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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

97aea0 No.21679031 [View All]

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5915b1 No.21679727

File: 03d1beb27d725ba⋯.jpeg (84.53 KB,888x499,888:499,IMG_7052.jpeg)

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766b2e No.21679729

File: 9bf42e74fca39a2⋯.png (74.53 KB,512x500,128:125,Q2358.png)



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c7bb50 No.21679730


>Brazilians know that thieving wankers exist and have protected their castles with fuckin' huge electric fences.

And we still have enough civilization left in America where Amazon can leave packages on the doorstep

So yeah. Brazilians think fucking 14 year olds is OK because they're savages

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8ff405 No.21679731

File: b898f9c66bbba76⋯.jpeg (45.09 KB,255x255,1:1,80494388_EEB5_4D05_9818_E….jpeg)

File: 848158bc2391bab⋯.jpeg (13.11 KB,255x149,255:149,6F56A2AF_1C38_451D_8F66_6….jpeg)

File: 325e71034c5a2ba⋯.jpeg (24.86 KB,173x255,173:255,796E6E5E_B585_49C0_9121_3….jpeg)

File: 52f7563c92a3902⋯.png (380.44 KB,687x691,687:691,2FC21497_978F_4122_88D7_52….png)

File: 971211cbd721de0⋯.jpeg (44.61 KB,255x255,1:1,A564D4D4_9498_4315_B7D2_5….jpeg)

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efd548 No.21679732

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

djt: too big to rig,

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5978a6 No.21679733

Final Notables


#26547 >>21679041

>>21679041, >>21679273, >>21679532 Trump Live!

>>21679361, >>21679377, >>21679379, >>21679395, >>21679423, >>21679454, >>21679480, >>21679489, >>21679551, >>21679673 GREAT Trump quotes

- - - - - - - - - - -

>>21679079, >>21679080, >>21679097, >>21679105, >>21679127, >>21679128, >>21679104, >>21679210, >>21679216, >>21679278, >>21679471, >>21679581 DJT on the clock - Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

>>21679085 DJT - I seldom watch Low Rated Bill Maher but, when I do, I marvel at the fake laughter on the Show

>>21679091 Pray for our truck drivers….🙏🙏

>>21679092 Are these the same earrings Kamala Harris wore at the debate?!

>>21679115 Bannon's War room - Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalm 33:12a KJV ✝️

>>21679117, >>21679122 Who Gives a F*** About Christmas? Melania Trump Does Now


>>21679131, >>21679171, >>21679238 Do you think Americans can handle this much truth?

>>21679133 Citizens setting up Starlink to help first responders in North Carolina. The media won't thank Elon Musk for this, so we should.

>>21679135, >>21679137, >>21679237, >>21679682 Mil-Twat

>>21679145, >>21679215 Why is Lyin' Kamala Harris in San Francisco, a City that she has totally destroyed, at fundraising events, when big parts of our Country are devastated and under water - with many people dead?

>>21679151 Two Delta Airlines Agents Arrested After Allegedly Smuggling $3M Worth Of Ketamine

>>21679152 Bad Hombre - It took less than 24 hours after landing in the U.S. for Harris-Biden to give Zelensky $8 Billion more of your taxpayer dollars. It took 3 days to get a statement from Harris-Biden on Americans devastated

>>21679163 PapiTrumpo

>>21679173 🤡With a straight face, Eric Holder tells Circle Back Psaki, “They will use the mechanisms of the DOJ to go after people who are their political foes. This is something that has never really happened in the history of this republic

>>21679179, >>21679182 There's something wrong with Kamala, I just don't know what it is – But there is something missing, and everybody knows it!

>>21679181 Kamala Harris never cared about the border until she realized it would cost her the election.

>>21679187, >>21679457 Notetaker notes

>>21679192 The flooding in North Carolina has a potential to throw the semiconductor and tech markets into chaos!

>>21679217 Kamala's regurgitated shit

>>21679247 Diddy's Ghislaine Maxwell Goes Missing?

>>21679250 PapiTrumpo - Pennsylvania is ready!!!

>>21679263 US a hostage to Israel – NATO state

>>21679269, >>21679279, >>21679288, >>21679301 Police reveal 10 years of Wiltshire UFO sightings first time 28th September 2024 Goes back further…

>>21679284 John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: "First Amendment Stands As Major Block" To "Govern"

>>21679299 Mike Pence & Dan Scavino - "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." (Ephesians 6:13)

>>21679338 Right Wing Firebrand Alice Weidel Is Poised To Be AfD’s Candidate for German Chancellor in Next Year’s General Election

>>21679368 Israeli strikes forced a million people to flee homes – Lebanese PM

>>21679374 STONE COLD - important phrase?

>>21679389 today is the70th anniversary of CERN

>>21679391 Trump will support Ukraine – Zelensky

>>21679402, >>21679420, >>21679464, >>21679522, >>21679525, >>21679536, >>21679546, >>21679576, >>21679637 BREAKING: Large fire at BioLab in Conyers, Georgia sends massive plume of smoke over sky, I-20 being blocked off, residents told to leave

>>21679414 'Complete Obliteration': DeSantis Says Hurricane Helene Damage Worse Than Idalia

>>21679437 United Cajun Navy - Thanks to @elonmusk and @Starlink, our teams in the #NorthCarolinaFlood zone are reconnecting families who couldn't reach their loved ones for days! #CajunNavy

>>21679445 Globalists Claim Europe Is ‘Too White,’ ‘Too Western’

>>21679466 Naomi Campbell Disqualified From Being a Charity Trustee in England for Five Years – Charity Money Spent in Luxury Hotels, Spa Treatments, Room Service and Even Cigarettes

>>21679472, >>21679586 Israel Strikes Houthis in Yemen — Again

>>21679523 New York Judge Resigns amid Investigation into Alleged Jan. 6 Role

>>21679538 Ports Brace for Shutdown as U.S. Dockworker Strike Deadline Nears

>>21679552, >>21679553, >>21679558 Trump's favorite immigration chart. End of office, April?

>>21679625 CBS 02/19/2020 - How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

>>21679640, >>21679641 the snake

>>21679650 Virginia School Bus Aide Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Disabled 4- And 5-Year Olds

>>21679666, >>21679679, >>21679713 Yep! Act Blue is a criminal organization to launder money to Democrats!

>>21679700 Why massacring civilians is Israel’s deliberate strategy

>>21679695, >>21679672, >>21679657, >>21679606, >>21679527, >>21679485, >>21679476, >>21679458, >>21679442, >>21679381, >>21679336, >>21679259, >>21679239, >>21679235, >>21679132, >>21679118, >>21679095, >>21679093, >>21679077, >>21679074, >>21679134, >>21679147, >>21679162, >>21679164, >>21679186, >>21679196, >>21679194, >>21679195 Memes


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a16198 No.21679734

File: 0f3066dd56c26b6⋯.png (1.09 MB,918x697,54:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Prove Biden wrong. Go into the pager business.


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4ffdc8 No.21679735

why cant i post

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ac8c67 No.21679736


>Anons, go to META…

Anons use facefuck? Even with what we know?


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eb15a9 No.21679738

File: 6a96a9510806fc1⋯.png (313.81 KB,890x560,89:56,krat1.PNG)

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d3c612 No.21679740

File: ea7abbb2cffad63⋯.png (172.09 KB,1498x1202,749:601,4960.png)

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159a52 No.21679741

Inversion of reality

Sky news anchor Erin Molan faces backlash after voicing support for Israel

"Nobody knows what will happen next in the Middle East, but I know without any doubt in my mind who I'm rooting for, and it's not the terrorists who celebrate death. It's the country that celebrates life," Molan said.

Molan described facing a wave of online abuse. During the broadcast, Molan also described Israel's attack on Hezbollah as "a victory not just for Israel, but for everyone fighting terrorism," adding, “I salute Israel for defending life with all its might.”


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5915b1 No.21679742

File: a1dbe1d6241823f⋯.jpg (87.47 KB,1130x480,113:48,RedOctober.jpg)

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300409 No.21679744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Matters, Against Fake Lives Matter

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07bcd8 No.21679746

File: 227d4518db5bbb0⋯.png (20.39 KB,400x308,100:77,227d4518db5bbb062f5bc7812a….png)

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c7bb50 No.21679747

File: 23f6abc4bc594d9⋯.jpg (40.12 KB,750x500,3:2,ivanka4_before_chin_job.jpg)

File: 57d9295dda52898⋯.jpg (42.02 KB,750x450,5:3,ivanka3_before_teeth_job.jpg)

File: cbc630953274fd3⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,750x500,3:2,ivanka2_before_nose_job.jpg)

File: b0866c6b28808a8⋯.jpeg (10.27 KB,255x151,255:151,ivanka1_looks_like_jared.jpeg)


>Jared Kushner Praises Assassination of Nasrallah, Says U.S. Must Support Ground Invasion of Lebanon

I wonder what happened to the real ivanka

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44ecb0 No.21679748


QR meta, newfag

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cc95ec No.21679749



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07bcd8 No.21679750

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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07bcd8 No.21679752

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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07bcd8 No.21679753

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

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5978a6 No.21679754

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate

Fresh, please lock and migrate












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8ff405 No.21679755

File: e5546830a859914⋯.png (207.68 KB,750x1334,375:667,01722618_B7DC_4EA3_8AF1_D4….png)

File: 310c9e2edbe4520⋯.webp (4.56 KB,300x210,10:7,FCFA7E90_EE93_45E7_ACCE_B….webp)

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07bcd8 No.21679757

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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a16198 No.21679758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden Says 2nd Amendment Has Always Allowed For Regulations On Weapon Types And Ownership


25A sap

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c42dbf No.21679759


>>21675479 pb me

video: https://www.kla.tv/30460

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85c15f No.21679760

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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c1a30b No.21679761

File: c133e27eb53f7a8⋯.jpeg (308.42 KB,923x910,71:70,IMG_5668.jpeg)

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78ac94 No.21679762

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

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07bcd8 No.21679763

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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c7bb50 No.21679764

File: 67b6d3ac66aa601⋯.png (144.97 KB,776x286,388:143,another_israeli_sympathize….png)

File: 1a82e2357c1e217⋯.png (393.29 KB,710x742,355:371,another_israeli_sympathize….png)

File: c116d6d02116127⋯.png (37.75 KB,588x460,147:115,Israeli_politician_calling….png)

File: acaddb176b821b3⋯.png (280.61 KB,1025x723,1025:723,Israel_calling_for_extermi….png)

File: 6f17b86b5c41710⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,218x233,218:233,ben_shapiro_carpet_bomb_ga….jpg)


>celebrates life

kek what

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fcdef5 No.21679765

File: 7b6b638e567a8fa⋯.png (229.64 KB,495x479,495:479,united.png)


Go Vote in QR META - https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21647663.html#q21670734

Do not consent to censorship here. Stand up.

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c18567 No.21679766

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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ac8c67 No.21679767


>QR meta, newfag

Then be specific, faggot.

Dual meanings exist!

Sound familiar?

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2aa91c No.21679768


Looking at the sauce name I'd say palestinian butthurt

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c18567 No.21679769

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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c7bb50 No.21679770

File: 70b10edf5556293⋯.gif (2.77 MB,480x360,4:3,simpsons_kamala_voting_ill….gif)

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300409 No.21679771

File: e417ad2748cbfb7⋯.png (1.71 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


They be makin someone into Ice Cream…

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0f86d8 No.21679772

File: d72999f4ce6ac4d⋯.png (427.8 KB,600x337,600:337,Q_nigga.png)

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c1a30b No.21679773

File: 152ed53cbf33fca⋯.png (1.33 MB,1125x750,3:2,xihill.png)

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44ecb0 No.21679775


the qr board was linked in that anon's OP about it

maybe read the thread before telling anons gtfoh

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0f86d8 No.21679776

File: febd8569b87f732⋯.png (785.88 KB,863x657,863:657,Q_Merry_Christmas_UCMJ.png)

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159a52 No.21679778

File: 23b6d6c4e14d313⋯.png (858.71 KB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)

PM Netanyahu: Israel changing strategic reality in Middle East

“We crushed Hamas in Gaza. We eliminated most of its chain of command,” Netanyahu said in a Sunday night statement.

“We crushed Hamas in Gaza. We eliminated most of its chain of command,” Netanyahu said in a Sunday night statement.

“We forcefully struck Hezbollah, we eliminated Nasrallah, and we are systematically eliminating the top of his command, including another [assassination] today in Lebanon,” Netanyahu stated.

'The IDF hit our enemies in Yemen again'

“At the same time, a little while ago, the IDF hit our enemies in Yemen again,” he said.

“Everyone sees the [long] range [of Israeli’s military capacity], everyone sees the fire over the targets, and everyone sees the price paid by those who attack us,” Netanyahu stated.

“I said yesterday that we are in a period of days of greatness, but also challenging days. These are large days - because in them we are changing the strategic reality in the Middle East,” Netanyahu stated.


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10281f No.21679780

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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a3294f No.21679781

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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fcdef5 No.21679782


Read the bread before posting… See how it was already stated, here: >>21679598

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300409 No.21679783



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10281f No.21679785

File: 6d5e456800aa370⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Q_Christmas.jpg)

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10281f No.21679786

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

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f522af No.21679797

bread locked, please migrate





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