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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

a845f6 No.21691344 [View All]

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f925b6 No.21691985

File: 482a6276d248902⋯.png (96.22 KB,278x184,139:92,ClipboardImage.png)



It's measles

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537065 No.21691986

File: 9d3919926465919⋯.gif (1.85 MB,498x346,249:173,F3BB13B6_7F39_4762_9D78_D6….gif)

File: caa6101cd67a0a8⋯.jpeg (23.21 KB,255x142,255:142,1E32F617_E0B8_48A0_8A56_1….jpeg)


1 litre of water = more than 1 litre of gasoline. you absolute fucking retards. self serve gas attendant 1995. evian water fucktards.

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a845f6 No.21691987



#26562-A >>21690565


>>21691388 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - 10/1/24

>>21691443 President Trump: You know, you have to do the school choice thing, because right now, we are just about at the bottom of every list, and yet we're number one on every list of cost per pupil. Cost per student, we're number one, and if you look at a list of the top forty nations, we are at the bottom of the list…one of the things we'll be doing is moving education back into the states.

>>21691457 President Trump: Only sixteen percent of Milwaukee school students are reading at grade level, and only ten percent can do math at grade level…school choice gives Milwaukee children a lifeline to a better education.

>>21691471 President Trump: If you want a better education for your child, Kamala Harris stands in your way. Kamala and the radical-left democrat party want to keep black and Hispanic children trapped in family government.

>>21691486 President Trump: Even as they fail to educate our youth, our opponents are using government schools to indoctrinate children, pushing radical transgender ideology on children, and changing the child's gender without even parental consent. All of that's changing. It's changing immediately.

>>21691549 President Trump: I think it's the most dangerous time we've had, certainly since the end of the second World War. I think it could end up being a World War. You have two hot spots, and you'll probably have a third, maybe, with Taiwan.

>>21691586 Reporter: If you were president right now, after Iran launched more than two hundred missiles towards Israel…how would you handle Iran right now? President Trump: Let's assume I'm not around, the president of the United States should blow that country to smithereens, because you can't do that, and the president should make a statement to that effect.

>>21691647 President Trump: I think that he [Zelenskyy] will make a deal. I think; look, it would have been a lot better before, because the cities now are all blown up. I mean, they're all blown up except for Kiev.. You have the cities are; those beautiful Golden Towers, they're ancient gold, they're all laying on their sides, smashed to smithereens.

>>21691670 President Trump: They did a lot of bad things [2020 election], including not getting legislative approval for some of the things they did. But I think that people are watching this time, we have lots of lawyers watching.

>>21691725 President Trump: Biden shouldn't have let that happen [port strike]. Not that he should have ended it, he should have worked out a deal between them and the others. He could have worked out a deal. That's an easy deal to work out, because you have a certain power being the United States. A lot of these are foreign ship owners…it's a devastating event for the economy.

>>21691799, >>21691800 Reporter; What advice do you give J.D. Vance ahead of his debate tonight? President Trump: Have fun!D have fun.. hes a smart guy, hes been a little warrior… hes not afraid of the media.. JD is very much a warrior '

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b91c00 No.21691990

File: f7855252ff46e38⋯.png (163.36 KB,1241x827,1241:827,ClipboardImage.png)


Quantum Superposition POTUS

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a845f6 No.21691992



#26562-B >>21690565


>>21691900 POTUS dropped a 17 to end it…

>>21691912 POTUS DID AN AIR Q: RSBN 3:21:25

>>21691468 Trump: Education - take it ALL out of Washington; back to the States

>>21691431 POTUS: ' We are number 30, 49 '

>>21691436 POTUS: ' I think that 39 states could be the equivalent of Norway and Denmark '

>>21691459 POTUS: ' Not teaching Woke.. thats a big factor.

>>21691464 POTUS: ' Start teaching a language that we dont want them to teach …we are going to take it all out of Washington and send it all back to the states '

>>21691474 POTUS: ' They graduate from public school and they cant read, they cant write '

>>21691480 POTUS: ' Even changing the childs gender without parental consent.. i dont want to get into the details.. but its not even believable.. '

>>21691458 POTUS: ' Every building you pass in Washington says Department of Education ' !! brainwashing is big business

>>21691504, >>21691514 POTUS: ' We are going to have two big ones, two big ones, maybe a third '

>>21691526, >>21691539, >>21691550 POTUS: ' Thank you very much, i will wear this tonite (gift of a shirt from daughter of Carabelle '

>>21691540 POTUS: ' I think its the most dangerous time.. certainly from the time of the second world war.. you have two hot spots… i would like to get it solved as President-Elect '

>>21691545 POTUS: ' I dont think people recognize how many people are being killed… its not being reported '

>>21691557 POTUS: ' Every country in the middle east woulve signed on with Abraham Accords, maybe not Iran but probably they wouldve… its like two kids fighting in the schoolyard, you kindve have to let it go on for a little bit '

>>21691466, >>21691570 POTUS: ' Norway, Norway,.. Sweden is strong… Kamala stands in your way '

>>21691572 POTUS: ' (answering answers from press about Iran firing over 200 missiles at israel and that he wouldve blown that country to smithereens). A President should not say that,… Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.. i dont want to say what id use because i want to use it for negotiating '

>>21691577 POTUS: ' Iran was not in the position to sponsor terrorism.. now they have over 300 billion dollars, Biden took off all the sanctions '

>>21691582 POTUS: ' Biggest problem today… the biggest risk.. is nuclear power… i know because i rebuilt the us military… '

>>21691592 POTUS: ' Remember we didnt have one soldier killed in 18 months in afghanistan.. i explained to abdul.. you cant do that.. you cant do that abdul… i left and we had these clowns take over '

>>21691601 POTUS: ' China, forget about afghanistan '

>>21691606 POTUS: ' I had no confidence in their army, thats why you had so many blue on brown and brown on blue '

>>21691610 POTUS: ' We trained them, and we give them a gun and they shoot everybody, what the hell was going on over there.. i call them turn-arounds, they turn around and shoot you '

>>21691619 POTUS: ' he left with bags of money in a helicopter and there were bags of money at the end of the runway.. he was no good and for years i was saying he was no good… they werent loyal to us.. they were loyal to themselves.. theyre great fighters, like rambos.. you give them a knife and they go down and slit throats… '

>>21691624 POTUS: ' We shouldntve of left from Baghram and you wouldnt have anyone killed.. '

>>21691625 VIDEO: Former President Jimmy Carter honored with flyover on 100th birthday

>>21691628 POTUS: ' I got to know the families of the 13 soldiers killed… biden never called them, kamala never called them '

>>21691640 POTUS: ' Thats what i do, I make deals.. there were two ancient golden towers, laying there smashed to smithereens (fieldiing question from press about ukraine… putin wouldve never done it, it was the apple of his eye.. ukraine used to be part of russia… honestly he never did do it… '

>>21691658 POTUS: ' (press question of voter fraud). It was a terrible thing that happened last time.. last time we had covid and to be honest, take a look at security.. no security wanted to go out, they didnt want to catch covid.. they did a lot of bad things, including not getting legislative approval for what they did.. this time, we are going to have lots of lawyers watching '

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a845f6 No.21691994



#26562-C >>21690565

>>21691665 POTUS: ' Typically I poll very low,… people dont want to tell you who they are voting for.. and then they go and they vote for trump… at the end of the day I won '

>>21691685 POTUS: ' And if you were a truthful reporter, and youre not… you would report that there were many missiles fired at the fort but they werent going to hit the fort.. i essentially bankrupted iran.. i think i wouldve ultimately … they were dying, they had nothing.. i was the toughest '

>>21691691 POTUS: ' But with iran its a very sad situation, we couldve made a deal with iran.. they called us.. we have to retaliate but only in a sense.. keep your people inside the military base.. but we arent going to hit the base '

>>21691704 POTUS: ' (press question on inflation ' Its a massive thing to the workers of our country… those workers were bery badly hit by inflation.. theyre not happy and they do a good job.. they also dont want to see new technology that they dont like… many complaints about these modernized ports.. those are very hard workers, i know a lot of them.. biden shouldve never let that happen.. thats an easy deal to work out.. you have. a lot of ppower as (doesnt say president, pauses) of the united states'

>>21691710 POTUS: ' Dead head spending.. cuz stupid people do as they did '

>>21691729 POTUS: ' They came to me and want to do an interview but first i want to get an apology… but the laptop from hell was from hunter.. leslie stall, we got into a little argument on camera.. how about david muir… he said that crime went down.. theyve been wrong about everything.. ive done 60 minutes with the great mike wallace '

>>21691744 POTUS: ' We just went to Dane and had a good time.. we had 50,000 people… we had a small venue because the united states government wouldnt less us do an outside rally…. when we drove in i said wow thats a big crowd.. that happened again today.. you saw the people outside… but last week the crowd was massive… washington said we cant guard you.. we have to guard the united nations.. its like a form of election interference.. when they tell you you cant have people to guard you '

>>21691752 POTUS: ' Go the most votes of sitting president… you people report.. we are doing much better than we did last time… '

>>21691768 POTUS: ' (press question about supreme court pick). we want honesty, integrity and we want genius.. we want smart.. we want brilliant people and great integrity '

>>21691776 POTUS: ' They have to be respected.. you have to respect our supreme court, you have people going around trying to play ref with them.. theyre scum.. theyll go after regular judges.. they try to be bobby knight.. screaming, screaming '

>>21691787 POTUS: ' I think the supreme court has really made some brave decisions over the last year.. they have approval numbers go up and up and up '

>>21691813 POTUS: ' (press question abour oil disruptions around the world due to attack on israel). You never know about presdient xi… i dont want to read his mind.. hes very smart,… he has a way of doing things that are very good for china… hes at the top of this game.. its some place, hes a very fierce warrior a fierce challenger.. but i had a very good relationship with him '

>>21691836 POTUS: ' (press questions about using supreme court). Oh the documents case, the documents case… they said hes guilty but hes incompetant… i was exonerated.. fully exonerated… when i stand here looking at all the different talents in this room.. all i want to see is fairness… you guys are very important.. you keep politicians from doinig very bad… i want to see the media improve, we really need the media to buck up… if we can get the media to bring everything back to a level playing field… this is a failing nation.. we have a deficit of 2 trillion dollars… one of the reasons im going to briing elon musk into it… he really loves the country… its not easy for him to to an endorsement, but he wants to save the country.. did i tell you the airplane story? '

>>21691850 POTUS: ' When you allow 13000 murderers into our country and theyre free to kill… its not going to be a positive thing.. when you allow terrorists into our country.. we dont even know who they are.. drug dealers are in our country at levels weve never seen before.. we are very sick country.. but we are going to get it fixed '

>>21691861 POTUS: ' (press predicting hes going to have the biggest rally in butler ever and can he give us a preview of that). Butler.. great doctors up there.. first thing i said, how many people are dead because we had a massive crowd.. and these are AR15 bullets, they 4 thousand mph or something.. i was amazed that they said probably 3 dead.. '

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0ba8b6 No.21691996

Is there a bingo card for tonight?

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a845f6 No.21691998



#26562-D >>21690565

>>21691867 POTUS: ' There was a national guardsmen seating 9 seats away, this nG gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation, and then cory died.. and for that man to do that is amazing '

>>21691872 POTUS: ' We did a go fund me for coreys family.. she will end up with about 5 million dollars.. she said shed rather have her husband '

>>21691878 POTUS: ' We are going to be there saturday.. we are going to celebrate the life of corey.. and the two guys who got hit really bad.. and celebrate the doctors who saved their lives.. very talented people '

>>21691889 POTUS: ' The chart is on my right and had i not made that turn i would not be speaking to you all today and i think a lot of you would be happy about that.. i want to thank you alll for being here… i am on my way to texas.. ive been working 17 days in a row…thank you all very much '

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9c9a74 No.21691999

File: 3b23fc891154b09⋯.jpg (165.97 KB,634x639,634:639,3b23fc891154b0908ce9d61825….jpg)

comfy bred

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f925b6 No.21692000

File: 7208902cb6188d6⋯.png (530.62 KB,990x1328,495:664,fake_and_gay_rocket_fall_s….png)


>He died on the spot.

Is it a coincidence that

kayfabe is an anagram of fake & bay?

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6bbd8c No.21692001

File: 7d7e17eebec1d7d⋯.png (346.66 KB,2544x4000,159:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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a845f6 No.21692002



#26562-E >>21690565

>>21691440, >>21691450 JA Testified in France yesterday

>>21691437, >>21691578 X7.1 flare just erupted on the sun from an earth facing sunspot group

>>21691739 U.S. Department of Energy unleashing over $1.5B to help finance the restoration and restart of service of a nuclear power plant in Michigan — a first-of-a-kind effort by DOE and the first in American history

>>21691767 How Kamala got to the top… KEK (Cap 0:07)


>>21691571 Rey Rivera. Got involved in something which ended up with him killed so bad, Ruled as a suicide. Belvedere hotel Baltimore. Jumped off roof apparently.

>>21691885 LINK 6:00 PM EDT Vance vs. Walz: CBS News Vice Presidential Debate

>>21691896 9:00 PM EDT CBS News will host the only planned vice presidential debate between Vance and Walz on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. CST on CBS and CBS News 24/7.

>>21691928, >>21691945 FUN FACT: If Biden resigns, and Kamala assumes the presidency, Harris "shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress." This means that the Republican-controlled House can insist on a Republican vice president.

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8bc99d No.21692003

File: 45d013343c8f8b9⋯.png (79.4 KB,338x380,169:190,706f91e5c00da21f267a4a6db2….png)

Anon didn't watch rallies today.

Did Trump talk about port strike?

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f937c2 No.21692004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e18cb9 No.21692005


Not Gaza

It fell in Jericho

Both Israeli and Palestinian media reported it as in Jericho

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1a082a No.21692006

File: c83e0629f75f357⋯.jpg (128.55 KB,1574x1218,787:609,_20241001_200941.JPG)


just a stratch

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2117b6 No.21692007

File: 44845094dd1389e⋯.mp4 (304.17 KB,474x270,79:45,Qvr71vwgbJ1pnBJG.mp4)


The Yorkshire Lass


The Mossad headquarters, located in Tel Aviv, which was struck by Iranian missiles, was leveled.

Ronen Bergman, New York Times correspondent: I felt a series of massive explosions near my home in northern Tel Aviv, close to the Mossad headquarters, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and Unit 8200, the electronic intelligence agency. The whole house was shaking.


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f925b6 No.21692009


>Is there a bingo card for tonight?

If the word horse is said in any context you have to chug the whole thing

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537065 No.21692010


lotto 6/49 then do sportsball bet

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198d80 No.21692011

File: 5c3a773251e4083⋯.png (69.03 KB,255x255,1:1,Innuendo.png)


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27730d No.21692014

nigger on CBS said Pete Buttajudgy is good at speaking to Republicans

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7d3a36 No.21692015

File: 1bddd0015101b59⋯.webp (271.5 KB,800x800,1:1,raphael_the_golden_cherub….webp)


Isn't Jericho where they blew a bunch of horns?

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537065 No.21692016


kek in painful repetition

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137770 No.21692018


Only if he takes his butt plug out and sucks on it.

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6bbd8c No.21692019

File: 05750c8a98a6fdf⋯.png (48.69 KB,630x630,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Lot's of habbenigs from multiple fronts the past week. Starting to feel it. Trusting the plan again. Know what I mean? Do you feel it?

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f925b6 No.21692021


>that pepe

shit anon are you ok you look kind of messed up


>Isn't Jericho where they blew a bunch of horns?

I bet they did. These days tel aviv is the world capital of that kind of thing

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26600f No.21692022

File: 921454297aeb840⋯.png (10.42 KB,251x255,251:255,66625454c30cff53fe3a5bc482….png)


I was thinking the same thing he just needed a minute to lay there and compose himself.

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3e3888 No.21692023

File: 72c4e53d05bffdc⋯.jpg (543.17 KB,1600x1166,800:583,72c4e53d05bffdc85872618c52….jpg)


>they're bus drivers


I flew planes for a hobby. back then considered doing it for an airline.

friends in the aeroclub laughed & asked me why I want to be a retarded bus driver

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0ba8b6 No.21692025

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137770 No.21692027


Anon - have your liver checked out.

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fe3344 No.21692028

What's this about the sheriff that shot that judge and he is saying something about his wife and kid and that "they" are trying to kidnap them?

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6396c4 No.21692029

File: a07fb6bd449476d⋯.jpg (134.44 KB,640x480,4:3,waterbearer.jpg)

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6050c8 No.21692033


Paarthurnax is a significant character in *The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim*, embodying themes of redemption, morality, and the complexity of good versus evil. His character arc and interactions with the player raise profound questions about justice, forgiveness, and the consequences of past actions.

## Background and Role

Paarthurnax is a dragon who once served as a lieutenant to Alduin, the primary antagonist of the game. However, he ultimately revolted against Alduin, recognizing the need to stop his tyranny. After this coup, Paarthurnax dedicated himself to teaching humanity the Thu’um, or dragon shouts, which played a crucial role in the Dragon War against Alduin[2][3]. He resides at the Throat of the World and leads the Greybeards, a group devoted to studying and mastering the Thu’um[2].

## Themes of Redemption

Paarthurnax's journey is one of redemption. Despite his past as a servant of Alduin, he has transformed into a wise and benevolent figure. He helps the Dragonborn—players who embody the prophesied hero—by providing guidance and knowledge essential for defeating Alduin. His character poses a philosophical dilemma: should one be judged solely by their past actions, or can they be redeemed through their current deeds? This question is encapsulated in his famous quote: “What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”[2].

## The Dilemma with the Blades

A significant conflict arises between Paarthurnax and the Blades, a faction dedicated to eradicating dragons. The Blades demand that the Dragonborn kill Paarthurnax as retribution for his past crimes. This creates a moral quandary for players: should they honor the Blades' wishes or spare Paarthurnax, who has shown genuine remorse and has worked to protect humanity? Many players find this choice challenging because it forces them to weigh justice against mercy[1][4].

## Impact on Gameplay

Paarthurnax's presence enriches the narrative depth of *Skyrim*. He serves not only as a mentor but also as a catalyst for critical decisions that affect the game's outcome. His teachings and philosophy resonate with players, prompting them to reflect on their values and choices throughout their journey. The choice to spare or kill him can lead to different endings or consequences within the game[3][4].

In summary, Paarthurnax is more than just a character in *Skyrim*; he represents complex moral themes that challenge players to consider the nature of good and evil, redemption, and what it means to truly change. His legacy within the game continues to spark discussions among fans about morality in storytelling and character development.


[1] https://forums.escapistmagazine.com/threads/paarthurnax-and-the-blades-why-i-have-problems-with-it.103977/

[2] https://www.geeksundergrace.com/gaming/what-is-better-paarthurnax-and-the-apostle-paul/

[3] https://skyrimforum.com/forum/threads/why-do-people-love-paarthunax-you-know-he-was-meant-to-die-right.31611/page-2

[4] https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/70553397

[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWztpGCFo7A

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198d80 No.21692034


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f04f9f No.21692035


Looks like they saved Israel for last.

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3f5784 No.21692037

File: 80a094560349f68⋯.png (1.03 MB,807x533,807:533,fdjw.PNG)

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0ba8b6 No.21692039

look at all the paid Walz protestors

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137770 No.21692040


How did he turn from a human to a dog?

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f4d557 No.21692048


lost his head look like

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fe3344 No.21692049

File: f9b678bae0c85bf⋯.png (255.29 KB,578x884,17:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e53ffe3bc4e2916⋯.mp4 (575.73 KB,482x270,241:135,CgbuSlT9_oM3qVAn.mp4)



Woman bawls in court as video footage of Kentucky sheriff Shawn Stines k*lling Judge Kevin Mullins is shown.

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6d01b3 No.21692050

File: fe5f0a3a8e587c5⋯.jpg (144.28 KB,800x800,1:1,media_GMMwRhyXMAAFpf6.jpg)


>"Quantum Superposition POTUS"

I like that!

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8bc99d No.21692051

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB,360x361,360:361,4656fe176fa2ff79ff36b70d1e….png)


>If the word horse is said in any context you have to chug the whole thing

Anon just might die laughing if Vance says walz sounds a little hoarse.

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7d3a36 No.21692053

File: cf18f42a8dca04a⋯.webp (419.07 KB,1000x1282,500:641,st_christopher_BACKERKIT.webp)


Gene therapy

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a845f6 No.21692054

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26263: The Chart Is On My Right and had i not made that turn, GODSPEED Edition

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137770 No.21692055


He almost caught it.

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a845f6 No.21692056

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26263: The Chart Is On My Right and had i not made that turn, GODSPEED Edition

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0ba8b6 No.21692057


hope it habbens!

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26600f No.21692058

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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3d2fab No.21692059

File: d388a679cf3b71b⋯.png (1.49 MB,1365x768,455:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a479a8d2e5c117⋯.png (1.48 MB,1376x774,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fadfcc3a5a0ac0b⋯.png (1.28 MB,1376x774,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4d557 No.21692060


migrate, locked

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