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File: 1e9539dfa07b89f⋯.png (188.23 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

b971cf No.21663102 [View All]

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e92323 No.21664114

File: 67f9916c30195cf⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Waterman.mp4)


He should learn from a professional!

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2aa76f No.21664115

File: fa0063dc1568064⋯.jpg (60.88 KB,474x681,158:227,th_1984510068.jpg)

Jesse just fucked up…

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3daf0a No.21664116


same then and now, live and learn

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c9785c No.21664117


Are we supposed to believe this random Jewish guy with no sauce just sources say?

Fkn seriously? wtf

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bd9590 No.21664118


Fuck that

Rudy G is the way it's got to be

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af96fb No.21664119


>Panama’s President Says Biden’s Open Border is Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in His Country

imagine if we had a news media that reported things like this

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139166 No.21664120


It's all the fentanyl, right?

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8deda6 No.21664121

File: e26ae277872dafd⋯.jpg (34.16 KB,493x335,493:335,catzfeetz.jpg)


keks in cat

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fe3d4e No.21664122


Yes, the jews have infiltrated everything over time, even the Catholic Church and ancient records. But the original can be seen from the dead sea scrolls.

But even then, it only takes logic and meditation for the Lord to open your eyes far enough to see the sabotage in His word.

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cb96a7 No.21664123

notables FINAL

#26529 >>21663111

>>21663208, >>21663241, >>21663254, >>21663259 Archive: DJT holds press conference @ Trump Tower in NYC - 9/26/24

>>21663776 Live: Major Hurricane Helene Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>21663174 Florida Gov. DeSantis holds briefing on Hurricane Helene in Tallahassee

>>21663181, >>21663397, >>21663534, >>21663812, >>21663477, >>21663578 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21663168 Rep Anna Luna says FBI confirms Biden’s bribery scheme real but Biden Crime Family will murder whistleblower if evidence released

>>21663233 PF: UAV17

>>21663257 The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls

>>21663271, >>21663339 RFK Jr: Enough is enough; this is what most Americans innocently put into their bodies these days

>>21663273 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21663278 Costco says that none of their US locations carry the baby oil that Diddy's lawyer says he bought them from

>>21663285 Disney bloodbath: latest round of layoffs hitting hundreds of corporate employees

>>21663291 Federal judge orders EPA further regulate fluoride in drinking water due to concerns over lowered IQ in kids

>>21663302, >>21663417, >>21663428 DC National Guard whistleblower testifies before house administration committee on J6 delays

>>21663320 Criminal charges coming in alleged Iranian hack of Trump campaign emails

>>21663485 A grand jury has indicted multiple Iranians on charges related to hacking Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign

>>21663333 FULL HEARING: Donald Trump Butler Shooting Congressional Task Force

>>21663357 Andrew Cuomo eyes NYC mayor job

>>21663465, >>21663842 The U.S. Marshalls have issued a Manhunt for Fani Willis’ lover Nathan Wade who is now reportedly missing

>>21663466 Kamala's Stolen McValor

>>21663467 President Trump has just called on Nancy Pelosi to be PROSECUTED for insider trading

>>21663498, >>21663590 Dave Ramsey interview with Trump inbound

>>21663552 An appeals court appears likely to overturn the $454 million civil fraud judgment against Trump

>>21663554, >>21663576, >>21663585, >>21663727 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry

>>21663569 Kari Lake's Daughter Attacked by 'Radical Leftist' While Registering Voters on College Campus: 'This Is a Crime'

>>21663620 President Trump Says NYC Mayor Adams’ Indictment May Be Due to Him Speaking Out on Biden’s Border Crisis

>>21663702, >>21663704, >>21663818 Haitian leader drinks straight from the water pitcher during speech at the UN 🤣

>>21663740 The Cure returns with first new song in 16 years

>>21663796, >>21663860 Today is National Situational Awareness Day

>>21663903 Keir Starmer is in New York for the UN General Assembly, to potentially meet with Trump for first time

>>21663938 Unborn babies disguise selves as Death Row inmates so liberals will defend their right to live

>>21663939, >>21663963 British PM confuses the word hostages with sausages

>>21663992 Toyota promotes DEI, supports child sex changes, divides employees by race and gender: report

>>21663994, >>21664034 Roseanne Barr tells Tucker Carlson Satanic Elites Eat Babies

>>21664001, >>21664050 A woman from Guatemala in US for only 5 days showed up at an Arkansas woman's clinic with a Medicaid card

>>21664013 Dem senator pushes bill to pack, regulate Supreme Court

>>21664043 Real estate magnate moves $500M NYC investment to Florida over Trump conviction

>>21664053 Leader in 2012 Benghazi Attack that Killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens and 3 Other Americans Is Resentenced to 28 Years

>>21664061 Colorado dean of students fired after saying USA is 'the greatest country in the world' during mandatory DEI training

>>21664083 NYC Mayor Eric Adams placed several Turkish agents in various positions inside his admin for $$$

>>21664099 A DC court has SHUT DOWN Missouri courts by blocking our lawsuit against Media Matters from moving forward

>>21664113 PF: CH-47 Chinook (17-01001) over Redstone

>>21663142, >>21663155, >>21663169, >>21663177, >>21663185, >>21663474, >>21663518, >>21663837, >>21664100 Memes


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3daf0a No.21664125


Godspeed Children of God, The Father Loves You

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e31f61 No.21664126

File: 9b813606e4784bf⋯.gif (641.38 KB,288x288,1:1,9b813606e4784bf7b0befae967….gif)

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475658 No.21664127

File: 3d98f0b585a70c8⋯.png (40.58 KB,220x173,220:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e4197 No.21664130


New tech? Current battery efficiency erodes the equation substantially before conversion and transmission losses are accounted for.

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9b0423 No.21664131

File: 2ca047b8847f401⋯.gif (8.6 KB,255x146,255:146,trump_pepe_dance.gif)

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c9785c No.21664134

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7c9c2b No.21664135


still lying .

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1c1bbf No.21664136

File: 4dbe43fd56c5be4⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,499x499,1:1,4dbe43fd56c5be48052a353445….jpg)

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9d657f No.21664137

File: bdc149113264e94⋯.png (602.97 KB,593x854,593:854,db.PNG)




LAWFARE: The Democrats are working overtime to ensure that there won't be a single lawyer in America willing to defend election integrity in November. Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred and bankrupted for his efforts to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election - the Democrats are making an example of him to ensure no one ever challenges their election efforts ever again.

The PER CURIAM decision was supported by Judge Roy W. McLeese III (Obama appointee) and Judge Eric T. Washington (Clinton appointee). Joshua Deahl (Trump appointee) did not to submit a written dissent.

Rate proposed Community Notes

Only visible to contributors


Giuliani was disbarred in DC because he DID NOT RESPOND to the July 25, 2024, DC court order to show why reciprocal discipline should not be imposed after New York disbarred him, NOT "for asking court[s] to have improper ballots thrown out."






Is this proposed note helpful?

3:50 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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af96fb No.21664139


>british shills try to guns the guns

shit never changes

'76+'24 = 100%


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e8dd81 No.21664140

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,pepe_surf2.png)

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f56b0e No.21664141

RFK, Jr. - "We need paper ballots in every state. We need to make sure undocumented immigrants cannot vote."

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823f12 No.21664143

File: b5a2221894c802d⋯.png (282.4 KB,363x414,121:138,ClipboardImage.png)


Wakey Wakey


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475658 No.21664144

File: 86e1c8f355a1d44⋯.png (501.6 KB,220x173,220:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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8deda6 No.21664145


2 Corinthians 10:5

5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

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cb96a7 No.21664146

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9d657f No.21664147

File: dc562e80d256a37⋯.png (318.92 KB,599x599,1:1,mc.PNG)


johnny maga


OMG. Mark Cuban accidentally admits the truth, says inflation was not caused by "price gouging," but rather record spending (which Kamala was the tie-breaking vote on.)

Kamala's top surrogate just blew up her entire economic message. Incredible.


Trump War Room

3:41 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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fe3d4e No.21664148


Have a cry why don't you.

Gods word can never be hidden, it's within us.

Well, obviously not you.

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4ceb47 No.21664149

File: 1a6cc7a4c0bcfde⋯.png (2.31 MB,1392x1161,464:387,1a6cc7a4c0bcfde1d6722ee564….png)


>even the Catholic Church

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7c9c2b No.21664150


so its subjective based upon the interpretations of the individual you fucking sack of shit.

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26f56b No.21664151

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af96fb No.21664154


>Are we supposed to believe this random Jewish guy with no sauce just sources say?


interesting guy you have to admit he is

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11f855 No.21664156

File: a9e51970a643d90⋯.png (252.37 KB,720x578,360:289,a9e51970a643d90a72a28344c5….png)


shutup, fucktard.

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8deda6 No.21664157


dude, they say they are

but are not

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8deda6 No.21664158

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dcc7cb No.21664161

File: 83c1ae6f7ecf17a⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,480x270,16:9,horowitzclassificationrevi….mp4)

>>21657965 lb

"trust WRAY" ?

That's a big fat red herring.

Horowitz is a crook too.

"classification review"?

"delay info until after election"

Why are none of the cases against DJT delayed?

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6bc0ba No.21664169

It's definitely NOT the Jews.

The Jews are all wonderful, kind, innocent people who just want to make the World a Better Place.

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dbff24 No.21664171

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638ce6 No.21664176


>Yep, they've given up the V8's for 6's.

Straight 6's would be okay with anon, even turbo ones…but they don't meet CAFE standards.

Actually prefer them to V8 design, even though they suck moar gas and generally don't rev as high.

A good one will last a million miles.

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47f690 No.21664180

File: 6e7a5ce065efd84⋯.png (132.71 KB,478x460,239:230,ClipboardImage.png)

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823f12 No.21664184

File: c05826822fdfd8b⋯.png (338.69 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dad05 No.21664185

File: f2de291f0057e9a⋯.png (271.93 KB,796x567,796:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebf88be209eed36⋯.png (308.3 KB,341x654,341:654,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ceb47 No.21664188


Chrysler/Stelantis new engine is a turbo straight six.

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fe3d4e No.21664191


Dude, do you really think that they haven't fiddled with the translations?

They censor and lie about everything else, you really think

they got to the bible and said, oh, we better not fuck with this?

They fucked with it, to pretend they are the chosen instead of the Israelites.

You see, they never got over that bowl of pottage.

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823f12 No.21664200

File: ac5ba779fffff54⋯.png (586.08 KB,499x581,499:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe3d4e No.21664202


Anon had an old ford 6 250. Great engine.

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be1d9e No.21664214


This is why I love children, they don't lie when they know whats right and who they intuitively like

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cb72c9 No.21664220


Don't bother.

Many still believe the modern bible is the correct bible because why on earth would God's word be tampered with.

My favorite argument is the "well if the bible has never been tampered with why do some bibles say it's ok to be gay?"

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d84e37 No.21664228


anon sees the arrows in a quiver and raises a LOSBR

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19c65d No.21664240

File: c8d8032621b26d7⋯.png (394.45 KB,568x525,568:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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