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File: 8cffa2331f48a12⋯.png (99.71 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

d77bdf No.21680559 [View All]

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f21fbb No.21681387

File: 0be18edcb665ddf⋯.png (293.78 KB,599x710,599:710,oman.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ đŸ‡ș🇾


Is this a omen

11:51 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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f74359 No.21681388

notables @ 705

#26549 >>21680570

>>21680748 Archive: Trump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

>>21680622 DJT called Kamala "Lyin'" → Qpost 1395

>>21680641, >>21681069 DJT gives a shout out to 'Brick Suit'

>>21680844 Trumps rally in Erie PA the KeyStone State, start and stop timing says a lot

>>21680584, >>21680686, >>21680723 Singer, songwriter & actor Kris Kristofferson dead at 88

>>21680627 Call to vote: @Politics_Polls

>>21680634 Obama's 'Alice in Wonderland' secret party

>>21680682 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Solution Builds Mesogen Microchips When Left At Room Temperature

>>21680699, >>21680742, >>21680754 Hurricane Watch

>>21680717, >>21680722, >>21681307, >>21681334 GA Chemical Plant in flames, the third such incident at the plant over the past seven years

>>21680727 Unvetted migrants doing what they do

>>21680870 X22: RFK Jr Brings The Fed Into Focus, The World Is About To Learn The Truth

>>21680905 Kamala Harris' Family is Completely Made Up

>>21680939 Tulsi Gabbard's speech in DC today

>>21680947 Natalie Winters reading Bannon's letter from prison on air

>>21681045 FIRST LOOK: Tucker Carlson & James O’Keefe to Release New Documentary, ”Line in The Sand”

>>21681048 Refresher: Thousands of extras and feds involved in the set up for Jan 6th

>>21681049 Kamala used every resource to airlift 500k Haitian illegals into the US but couldn't lift a finger to rescue drowning Americans

>>21681064 Shadow Organization Committing Large Scale Democrat Election Fraud in Michigan

>>21681077 $600M East Palestine Settlement Approved Amid Whistleblower Revelations of EPA and Norfolk Southern Cover-Up

>>21681086 AG Marshall warns of Venezuelan gangs crossing the southern border: ‘They make MS-13 look like choir boys’

>>21681089 Governor Abbott Announces $5,000 Reward For Information On Tren De Aragua Gang Members

>>21681112 NYC school superintendent accused of warning ‘no more white principals’ abruptly ousted amid staff complaints

>>21681121 Kamala blames Trump for Haitian influx issues

>>21681122 Exhibit A: Libtards

>>21681171 Dom Lucre: I have exclusive footage of the 2011 MOCA Gala Spirit Cooking Event hosted by Marina Ambramovic

>>21681248 Treat the word impossible, as nothing more than motivation

>>21681255 FEMA's Goal 1 isn't disaster management, it's making equity the foundation of emergency management

>>21681266 MSM doing what they do

>>21681271 Apocalyptic chaos strikes the South as hurricane leaves MILLIONS without power: 'Where is the government?'

>>21681275 These eight pieces of (alleged) human garbage were just arrested on looting charges following the flooding from Helene

>>21681281 Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police - WHY?

>>21681286, >>21681301, >>21681322, >>21681330 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681313 Diddy taken off suicide watch as his attorney says he's 'focused and very strong' in Brooklyn jail amid sex trafficking charges

>>21681339 Netflix Cancellations Spiked After Reed Hastings Donated to Kamala Harris

>>21681347 Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman arrested after punching Starbucks barista

>>21681378 Two very big things happening in TN and GA

>>21680681, >>21680700, >>21681320 Memes


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3cd2ec No.21681389


>now u want govt? lol!

mas kek

that's the thing about 'em…

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378a8c No.21681390

File: a0598d428a51597⋯.jpeg (693.24 KB,1170x1390,117:139,IMG_6533.jpeg)

never waste an opportunity to send a message

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1ba0ca No.21681391


>where the fuck are 20 million low IQ invaders gonna work?

Civil Service jobs

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f74359 No.21681392

notables FINAL

#26549 >>21680570

>>21680748 Archive: Trump rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24

>>21680622 DJT called Kamala "Lyin'" → Qpost 1395

>>21680641, >>21681069 DJT gives a shout out to 'Brick Suit'

>>21680844 Trumps rally in Erie PA the KeyStone State, start and stop timing says a lot

>>21680584, >>21680686, >>21680723 Singer, songwriter & actor Kris Kristofferson dead at 88

>>21680627 Call to vote: @Politics_Polls

>>21680634 Obama's 'Alice in Wonderland' secret party

>>21680682 Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Solution Builds Mesogen Microchips When Left At Room Temperature

>>21680699, >>21680742, >>21680754 Hurricane Watch

>>21680717, >>21680722, >>21681307, >>21681334 GA Chemical Plant in flames, the third such incident at the plant over the past seven years

>>21680727 Unvetted migrants doing what they do

>>21680870 X22: RFK Jr Brings The Fed Into Focus, The World Is About To Learn The Truth

>>21680905 Kamala Harris' Family is Completely Made Up

>>21680939 Tulsi Gabbard's speech in DC today

>>21680947 Natalie Winters reading Bannon's letter from prison on air

>>21681045 FIRST LOOK: Tucker Carlson & James O’Keefe to Release New Documentary, ”Line in The Sand”

>>21681048 Refresher: Thousands of extras and feds involved in the set up for Jan 6th

>>21681049 Kamala used every resource to airlift 500k Haitian illegals into the US but couldn't lift a finger to rescue drowning Americans

>>21681064 Shadow Organization Committing Large Scale Democrat Election Fraud in Michigan

>>21681077 $600M East Palestine Settlement Approved Amid Whistleblower Revelations of EPA and Norfolk Southern Cover-Up

>>21681086 AG Marshall warns of Venezuelan gangs crossing the southern border: ‘They make MS-13 look like choir boys’

>>21681089 Governor Abbott Announces $5,000 Reward For Information On Tren De Aragua Gang Members

>>21681112 NYC school superintendent accused of warning ‘no more white principals’ abruptly ousted amid staff complaints

>>21681121 Kamala blames Trump for Haitian influx issues

>>21681122 Exhibit A: Libtards

>>21681171 Dom Lucre: I have exclusive footage of the 2011 MOCA Gala Spirit Cooking Event hosted by Marina Ambramovic

>>21681248 Treat the word impossible, as nothing more than motivation

>>21681255 FEMA's Goal 1 isn't disaster management, it's making equity the foundation of emergency management

>>21681266 MSM doing what they do

>>21681271 Apocalyptic chaos strikes the South as hurricane leaves MILLIONS without power: 'Where is the government?'

>>21681275 These eight pieces of (alleged) human garbage were just arrested on looting charges following the flooding from Helene

>>21681281 Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police - WHY?

>>21681286, >>21681301, >>21681322, >>21681330 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21681313 Diddy taken off suicide watch as his attorney says he's 'focused and very strong' in Brooklyn jail amid sex trafficking charges

>>21681339 Netflix Cancellations Spiked After Reed Hastings Donated to Kamala Harris

>>21681347 Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman arrested after punching Starbucks barista

>>21681378 Two very big things happening in TN and GA

>>21680681, >>21680700, >>21681320 Memes


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02a3a3 No.21681393


Yes. Bald eagles love eating dead flesh off rotting carcasses.

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b7fc2b No.21681394

File: 8cf33b85c39e1a0⋯.png (637.38 KB,551x704,551:704,ClipboardImage.png)


Was it him or the lump?

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b87de2 No.21681395

File: 6ec68108e84f52f⋯.pdf (79.84 KB,_DynCorp_Global_Linguist_S


[DynCorp, (Global Linguist Solutions (GLS)), Buck Foundation]

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f21fbb No.21681396

File: 50bd4fd97e64404⋯.png (280.03 KB,606x775,606:775,sez.PNG)


Shadow of Ezra


Hurricane Helene has wreaked havoc across North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina, leaving destruction in its wake.

Interestingly, all three states are currently sites for lithium mining exploration.

Adding to the frustration, residents from these states are reporting a delayed government response in providing much-needed aid.

Maui 2.0


7:55 AM · Sep 29, 2024




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fff8db No.21681397


stfutranny >>21681379

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ef079f No.21681398


The bond between innocents is God's blessing

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000000 No.21681400

every state citizen should file a form 95 against the US government at this point.

You want a trillion.

if you get paid you help me, if I get paid I help you

but fuck this shit

I ain't helping you fill the form out, FIGURE THE FUCKER OUT.

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601b6f No.21681401

File: 5769bda5f32e278⋯.png (647.59 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is this a omen

Looks like one to me.

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1a6973 No.21681402


why you think jews put black cube on their head's

They lost history.

their Zionist tell their goys someone will destroy that black cube.


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2c8728 No.21681406

File: ef4e2f3128ba427⋯.png (161.19 KB,290x248,145:124,ClipboardImage.png)


which one?

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02a3a3 No.21681407


This guy is using wickedness and perversion to try to get something his way. Not sure who to think less of.

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1ba0ca No.21681410


So many did not learn from Katrina and New Orleans how little their lives mean

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000000 No.21681411

All natural disasters are Dem fundraising / money laundering schemes

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f74359 No.21681413

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7e310e No.21681414


They all look unshot.

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3cd2ec No.21681415

the weather happens, anons.

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cc013f No.21681416



Standard Form 95. Standard Form 95 is used to present claims against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for property damage, personal injury, or death allegedly caused by a federal employee's negligence or wrongful act or omission occurring within the scope of the employee's federal employment. These claims must be presented to the Federal agency whose employee conduct gave rise to the injury.

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5bf697 No.21681417


just enforce laws on the books.

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02a3a3 No.21681418


Not true. Katrina was during the Bush Jr admin. Bush was probably one of the greatest presidents that did the honorable thing and destroyed those that attacked us on 9-11. Without the patriot act and Saddam dead where would we be right now?

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000000 No.21681420

you want a TRILLION for damages from the open border crossing your front lawn.

By the way EVER ROCK on my property in California costs $1001 if you steal one rock you broke the law.

If you show me the rock and tell me you LOVE THIS ROCK, and you let me keep "a dollar", I will give you $1000 off the price

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1a6973 No.21681421


same the stick you pray for

when jesus returns will explain everything

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53e164 No.21681422


There's even more to dig when thinking about that situation.

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7e310e No.21681424


Send them to israel. Jews love refugees.

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4a33e9 No.21681425


agree with anon there

likely a good contributor to Jumbo's overall health which had him do the Original Joe Biden and bail out even earlier in his reelection campaign…

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000000 No.21681426


tats the one, General Flynn has one going..

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1a6973 No.21681427


Only Samaritans will living there

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db7128 No.21681428


best idea.

deport all immigrants to israel from around the world and switzerland.

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1ba0ca No.21681429


Nope, I've done none of the above

Offered before to drive a Merkava tank

I hear palestinian brats sound just like the squeaky toy my neighbor's dog has when they go under the treads

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76da5b No.21681430

File: 103742bd454dcbe⋯.png (294.49 KB,764x634,382:317,ClipboardImage.png)

DRAGON Connected Roger that

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3fe026 No.21681431


Is this supposed to be sarcasm?

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02a3a3 No.21681432


I don't want a civil claim against them. I want a criminal complaint against the feds.

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4a33e9 No.21681433


This coffee is making me thirsty

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cce6ca No.21681434


the faggot poster, some kind of schizo fuck tard, that was calling himself PedoJoe, BidenisaPedo etc, here, and posting cp links

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1a6973 No.21681435


they believe in Jesus first

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7e310e No.21681437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e310e No.21681439


Not even 1/2

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1a6973 No.21681440

Read the bible

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1ba0ca No.21681441



Send them to Ottawa

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c8be04 No.21681442


great report.

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8fb6dc No.21681444

File: 82b719a9edb5925⋯.png (551.06 KB,458x927,458:927,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d67877ff11dabf3⋯.png (536.15 KB,460x1042,230:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a6973 No.21681445

Not all of it is corrupted

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000000 No.21681446

it could be the solution to SMASH and GRAB without changin the law.

you run a store, everything costs (whatever the number + $1000)

so when you bring it to the COUNTER you get $1000 off each item

I don't like these Giant Box Woke Stores, but its a SOLUTION for California that avoids locking all the items up behind plexi..

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1ba0ca No.21681447


With baristas it's hard to tell most times

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1ee629 No.21681449

File: 57c72fcd7cbdf08⋯.png (229.21 KB,434x449,434:449,Roy.png)

File: 5991da56d9a99dd⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,GEGCommTkover69cond.mp4)

File: 1b63f3aea58bd66⋯.png (1.07 MB,1454x966,727:483,GenPattWJos.png)

Don't care how crazy it sounds – Our President posts (perhaps in this anon's mind, only), certain book hawkers for a reason. This one is with the Hill and, of course, fauxNOnews BOOK HAWKING, Dumbing-Down Mockingbird NWO/Communist/MIC/CIA (hanniFraud still wear the pin?) Front operation:

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/29/2024 17:49:09

Joe Concha has written a GREAT Book, “Progressively Worse: Why Today's Democrats Ain't Your Daddy's Donkeys.” The Democrat Party has truly become RADICALIZED, with their platform of Open Borders, Endless Wars, and the Green New Scam, which is driving Inflation and the annihilation of the American Dream. We cannot allow this Horror to continue! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113223044297545577

Book is called: “Progressively Worse” Why Today’s Democrats Ain’t Your Daddy’s Donkeys

It's fuckingCOMMUNIST, you (concha) grift.COMMUNISTS, those sweet folks who infiltrated and gradually took over everything in this Country beginning in the1930s. We live in a Country run by Soviet, and KPD (who the "nazis" ran out of Germany in the 1930s) decendents - along with CHINA-OWNED "politicians"; See chinaTURTLE, just for starters, and the chinese SPIES (feinstein/russell lowe & swalwell/fang fang) which NWO/Communist "msm" won't report on. Soviet, KPD, chyna, whichever the countries which took this one over – ALL COMMUNIST.

COMMUNIST ORIGIN OF THE ANTIFAThe organization can be traced to the “united front” of the Soviet Union’s third Communist International, held at the World Congress in Moscow in July 1921 
 The Soviet Union was among the world’s most violent dictatorships
 Its regime is second in its murders only to the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong, who killed an estimated 65
 The Soviets believed that following Russia’s communist revolution, communism would next spread to Germany, since Germany had the second largest communist party, the KPD . It was at the fourth World Congress of the Comintern in 1922 that the plan took shape
. https://archive.ph/glVFo https://crtxnews.com/communist-origin-antifa/ https://archive.ph/Vikgn

Look up 1933, the first Nazi book burnings started withMagnus Hirschfeld'sInstitute for Sexuality. Same as the Critical Theory, which took over U.S. EDUCATION: The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory, originally located at the Institute for Social Research
 founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City. archive.is/8y7no https://iep.utm.edu/critical-theory-frankfurt-school/ In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University
archive.ph/54cCP archive.is/8y7no https://iep.utm.edu/critical-theory-frankfurt-school/

They had infiltrated the church: archive.is/8k5Gu Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" — where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church."

Dr. Dodd served as legal council (attorney) for the Communists. https://archive.is/cKpSD

https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/forgotten-testimony-dr-bella-dodd-warns-about-communism/ https://archive.ph/cKpSD


From “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen https://archive.is/keWI7 https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html

More: archive.ph/54cCP; https://archive.ph/bzrNo; https://archive.ph/B5Ehm

OPINIO-tainment was created WHEN? When faux launched? Remember 911 when CNN was actually posing as NEWS reoporting. Kept it on. Watched LOU Dobbs & fat andy cooper. Was faux EVER "news"? I only remember EMOTIONAL fuckers yacking their THOUGHTS on ONE topic, therefore never liked it. Now NWO/Communist freak Theater is ALL you get on ALL "commercial" so-called "news" outfits.

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