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File: 5bbed817e54f742⋯.jpg (238.19 KB,600x335,120:67,000lll.jpg)

f08db7 No.21654601 [View All]

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b4408f No.21655579


Eight years ago, a brave and legendary business tycoon stepped away from the extraordinary life and empire he had built with a simple mission: to reclaim our nation from the corrupt ruling class and lift America up to its true greatness and glory.

Since then, he has been subjected to one hoax, one witch hunt, one persecution, one cruel injustice after another.

No man holding or running for the office of president has endured such a lengthy and coordinated attack.

As he says, they are coming after HIM because he is fighting for US.

The corrupt system he pledged to fight — the system that enriches itself on the suffering of the people, that mocks their tears and ignores their cries — has used every weapon at its disposal to try to stop one man from saving America.

Most sinister, the Democrat machine weaponized the justice system to criminalize political dissent and to try to jail the opposition leader — straight from the playbook of a third world despotism.

The corporate media, the most important instrument of ruling class control, lied for 3.5 years about the mental capacity of Joe Biden in an effort to maintain Democrats’ political control.

When that effort failed, they jettisoned democracy, coronated a new nominee with zero votes, and used their entire propaganda machine as the world’s largest in-kind donation to her campaign.

Throughout, the corrupt Democrat machine has radicalized its most unhinged supporters with a constant stream of dehumanizing rhetoric and vile defamation. And now there have been two assassination attempts that very, very nearly took the life of President Trump.

Now, we learn that a foreign adversary, the Iranian regime, has launched its own effort to assassinate President Trump.

The same regime that for the last four years has been enriched, coddled and emboldened by the Biden-Harris Administration.

These plots are an attack on our entire Republic. On our sovereignty, our dignity, our self-government and our entire citizenry.

America’s choice has never been more clear or urgent.

Join with the corrupt system that has brought us to this point of national degradation, ignominy, subservience and humiliation.

Or rally behind President Trump to reclaim our security, sovereignty, self-rule and self-respect — and to raise America up to its righteous and spectacular destiny.


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975b58 No.21655580

File: a872165ad1f433c⋯.png (1.06 MB,1243x1280,1243:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


Get out of the UN & get the UN out of our military & schools.

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d2b3b8 No.21655584

File: 6bb856c8241d1cd⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,2195x1445,439:289,Conspiracy_Rule_World.jpg)

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d2b3b8 No.21655585

File: d6b73863e52c948⋯.jpg (278.4 KB,1300x1390,130:139,InQTel_Scrubbed_from_Gener….jpg)

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6513a9 No.21655587

File: 3756ee09cf333be⋯.jpeg (161.06 KB,1121x650,1121:650,IMG_3656.jpeg)

25 Sep, 2024 17:07

Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine

The president has suggested several new criteria that would merit a nuclear response

Russia should update its nuclear doctrine to clearly define circumstances that would prompt Moscow to launch a nuclear strike, President Vladimir Putin told a meeting of the national security council on Wednesday.He also suggested an expanded list of such reasons that would include “reliable information”of a major airstrike being launched against Russia.

A list of threats and of nations or military blocs that require a nuclear deterrent from Russia should be expanded in the updated version of the doctrine, Putin told the meeting.

“Aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state… supported by a nuclear power should be treated as their joint attack,” the president said.

Moscow would also “consider” resorting to a nuclear response if it gets “reliable information”about a “massive” missile or air strike launched by another state against Russia, according to Putin. The weapons used in an enemy’s potential strike could include anything from ballistic or cruise missiles to strategic aircraft and drones, he stated.

“We reserve a right to use nuclear weapons in case of aggression against Russia and Belarus,”the Russian president said, adding that the principle had already been coordinated with Minsk.

Nuclear weaponscan be used if an enemy poses a “critical threat to either state’s sovereignty through the use of conventional weapons,” he explained.

Putin did not elaborate on when changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine will take effect. Senior Russian officials, including Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov have been discussing potential changes to the doctrine in recent months. In late August, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the document was “being reviewed.”

The Russian leader has long demonstrated a rather reserved position on the issue of nuclear weapons.Back in June, he expressed hope that“it will never come” to a nuclear exchange between Moscow and the West.

Moscow “has no reasons to even think about”using nuclear weapons, he said at the time, speaking at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Later that month, the president also stated that Russia did not need to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike, since “the enemy is guaranteed to be destroyed in a retaliatory strike.” He did not, however, rule out changes to the doctrine at the time.

(His statement sounds like he knows about a Clear and Present Danger. It doesn't sound good, the EU are fools and they think America will back them. These are stupid, arrogant people)


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d2b3b8 No.21655588

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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b58d21 No.21655590

If you want to Save Gen Z kids.

Vote Trump. Give them the opportunities we never had because of Political Corruption

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d2b3b8 No.21655591

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_spider_web.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655593

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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975b58 No.21655594


Not profit. Subversion. Profit is cover.

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d2b3b8 No.21655595

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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1c83c6 No.21655596

Impossible to defend

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4dd1d3 No.21655598


stop contributing funds and underwriting (by adhesion) the retards and criminals that bloat Government into this death-spiral.

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d2b3b8 No.21655599

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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f08db7 No.21655600


#26520 >>21654610 https://www.youtube.com/live/u5q5v7BZt_g

>>21654647, >>21654776 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Mint Hill, N.C. - 9/25/24 1:00 PM EDT

>>21655360 Trump Takes The Stage

>>21655372, >>21655385, >>21655394, >>21655399, >>21655402, >>21655409, >>21655426, >>21655482, >>21655494, >>21655516, >>21655527, >>21655529 Trump Truths

- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21654817 PF updates

>>21655066, >>21654676, >>21654633, >>21654636, >>21654684, >>21654703, >>21654777, >>21654858, >>21654885, >>21654892, >>21654919, >>21654926, >>21655022, >>21655040, >>21655047, >>21655074, >>21655130, >>21655245, >>21655289, LIVE: Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>21654634 Refresher: "BILL" COOPER- CNN FULL INTERVIEW (1992)

>>21654642, >>21654651, >>21654652, >>21654656, >>21654768, >>21655477, >>21655479, >>21655497, >>21655500, >>21655506, >>21655563 Swamp Habbenins

>>21654644 Biden’s Secretary of Commerce just told Democrats to “extinguish Trump for good.”

>>21654688 AMLO seizes U.S.-owned port in final week as Mexico's leader Port and quarry owned by Vulcan Materials Co.

>>21654701, >>21654710, >>21654717, >>21654721 Join The Digital Battle: Information Warfare

>>21654720 Key metric by which every success of a nation can be measured, which is, are we giving our children a chance to live better lives than we do.

>>21654727 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Just Became Crypto Fraudster Sam Bankman Fried’s Prison Bunkmate

>>21654741 FTC announces crackdown on deceptive AI claims and schemes

>>21654788, >>21654709, >>21654792, >>21654804, >>21654933 Moar Iranian threats to POTUS/Q's/Avril Haines

>>21654791, >>21654818, >>21654861, >>21654962, >>21655014, >>21655076, >>21655124, >>21655232, >>21655315, >>21655398, >>21655489, >>21655491 NASA/Space/Science

>>21654796 Today in Q Post History we have 08 Deltas

>>21654808 $MRNA Moderna down 87% from high. A company that never had a commercial product before Covid Vaccines

>>21654851, >>21655179 Hackers linked to the Chinese government have broken into a handful of U.S. internet service providers???

>>21654910 Tropical Storm Helene delays SpaceX's Crew-9 astronaut launch to Sept. 28

>>21655017, >>21655023 Judge to approve auctions liquidating Alex Jones' Infowars to help pay Sandy Hook families

>>21655032 Trump leads Ohio by 11 pts, and Bernie Moreno takes his first lead in Senate race.

>>21655088, >>21655093, >>21655108 Inexperienced Secret Service agent called tech support hotline for help piloting drone ahead of Trump rally shooting


>>21655180 Free Starlink Wi-Fi now on most Hawaiian Airlines transpacific fleet

>>21655193 A federal judge in California has ordered the U.S. EPA to strengthen regulations for fluoride in drinking water

>>21655269 Madeleine McCann suspect 'confessed to abducting girl from Algarve apartment'

>>21655296, >>21655309 Facebook created a secret gov’t portal for CDC employees to flag and censor free speech on “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.”

>>21655312 An envelope with a bullet was sent to Fitz A letter with a bullet arrived at the address of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitz, five months after the assassination attempt.

>>21655433 Authorities were responding on Wednesday to a reported explosion at the Santa Maria Courthouse in California

>>21655466 Interesting delta's today…

>>21655486, >>21655470 ICE’s Boston office announces they arrested four illegal aliens who are charged with raping or sexually assaulting Nantucket children or residents - all of whom were released from local custody despite the serious charges

>>21655492 Israel have 4 layer based Air Defense System…

>>21655495 Trump says he will visit Aurora 'in the next two weeks'

>>21655504 Kennedy questions Brindisi in Judiciary

>>21655543 King Abdullah II of Jordan visits Maryland Gov. Moore

>>21655552, >>21655555 Image released of mysterious object shot down over Yukon in 2023

>>21655566, >>21655579 Trump by Stephen Miller

>>21655587 Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine


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d2b3b8 No.21655601

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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31d4f0 No.21655602

File: fac8c75f5f9c3a8⋯.jpg (93.05 KB,828x1085,828:1085,photo_2024_09_24_13_28_02.jpg)

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4903e4 No.21655603


Kamala, you have a wicked sense of humor!

now get back to work practicing that script I sent you


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4b2208 No.21655606

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

djt: they have very little left. Thank God.

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9c68b2 No.21655607


Kek, someone will likely use that template inside of a vag, or butthole.

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d2b3b8 No.21655609

File: 4290e361578fc53⋯.png (116.8 KB,949x689,73:53,TidesFoundationWeb.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655612

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB,952x655,952:655,SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

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1c83c6 No.21655613

Circle the wagons

Which circle? Good or evil

It is time

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d2b3b8 No.21655614

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB,954x696,159:116,Rothschild_Munk_DeripaskaW….png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655616

File: 93b73ece92c0d30⋯.png (83.48 KB,955x685,191:137,Emmet_J_Rice_web.png)

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9c68b2 No.21655617


Someone needs to lock this old fart up for good.

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d2b3b8 No.21655618

File: 7b3ef1fb2d5642e⋯.png (80.97 KB,650x600,13:12,albright.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655620

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB,930x1060,93:106,War_info_war_cyber_war.jpg)

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d2b3b8 No.21655621

File: 47c5fff166ea72d⋯.png (78.46 KB,950x694,475:347,Ian_Cameron_web.png)

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b58d21 No.21655622

So there is no Kamala Harris Pregnant photo.


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d2b3b8 No.21655624

File: 7fba8c12f1d3f07⋯.png (72.09 KB,649x586,649:586,Chuck_Schumer_web.png)

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d7e3dc No.21655627

commie trying to taking over your cities

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d2b3b8 No.21655628

File: 4cdec355c9e4ce8⋯.png (70.92 KB,650x600,13:12,BlackRock.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655630

File: 06a628dfef68e86⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,1095x635,219:127,Susan_Rice_web.jpg)

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1c83c6 No.21655631


Guys don't usually get pregnant

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ea5b05 No.21655633


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4b2208 No.21655634

djt: last month, american workers lost 1.3 million jobs, and migrants got 630 000 jobs, black and hispanic people are getting devastated.

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d2b3b8 No.21655635

File: fee2c9e543238c0⋯.png (62.42 KB,964x701,964:701,Sony_web_connections.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655636

File: 4ad1f829cb2cc44⋯.png (62.05 KB,600x600,1:1,Podesta_web_of_connections.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655638

File: 66e7bca6da6ce89⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,600x708,50:59,Committee_of_300.jpg)

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e18c18 No.21655639

File: 6c40cb9862d427d⋯.jpg (38.31 KB,720x607,720:607,6c40cb9862d427da84b3710840….jpg)

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d2b3b8 No.21655640

File: 1cb4927047c77fd⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,DavidHarrisonGilmourWeb.png)

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4686a1 No.21655641

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f08db7 No.21655643





migrate, locked

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a09448 No.21655644

MEMORANDUM: EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 24-209 (Emergency Management – Amending Executive Order 24-208 – Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine)

Sep 24, 2024

TO: Members of the Press

FROM: Bryan Griffin, Director of Communications, Governor Ron DeSantis

DATE: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

RE: Executive Order Number 24-209 (Emergency Management – Amending Executive Order 24-208 – Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine)

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order (EO) 24-209, Emergency Management – Amending Executive Order 24-208– Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine, increasing the number of counties in the state of Florida under a state of emergency to 61 ahead of the storm.


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d2b3b8 No.21655645

File: 43a0f86f4055302⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,MF_Global_HoldingsWeb.png)

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6ab805 No.21655647

File: 16c68559fdccd36⋯.png (355.28 KB,600x500,6:5,16c68559fdccd36cc95ba0c2d1….png)

File: 389fc0fe107d609⋯.png (423.32 KB,500x510,50:51,389fc0fe107d609edcdcaf9be7….png)

File: 976d20616022a8c⋯.png (287.11 KB,500x500,1:1,976d20616022a8cb6e4901e380….png)


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d2b3b8 No.21655648

File: e31cc30ce975515⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,SergeyBrinWeb.png)

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d2b3b8 No.21655651

File: 74d07eba9cfe667⋯.png (54.48 KB,650x600,13:12,TeneoHoldingsWeb.png)

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33a2cc No.21655687

File: 42a52eae2abe28c⋯.png (981.33 KB,768x898,384:449,ClipboardImage.png)



Purple chakra, also known as Sahasrara, Violet Chakra, or the crown chakra, is the seventh and final chakra out of the primary chakras that align with the spinal cord, according to Tantrism.

Unlike the other chakras, it is not located in the body but two inches above the top of the head, where a physical crown would lie.

Furthermore, it is known as “the bridge to the cosmos.” It has the most spiritual properties of all seven chakras.

Also, it is the final converging point of all the other chakras, i.e., it is the final destination of the energies, from the root chakra through the third eye chakra.

The crown chakra provides a sense of wholesomeness or completion, self-realization, enlightenment, and pure bliss. The word “Sahasrara” means “thousand-petalled.”

"369" -Tesla pretty sure

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