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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

5e0143 No.21672846 [View All]

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701 posts and 473 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ec71b2 No.21673710

Fun fact today.

The Trump double. His name is Gary. He’s a nice guy. Kind of a dick. Oh and he enjoys miller lite.


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164dc2 No.21673711

File: 5232bf23e54badf⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,480x208,30:13,MSM_distracts.jpg)

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7d8b44 No.21673712

File: b64a4a8b0d3c7c2⋯.png (136.36 KB,678x676,339:338,b64a4a8b0d3c7c25320c7faeec….png)

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164dc2 No.21673713

File: bc359d0108b5cc6⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,480x472,60:59,ce0a3403b0.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673714

File: b437f3ecd4e6fad⋯.jpg (24.72 KB,700x445,140:89,Paine_protect_country_from….jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673715

File: 640b00f9ee3febb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB,320x237,320:237,All_Wings_Report_In.jpg)

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18874c No.21673716

I gotta poop!

Nobody move…

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164dc2 No.21673717

File: 72e6a089e1f3a28⋯.jpg (27.41 KB,600x600,1:1,1538094015741.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673718

File: 2a996ba8c10a18c⋯.jpg (29.46 KB,255x253,255:253,9fe4530b75949004c657cee42d….jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673719

File: 8e819182f1e39cb⋯.jpg (34.54 KB,798x782,399:391,dank_Jeff_Bozos_memes.jpg)

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d002e9 No.21673720


KEK pot

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164dc2 No.21673721

File: d9128a72ad70e84⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,450x522,25:29,Keep_on_Happening.jpg)

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4d97a6 No.21673722

File: 20da9c37a58ff7c⋯.png (394.22 KB,609x564,203:188,Screen_Shot_09_28_24_at_02….PNG)


What a disgusting person. His Twitter profile is atrocious.

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164dc2 No.21673723

File: 92ce019b3a03a91⋯.jpg (40.9 KB,500x375,4:3,Good_work.jpg)

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3f724f No.21673724


49 posts and you finally realize you’re taking a shit.


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164dc2 No.21673725

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB,512x262,256:131,iu_7_.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673726

File: 32121780108d537⋯.jpg (47.86 KB,540x311,540:311,Serpent_Never_Speaks_Truth.jpg)

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cbfe88 No.21673727

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dates from September 18, 1947

The Roswell incident is a conspiracy theory which alleges that the July, 5, 1947 crash of a United States Army Air Forces balloon near Roswell, New Mexico was actually caused by an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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095e05 No.21673728


Dont you see how they already know all this intel about hezbolla but zero on the conspirators in the Trump assassinations.

Fuck all these people.

Fuck DC and the system that keeps the balance of tryanny hanging over our heads.

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9cee03 No.21673729

Misguided and wrongheaded endeavor into final ruination, any Satanist of bite reading these words will pass long before author of them.

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164dc2 No.21673730

File: e8048b9ca1e1b51⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,500x337,500:337,Bill_Gates_vaccines_what.jpg)

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18874c No.21673731


I love u2

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28a8e2 No.21673732



#26540 >>21672850


>>21673366, >>21673410, >>21673644 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21672856 Only 37 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21672863, >>21673126, >>21673139 @thejimwatkins I was able to sell my car. That will get us through for a while. It is not easy to sell cars these days, but was cherry.

>>21672884, >>21672942 @Roseanne Blood Guts and the Shadow Governemnt

>>21672908 What the hell is a “perfect wife guy?” 🤔 Abortion and Football that's what

>>21672932, >>21673025, >>21673487, >>21673603, >>21673606, >>21673702 They fund their enemies, to justify what they do

>>21672978, >>21673004 RFK Jr. is up against a well organized, powerful and ruthless killing machine

>>21672979, >>21673016, >>21673094, >>21673124, >>21673182, >>21673321, >>21673387, >>21673400, >>21673588 NASA Space Related

>>21672991, >>21672999, >>21673595, >>21673613 Stupid is as Stupid does for Kamala

>>21673003, >>21673285 KAMALA makes false claims about Trump’s record on manufacturing jobs and steals his ideas

>>21673017, >>21673680 Ongoing Election Interference

>>21673062, >>21673067, >>21673448 TRUMP TRUTHS Border Czar

>>21673077 Flood waters in Biltmore Village next to Biltmore Estates, VANDERBILT [pool]

>>21673146, >>21673276, >>21673694 Hurricane Helene Aftermath

>>21673313 Campaign 2024: Senator JD Vance Campaigns in Monroeville, Pennsylvania

>>21673326 Fani Willis' "Loverboy" Nathan Wade Gets A Reality Check As U.S. Marshals End Weeklong Manhunt

>>21673394 Biden admin slammed for misusing Strategic Petroleum Reserve

>>21673473 Pelosis have been caught in an insider trading scandal involving Visa

>>21673479 Biden should be 'court-martialed' for what he's doing with Iran with Mark Levine

>>21673494 Today in Q Post History we have 21 Deltas

>>21673521 Abortion Business Sues Pregnancy Health Center – for Stealing Its Customers

>>21673556 The National Science Foundation is the main funding artery for most of the censorship ecosystem in the United States

>>21673591 CNN compared Trump to Nazis then says Melania should 'take back' 'dangerous accusation' MSM 'fueling' political violence

>>21673597 Update on Patriot and Marine Corps Captain Chris Kuehne becoming another J6 Political Prisoner

>>21673642 Texas Law Firm Is Representing Over 50 New Alleged Victims of Diddy, men woman and minors

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164dc2 No.21673733

File: 146a42e065df20c⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,457x653,457:653,Make_America_Great_Again.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673734

File: 14c1dd918125ef2⋯.jpg (54.68 KB,596x454,298:227,Jeff_Bozos_meme.JPG)

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164dc2 No.21673735

File: 7531f42a4cfa148⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,313x254,313:254,Laughter_stops.jpg)

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58eeab No.21673736

File: 347b7c63dc11d90⋯.png (170.27 KB,443x373,443:373,mj.PNG)


​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/66f8/2228/eba0/b80f/d41d/b42a/original_pic_-_2024-09-28T113453.237.jpg?1727537705)Far-left 'Mother Jones' editor accuses airline of 'Christian nationalism' after flight attendant wishes passengers a ‘blessed' night

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/AEAU

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164dc2 No.21673737

File: 4885d0e7ee35642⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,533x491,533:491,Tunnel_boring_machine_elit….jpg)

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1510f8 No.21673738


or October 7

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164dc2 No.21673740

File: e5c7781a1dbd36e⋯.jpg (60.16 KB,564x856,141:214,Sun_Tzu.jpg)

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0ff40e No.21673741


So true.

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164dc2 No.21673743

File: 6af30a23115b3b5⋯.png (62.69 KB,300x100,3:1,Calm_Before_the_Storm_.png)

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c482d6 No.21673744

The Diddy Laptop will never come out.

Imagine the smell of the room that holds all these tapes.

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164dc2 No.21673745

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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97fab8 No.21673746


>Riccardo Bosi 'The Final Phase Plan' Q


>Riccardo Bosi 'The Final Phase Plan' Q

nevermind….I found it.

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164dc2 No.21673747

File: cddd5ef3b50beb2⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,720x760,18:19,MSM_Manipulation_WSJ.jpg)

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d002e9 No.21673748

File: 6d46186f3464380⋯.jpeg (107.66 KB,680x453,680:453,F44ACB18_91FF_404B_9451_5….jpeg)

File: a3793c1c90934b2⋯.gif (186.37 KB,220x164,55:41,44F97748_2F67_4E53_BC99_28….gif)

File: 12db621039f9534⋯.png (1.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,15C85D42_9BF2_4755_BCA4_20….png)

File: 5cd2e2100f022b8⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,F73E816E_5E9D_4FEF_BE8C_F1….png)

File: 8852779720524ef⋯.png (388.95 KB,690x3754,345:1877,047375AB_77B8_4CF7_8784_6C….png)

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164dc2 No.21673749

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,750x500,3:2,KAVANAUGH_1.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673750

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson_den_of_thieves.jpg)

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58eeab No.21673752

File: d51ecd054a1a242⋯.png (260.36 KB,444x317,444:317,low.PNG)


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164dc2 No.21673753

File: 1a40b376691b9b1⋯.jpg (73.12 KB,960x932,240:233,42959113_2157801817872326_….jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673755

File: 55e2af4a280e0f3⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,700x422,350:211,Q_matrix_1.jpg)

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9cee03 No.21673756

File: 2afbb67de6d7aa6⋯.jpg (364.72 KB,634x663,634:663,1000001715.jpg)

Traitors are EXECUTED

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164dc2 No.21673757

File: 6d96128ec96af15⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,888x587,888:587,Seth_Rich_what_if_MS13.jpg)

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169cea No.21673758

File: 934ceb6a720e4fb⋯.png (5.17 MB,2000x3192,250:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6799a No.21673759


>runs shipping company

>ships fragile optics in plastic bags

*honk* *honk*

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58983b No.21673760


>Buzbee destroyed the RINOs in the Paxton case

sounds good!

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164dc2 No.21673761

File: 14f62ba9734a2c6⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,680x340,2:1,Chickens_conspiracy.jpeg)

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28a8e2 No.21673762

File: fc63a431f02d08c⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,974x1300,487:650,finaldough.jpg)

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164dc2 No.21673763

File: 11f6181a30ad6f9⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,960x647,960:647,heebie_jeebies.jpg)

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