in NSW prisons. Sex crimes detectives identified the group of inmates as part of their investigation and arrested Rose at Junee Correctional Centre on Tuesday. The size of “The Pack” will form part of investigations, but police believe a significant number of inmates could be involved, due to the amount of child abuse material allegedly being created. The priority for police was to arrest the alleged leader and disperse the group, with more arrests expected in the near future. Rose was taken to Wagga Wagga police station and charged with eight counts of producing child abuse material, eight counts of disseminating the material, and knowingly directing a criminal group. Bail was not applied for and was formally refused. She will next face court on October 23.

>>21494429 Former Sydney swimming coach Dick Caine revealed as serial paedophile - Former elite swimming coach Dick Caine has been revealed as a serial paedophile after a judge found he had sexually abused six underage students, and lifted an order concealing his identity to the applause of his victims. Caine, who was head coach at the Carss Park swimming pool in Sydney’s south for decades, pleaded not guilty to 39 charges against girls aged 10 to 16 across the 1970s and 1980s. The 78-year-old did not appear for a single day of his lengthy judge-alone special hearing in Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court after he was previously deemed unfit to face a criminal trial due to health reasons. The court heard that Caine was in palliative care in hospital. Delivering his long-awaited judgment, Judge Paul McGuire found “on the limited evidence available, the accused committed the offence charged” on all 39 counts against all six victims, some of whom attended court and welcomed the outcome as “closure”. Caine’s offending includes multiple counts of indecent assault of a child and unlawful carnal knowledge of a pupil, a form of sexual assault. McGuire found Caine had a tendency to have a particular state of mind, being a sexual interest in prepubescent and pubescent females, and to act on that in a particular way, including touching their breasts, forcing oral sex, digital penetration and sexual intercourse with girls for whom he was a swimming coach. “I find that none of the complainants consented to any of the sexual contact, and that the accused knew that none of them consented,” the judge said. Caine’s offending occurred in the pool sauna, gym, female toilets, his office, home and car. The court heard his victims had “genuine” hopes of competing in the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games. But after the coach’s abuse, one victim had disposed of her collection of sporting memorabilia and trophies. Another victim had received annual Christmas cards from Caine, and found them “to be a reminder of the accused’s previous threat for her to keep quiet”.

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273ca3 No.21755624

#37 - Part 114

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 9

>>21507224 NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon charged with child sex offences; quits party, parliament - NSW Liberal MP Rory Amon has quit his party and his seat after he was charged by police with historic child sex offences, allegations he says he will deny in court. Mr Amon, the representative for the state electorate of Pittwater appeared before Magistrate Lisa Stapleton at Manly Local Court on Friday afternoon. The charges relate to an alleged sexual assault in Mona Vale in July 2017, in which Mr Amon allegedly assaulted a teenage boy who was known to him. Mr Amon was charged with five counts of sexual intercourse with a person over 10 and under 14 years, two charges of indecent assault of a person under 16 years, one charge of commit act of indecency with a person under 16 years and two charges of attempting sexual intercourse child with a child over 10 under 14. “Following extensive inquiries, a 35-year-old man was arrested at Manly Police Station about 6am today,” a NSW Police spokesperson said. “In March 2023, Strike Force NOORAL was established to investigate the incident.” The taskforce investigation began the same month Mr Amon was elected to parliament, he is the opposition assistant youth spokesperson. All ten alleged incidents took place between June 1 and late July in Mona Vale. The teenage boy, according to court documents, was 13 years old at the time of Mr Amon’s alleged sexual offences. Born Roderick Gilmore Amon, he joined the Northern Beaches Council in September 2017, meaning the alleged assault predates his political career by two months. Prior to local politics he worked as a family law solicitor with a specialty in domestic and family violence.

>>21520935 Daycare paedophile Ashley Paul Griffith pleads guilty to sexually abusing dozens of children in Brisbane and Italy - A former Queensland childcare worker has pleaded guilty to raping, sexually abusing and exploiting dozens of girls under his care. Ashley Paul Griffith was arraigned on more than 300 charges in the District Court in Brisbane today. The offences against around 60 children happened between 2003 and 2022 at early learning centres in Brisbane and Italy. Several victims and their families were in court, with some parents crying as the names of their children were read out. The parents of one of the young victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, described the "horrific" moment they were told their daughter had been sexually abused. They said they thought police were contacting them about another incident at the daycare centre. Instead, they were asked to identify their child from a photo. "We see people going in [to the daycare centre now], and I [think], this happened to my child in that room," the child's mother said. "It’s a room of horrors." The child's father said it was "hard to believe" how someone could "get away with something like that for so long". The couple said they decided to tell their daughter about what happened to her, but she's still very young and doesn't entirely understand. "As she grows up, we'll deal with that as it comes but it’s going to be something we deal with through our lives now," the child’s father said. "It was good that [he pleaded guilty] and we can move onto the next step now."

>>21521002 Video: Brisbane childcare rapist unseen for years in 'broken' system - The parents of one of dozens of young girls raped by a childcare worker say the system is broken and they can't fathom how he got away with prolific offending over years in a "room full of horrors". Ashley Paul Griffith, 46, today pleaded guilty in Brisbane District Court to more than 300 child sex offences including 28 charges of rape, as well as ongoing sexual abuse and making child exploitation material. Griffith committed the crimes at childcare centres in multiple Brisbane suburbs over a span of more than 19 years. The parents of one of the victims, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, spoke outside court after Griffith spent more than two hours entering his pleas to each individual charge. "We certainly feel there's something broken in the system," the victim's father said. "How someone like that could get away with that for so long, it's hard to believe it's being run as effectively as it could be". The victim's mother said she wanted to stand outside the childcare centre where her daughter was attacked in order to warn other parents. "It happened to my child in that room. It's a room full of horrors," she said. The mother said her complaint about Griffith's behaviour in 2018 was not acted upon and she accused the centre of being run "as a business, not as a place that was looking after children".

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273ca3 No.21755627

#37 - Part 115

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 10

>>21525868 ‘Never free this predator’: parents’ plea on pedophile childcare worker Ashley Paul Griffith after pleading guilty to 306 child abuse charges - The parents of a little girl preyed upon by Australia’s worst alleged pedophile have been joined by a leading abuse advocate in calling for the former childcare worker to never be released after he pleaded guilty to more than 300 child abuse charges. Ashley Paul Griffith appeared in Brisbane’s District Court on Monday before a courtroom packed with families of young girls he abused over 15 years as he moved between Queensland, NSW and Italy. Griffith accepted 28 counts of rape against at least 12 children, 190 counts of unlawfully and indecently dealing with a child and 67 counts of making child exploitation material. He also pleaded guilty to 15 counts of maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child, four counts of producing child abuse material outside of Australia, one count of distributing child abuse material outside of Australia, one count of using a carriage service for child pornography material and one count of possessing child exploitation material. A man and woman whose daughter was allegedly abused by Griffith said life in prison was not long enough for the man who had been so prolific in his abuse. “It’s a little bit disappointing that life is probably not as long as we’d like, especially if there’s any kind of parole element to that,” said the father, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his child.

>>21530701 Queensland Police asked to reinvestigate failed complaints about pedophile Ashley Paul Griffith - The Queensland Police Minister has demanded a new internal investigation into officers’ handling of complaints about a childcare worker’s behaviour with young girls before he was unmasked as Australia’s worst pedophile. After Ashley Paul Griffith, 46, pleaded guilty to more than 300 charges of child exploitation on Monday, Labor government minister Mark Ryan ordered Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski to conduct another review of how two complaints made to officers in 2021 and ’22 were handled. An internal review was previously completed by police, which found the matters were appropriately investigated and the claims could not be substantiated. Mr Ryan said it was important nothing else could be learned. “The level of trauma he has inflicted upon so many is almost beyond comprehension,” Mr Ryan said. “Notwithstanding this matter having been previously reviewed, I have asked the commissioner if this matter could be examined again. If any improvements or learnings can be identified, then it is my expectation they should be implemented as soon as possible.” A former co-worker of Griffith, Yolanda Borucki, 60, alerted police in August 2021 to an incident involving the man and a child. However, investigators said there was insufficient evidence to lay charges. Within weeks, he returned to the centre before moving on to two other facilities in neighbouring northside suburbs in early 2022. A separate investigation was undertaken by Queensland Police in April 2022, but no details are known. In that time, he assaulted several other young girls before his arrest that August.

>>21547193 ‘He got me when I was young’: The brave evidence of Dick Caine’s victims - One of Sydney swimming coach Dick Caine’s victims was just 10 when she was first sexually abused by the man her parents had considered the “ants pants”. More than four decades later, when news of Caine’s arrest broke in 2022, the woman cried as she told her husband: “He got me when I was young.” Caine’s identity was covered by a non-publication order as six complainants gave evidence during his judge-alone special hearing from June to August in Downing Centre District Court. That veil of secrecy was lifted last week after Judge Paul McGuire found, on the limited evidence available, Caine had committed 39 offences of child sexual abuse in the 1970s and 1980s. Caine, 78, was deemed unfit to face a traditional trial due to health reasons. His lawyers in 2022 said he had terminal cancer, that he would probably not make Christmas 2023, and now claim he is in palliative care. His victims are outraged Caine did not front up to a single day of proceedings and is not in custody. This is what they told Caine’s hearing, according to the judge’s 132-page summary of evidence published after the verdicts.

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273ca3 No.21755629

#37 - Part 116

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 11

>>21551369 Adam Britton:NT crocodile expert’s depraved childhood interest in animals- A one-time prominent crocodile expert outed as a depraved torturer and killer of dogs had only ever been sexually attracted to animals, court documents reveal. Adam Robert Corden Britton had sexually abused, brutalised and killed at least 39 dogs in less than two years before he was finally tracked down by authorities in April 2022. The former senior research associate at Charles Darwin University sourced these animals from sites including Gumtree, promising them a “good home” He regularly filmed himself carrying out acts a judge described as being of “sheer deviancy and brutality”, and uploaded them to bestiality sharing platforms under the pseudonyms ‘Monster’ and “Cerberus’. Britton, 53, was sentenced to 10 years and five months, with a non-parole period of six years, on August 10 after pleading guilty to 56 offences. In beginning his sentence remarks, Chief Justice Michael Grant warned they would include “graphic descriptions of what can only be described as grotesque depravity and cruelty towards animals”. He believed some of the facts he had to read to the court had the potential to “cause nervous shock” or other physiological reactions. Much of the detail included in the judgment are too grotesque and disturbing to report.

>>21551377 Adam Britton's lifelong lie:Crocodile expert who raped and tortured pet dogs was NEVER attracted to humans despite his 16-year marriage- A depraved zoologist who was jailed for a decade for filming the rape and torture of pet dogs was never attracted to humans, despite his 16-year marriage, and fantasised about animals from the age of six. Adam Robert Corden Britton, 53, was this month sentenced to 10 years and five months behind bars, with a non-parole period of six years, backdated to his April 2022 arrest. UK-born Britton, who moved to Darwin to pursue his zoology career, pleaded guilty to 63 charges of animal abuse, bestiality, and possession of child exploitation material. He sourced the dogs from Gumtree Australia over a two-year period for the sole purpose of torturing them to death on camera, but would tell the former owners their pets were enjoying their new home. The dogs were usually already dead by the time updates were given to their old owners. Most were horrifically abused and slowly murdered within a few days. On Thursday, sentencing remarks by NT Chief Justice Michael Grant were released by the Northern Territory Supreme Court. The 42-page document, obtained by Daily Mail Australia, gives a horrifying insight into Britton's privileged childhood which was marred with depraved sexual fantasies - such as sneaking into paddocks at the age of ten to hug horses and eat their hair. The judge said Britton's had an 'unusual' interest in animals from the age of six, when he would watch videos of animals defecating and urinating and fantasised about being immersed in cow faeces. The sentencing remarks also outlined Britton's lifelong struggle with the socio-sexual disorder, paraphelia and zoosadism. Britton was never attracted to humans and struggled to have proper relationships with women when he was a university student in Hong Kong and the UK. He had two female partners, but they were not sexual relationships.

>>21551386 SUPREME COURT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY - R v ADAM BRITTON - Sentencing Remarks -The choice to know will ultimately be yours.- https://supremecourt.nt.gov.au/_resources/documents/sentencing-remarks/html?url=https://supremecourt.nt.gov.au/__data/assets/rtf_file/0010/1439632/Britton_08082024_22212255_sen_net.rtf

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273ca3 No.21755633

#37 - Part 117

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 12

>>21556741 Ashley Griffith arrest: Don’t admit liability, church managers told as police traced sex abuse victims - Uniting Church managers were told by their internal insurance expert that they were not to admit any liability as police investigated the nation’s worst case of child abuse in daycare, involving the rape and sexual abuse of at least 91 girls in Queensland, NSW and Italy by childcare worker Ashley Paul Griffith. A raft of new documents leaked to The Australian also raise more serious questions about how authorities handled a complaint against Griffith after he appeared to have been seen kissing a sleeping girl at a Brisbane childcare centre 10 months before his arrest. A local station’s police sergeant was initially assigned to the complaint, and a specialist child protection squad had still not contacted a church manager four days later to take up the investigation, it can now be revealed. After being cleared by police and the church over the complaint, Griffith went on to rape at least one more girl and sexually abused three others before his arrest in an unrelated investigation. He pleaded guilty in the District Court in Brisbane last Monday to 307 charges. Queensland police maintain an internal review cleared officers over their handling of the complaint and of another later one against Griffith, but there are calls for a broad independent inquiry into how he was able to abuse girls for almost two full decades.

>>21561874 Child rapist Ashley Griffith’s evil act after redundancy notice - The nation’s worst pedophile, Ashley Paul Griffith, singled out and raped a little girl at a Uniting Church daycare centre in Brisbane in the weeks after he was told he was being made redundant and four months after a complaint about him “kissing” a girl at the same centre was dismissed, court records indicate. His devastating abuse of the girl, a new victim he is not known to have previously assaulted, on his way out of the daycare centre can be revealed as calls grow for an independent and public inquiry into how he was able to abuse children for almost two full decades. On Monday, March 14, 2022, the church’s early learning operations manager Yolanda Borucki informed Griffith his position had been made redundant, according to a source who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Nine days later, on March 23, 2022, Griffith submitted a letter of resignation from the centre, and on March 31 he emailed families announcing he had resigned. In this same period, he struck a new victim. Among the hundreds of shocking charges Griffith pleaded guilty to in Brisbane’s District Court last week, five related to the rape, abuse and recording of a girl between March 23 and April 1, 2022. The charges are listed as occurring in the same suburb as the Uniting Church childcare centre. He then went on to abuse at least three more girls at other Brisbane daycare centres before his arrest in an unrelated investigation, according to the charges he pleaded guilty to. It can also be revealed one of the most senior leaders of the Uniting Church in Queensland took just 43 minutes to approve Griffith’s redundancy, after he was earlier cleared of kissing a sleeping girl at the same centre. Reverend Heather den Houting was then the general secretary of the church and had been involved in managing a report from a co-worker that Griffith was seen on top of a little girl during nap time and that his “mouth was moving along her mouth” in October 2021. Both police and an internal church investigation found he had no case to answer in November 2021.

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273ca3 No.21755635

#37 - Part 118

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 13

>>21575883 Western Bulldogs set to face second legal claim over historical sexual abuse - The Western Bulldogs are facing a second potentially devastating legal action over alleged abuse by a convicted pedophile who volunteered at the club. The alleged victim, now 51, claims he was abused by child predator Graeme Hobbs in 1987 after meeting him at Whitten Oval. Hobbs’ first victim, Adam Kneale, was awarded $5.9 million in November 2023, after the club stalwart had admitted abusing him, was jailed and the Bulldogs were found negligent in protecting him from harm. The landmark judgement was hailed as an “earthquake” in Australia’s legal system, with the sum dwarfing previous compensation payouts to abuse survivors. It was also the first successful claim against an AFL club. Kneale was aged 11 when the “jack of all trades” Hobbs first raped him at the ground in 1984. The Western Bulldogs have challenged the negligence verdict in the Kneale case, with the hearing scheduled to start in the Court of Appeal on Friday. But a second alleged victim - a schoolmate of Kneale – has now claimed in Supreme Court documents he too was befriended and abused by Hobbs at the club and off-site. He alleged Hobbs twice took him, when he was 14, from the club to an Essendon house where he was abused. On one occasion, he alleged he was forced to watch Hobbs rape Kneale, while another time he claimed he was asked to strip naked and Hobbs tried to rape him. Hobbs, who is now dead, was a club volunteer, fundraiser and under 19s training staff member. Rightside Legal partner Michael Magazanik, who represents Kneale and the alleged second victim, said both abuse survivors were committed to holding the club to account. “Both of my clients have lived with their shocking consequences of their abuse for decades,’’ Mr Magazanik said. “It has caused mental illness, torment and suffering. Hobbs and his pedophile friends were convicted and jailed but that doesn’t give their victims their lives back. “That’s why both my clients want justice from the Western Bulldogs and it’s why the jury (in the first case), six Victorians chosen at random, thought justice was required.’’

>>21582871 Video: Uniting Church set cops on Ashley Griffith abuse informer - The Uniting Church accused a whistleblowing manager of damaging its reputation and future profitability for going to the media about Australia’s worst pedophile, Ashley Paul Griffith, before pursuing a complaint against her with police. A leaked “show cause” notice sent to the church’s early learning operations manager, Yolanda Borucki, accuses her of likely causing “significant reputational damage” and “significant damage to ongoing profitability” for emailing confidential and sensitive information to a journalist at Nine Network’s A Current Affair. Eleven days after the notice, acting on a complaint from the church, police raided Ms Borucki’s home on Brisbane’s bayside, seized her phones and devices and charged her with computer hacking for allegedly using a restricted computer without the church’s consent. Ms Borucki, 60, was charged despite still being employed by the church when she allegedly ­accessed the ­information, and having possession of her work phone, computer and car and the ability to log into her emails. The grandmother allegedly used her work email and a work device to forward the ­material. Queensland police were declining to answer questions about past complaints against Griffith when Ms Borucki appeared on the national television program in August last year. She revealed that in October 2021 a co-worker at a Uniting Church childcare centre in Brisbane reported stumbling across Griffith leaning over a sleeping girl in an outdoor fort, “basically kissing her”. Police and the church cleared Griffith and dismissed the complaint. Griffith went on to rape another little girl from the same centre in his final week there after being told his position was being made redundant, court records indicate. Subsequently, he abused three more girls at other centres before his arrest in an unrelated police investigation in August 2022. The Uniting Church has said it is “deeply saddened and sorry that harm was done at one of our facilities”.

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273ca3 No.21755637

#37 - Part 119

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 14

>>21589845 Western Bulldogs fight multimillion-dollar payout to child sex abuse survivor, claim jury was ‘misled’ - The Western Bulldogs claim a jury that awarded a “startling” $5.9m to child sex abuse survivor Adam Kneale, assaulted for years at Whitten Oval by a club volunteer and pedophile, was “misled”. The footy club has demanded a jury verdict finding it was negligent for abuse committed by star fundraising volunteer Graeme ‘Chops’ Hobbs be thrown out, or the multimillion-dollar compensation payout to the predator’s victim be slashed. The pedophile, now dead, was jailed after admitting to abusing Mr Kneale for six years from the age of 11. During his civil trial in October 2023, Mr Kneale gave evidence he was sexually assaulted at the Bulldogs’ home-ground more than 40 times. The appeal fight is set to be closely watched by a second alleged victim who has launched fresh legal action against the club, also for abuse at the hands of Hobbs at Whitten Oval in the 1980s. In the Court of Appeal on Friday, the Bulldogs’ high profile barrister Bret Walker SC labelled the award - the highest amount handed to an abuse survivor in Australia - as “genuinely startling”. “It speaks for itself as to its excessiveness,” said the lawyer, who charges north of $25,000 a day. The Bulldogs were ordered by the jury to pay Mr Kneale $3.25m for pain and suffering alone, with Court of Appeal judge Justice David Beach stating he was “not aware” of any other cases where general damages were assessed at more than $1m. Barrister Sam Hay KC, for Mr Kneale, conceded “the award is high” but that it could be “indicative of the way the general public views the nature of this abuse”.

>>21648351 Victims warned WA’s worst serial sex predator could be released - Victims of WA’s worst serial sex predator Dennis John McKenna are reeling after being told the child abuser could be released from prison in two months. Department of Justice letters have been sent to a number of men preyed upon by McKenna, while they boarded as students at St Andrew’s Hostel in Katanning some time between 1975 and 1990. “I am writing to offer you the opportunity to discuss any concerns or queries you may have about future contact with an offender,” the letter reads. “The Prisoners Review Board is required to consider Mr McKenna for possible release on parole. I would like to speak with you regarding your thoughts on this matter. The offender’s date of parole eligibility is 17 November, 2024.” Those notified of the parole date can now make a written submission to the department’s Victim offender Mediation Unit. Since 1991, McKenna has been handed jail sentences on three occasions after police investigations highlighted more victims from his reign of terror as the hostel’s warden. When combined, McKenna was sentenced to 22 years behind bars for 65 offences against 29 boys. The most recent punishment came in 2013, when the now 79-year-old was convicted of a further 34 child sex crime offences. His systemic abuse at the Katanning facility, used to accommodate the children of farming families attending the town’s high school, resulted in a 2012 inquiry and report titled St Andrew’s Hostel: How the System and Society Failed our Children. But those who survived McKenna’s molestation never want to see him free again. “He’s a rapist, he’s a paedophile, and there’s no way he should be let out,” survivor Michael Hilder told Radio 6PR.

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273ca3 No.21755639

#37 - Part 120

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 15

>>21653844 Convicted pedophile, Olympic swim coach Dick Caine dead at 78 -Convicted pedophile Dick Caine, the former Sydney swimming coach found to have raped six students under his care, has died in hospital following a terminal cancer diagnosis. Caine, 78, was spared jail and deemed unfit to appear physically in court due to his poor health following his arrest in June 2022. His ongoing trial was kept under wraps by a gag order, prompted by fears among Caine’s legal representation he would attempt suicide if the details of the trial were widely reported. The order was lifted upon his conviction. He was found to have sexually abused six girls aged 10 to 16 in the 1970s through to the 1980s during his career as an Olympic and world champion swim coach at Carss Park swimming pool in Sydney’s south. All 39 charges brought against Caine were proven in a hearing before Judge Paul McGuire at the Downing Centre District Court between June and August this year. Caine’s next hearing remains listed for December 6, though a District Court representative said they anticipated the matter would be relisted in the wake of his death. His six victims were due to provide victim impact statements. He died on Wednesday morning, having reportedly survived past a prior prognosis anticipating he would be dead in the months following his 2022 arrest. In court, his wife Jennifer alleged he had lung and throat cancer for which he was in palliative care with “maybe six months” to live. Caine also suffered from dementia, with his defence arguing further public scrutiny placed him at risk of stroke and heart attack. He was released on bail following charges. In Caine’s judge-only trial, he was found to have raped his victims in the pool’s sauna, office and bathrooms, also sexually assaulting his victims at a hotel, in his car and at his home.

>>21711060 ‘It empowers others’: Former Australian under-19s captain speaks out on abuse allegation - A former juniors Australian captain who is suing Cricket Australia over a historical allegation of sexual abuse says he has come forward “to call out both those who take advantage of the vulnerable and the organisations who protect them”. Dean Reynolds led Australia on the 1985 under-19s tour to India and Sri Lanka, where he has alleged he was sexually touched by the coach Bob Bitmead. He filed a statement of claim in the Queensland Supreme Court in July that seeks damages of more than $4 million from CA. Bitmead has previously denied the allegation. CA has lodged its defence, denying all of Reynolds’ claims. CA’s defence denies that Bitmead abused Reynolds and then says: “The claim is excessive and has no proper regard to the evidence; and, any injury resulting from the subject incident (which is denied) has resolved.” CA’s defence also argues that “the nature and extent of any duty of care owed by the defendant (CA), or by Bitmead, which is not admitted, is a question of law to be determined by trial”. The case is set down for mediation on November 14. Now 57, Reynolds was interviewed as part of a 2022 investigation of the tour by the ABC, an episode that led him to reconsider his own experiences in 1985 and afterwards. “I am sharing my story now because I seek closure and feel it is important to demonstrate bravery in speaking out against authority figures who have acted wrongly,” Reynolds told this masthead. “I know I am not the first or the last, but it’s important to call out both those who take advantage of the vulnerable and the organisations who protect them, either directly or by choosing to look the other way.”

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273ca3 No.21755641

#37 - Part 121

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 16

>>21718411 Former Marist College student preparing to sue over alleged canings and other corporal punishments in 1970s - A former Canberra Marist College student is preparing to sue over the canings and other corporal punishments he allegedly received as a young student in the early 1970s. The case against the Trustees of the Marist Brothers has been lodged with the ACT Supreme Court. In his statement of claim, the now 67-year-old described extraordinary incidents including being repeatedly struck on the hand with a metal ruler, caned on his hands until the cane broke, and caned on the back of the legs. He also alleged one teacher instructed him to hold out his hand while the teacher stood on the edge of a podium, raised the cane above his head and leapt off with all his weight to strike the student's hand. The man, who was first enrolled at the school as a 12-year-old and attended from 1970 to 1972, is being represented by Shine Lawyers. His statement of claim also alleges a sexual assault after a school play at the Canberra Theatre when he said he was left alone in a room with a man he did not know. In their submissions, the Trustees of the Marist Brothers questioned that allegation, saying there was no record of the school holding a production at the Canberra Theatre at the time. The man's lawyers have not mentioned any figures but said they were claiming negligence, saying the operators of the school owed the boy a duty of care to avoid the risks of harm. The claim suggests those running the school should have had a system for students to report misconduct, should have removed abusive teachers and staff from the school, and put a mandatory reporting system in place as well as ensuring students were not put in a position where they would be assaulted or be in fear of assault.

>>21718431 Australian Bishop Christopher Saunders pleads ‘not guilty’ to abuse charges - Bishop Christopher Saunders appeared in Australian court Monday to enter a plea of not guilty to 28 criminal charges, including allegations of sexual assault and indecent dealings with a minor. The former bishop of the Diocese of Broome stands accused of a long slate of alleged crimes of grooming and abusing young Aboriginal men over a period of eight years, beginning in 2008. Saunders, 74, confirmed to the court that he understood the charges and entered a plea of not guilty on all counts. He is due back in court for the next hearing in the case in January, having last appeared in June as his lawyer argued against a petition to change the bishop’s bail conditions. The bishop also faces several separate firearms charges, including illegal possession of a weapon. He did not enter a plea on those charges during the Sept. 30 hearing. Saunders was arrested in February of this year, following a January police raid on his former residence in the Diocese of Broome, carried out by Child Abuse Squad detectives. The bishop led the Diocese of Broome in Western Australia until 2021, when he resigned citing “ill health” amid allegations of sexual misconduct and grooming against young Aboriginal men. The bishop’s resignation followed a decision to step back from governance of the diocese in 2020, after accusations surfaced that he had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of Church funds on gifts for vulnerable young men, including cash, phones, alcohol, and travel. The police investigation which led to the raid and the bishop’s arrest came after Church authorities handed over a 200-page investigation conducted into Saunders alleged misconduct, ordered by the Vatican in 2022, after a separate police investigation had been closed the previous year due to lack of evidence. In a statement at the time of Saunders’ arrest, Australian bishops’ conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe of Perth said that “It is right and proper, and indeed necessary, that all allegations be thoroughly investigated,” and promised that the Church would “cooperate fully with police and take every necessary step to avoid any actions which may compromise the integrity and autonomy of the police investigation.” Saunders now faces 28 criminal charges related to alleged sexual abuse, including two counts of rape and 14 counts of unlawful and indecent assault related to alleged victimization of young Aboriginal men in towns throughout the diocese between 2008 and 2016.

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273ca3 No.21755644

#37 - Part 122

Child Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking and Satanism Investigations - Part 17

>>21739558 Beaumaris Primary School sexual abuse survivor reaches record $8 million settlement with Victorian government - A survivor of "shocking" sexual abuse at a Melbourne primary school has received what his lawyer has called "the biggest publicly known payment to an abuse survivor in Australia" in an extraordinary $8 million settlement with the Victorian Education Department. The man, who was sexually abused by notorious paedophile Darrell Ray, was among a generation of students who suffered abuse in the 1960s and 70s at Beaumaris Primary School in bayside Melbourne. The man's lawyer, Michael Magazanik of Rightside Legal, said his client had been fighting for justice for most of his adult life and settled the claim a week before it was set to reach Victoria's Supreme Court. "He's been on this path for decades, first pushing for a criminal prosecution for lots of Ray's victims, and then his own fight for proper compensation," Mr Magazanik said. "Of course, it's been a rocky road for him and life hasn't been easy because he's been dealing with entrenched damage. Now he's got what he deserves and we're proud to have fought for him. It's the biggest publicly-known payment to an abuse survivor in Australia. It represents the shocking damage the abuse did and the cost of starting to repair my client's life, starting to put him back in the position he might have been in had the school kept him safe." Speaking to ABC Investigations, the man said he hoped his legal victory would inspire survivors who have lost faith in the justice system. "I'd strongly recommend that victims of sexual abuse get themselves a lawyer and not go down the National Redress path," the man said. "That's the main thing I'd want to get across to other survivors. Trust your lawyer and get what you deserve, not what the government wants to give you. For me, personally, an apology was never going to give me any closure. I was offered twice and said no. Other people might get closure from an apology, but I won't. And the money does not give me closure either - I will never get closure. I wouldn't still be here were it not for finding my faith. And that's not for everyone either. But I had to become a Christian to even have a remote chance of surviving and finding a better way of life."

>>21739573 Video: British YouTuber and rapper Yung Filly extradited to Perth to face allegations of rape - He is accused of assaulting a woman in a hotel room on September 28th 2024. In 2021 Yung Filly was also accused of meeting and texting 17 year old girls when he was 26 and recently he was also seen biting women outside clubs (Allegedly). UPDATE: Yung Filly has been granted bail of $122,000, with conditions that require him to stay in Western Australia until his court appearance in December. He must also report to the police three times a week.

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273ca3 No.21755674

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Q Research AUSTRALIA #21 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/Si585

Q Research AUSTRALIA #20 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/Q7NNa

Q Research AUSTRALIA #19 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/elcTK

Q Research AUSTRALIA #18 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/oV4MT

Q Research AUSTRALIA #17 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/NtfuF

Q Research AUSTRALIA #16 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/PFwgE

Q Research AUSTRALIA #15 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/5hP7I

Q Research AUSTRALIA #14 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/A85E8

Q Research AUSTRALIA #13 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/rdbq6

Q Research AUSTRALIA #12 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/PahoV

Q Research AUSTRALIA #11 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/VoY1C

Q Research AUSTRALIA #10 ————————————–——– https://archive.vn/lmbJh

Q Research AUSTRALIA #9 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/gOsSc

Q Research AUSTRALIA #8 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/xYtqT

Q Research AUSTRALIA #7 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/YT76p

Q Research AUSTRALIA #6 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/DGknZ

Q Research AUSTRALIA #5 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/vlHWs

Q Research AUSTRALIA #4 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/B0Z4l

Q Research AUSTRALIA #3 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/xznbY

Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/hlJ0W

Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 ————————————––——– https://archive.vn/vJ8oH

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273ca3 No.21755683

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273ca3 No.21755719

File: 8c7a1b003afb0ee⋯.jpg (279.3 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Yes_advocate_Megan_Davis_h….jpg)

Misinformation law would prevent ‘Trumpian’ lies in referendum, says Yes vote architect Megan Davis

JAMES DOWLING - 11 October 2024


Voice to parliament architect Megan Davis has called for misinformation legislation to protect a future referendum from an onslaught of “Trumpian” lies and distortions, following the defeat of the Yes campaign last year.

Professor Davis, also said the Uluru Dialogue, of which she is co-chair, had tried to warn the well-funded Yes23 campaign at Christmas in 2022 that Advance, the major group opposing the voice, had already taken control of the narrative – months before Yes23 released its first commercial on news websites and television.

In a speaking event through the University of NSW, at which she is pro vice-chancellor – society, Professor Davis also criticised the ABC over its “false equivalence”, saying the veneer of balance culminated in Yes campaigners being denied interviews through the end of the referendum debate.

The renowned constitutional lawyer detailed what she claimed were the beginnings of a misinformation campaign against the voice from November 2022, and her frustrations in driving the Albanese government to legislate against misleading campaigns on behalf of the No vote.

“I remember saying to Labor ‘it’s a problem for us (Indigenous groups), and you might not think it’s a problem for you, but it’s going to become one, you just don’t see it yet’,” Professor Davis said.

“I’ve had a lot of contact from Queenslander mob … who are saying the Queensland Electoral Commission put out all of these ads about misinformation so that Queenslanders can distinguish between what is fact and what is not. We’d asked for that.

“They’re taking it seriously now because their own electoral misfortunes are at stake.”

Key to this was a proposal from Indigenous committees within government to float a bill against referendum misinformation, fearing an onslaught of “Trumpian” No campaigns.

“The Aboriginal committees did press upon Labor to pass legislation to protect the referendum from lies and misinformation,” she said.

“It’s important to ask the question, and certainly in relation to referendums going forward, what role the law can play in terms of Australians being able to debate these issues fairly … we want freedom of speech, but we need to balance that with upholding principles of democracy and democratic rights.

“We had been told by ALP campaign experts that they expected the Trumpian misinformation to arrive on Australian shores in the 2019 election, and it didn’t happen. Then they thought it would happen in the 2022 election; it didn’t happen. And then they were kind of ambivalent about what impact it had on our referendum.”

Professor Davis said the national broadcaster was equally at fault.

“The ABC constantly emailed all of the Aboriginal staff at UNSW saying ‘we’re desperately looking for a No activist from La Perouse, can someone find us one please, because we’ve got this debate coming up’,” she said.

“We have to do all of this ABC interaction on the basis of the most ridiculous arguments that were not even plausible legal arguments, but just because they wanted this balance.

“By the time you got to the last six weeks, commercial television wouldn’t even run Yes (campaigners). Unless No ran someone, unless Advance (put up an interviewee) they would not run someone from the Yes campaign.”

Professor Davis echoed comments by ABC board member and journalist Laura Tingle, who similarly criticised the alleged poor editorial rigour of the national broadcaster in the final days of the campaign.

At the launch of David Marr’s book, Killing for Country, Tingle said ABC reporters had to “fill in a form” detailing “the number of minutes the Yes case has got, (and) the number of minutes the No case has”.

“It’s completely sick,” she said. “It affects the way we structure and report stories because they say if you can’t get somebody who’s a No, you can’t put on somebody who’s a Yes.”


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273ca3 No.21755723

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Professor Davis, a Cobble Cobble woman and Harvard Law visiting professor, argued this “false equivalence” gave voters the impression Indigenous populations were evenly split on the voice, despite polling indicating vast support.

“It was impossible for us to articulate our case, because journalists would come to us with the most farcical and absolutely offbeat questions,” she said.

The ABC disputed her account.

“We do not agree with Professor Davis’s comments. The advice to managers in the lead-up to the voice referendum was to ensure each of the programs and platforms they manage had a genuine diversity of perspectives,” a spokesperson said. “Teams were explicitly told that 50/50 balance of advocates was not required.

“The coverage was high-quality and successfully included diverse voices and opinions from all parts of Australia. The ABC was ever mindful of its responsibility to facilitate a comprehensive but responsible debate in an impartial manner.”

In an essay, Professor Davis said journalists had returned to “running government press releases” rather than delving into the nuance of Indigenous affairs.

“The media absolutely abdicated (its responsibility) to read. They did not read the expert panel report, they did not read the Referendum Council Report. All they went off was Advance’s talking notes,” she said.

“That fundamental job to fact-check, and to make sure that what you’re putting to the Yes campaign or the Aboriginal people is accurate and factual, just went out the window, and then it was just amplified in the most extraordinary way on social media.”

She said key stakeholders in the Yes campaign had recently convened to autopsy their shortcomings in the referendum debate, with lobby group Advance seen as the driving force behind an early loss of control over the political narrative.

“Advance was really clever. They started (campaigning) really early, they got money outside of the statutory declaration period (and) they had this really clever (seemingly) neutral news site that had referendum news well before it was really in the consciousness of most Australians,” Professor Davis said.

“They ran multiple No campaigns and did a really effective job, and I don’t think the Yes campaign was ready for it.

“We went to the main campaign, Yes23 … and said to them ‘this is a problem’. We said that to them over Christmas.

“By the time January, February came around, I think we had probably already lost that narrative debate.”

Professor Davis spoke at UNSW Law and Justice’s Legal Hour: Misinformation in the Media event alongside lawyer Kevin Lynch, Guardian correspondent Ben Doherty and UNSW associate professor Alyce McGovern.

In August last year, Anthony Albanese claimed the No campaign was promoting fear and nonsense about what the voice’s priorities would be.

“Some of the stuff is just so absurd. Like the idea that Indigenous Australians, with an eight-year life expectancy gap, with infant mortality rates worse than non-Indigenous Australians, with a young Indigenous male more likely to go to jail than university, that they’re worried about where subs might be located. Or that they’ll issue or be concerned about parking fines,” the Prime Minister said.

However, the potential reach of the voice was at the forefront of the debate, particularly over whether or not it should be able to advise executive government as well as parliament. Professor Davis and fellow constitutional expert Gabrielle Appleby wrote in The Weekend Australian in March 2023 that nobody would be able to shut the voice up and it would be able to speak on a wide range of matters, including to the Reserve Bank, but “it will have to spend its political capital wisely”.

Less than a week before the referendum was defeated, Centre for Public Integrity chair Anthony Whealy said the voice might seek to make representations to the government on AUKUS in cases where Indigenous people were concerned about nuclear proliferation on their land.

However, he predicted the voice would lose its efficacy if it sought to make broad representations outside issues that directly affected Indigenous people.


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273ca3 No.21755730

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>>21326219 (pb)

An AUKUS First, Seven Royal Australian Navy Enlisted Sailors Graduate Nuclear Power School

dvidshub.net - 10.11.2024


Goose Creek, South Carolina – Demonstrating another significant milestone for the Australia, United Kingdom, United States (AUKUS) trilateral security partnership, 12 Royal Australian Navy uniformed personnel, including the first seven enlisted sailors, graduated from the U.S. Navy’s Nuclear Power School at Joint Base Charleston-Naval Weapons Station, Oct. 11.

The enlisted Royal Australian Navy sailors, who trained alongside U.S. sailors, began the naval nuclear power training pipeline in October 2023. Since then, they have been learning their specific rates, as well as the fundamentals of design, operation and maintenance of naval nuclear propulsion plans. These sailors are the vanguard of Australia establishing a sovereign conventionally armed, nuclear-powered, submarine (SSN) fleet in the early 2030s.

“Naval Nuclear Power training is exceptionally rigorous and to have seven Australian sailors and five officers complete the program and move on to the Nuclear Power Training Unit takes us one step closer to operating our own SSNs,” said Chief of the Royal Australian Navy Vice Adm. Mark Hammond.

“Two days after assuming command of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, I presided over the graduation of the first three Royal Australian Navy officers from Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit Charleston,” shared Adm. Bill Houston, Director, Naval Reactors. “I have been nothing but impressed by the quality of Australian sailors and officers in our training pipeline and serving aboard our nuclear-powered submarine.”

Following graduation, the Royal Australian Navy sailors will report to the Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit Charleston for training focused on shipboard nuclear power plant operation and maintenance of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear fleet.

Making Australia Sovereign-Ready

Training and education opportunities are critical to ensure Australia is ready to operate its sovereign Virginia-class SSNs early next decade.

“The Australian sailors are receiving the same training as their American counterparts,” shared Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea. “They are held to the same high standards required to operate nuclear-powered attack submarines so that when they report to their boat, they’re ready to put their training to the test, integrate with the crew, and become Australia’s future front-line warriors aboard their own sovereign SSNs.”

Currently, there are six Royal Australian Navy officers serving aboard or assigned to U.S. Navy Virginia-class submarines, 12 officers and 28 enlisted sailors within the naval nuclear power training pipeline with an additional 19 enlisted sailors completing Basic Enlisted Submarine School in Groton, Connecticut. Additionally, 39 personnel from ASC Pty Ltd. (formerly known as the Australian Submarine Corporation) are training at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to prepare them for future roles in maintaining nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy.


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273ca3 No.21755733

File: 13954b6153c876c⋯.jpg (171.15 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Master_Chief_Petty_Officer….jpg)



Full Speed Ahead, ‘Well on our Way’

The first three Australian-flagged SSNs will be Virginia-class submarines that are typically crewed by 15 officers and 117 enlisted submariners. Australian submariners will be joining U.S. SSN crews to gain practical experience and build their crews ahead of taking possession of their first sovereign SSN in the early 2030s.

“The training at Goose Creek and Groton are preparing our Australian allies to operate Virginia-class submarines,” said Rear Adm. Lincoln Reifsteck, Director, AUKUS Integration and Acquisition. “Over the coming months, we will see that number grow significantly across both the uniformed and civilian training pipelines so we can make sure, come 2032, Australia can fully crew its first, sovereign, conventionally armed nuclear-powered submarine.”

The AUKUS partnership is a strategic endeavor aimed at strengthening the security and defense capabilities of each partner nation. The U.S. remains committed to peace and prosperity in order to secure a free and open Indo-Pacific. This alliance helps sustain peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific, benefits each country’s national security and prosperity, and uplifts all three industrial bases.

“Thirty-seven months after AUKUS’ inception, we are well on our way to developing Australia’s SSN capability,” said Vice Adm. Jonathan Mead, Director General of the Australian Submarine Agency. “Last month, Australian sailors conducted the first maintenance period on a U.S. SSN in Australia. Today we graduate the first enlisted personnel from an exceptionally rigorous school, already we have Australian officers serving aboard both U.S. and UK SSNs.”

AUKUS Pillar 1 will deliver a conventionally armed SSN capability to the Royal Australian Navy by the early 2030s. The Department of the Navy’s AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Program Office is the U.S. lead responsible for executing the trilateral partnership for Australia to acquire conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines at the earliest possible date while maintaining the highest nuclear stewardship standards and setting the highest standards for nuclear non-proliferation.


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4e0c39 No.21756288



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273ca3 No.21761349

File: 53a6ed948204024⋯.jpg (186.38 KB,1700x956,425:239,Greg_Craven_and_Arthur_Mos….jpg)




Indigenous voice Yes campaign ‘obsessed’ with misinformation, failed to engage debate: lawyers

ELLIE DUDLEY - 13 October 2024


Prominent lawyers and staunch Indigenous voice advocates have condemned Megan Davis’s claims that a misinformation bill could have helped secure a Yes victory, with one leading supporter asserting that the Yes campaign became “obsessed” with critics’ misleading narratives while also spreading untruths themselves.

Constitutional lawyer Greg Craven, a vocal supporter of the voice and member of the referendum working group, told The Australian the Yes campaign were also complicit in spreading disinformation in the lead up to the referendum, including claims surrounding the inclusion of executive government in the proposal.

Meanwhile prominent silk Arthur Moses SC said that the referendum failed due to the government’s lack of detail, not misinformation, and said Labor’s bill in its current form would shut down “legitimate expressions of opinions” and be “counter-productive” for voters.

Their comments come after Professor Davis, one of the Voice to parliament architects, in a lecture at the University of NSW called for misinformation legislation to protect a future referendum from an onslaught of lies and distortions, following the defeat of the Yes campaign in October last year.

Mr Craven said during the campaign he engaged in private conversations trying to have leading Yes advocates to engage in meaningful discussions rather than characterising opposing arguments as misinformation.

“Large swathes of the Yes campaign were obsessed with the idea of misinformation and disinformation and would characterise any contrary argument as misinformation or disinformation,” he said.

“So arguments on the no case were not simply wrong or to be argued against, they fell into this category of misinformation or disinformation which meant they should be effectively banned from the referendum.”

“That was a huge worry and it was a worry that I consistently raised in private meetings – that you can't run a referendum campaign if all you can do is say that the other side is lying.”

Mr Craven said it was incredibly important to draw a distinction between disinformation – something that is fundamentally and knowingly untrue – and misinformation, which is something that happens to be wrong, but the person saying it believes it to be true.

“The example of something that is disinformation on the No side would be that the voice would be a third House of Parliament,” he said. “There’s simply no way that’s true. However, if you ran the line that having a voice would divide Australia on the grounds of race, I fundamentally disagree with that, I think it’s utter nonsense and it’s wrong. But I think there were thousands and thousands of people saying that who were not for a single moment trying to deceive anyone. That was just their view.”


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273ca3 No.21761352

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He said while there were some “big examples” of disinformation on the No side, the Yes side also pushed some untruths.

“For example, the idea that the having the words executive in were no problem, and that the executive would never be shanghaied into major decisions by the voice, because the drafting was perfect,” he said.

“I think that verged on disinformation. You can tell that because at different times, different people on the Yes case, notably including Megan (Davis) were saying totally contradictory things.

“When they wanted the voice to be powerful, they could say it would do lots of things. But when they wanted to reassure people that it wouldn’t be too powerful, they would say it was going to be very, very weak.”

The Albanese government’s revamped misinformation bill, which will empower the Australian Communications and Media Authority to fine tech giants millions of dollars for false content it deems harmful, has been widely panned by human rights groups, religious groups, the Coalition and other advocates of free speech.

Mr Craven criticised the bill more broadly, saying “the idea that you could have any sort of public authority, simply declaring that something is misinformation or disinformation is a real concern”.

“The idea that every time someone disagrees with you, if you happen to have the power in the area, you can shut them down,” he said. “I think that’s a huge concern.”

Mr Moses, a former president of the Law Council and the NSW Bar Association, said that seeking to restrain the freedom of speech of Australians “will not win their vote but will be counter-productive”.

“I disagree with Professor Davis and I am profoundly disappointed that such proposals are being advanced,” he said.

“I was an advocate for the Voice referendum but I believe that we have to respect the judgment of the Australian public and not advance excuses as to why the referendum failed which seek to blame the No campaign.

“The reason the referendum failed was not because of misinformation but because there was not sufficient detail about the proposal. That is a simple and undeniable fact.”

But Mr Moses said rather than advocating on having laws passed that “seek to restrain the freedom of speech on this issue” the focus should be on “details with advocacy that wins the contest of ideas”.

“That is the very stuff of a democracy. Australians are smart and compassionate. If you present Australians with the facts and advance your case with respect for their wisdom they will listen and come with you on the journey,” he said.

“Australians do not like to be lectured to by anyone. They appreciate dialogue and debates. Seeking to restrain freedom of speech will not win their vote but will be counter-productive.”

Mr Moses said the misinformation bill “misses the target” and there was “legitimate concern” it “could be weaponised to shut down debate on matters of public importance”.


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273ca3 No.21761378

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>>21729841 (pb)

>>21729862 (pb)

>>21734044 (pb)

Calls for NSW to ban Nazi salute, symbols after white supremacist rally in Corowa

Erin Somerville and Melissa Brown - 13 October 2024

A regional New South Wales town that was targeted by a white supremacist rally remains a safe and welcoming place for multicultural communities, according to a local community leader.

Police dispersed a group of about 50 masked people gathering under a neo-Nazi banner in Corowa's central business district on Saturday.

No arrests were made and police inquiries are continuing.

Federation Shire Councillor and former mayor, Patrick Bourke, said the rally has shocked the community, which had been preparing for the Corowa Show.

"It was disgusting, it really was," Cr Bourke said.

"There's no room in Federation Council or Australia for that sort of behaviour.

"I just felt sorry for so many families, younger ones, they don't need to be subjected to that sort of behaviour."

Cr Bourke said the council and community would double down on its efforts to ensure the community was safe and respectful.

"Just loud and clear that we are open for business," he said.

"Anyone that's willing to have a go, make a living, raise a family, Federation Council is the place to be."

The rally has been met with similar disdain by state and federal leaders.

Albury MP Justin Clancy said the community rejected "this abhorrent activity".

"Our community unequivocally condemns the cowardly and white supremacist activity that took place [on Saturday]," Mr Clancy said in a public statement.

"I thank the strong, caring community of Corowa for standing together and rejecting this abhorrent activity."

NSW bans welcomed

Member for Farrer Sussan Ley said white supremacists were attacking country communities and encouraged New South Wales to join Victoria in banning the Nazi salute and related symbols.

"They are not free speech," she said.

"They should be banned, and we don't want to see them on our streets."

She said white supremacist groups were strategically targeting country communities.

"We cannot and should not tolerate gangs of balaclava-covered thugs spouting hate anywhere in this country," she said.

"Federal and state authorities have the Coalition's support to take whatever action is necessary to dismantle this organisation and stop these sorts of activities occurring."

Victoria neo-Nazi crackdown

The Corowa rally occurred just across the border from Victoria, where the use of Nazi salutes and symbols has been outlawed.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan said the government would continue to look at how it can strengthen anti-vilification framework.

"It is cowardly, it is hurtful and it is hateful," Ms Allan said.

"They are driven by hate and division.

"That's why we need to continue to be united to stamp out any sign of this sort of behaviour."

Ms Allan said the Victorian government was seeking more information about the incident from NSW Police.

In an unrelated incident, a Victoria Police sergeant was suspended on Friday after allegedly performing a Nazi salute on two occasions in front of colleagues.

Ms Allan said she supported the actions of Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton to act swiftly in response to the allegations.

State Opposition leader John Pesutto said he was disgusted by the actions of the white supremacists in Corowa.

"Their messages are odious and wherever we see this we have to condemn it in the strongest possible terms, and I do," he said.

Anyone with information about the Corowa rally is urged to call CrimeStoppers.


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273ca3 No.21761388

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>>21569783 (pb)

Premiers including Jacinta Allan decline invite to meet with King Charles III

Shannon Deery and Jade Gailberger - October 13, 2024

Premier Jacinta Allan has declined an invitation to meet with King Charles when he visits Australia this week.

She has turned down the opportunity to welcome him and wife Camilla at a reception in Canberra next Monday, prompting claims she is snubbing the royals.

The Sunday Herald Sun can report that not one premier will be at the reception.

Ms Allan, who has parliament this week, said she had a cabinet meeting next Monday.

Australian Monarchists League Victorian spokesman Bev McArthur slammed the decision as an “embarrassing” snub, and the nationwide rejection a “slap in the face” to the royal family.

“All premiers and ministers have sworn allegiance to our monarch, Charles III, and it is a monumental insult that they now spit in his hand extended in friendship,” she said.

“This is a historic opportunity to unite Australia, to focus on charitable work and to give back to communities. Yet our immature politicians are clearly choosing to play politics.”

King Charles will address an event attended by political and community leaders, and prominent Australians who have demonstrated outstanding achieve­ment in fields including health, the arts, culture and sport.

NSW Premier Chris Minns cannot attend because of a cabinet meeting, Queensland Premier Steven Miles is occupied with his election campaign, and Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff is on a US trade mission.

South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has a regional cabinet meeting, while a spokesman for Western Australia’s Premier, Roger Cook, said he had “other commitments”.

It is understood, however, that Mr Minns will attend several events with the King during his visit.

Victoria’s Deputy Premier, Ben Carroll, is also unable to attend the ­reception, leaving Ms Allan’s parliamentary secretary, Nick Staikos, to take her place.

“On behalf of Victoria, the Governor of Victoria her excellency Professor the honourable Margaret Gardner AC and parliamentary secretary Nick Staikos MP formally representing Premier Jacinta Allan will ­attend the parliamentary reception for His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla in Canberra on Monday,” a government spokesman said.

Opposition spokesman Brad Rowswell wrote to Ms Allan in May urging her not to downplay the King’s visit.

“Sometimes, leadership requires putting personal prejudice aside in the interests of the greater good,” Mr Rowswell said on Saturday.

“Premier Allan represents a state that wholeheartedly ­embraces and supports King Charles as our head of state.

“Sending a junior Labor MP to represent the Premier on this occasion doesn’t pass the Pimm’s test.

“The decent and respectful thing to do would be to jump on a plane and give King Charles a warm Victorian welcome, or is she just too embarrassed to do so after her Commonwealth Games debacle?”

This week’s visit will be King Charles’ first visit to a Commonwealth realm since he ­ascended to the throne.

The 75-year-old is due to ­arrive in Australia on Friday before engagements in Sydney and Canberra.

It will be his 17th visit to Australia.


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273ca3 No.21761789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21360391 (pb)

>>21600882 (pb)

Man arrested with weapons at Donald Trump rally identified as Vem Miller as local police say he posed as a journalist

Georgie Hewson - 14 October 2024

A man with a shotgun, a loaded handgun, ammunition, fake licences and fake passports in his vehicle was arrested at a security checkpoint outside a rally for Donald Trump in California, according to local police.

The arrest took place on Saturday, local time.

The suspect, identified as Vem Miller, a resident of Las Vegas, was driving a black SUV that was stopped by deputies assigned to the rally in Coachella, east of Los Angeles, the Riverside County Sheriff's Department said in a statement.

The 49-year-old was arrested on suspicion of possessing a loaded firearm and possession of a high-capacity magazine, the department said.

He was eventually released on bail and will appear in court over the state firearms charges at a later date.

The man gave all indication he belonged there and was allowed in to the event as a member of the press, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco told reporters.

"We know he claimed to be a journalist, and he claimed to have VIP status to the event that got him into the perimeter, and when that investigation was continued by the deputy, that didn't necessarily materialise," Sheriff Bianco said.

"So other than his words that he was a journalist … I can't tell you that he gave us a document and we said that was fake."

Media members, as well as VIP ticket holders, were routed through a number of intersections manned by state and local law enforcement officers before arriving at a large, grassy area where drivers were asked to open hoods and trunks, and each vehicle was searched by a canine officer.

Other general ticket holders were directed to a site roughly 5 kilometres away from the rally, where they were boarded onto buses and driven to the site.

Sheriff Bianco said he believed his deputies "probably prevented a third assassination attempt" by taking the man into custody.

"If you're asking me right now, I probably did have deputies that prevented the third assassination attempt," he said.

"If we are that politically lost that we have lost sight of common sense, of reality, and for that reason that we can't say, 'Holy crap, what did he show up with all of that stuff for, and loaded guns?' and I'm going to be accused of being dramatic?

"Then we have a serious problem in this country."

He also praised the work of local deputies conducting checks on the outer perimeter of the rally.

"Thank God, and by an act of really what we did in the week leading up to keeping that place secure, I certainly wouldn't want to be saying after the fact that I wish we would have done more to prevent that shooting," he said.

The sheriff declined to speculate about the suspect's motives or frame of mind.

"We know we prevented something bad from happening, and it was irrelevant what that bad was going to be," he said.

"There is absolutely no way that any of us are going to truly know what was in his head."

Trump's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the arrest.

The sheriff said further investigations will be conducted by the FBI and Secret Service.

The Secret Service said that it was aware of the arrest and that neither Trump nor rally attendees had not been in any danger during the incident.

"While no federal arrest has been made at this time, the investigation is ongoing," the organisation tasked with protecting presidents and presidential candidates said in a joint statement with the FBI and the US Attorney's office.



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273ca3 No.21761808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21265625 (pb)

>>21589729 (pb)

Labor MP Peter Khalil’s office vandalised with Hamas-linked symbol

Natassia Chrysanthos - October 14, 2024

Labor MP Peter Khalil’s office has been spray-painted with a Hamas-linked inverted red triangle and the slogan “glory to the martyrs” in the latest act of vandalism to target politicians’ offices over the war in the Middle East.

The words “land back” were also painted outside Khalil’s inner Melbourne office, which was splashed with red paint, and vandals used extinguishers and propellants to pour an unknown foul-smelling liquid through a hole they had drilled in a door in the early hours of Monday morning.

The office was a crime scene on Monday as police and a hazardous materials team investigated.

Khalil, who was recently appointed the government’s special envoy for social cohesion, said he was dismayed.

“I have always fully supported the right to peaceful protest. This is not protest. This is vandalism. This is defacing property. Worse, this is using violent symbolic material or actions that are harmful to others … in their place of work. It is completely unacceptable and it needs to be called out,” he said.

“Everyone has a right to express their ideological and political views. But you cannot say it is acceptable to express them through intimidation, physical harassment or actions that put people in harm’s way.”

He said the inverted red triangle symbol – which has become associated with pro-Palestinian activism but is also used to mark kill targets in Hamas’ social media content – had a connotation that was “disturbing and concerning”, while the stench was “unbearable and clearly a biohazard of some sort”.

Khalil, whose inner-north Melbourne seat of Wills has been a focus of pro-Palestinian activism and is a target of the Greens at the upcoming election, said he was concerned the people who had targeted his staff and office were unable to articulate their positions in a rational and respectful way.

“The vast majority are able to engage peacefully without a problem. Clearly, a small minority won’t, and they need to be condemned.”

A spokeswoman from Khalil’s office said staff had arrived at work about 8.45am on Monday to find the office had been vandalised.

“Alongside the vandalism shown in photos, a hole had been drilled into the back door and a red [or] pink substance pumped into the office,” she said.

“Staff reported an overwhelming stench on opening the door, like an abattoir.”

She said the office was closed to the public as police investigated, and staff would not be on site.

Coalition senator James Paterson said the targeting of Khalil’s office was unacceptable.

“The perpetrators of this intimidating and dangerous behaviour must feel the full force of the law,” he said.

Greens leader Adam Bandt said the Greens condemned the vandalism.

“Protests must always be peaceful and non-violent. Everyone should feel safe at work, and we wish Peter Khalil and his team well after this vandalism overnight,” he said.

Germany banned the inverted red triangle in July because of its use by Hamas and its supporters to mark enemy targets in videos and graffiti.

Since the terrorist group’s attacks on Israel on October 7 last year, the triangle has morphed into an online symbol shared by Hamas sympathisers as well as pro-Palestinian activists, including some unaware of its origins. It has been displayed in pro-Palestine protests in Melbourne, including in Khalil’s seat.

Monday’s vandalism is the latest in a series of attacks on MPs’ offices this year. In July, two teenagers aged 17 and 18 were charged with burglary and criminal damage after Labor MP Josh Burns’ Melbourne office was targeted.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said at the time it was a troubling escalation of radical pro-Palestinian activism in Australia.



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273ca3 No.21761883

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Alleged Pinochet agent turned Bondi nanny Adriana Rivas launches last-ditch appeal to block extradition to Chile

Rivas, who is accused by Chile of being a torturer and kidnapper, launches challenge in the federal court

Ben Doherty - 14 Oct 2024


A former Bondi nanny and cleaner accused by Chile of being a torturer and kidnapper for Pinochet’s military dictatorship in the 1970s has launched a last-ditch legal appeal to avoid extradition.

Adriana Rivas, 70, has been in prison in Australia since 2019, when she was arrested on an extradition request from Chile – seeking her for trial on seven counts of aggravated kidnapping relating to the disappearance, and presumed murder, of seven members of Chile’s communist party who disappeared in 1976.

Party leader Victor Díaz was abducted by Pinochet’s secret police, the Dina (Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional, or National Intelligence Directorate) in May 1976. Six more party members were kidnapped off the streets of Santiago in December – the youngest, 29-year-old Reinalda del Carmen Pereira Plaza, was six months pregnant when she disappeared.

Documents from Chile’s appeal court provided to Australian courts allege Rivas worked as an agent of the Dina’s shadowy Lautaro Brigade (established to target members of the communist party) and was involved in the torture and disappearance of political opponents of the military dictator.

Rivas’s legal team have fought Chile’s extradition request over half a decade, including appeals to Australia’s federal court and the high court (which was ultimately abandoned). They argued the allegations against her were “political” and therefore not extraditable, and that the people were not kidnapped but legitimately arrested.

At each stage, courts found she was eligible for extradition – the final decision on whether she would be surrendered to Chile lay in the hands of Australia’s attorney general.

But Rivas has now launched a last-minute challenge in the federal court, asking the court to declare government’s decision to surrender her to Chile “void and of no legal effect”.

Her application, which indicates a decision to surrender her had been made, asks the court to restrain government ministers “directly, or by their agents, officers or delegates, from surrendering Ms Adriana Rivas to the Republic of Chile”.

Lawyer Adriana Navarro, representing the families of the seven people disappeared, told Guardian Australia they were “mortified” they had not been informed of the apparent decision to surrender Rivas, nor that she had filed another appeal to block the extradition.

“They’ve had enough, they find it disturbing that they have to learn through the media that this is happening,” Navarro said.

She said the families had been told “nothing whatsoever” through official channels about the progress of Rivas’s case over the past five years, and felt “mocked” by a system which kept them uninformed.


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273ca3 No.21761886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Rivas first came to Australia in 1978. In Chile, she worked as a secretary at the Simón Bolívar Centre, a secretive compound on the outskirts of the capital later discovered to be the Dina’s interrogation, torture and extermination site. She has insisted her role was administrative and she knew nothing of the crimes that occurred at her place of work.

When she travelled to Chile to visit family in 2006, she was arrested and questioned. She was held in custody for three months and released on bail under strict conditions, including a prohibition on leaving on the country.

But in 2007, while Rivas was living in Chile on bail, a man called Jorgelino Vergara was arrested and charged with Diaz’s murder. In 2010, he gave testimony that directly alleged Rivas participated in the torture of prisoners at the Simón Bolívar Centre.

A Chilean police report specifically names her as a brigade member involved in the commission of “forced entries, detention, interrogations and application of torture”.

Metal bunk beds were rigged with electrical current and detainees repeatedly shocked all over their bodies, according to the police report, which also detailed they were injected with unknown substances or “suffocated by asphyxiating them with plastic bags”.

Chile’s interior ministry wrote in court documents: “It is important to emphasise the cruelty of the crimes committed.”

Rivas has expressly denied these allegations and any involvement in torture, and she has not been convicted of any crime.

Vergara’s testimony ultimately led to the conviction of more than 70 Dina agents and officials of the Pinochet regime. The same year he agreed to give evidence against the Dina, Rivas escaped over Chile’s land border into Argentina and flew back to Australia.

In a 2013 SBS interview, she said she had worked at the Simón Bolívar Center, but insisted she was not involved in interrogating detainees.

“Not guilty. Not guilty. If I … look, I never had the opportunity to be where the detainees were. Never, understand? All my work was as a secretary or security. Nothing more.”

In the same interview, she defended the use of violence against opponents of the regime. “Everyone knew they had to do that to the people in order to break them because communists would not talk. It was necessary.”

Rivas said she did not regret working for the Dina.

“For me it was a job. It was a chance to survive. Understand?”

No hearing date has been set for the federal court application to be heard.



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273ca3 No.21761894

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Chilean ‘torture chamber operator’ turned Bondi nanny in shock legal challenge

Perry Duffin - October 14, 2024

Adriana Rivas appeared as a gentle older woman, caring for the children of Bondi – then Chile accused her of playing a part in a brutal torture chamber in the dark days of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.

Now the nanny has launched a surprise legal challenge after a decade of denials landed her behind bars, awaiting extradition, with what appeared to be no way out.

Rivas, now 70, was arrested in 2019 at the request of her homeland, which alleged she had participated in the kidnapping of seven people who had vanished in Santiago.

Court documents provided by Chile during her extradition hearing claim Rivas worked for the secret police which rounded up enemies of Pinochet’s military regime and used sarin gas, electricity and welding torches to torture victims in an empty swimming pool.

Despite Rivas’ denials, she has repeatedly been found eligible for extradition by the courts.

But she was not handed over to Chile, instead remaining in a detention centre for five years.

For the past two years, the federal attorney-general maintained a single-line response to questions about Rivas: “The extradition process involving Ms Rivas is at the final stage, requiring the Australian government to make a determination whether to surrender Ms Rivas to Chile.”

But late last month Rivas filed a new application to the Federal Court suggesting that surrender had finally been ordered.

The application, seen by the Herald, asks the court to “void” the government’s decision to surrender Rivas to Chile.

Rivas’ application also seeks to stop the ministers from taking further steps “directly, or by their agents, officers or delegates, from surrendering Ms Adriana Rivas to the Republic of Chile”.

Dennis Miralis, the solicitor leading the challenge, did not reply to requests for comment.

Rivas had already failed to have her extradition overturned in the Federal Court in 2021. Her legal team had unsuccessfully argued then, and through the lower courts, that her prosecution was “political” in nature.

Chilean documents, released by the lower courts, spell out disturbing allegations that those rounded up by the DINA were interrogated in “dungeons” using electrified metal bunk beds.

The victims were gassed, as part of experiments, and injected with unknown substances before being suffocated and anonymised using a welding torch on the face and hands.

“Then, the bodies were put inside sacks, tied up with cables to a piece of railway beam and then thrown into the ocean by air force helicopters,” a dossier authored by Chilean authorities claimed.

In May 2022 – three years after her arrest – it seemed the final nail was driven into her case after the High Court threw out her challenge. Rivas had failed to tender the necessary documents and effectively “abandoned” her case, the court concluded.

The nanny arrived in Australia in 1978, just a few years after allegedly joining the DINA intelligence apparatus, and lived an obscure life until Chile began prosecuting the dictator’s former agents.

She was arrested while visiting Chile in 2006 but released on bail and allegedly escaped back to Australia in 2010.

She remained off the radar until 2014, when in an interview with multicultural broadcaster SBS she appeared to justify the use of torture to “break people” – particularly “communists”.

“It was necessary, just as the Nazis used it, and as in the United States, everyone does,” SBS quoted Rivas as saying. “It’s the only way to break people because psychologically there is no method.”

Rivas is alleged to have been involved in the kidnapping of Fernando Ortiz, Fernando Navarro, Lincoyán Berrios, Horacio Cepeda, Héctor Veliz, Reinalda Pereira and Communist Party secretary Víctor Díaz.


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273ca3 No.21768193

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Kevin Rudd calls for vigilance to deter Xi’s threat to global order

JOE KELLY - 15th October 2024


Kevin Rudd says the world must ride out the threat posed by Xi Jinping through a combination of deterrence and diplomacy, avoiding a conflict that could redefine global politics, up-end the US-China relationship and generate “death and destruction at an unimaginable scale.”

Australia’s top diplomat in Washington is also championing realism towards China’s stabilisation of ties with the US and its allies, arguing this represents merely a “shift in tactical diplomacy” as Beijing continues to press its challenge to the existing international order.

While it is unusual for an Australian ambassador to so publicly examine a leading international figure such as Xi Jinping, Dr Rudd has a unique vantage point as a former prime minister, foreign minister, diplomat and world expert on Chinese affairs.

In his new book, “On Xi Jinping” Dr Rudd argues that Mr Xi has changed China through the power of his own ideology and individual political leadership, offering an “alternative authoritarian development model for the world.”

Mr Xi’s objective is to “change the international order itself, underpinned by an increasingly powerful China as the emerging geopolitical and geo-economic fulcrum of that order.”

Dr Rudd also says that Beijing remains “locked in a death struggle with the United States to secure the commanding heights across all critical domains of technology, most crucially artificial intelligence.”

The warning comes amid a normalisation of relations between Canberra and Beijing, with China removing the final trade obstacle this month by resuming the live lobster trade after Australian exporters in 2020 were hit with restrictions costing $20bn annually.

The deal was clinched at last week’s ASEAN summit by Anthony Albanese and Chinese Premier Li Qiang – their second meeting this year. The Prime Minister said “a series of regular meetings between ministers” had resumed, with Jim Chalmers in September becoming the first treasurer in seven years to visit China and an Australian parliamentary delegation visiting China this week.

In the 604-page book based on his doctoral thesis and published by Oxford University Press, Dr Rudd makes the case that China’s threat to the global system will reach its pinnacle during the Xi Jinping era – concluding the danger period is now.

Should the world successfully navigate this stretch, Dr Rudd suggests China will return to the political centre because of the harsh toll arising from the Chinese leader’s insistence on strict adherence to his own interpretation of Marxist ideology.

Dr Rudd argues that Mr Xi has taken Chinese politics since 2012 to the “Leninist left” by reasserting the power of the leader, while shifting economic policy since 2017 to the “Marxist left” by elevating the primacy of state planning over market forces.

In addition, Mr Xi was moving Chinese foreign policy to the “nationalist right” by promoting Chinese civilisational centrality and a grievance culture over the West’s past occupation and containment of China.

Dr Rudd warns that a successful push to take Taiwan would usher in a period of US global decline and make Mr Xi’s position “unassailable.” He also says there is debate in China about integrating “nuclear forces into regional war-fighting scenarios given advances in US ballistic missile defence technology.”

“Xi’s period in office likely represents the period of peak danger on the possibility of war over Taiwan,” Dr Rudd says. “Unless Xi can hold on for another twenty years or more, China, on balance is less likely to become more ideologically extreme once he goes.”

Dr Rudd says China “would broadly welcome a return to the centre” after Mr Xi, saying that the challenge for the wider world “is to effectively navigate the Xi Jinping era through a combination of deterrence and diplomacy, without recourse to crisis, conflict and war.”

A war, “whatever its outcome, would generate death and destruction at an unimaginable scale.”

“It would also redefine Chinese, American and global politics and geopolitics in deeply predictable yet indelible ways,’ Dr Rudd says. “And the world would never be the same again.”


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273ca3 No.21768199

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If a policy of deterrence was successful and Mr Xi was prevented from taking Taiwan, Dr Rudd says it would be “highly unlikely” his successor would then seek to claim the island.

Making the case for why China would shift to the centre after Mr Xi’s departure, Dr Rudd writes that the Chinese leader’s “ideological onslaught” had come at a price for the Chinese people, the Chinese economy and Beijing’s global standing. “The damage has been real and, in many areas, seems unrecoverable,” he says.

The emergence of the Quad and the AUKUS agreement along with enhanced security co-operation between the US, Japan and South Korea, rejuvenation of the US-Philippines security alliance and hardening of European strategy towards China are all cited by Dr Rudd as major foreign policy losses for China.

“Xi’s embrace of Putin in a strategic partnership with ‘no limits’ on the eve of Russia’s invading Ukraine … has decisively affected baseline European sentiment towards China,” he says. “Furthermore, wolf warrior diplomacy writ large inflicted great damage on China’s global political standing with little gain.”

Mr Xi’s ideological approach to the Chinese economy meant industrialists and entrepreneurs now only saw “limited future opportunities in Xi’s China,” with many “declining to invest further.”

This is compounded by the “overall impact of slower growth on living standards and employment levels for the bulk of the working-age population.”

While Mr Xi “understood what his predecessors were seeking to do by leaving the democratic door open for the next generation,” Dr Rudd said that the Communist Party leader decided instead to “slam it tightly shut.”

“Xi, as an intelligent man … understood the costs of doing so. But he saw these social, economic, and international reputational costs as well worth paying to preserve the powers of the CCP for the long-term.”

Dr Rudd concludes that Mr Xi’s real enemy could be time, arguing the survival of his ideological vision would require him to “maintain power well into his nineties to appoint enough ideologically reliable younger cadres to enable his long-term political strategy to take root.”

“Prevailing in such a long-term struggle against the political, economic, and social forces arrayed against him will be a tall order indeed.”

Puncturing any long-term optimism about a strategic reset following the stabilisation of US/Chinese ties following the November 2023 summit between Mr Xi and Joe Biden, Dr Rudd promotes a realist view.

He says this was part of a tactical shift by Beijing to better “achieve changes in the international order that would advance China’s national interests and values.”

This became clear in the wake of China’s Foreign Affairs Work Conference in December 2023 which sketched out how the Chinese Communist Party would foster “new dynamics” in its relations with the world and help raise China’s international “influence, appeal and power to shape events to a new level.”

“Tactics may well have changed,” Dr Rudd says. “But China’s strategic intention, it seemed, had not.”


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273ca3 No.21768209

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WA Premier tells Port Hedland council 'stick to knitting' after anti-COVID vaccine motion passes

Charlie McLean and Jessica Shackleton - 14 October 2024

The Western Australia Premier has told a council in the state's north to "stick to its knitting" after it passed a motion urging state and federal governments to suspend some COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Town of Port Hedland held a special council meeting on Friday and has instructed its chief executive to write to authorities nationwide to immediately stop the use of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

The motion centred on a conspiracy theory about DNA contamination from COVID vaccines.

Premier Roger Cook said the Port Hedland council had gone "off the rails" by spreading the unverified claim.

"The Town of Port Hedland should stick to its knitting," the Premier said.

"It should stay focused on the services and people of that community.

"It's another example of that council lacking the focus on the issues which matter to their constituents … making sure they look after the people, not get distracted by these silly ideological debates."

The Town of Port Hedland councillor who put forward the motion, Adrian McRae, ran as a candidate for the Great Australia Party, which campaigned against vaccine mandates at the 2022 federal election.

He made headlines earlier this year over his appearance on Russian state television endorsing the transparency of Vladimir Putin's election victory.

Councillor claims vaccine concerns being ignored

Cr McRae agreed that weighing in on national vaccine policy was not the council's job, but said state and federal governments had failed to take community concerns about the safety of COVID vaccines seriously.

The DNA argument surfaced during the pandemic and has been discredited by several international bodies and the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.

"DNA is stored in the protected centre of our cells — the nucleus. The mRNA is broken down quickly by the body. It never enters the nucleus and cannot affect or combine with our DNA in any way to change our genetic code," the department's website reads.

Vote doesn't represent community, says Mayor

Mayor Peter Carter and councillor Ambika Rebello were the only two councillors to vote against the motion, which passed 5-2.

"It's not the place for local government to do this sort of work," Cr Carter said.

"They're saying, 'well, it's for the community', well, the community is 17,000 people and we had 50 odd people in the gallery. That does not represent the whole community."

The motion also asked the council's administrators to write to the Prime Minister and national health authorities drawing attention to the issue.

The council's administration warned proceeding with the letter was almost certain to result in extreme reputational and financial impact.

Cr Carter said the motion was not a good look for the town.

"You're trying to build relationships with the state government, the federal government," he said.

"We're a very important town and this motion that was put forward … it shouldn't have even been there."

Cr Carter has faced his own controversies in recent years, including corruption allegations over his personal business dealings, inappropriate comments about a woman's mental health, and is engaged in defamation action against a fellow councillor.


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273ca3 No.21768314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Sydney airport arrest that unravelled a global crime ring and caught a ‘demon’

Clare Sibthorpe - October 15, 2024


The arrest of an Australian man at Sydney Airport has led to the unravelling of a global child abuse ring and the capture of its alleged leader, dubbed the “demon”.

Queensland father Gary Richmond-Jones was jailed for two years in August for the planned abuse of a 12-year-old girl while on holiday in the Philippines with his wife and children.

In a July investigation into Australia’s contribution to the insidious online child abuse trade, of which the Philippines is the epicentre, the Herald reported that a stranger had contacted Richmond-Jones on X advertising child abuse material and leaving a number.

While in Manila with his family in 2022, the former car salesman from Mackay downloaded the encrypted messaging app Telegram to contact that person.

He said he was interested in “real” underage Filipino girls, “took his pick” from sexual photos of several children and asked “what price” for a range of “services” which equated to various forms of sexual abuse.

After organising a meeting spot, he decided not to go through with the abuse and stopped responding to the stranger. He later told a Sydney court he had an eleventh-hour realisation that “child abuse is never okay”.

But his incriminating conversations, including the child abuse material, remained on his phone and were discovered by Border Force officials upon his return to Australia.

The Australian Federal Police arrested him, sparking a Philippine National Police (PNP) investigation that discovered the alleged puppet master of the international paedophile syndicate, which sold child abuse videos to foreigners for as little as $13.

Authorities say that man was Teddy Jay Mojeca Mejia, a Filipino fugitive who’d been hiding in Dubai since 2021.

Thanks to the AFP’s arrest of Richmond-Jones and the intelligence it passed on to the PNP, Mejia was last month extradited to Manila and charged with offences relating to the alleged abuse of 111 children.

The 32-year-old is accused of luring vulnerable children aged between nine and 11 into making sexual videos, which he sold online to at least 19 people from countries including Australia.

When it emerged Mejia was secretly living in the United Arab Emirates, the PNP raised an international Interpol red-notice warrant.

The AFP’s Manila team then worked with its liaison officers in Dubai to help facilitate the extradition process between the Philippines and UAE.

Video published online by local news outlets showed Mejia being marched down a hallway at Manila’s Ninoy Aquino International Airport by a large group of police officers, his face hidden with a black hoodie and mask.

He was forced to stand in front of journalists during a press conference in which Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos called him a “demon” who preyed on vulnerable children who spent a lot of time online.

Abalos alleged Mejia would “scare” children into complying with his sick demands by photoshopping their faces onto naked bodies and threatening to disseminate the material.

“Some of the victims, he would rape and film the rape and sell the video,” Abalos alleged in a translated version of the press conference.

“It will be recorded and will be sold until the children become his slaves. This is how bad this man is.”


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273ca3 No.21768323

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According to the Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Centre, 28 Filipino children have been removed from harm due to the investigation, and more are expected to be rescued in the future.

Richmond-Jones is one of many Australian men fuelling the demand for online child abuse material in the Philippines, where children’s parents often record the abuse and sell the videos to foreigners with the help of alleged “pimps” like Mejia.

According to the International Justice Mission, Australians are the third most commonly reported nationality linked with online sexual exploitation of young adults and children in the country.

AFP Assistant Commissioner David McLean praised the tenacity of Philippine investigators in holding Mejia accountable for “these horrible criminal accusations”.

“The AFP provided evidence and intelligence we obtained from the arrest of an Australian man in January 2023, but we could not identify the people he was communicating with in the Philippines,” he said.

“The PNP’s determination to identify this alleged perpetrator and the child victims highlights the importance of international partnerships in child abuse investigations.”

Richmond-Jones was sentenced in the NSW District Court to two years in jail. He was also fined $2100 for intentionally importing child abuse material into Australia.

Mejia was charged with multiple counts of statutory rape, people trafficking and offences contrary to the Philippines Anti-Online Sexual Exploitation of Children and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Materials Act.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline (13 11 14), the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467), Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) and Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).









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273ca3 No.21773928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Penny Wong forced to re-start speech multiple times as protesters criticise Gaza response

Evelyn Manfield - 16 October 2024

Protesters angry with the Australian government for not sanctioning Israel for its deadly strikes in Gaza and Lebanon have repeatedly disrupted a speech by Foreign Minister Penny Wong at the University of Tasmania on Tuesday night.

The minister was giving an address about international relations and policy making – which included reflections on the dangers aid workers faced in Gaza, as well as her hope for a two-state solution – when interruptions caused her to repeatedly stop her speech and leave the stage as audience members yelled at her.

During the approximately 45-minute-long speech, more than 10 interjections were made, with calls for the government to sanction Israel, plus criticism of the government's previous decision to pause funding to aid agency UNRWA.

Senator Wong initially responded by saying she had heard the concern.

"I'd say to you, we are a democracy and everyone's voice matters and I understand this is a very distressing [sic], but I don't actually believe, and I have never believed, that we gain anything by shouting each other down," she said.

As the interjections continued, and an official from the university tried to bring the audience to order, Senator Wong appeared frustrated as she made multiple attempts to return to the stage and continue her speech.

"Part of what I'm doing in this speech, to anybody else who wishes to speak but not listen, is actually try to lay out some of what we are doing in relation to what is happening in Gaza and what we are doing in relation to Lebanon," she said.

"So, it's disappointing that people don't actually want to hear some of the facts about what the government is seeking to do in this situation."

Despite interjectors being told to leave the venue, the remarks continued, with audience members expressing concern for loved ones in Lebanon.

"Our friends and family are in a total state of utter fear," one audience member called out.

"Please listen to the people who give you the power to do your job – that's what you are, you are our representative," one person could be heard saying.

"Do you want to hear what I have to say? Or do you want to just shout at me?" Senator Wong responded.

Outside the event in Hobart, dozens of protesters also gathered, chanting and holding signs criticising Senator Wong and the Australian government.

The protest follows repeated anger from the community towards government figures over Australia's response to the war in Gaza, including vandalism of electorate offices, such as Labor MP Peter Khalil, whose Melbourne office was sprayed with red paint and doused in an unknown substance in recent days.

Senator Wong on Wednesday described the protesters' conduct as disrespectful.

"I don't think we gain anything by being disrespectful to one another," she told ABC Radio Hobart.

"Some of the things that were being said and shouted were not true.

"One example is being told to stop bombarding Lebanon… we are calling for a ceasefire in Lebanon."

The ABC contacted the University of Tasmania, which has not provided comment.



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273ca3 No.21773932

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New AUKUS submarine servicing and shipbuilding precinct at Henderson to 'rival resources industry' in WA

Nicolas Perpitch - 16 October 2024


Western Australia's Henderson shipyard will house a multi-billion-dollar defence precinct for naval shipbuilding and servicing of AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines to create an industry the state government claims will rival the state's massive resources industry.

The Commonwealth today announced it would invest $127 million over the next three years for initial works, including feasibility studies and a detailed design.

Defence Minister Richard Marles and Premier Roger Cook announced the cooperation agreement between the two governments for the shipyard in Perth's south would create a total of about 10,000 high-skilled jobs.

"This represents the most significant defence industry offering to Western Australia since federation," Mr Marles said.

The defence precinct will be established at the southern end of the shipyard and will be used to build new landing craft for the Australian army and new general purpose frigates for the Navy.

Submarine maintenance function

After eight years of lobbying by the WA government, the Commonwealth has also agreed maintenance of the country's future nuclear-powered submarines, as part of the AUKUS defence agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom, will occur at Henderson.

The shipyard will carry out depot-level maintenance on the submarines, meaning more than one dry dock will need to be built and thousands of highly-skilled workers will be needed into the future.

Mr Cook said it was a game changer that constituted a significant new industry for WA that would help diversify the state's economy.

"This particular industry will rival the resources industry as one of our main areas for economic growth, for economic activity and for employment," the premier said.

Mr Marles said it was too early to say what the total infrastructure cost of the project will be, but it is expected to be in the tens of billions.

Industry sources say a government-commissioned report from US project management firm Bechtel has presented various options costing between $12 billion and $20 billion.

The feasibility studies and detailed design will determine how many dry docks are necessary and the total cost.

UK, US subs to arrive from 2027

In 2022, former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who signed the AUKUS agreement, had promised $4.3 billion to build a single dry dock at Henderson to "turbocharge" the naval shipbuilding industry.

The Henderson agreement builds on an announcement in March committing $8 billion to expand the HMAS Stirling Naval base, in nearby Rockingham, which will be home to Australia's nuclear propelled AUKUS submarines, the US Virginia class, from the early 2030s.

The naval base will host rotations of US and UK submarines from 2027.

Mr Marles today said the Henderson facility would not be ready for depot-level maintenance of submarines by 2027 but said it "aligned" with the requirements under AUKUS.

Australia's future nuclear submarines will be built in South Australia at the Osborne shipyard, while WA is now confirmed as the maintenance hub, next to the submarines' base.

But Mr Marles said it was not a competition between South Australia and WA and the workforce of both states was needed to build the new industry.


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273ca3 No.21773936

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Job creation

An estimated 3,500 skilled workers will be needed for the HMAS Stirling expansion which includes:

• around 1,000 construction jobs at Henderson

• about 300 jobs for submarine maintenance at Henderson

• 1,200 jobs to build surface vessels, such as frigates, and

• around 1,100 people to work on building landing craft.

"And what you'll see created here are jobs that will last into the future, generation after generation,' Mr Cook said.

Asked where all these skilled workers would come from, the premier said many would be skilled workers from interstate, while others would come through training at South Metro TAFE in Rockingham and elsewhere.

'Measly' allocation of funds: Opposition

The Coalition welcomed the decision to build a defence precinct at Henderson, but criticised the initial $127m allocation of funds over three years as lacking any real commitment.

"The Albanese Government is already kicking these important works into the long grass, with 'delivery of initiatives' not set to commence for another nine months," Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie said.

"Labor's measly $127 million commitment to transforming Henderson is reflective of their lack of investment in the defence Budget which is barely keeping up with inflation under this government."

But WA Defence Industries Minister Paul Papalia had no doubt as to the significance of the project.

"Western Australia is already the engine room of the nation's economy, now it's going to be the powerhouse of our defence industry," he said.

"This agreement today will result in Western Australia being the home of the biggest naval maintenance hub in the entire Southern Hemisphere."


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273ca3 No.21773945

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Papua New Guinea's chance at an NRL team may hinge on a pledge not to sign a security deal with China

Marian Faa - 14 Oct 2024

Papua New Guinea's hopes of fielding a team in Australia's NRL competition could hinge on a promise from its government not to sign a security deal with China.

Australia and PNG are closing in on agreement that would see Canberra provide up to $600 million in support for the NRL bid.

The ABC can reveal the negotiations include an assurance PNG will not sign a security deal that could allow Chinese police or military forces to be based in the Pacific nation.

When asked about the security element, PNG Prime Minister James Marape said it was not the "main feature" of the agreement.

"I would not be in a position to say that that's the only reason why this has been happening," he told the ABC.

"For PNG and Australia, we have deeper sentimental values. Both nations love rugby league, both nations have a strong affinity. And all in all, we're working towards far bigger issues than just the security aspect to it."

Pat Conroy, Australia's Minister for International Development and the Pacific, said the finer details of the agreement were still being negotiated, but he would not clarify what they were.

In a sit-down interview with the ABC, he said the deal was about bringing Australia and PNG closer together.

"Rugby league is one element of our soft diplomacy," he said.

"It's one element of the Albanese Labor government using every tool of statecraft to bring the people of the Pacific and Australia together and ensure that Australia is the partner of choice."

The minister said he didn't believe there was a place for Chinese police in the Pacific.

"We make no secret of the fact that there's geopolitical competition in this region," he said.

"Countries outside the region are always seeking to form security partnerships with Pacific nations. But Australia, as a proud member of the Pacific family, is committed to being the partner of choice."

Mr Conroy was in Port Moresby on Sunday to attend the Prime Minister's XIII rugby league games between Australia and PNG.

He and Mr Marape met with NRL chief executive Andrew Abdo and officials involved in the PNG NRL bid.

If successful, it's expected PNG will join the competition in 2028 with a team based out of Port Moresby.

Up to $600 million in Australian federal funding over 10 years would go towards setting up the franchise, player development, education and community outreach programs.

'Race for influence' in PNG

Dr Gordon Peake, a senior advisor on the Pacific islands at the United States Institute of Peace, said the security negotiations around the deal went far beyond "soft power" diplomacy.

"I think it shows that the real game that is going on here is very much about hard power, and it's all about Australia trying to thwart or stop Chinese influence in Papua New Guinea," he said.

The negotiations have come after Solomon Islands signed a wide-ranging security pact with China in 2022, which opened the way for Beijing to send police and military forces there.

The ABC understands China has sought similar deals with other Pacific nations, including Papua New Guinea.

"That [Solomon Islands deal] was really the equivalent of China running up the score against Australia," Dr Peake said.

"Australia doesn't really want to have another incident where it has diplomatic egg on its face, and it has China jostling for additional primacy in Papua New Guinea."

Dr Peake said China gaining a military foothold in PNG would present security risks to Australia given the two countries' proximity.

It remains unclear exactly how the deal would be framed and enforced.

"What would happen if, in the future, a Papua New Guinea minister went up to Beijing and signed something or agreed to expand relationships with China? I mean, would the NRL team be suspended?" Dr Peake said.

"Would they? Would they roll up and go home?

"It certainly puts China in second place in this race for influence in Papua New Guinea, but it's kind of hard to see how it's going to get implemented in the years to come."

Mr Conroy said the parties were broadly aligned on the "fundamentals" of an agreement, and he was optimistic it would be finalised soon.

It's unclear exactly when a deal will be announced, with negotiations ongoing.


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273ca3 No.21773947

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Using rugby to sabotage China-PNG cooperation? See how ‘sincerely’ Australia treats PICs

Global Times - Oct 15, 2024

How sincere is Australia when developing relations with countries of the South Pacific islands, a region Canberra always views as its own backyard and considers to be under its sphere of influence? The answer is that Australia's offers are never without conditions. In its views, it is all about what is in its tool box to control those island countries.

According to a report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Monday, Canberra is considering providing up to $600 million in support for Papua New Guinea's hopes of fielding a team in Australia's National Rugby League (NRL) competition, but the condition is that PNG shouldn't sign a security deal with China.

On one hand, it is about rugby, on the other, it is about China's perceived influence. If Australia has truly linked these two unrelated matters, that would be laughable.

Even the Australian Strategic Policy Institute suggested that "Australia shouldn't need to use an NRL team as leverage to guarantee our security," because "if we do need to, then we mustn't be doing the rest of our diplomacy right."

If we delve into the reason behind this possible move by Australia, we could uncover its deep-seated zero-sum mentality and its questionable methods for exerting influence over Pacific Island countries (PICs) to jeopardize their cooperation with other nations.

For a long time, Australia has approached these countries with a condescending attitude. The so-called cooperation is primarily for the sake of Australia's own interests, rather than the interests of those island countries. Especially as China has strengthened its cooperation with the region in recent years, Australia feels its supremacy being challenged, but fails to reflect on why it is losing hearts of these countries. The fact that it sees China's presence in the region as a threat and tries to sabotage China's cooperation with regional countries demonstrates a lack of respect for their sovereignty.

Now Australia may be levering rugby cooperation with PNG to undermine normal economic and security cooperation between China and PNG. Behind the "olive branch" Australia extends lies its geopolitical calculations. As both Australia and PNG have deep sentimental values regarding rugby, Australia is playing the emotional card; however, it is actually introducing geopolitical competition into its financial assistance to the country, Qin Sheng, a research fellow at the Center for Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

Qin noted that the extent to which Australia shows care and respect for PNG can be assessed by the effectiveness of its assistance. For decades, Australia has used its major power status in the South Pacific to impose influence on PNG, but it has not paid attention to the real needs of its people or the social and economic development of this small island nation. Last month, PNG's Minister for National Planning Ano Pala delivered scathing criticism of Australia's "boomerang aid" and development inefficiencies.

Chen Xiaochen, executive deputy director of the Centre for Asia Pacific Studies at East China Normal University, told the Global Times that the PICs have been reluctant to see exclusive and competitive relations in the region and therefore have adopted diverse diplomacy by cooperating with countries outside the region such as China. Notably, the Solomon Islands signed a policing cooperation agreement with China and refuted rhetoric from Australia and others that China is "a threat to the Pacific region peace."

The South Pacific island countries are becoming aware that Australia is not conducting its diplomacy correctly by using the region to engage in competition. Australia's approach to the region has strong geopolitical purposes, and is likely to backfire.


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1700f6 No.21774105

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On the water

because sea levels are rising

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