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File: 8421bb93913cedf⋯.png (65.24 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

a75b89 No.21670291 [View All]

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701 posts and 484 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b65642 No.21671101

File: 2fc9ee99a67338e⋯.png (324.34 KB,526x513,526:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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989dc7 No.21671102

File: e25fa2d6872a44c⋯.jpg (66.88 KB,600x600,1:1,sword_of_archangel_michael.jpg)

I need you to pray in the name of God. I know we fight, but I need to know you wanna work this with me and find a paradise for us both and not constantly conflict with each other.

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25ce29 No.21671103

File: 3453b1a0f8d0b32⋯.mp4 (917.75 KB,944x520,118:65,Obama_Trained_ISIS.mp4)

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9f9dd0 No.21671104

File: fc04cbe8d7a0e23⋯.png (254.19 KB,611x431,611:431,scavinoarmorofgod.png)


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a6a634 No.21671105

File: 1688dc0bc243f8a⋯.png (934.3 KB,1000x893,1000:893,SAVE_THE_CHILDREN_NOW.png)

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25ce29 No.21671106

File: 621b9a52dcf32a7⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,404x718,202:359,buh9iu.mp4)

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3de5cc No.21671107

File: 2341cd5d8492c0b⋯.png (451.32 KB,567x622,567:622,ClipboardImage.png)

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45a268 No.21671108

File: 6ed91043cc5cd05⋯.png (1.58 MB,1060x951,1060:951,ClipboardImage.png)

What does that have to do with anything? Seriously, what does me personally have to do with anything about what you're writing? You call me a narcissist and try to, what I assume, embarrass in front of everyone because a doctor put me on disability. Seriously, what does that mean to you and why do you run an entire namefag persona around trying to copy me anyway? Oh, and notice that there's no MuhJoo but clown fucktard mimicry is active?


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638985 No.21671109

notables FINAL

#26537 >>21670304

>>21670636 Transcript Pt 2: Trump @ Town Hall in Warren, Michigan

>>21670755 DJT: We want cars BUILT IN THE USA

>>21670781 Michigan autoworker says to Trump she didn't support him but after doing her own research, changed her mind

>>21670698 DJT: Fake News sources at Mediaite, whatever that is, report that it is my intention to sue Lightweight Anchor David Muir of ABC

>>21670844 DJT retruths @BPUnion re: Kamala's open border situation

>>21670961 DJT: Why didn't Kamala make this speech four years ago?

>>21670820 ALWAYS READY TO ROCK!!!😎

>>21670414 Trump will deliver remarks tomorrow @ Prairie du Chien, WI

>>21671104 Scavino

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21670353, >>21670601, >>21670619 Kamala Harris Delivers Remarks from Douglas, AZ

>>21670735, >>21670744, >>21670751 Kamala doing what she does

>>21670375 RFK Jr Says President Trump is Starting His Transition Process Five Months Early to 'Put a Government In Place' on Day One

>>21670449 Timing is everything

>>21670456 Manhunt Ends! – Lover Boy Nathan Wade Is Served by US Marshals After Evading Authorities for a Week

>>21670502 Criminals vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic Party, because it is the soft-on-crime party

>>21670508 Naomi Campbell Disqualified From Being a Charity Trustee in England for Five Years After Fund Misconduct

>>21670528 RFK Jr: Trump kept the peace

>>21670548 P Diddy in the Dept. of State FOIA Reading room; 2 hits

>>21670596, >>21670756, >>21670771, >>21670643, >>21670775, >>21670791, >>21670812, >>21670815, >>21670880 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21670927, >>21670945 Strange patterns during yesterday’s Category 4 Hurricane Helene in Florida

>>21670624 U.S. Marshals Arrest Over 3,400 fugitives in Operation North Starting

>>21670672 Rasmussen: 2024 is Locked In and Trump will OVERPERFORM Polling!

>>21670700 China experiences a literal shitstorm

>>21670703 ICYMI: First Lady Melania Trump's Full Interview on Fox & Friends

>>21670715 Biden-Harris Admin On Track To Oversee Massive $1 Trillion In Improper Payments, Watchdog Group Finds

>>21670739 Alex Soros meeting with the local villains

>>21670821 Alex Soros spends a lot of time in Albania, hanging out with its longtime Prime Minister Edi Rama

>>21670750 Notre Dame president’s inauguration celebration includes former Planned Parenthood executive

>>21670826 PF: Russian Military An-148 RA-61724

>>21670831 Eminem’s been calling Diddy out for decades

>>21670860 Did The North Carolina Election Board Just Try to Pull A Fast One?

>>21670921 Pompeo thinks there’s connectivity with the two assassination attempts on President Trump

>>21670936 DoJ sues Alabama over attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls

>>21670956 British Prime Minister Had Dinner with President Trump for Two Hours, But Never Met with Kamala Harris

>>21670966 Migrant kids were drugged with melatonin gummies as part of child-trafficking ring

>>21670981 Leaked Diddy Freak Off pic

>>21671002 Maryland Woman Sentenced for Conspiring to Destroy the Baltimore Region Power Grid

>>21670372, >>21670447, >>21670503, >>21670531, >>21670555, >>21670590, >>21670599, >>21671101 Memes


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cbf13f No.21671110


Oh, and I'm not a newfage, been here for quite a number of years, just not so much over the last few.

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4f4a4d No.21671113


The devil

& against Ba'al

& against Ashtaroth

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8a6ace No.21671114

File: 4b9f09e7dde9f21⋯.jpg (227.33 KB,1200x608,75:38,BidenHarrisTet.JPG)

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25ce29 No.21671119

File: e2a586b7da1e661⋯.mp4 (12.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Kill_Yourself.mp4)

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411f8d No.21671121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3de5cc No.21671122


Imagine spending all that money on our people.

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b6d208 No.21671124

File: af9794d347ca774⋯.png (137.01 KB,311x421,311:421,1049.png)

File: c68baac97c8ce49⋯.png (7.09 KB,444x201,148:67,1049_Q.png)













Q+ @ 10:49

Think logically.



Are you awake?


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638985 No.21671125

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b3a8b4 No.21671126

File: fbf766ab99cb51c⋯.jpg (55.71 KB,669x481,669:481,willy.jpg)

That's what I thought. Just another broken faggot. How many times do I gotta teach you, clown?

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989dc7 No.21671127


So who made a better weapon concept? The Stoner scalpel, or the Kalashnikov Hammer?

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25ce29 No.21671128

File: 6d8255ca52fb5a7⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,1024x576,16:9,ebvamv.mp4)

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9c2c92 No.21671129

File: 80a1aa655779f71⋯.gif (523.97 KB,498x498,1:1,80a1aa655779f71235db042233….gif)

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be1cc5 No.21671130


Ahh, this is why no Logan Act from the Media for DJT meeting with both Z and Starmer, today.

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b23496 No.21671132

File: 8876ffe9924bb18⋯.png (7.18 KB,259x195,259:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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45a268 No.21671136

File: ddd43f5ee188aa1⋯.png (1.59 MB,1069x949,1069:949,ClipboardImage.png)

That's what I thought. Just another broken faggot. How many times do I gotta teach you, clown?


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b6d208 No.21671137

File: a44f39ef08bb774⋯.png (288.38 KB,444x537,148:179,1054.png)

File: ef215f06c5f142d⋯.png (113.31 KB,311x412,311:412,1054_Q_.png)

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b6d208 No.21671140

Be loud. Be heard. Unite.

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13c215 No.21671142

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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b3a8b4 No.21671144

File: 4f095fd96e1be35⋯.jpg (375.26 KB,960x1280,3:4,pepe_house.jpg)

Look at him on a copy loop. Same meme. Just copies the post. How's it feel, you stupid faggot, to attack with what you care about but I don't? Is it working?

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106e71 No.21671145

File: 9a1cf72b1f32464⋯.png (1018.15 KB,750x1029,250:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ec844 No.21671146

File: 4a56e5077ddbb6e⋯.png (572.14 KB,750x632,375:316,026c84d572c5d2b3d0be10d740….png)

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45a268 No.21671147

File: 5a63953431f0505⋯.png (1.61 MB,1081x952,1081:952,ClipboardImage.png)

Look at him on a copy loop. Same meme. Just copies the post. How's it feel, you stupid faggot, to attack with what you care about but I don't? Is it working?


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411f8d No.21671149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9433b8 No.21671150

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cbf13f No.21671154

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b3a8b4 No.21671155

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)


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45a268 No.21671160

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,053917b8d6ca4e9490055f10a5….jpg)

I think I might have some black coffee to wash down my supper.

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3ad5cc No.21671165


>just not so much over the last few

Let me bring you up to speed then. Pig is a subversive. If you need examples then just let the board know.

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9ce0ca No.21671167

File: a9a66785c1961e7⋯.jpg (431.51 KB,1444x1536,361:384,Weird.jpg)

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b3a8b4 No.21671169


Think I'll celebrate the fact that there is a repetitive NPC based upon my meme rotations, mannerisms, and what I've mentioned before over the course of almost 7 years here. That's winning in a certain light.

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7cc366 No.21671170

File: bf91ea2e3aa9e10⋯.jpeg (220.76 KB,750x424,375:212,IMG_6334.jpeg)


Is there an article or anything to confirm her tweet?

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c78d7c No.21671171

File: 379d300f6995121⋯.jpg (67.26 KB,417x636,139:212,SUBVERTING_UR_ASS.jpg)

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45a268 No.21671173

File: f906ae06ffdc4cd⋯.png (1.6 MB,1079x954,1079:954,ClipboardImage.png)

Think I'll celebrate the fact that there is a repetitive NPC based upon my meme rotations, mannerisms, and what I've mentioned before over the course of almost 7 years here. That's winning in a certain light.


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cbf13f No.21671174


WTF are you talking about? Sunglasses? If you are referring to the Stoner rifle and the AK it depends on what you want to achieve in what context. Better is relative.

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3ad5cc No.21671175

File: 4cae6c0f7084b2d⋯.jpg (77.17 KB,681x673,681:673,4cae6c0f7084b2dbfbf10fe3a2….jpg)

File: a940b3722422209⋯.jpg (108.62 KB,453x594,151:198,TrumpBehindBars.jpg)


Guess you think Trump is deep state then. Huh? Hop sing?

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e73271 No.21671177


>there's no MuhJoo


fixt it for ya

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df56a2 No.21671180


Show me where the constitution grants the federal government the power to outlaw a plant. I'll wait.

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3ad5cc No.21671183

File: 7c10947a5d736e4⋯.png (508.67 KB,1034x811,1034:811,beph1.png)

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7ec844 No.21671185

File: 5194b7af1cdec1f⋯.jpeg (16.66 KB,229x255,229:255,5194b7af1cdec1f79d67716cb….jpeg)


You seem mad

You should take a pot

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cbf13f No.21671186


I've been on this board for years, I think I am able to make up my own mind.

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e73271 No.21671188


builds house on train tracks

acts shocked when train smashes house

waits for taxpayer with more sense to pay for new house in same location

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