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5bd9ed No.21653750 [View All]

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c0355b No.21654558

File: 19dca7dfdaa01e6⋯.jpeg (644.14 KB,1125x1000,9:8,IMG_4341.jpeg)

Is this a wig

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066c7e No.21654559

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)


>Zelensky says Russia planning attacks on Ukraine nuclear plants

so Azov?

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5271e7 No.21654561


i watched one.

change a few words and names, put it to Trumps voice and delivery and no one would know any different.

both men have a different means of taking down the enemy.

the innerwebs are a wonderful tool.

precision targets. only the guilty.

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c1c408 No.21654562

File: ac7889401b4f051⋯.png (57.76 KB,247x202,247:202,pepe_meh.png)

From alligator slides, to drifting slides…

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f07ad3 No.21654563

File: 4df405024b7d9f3⋯.png (234.37 KB,479x350,479:350,4df405024b7d9f32434a3f84ce….png)

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57e7d9 No.21654565

File: 897b402142123bb⋯.png (2.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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53b9a0 No.21654566

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f07ad3 No.21654568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db12e7 No.21654569

File: b880bd0c41b460c⋯.png (123.28 KB,547x651,547:651,absolute_state_of_anon.png)



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753b1a No.21654570

File: ed7435e82eac3d7⋯.png (228.08 KB,1004x844,251:211,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. The Coincidences™ just keep coming, don't they?

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70bfdc No.21654572

Plaskett: The evidence is the words of their leader, their would-be fuhrer, Donald Trump, and Project 2025, a nine hundred page manifesto of a transformed America.

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c0355b No.21654573

I’ve had fun with you anons this morning! Have a gay day!

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5271e7 No.21654574


hungry alligators and hogs making you nervous?

you sure look it

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db12e7 No.21654575

File: 5a3c3925869a882⋯.png (148.94 KB,368x263,368:263,Screen_Shot_2024_09_25_at_….png)


lost me at anorexic football-player shoulders

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b941c1 No.21654576


>>21654492 Argentina Issues Arrest Warrants for Marxist Tyrant Maduro and Cabello

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ed55f8 No.21654577


why would he go there?

would all the folks there be hunting for the exits soon if full scale war were to break out?

why go somewhere that might soon be evacuated?

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5060e2 No.21654578


>ironically, freemasonry teaches the opposite.

Yes, "ironically," Freemasonry has been hijacked by the author of lies.

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011c29 No.21654580

File: a666c07f7838bfc⋯.jpg (1.7 MB,1600x1200,4:3,p_diddy_001_1464660129.jpg)

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066c7e No.21654583

File: c87ad241141dadc⋯.png (1.17 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

choir of voices

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ed55f8 No.21654585



that's a curious word to use about them.

they are hijackers of souls, many would say.

since they have nothing of substance except for control and mocking, what exactly could be hijacked?

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c1c408 No.21654587

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_panic.png)


Why change your name though? Are you hiding criminal activity?

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5060e2 No.21654588


> i do wish that there were more obvious evidence, both to share with people so that they would "see", but also b/c i don't want to be someone who spreads malicious untrue character assassinations against anyone

Much has already been exposed in these pages, anon. It's incumbent upon you to do your own research; qresearch archives are a treasure trove of evidence.

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ff0c15 No.21654589



I would need about a week to make a meme slideshow presentation. I’ve created hundreds over the past four years.

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011c29 No.21654590


kek..why would he tell the world?

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f07ad3 No.21654591


"JOElene" stole man wiff buttstuff

reread dumbs

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f32adb No.21654592

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's when you say, I'd rather not have that endorsement. KEK



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53b9a0 No.21654593

File: e96693af0bd0a2d⋯.png (82.63 KB,499x483,499:483,Cape1abcd.png)

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db12e7 No.21654594


created by the author of lies, gheyness.

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f07ad3 No.21654595


i met her in middle school

round the time of the mass suicide in the gym

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c1c408 No.21654596

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,800x764,200:191,keks.jpg)


He's a moran, or too panicked to think clearly.

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3c4230 No.21654597

It's A Wrap

#26519 >>21653789

>>21653804 Secretary of State Antony Blinken becomes third Biden official to be held in contempt of Congress for skipping public Afghanistan hearing

>>21653815 Harris, Trump Agree To Hold Separate Town Halls On Univision - Trump from Miami, Florida, on Oct. 8, and Harris Las Vegas, Nevada, on Oct. 10

>>21653817, >>21653835, >>21653847, >>21654155 hostages-sausages you know flip of the tongue

>>21653857 about that pstain list

>>21653980 Delta Today- Some will take the easy path and exit early Q

>>21653982 UK's National Grid Admits It Doesn't Have A Clue How To Reach Net Zero

>>21653991 40 Days to WINNING

>>21654010, >>21654238 Popcorn Goin Round

>>21654016 Flynn asks what's going on. Continuity of operations and gov't

>>21654019 Sen. Ernst to Newsmax: Biden Economy 'Forced' John Deere to Mexico

>>21654045 Judge Cannon Gets Case of Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin sweet…KEK

>>21654093 It's Habbenin

>>21654116 US investigates SAP, Carahsoft over price-fixing claims

>>21654118, >>21654119, >>21654134, >>21654153, >>21654173 Moar Crooks/First Net

>>21654128, >>21654237 Harris will be interviewed today by the great @SRuhle on MSNBC, to be aired in a special tonight at 7 pm

>>21654163 While we’re supplied unreliable “renewable” energy, reliable “green” nuclear energy will be supplied for data centres and AI

>>21654175 President Trump First Edition Silver Medallion-$100

>>21654178, >>21654182, >>21654196, >>21654207, >>21654406 Swamp Habbenins

>>21654197 Congressional Staffers Using Offical Emails for Adult Websites and Dating Sites

>>21654205, >>21654505 President Trump’s Assassins Are Communicating Intel & Orders On Child Porn Websites

>>21654209, >>21654259, >>21654441 Trump: 'Big Threats' From Iran; Attacker Would Face 'Death Wish'

>>21654215, >>21654222 Transplant industry whistleblower claims she was pressured to harvest organs from a person who was still ALIVE and fired after complaining

>>21654218 All things Korea/Sue Mi Terry

>>21654247 Interesting that Star Island with diddy and only famous billionaires living there would be located just across the street from a massive train yard.

>>21654256 4 traits you should have as an employee to help keep you off the layoff list, from an HR expert

>>21654291 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21654404 Team Trump Bus Tour in Wisconsin /War Room Morning Edition

>>21654417, >>21654455, >>21654462 Kremlin labels Zelensky ‘delusional’ KEK!

>>21654445, >>21654553 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Comet A3 Through an Australian Sunrise

>>21654470 Mozilla’s new brand plans to ‘reclaim the internet’

>>21654492 Argentina Issues Arrest Warrants for Marxist Tyrant Maduro and Cabello

>>21654515 German farmers struggling against Ukrainian grain

>>21654518 AI ambitions lift call center startup Ujet


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f098da No.21654598

File: 92833e2e5c6d31a⋯.png (236.98 KB,748x515,748:515,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


“‘Vindicating Trump’: The Number-One Political Virtue Needed Right Now Is Courage and Trump Has That in Spades” breitbart.com/politics/2024/09


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011c29 No.21654599



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db12e7 No.21654600

ghey, ghey, ghey; everything is faek and ghey.

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f07ad3 No.21654602


we should talk bout natalie portman

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e0ad26 No.21654604

File: df8646522947605⋯.jpg (14.04 KB,474x248,237:124,th_3448237466.jpg)

File: fee413c89a14c54⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,375x211,375:211,45e7ed54be6fef89408720df54….jpg)

File: fb859369ea8ea9e⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,700x394,350:197,6744bb12_aeda_11e7_aab9_ab….jpg)

File: 595de2b607f2a69⋯.jpg (148.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,SharedScreenshot_1_1405469….jpg)

File: 7a0481b2bc68fa3⋯.jpg (108.63 KB,982x726,491:363,clinton1_660049482.jpg)


Blood Diamond

2006 film by Edward Zwick


Blood Diamond is a 2006 American political war thriller film directed and co-produced by Edward Zwick and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, and Djimon Hounsou

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dafb22 No.21654605


The Clintons and the media have vehemently denied that Hillary is an occult practitioner for years, in spite of evidence to the contrary. Former Clinton insider and “fixer” Larry Nichols admitted last year that when Hillary Clinton was First Lady, she used to fly out to California once a month to take part in a ritual at a witch’s coven.


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36461c No.21654606

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>German farmers struggling against Ukrainian grain – Bild

> (I hope the US is not buying Ukraine grains)

Ukrainian grain didn't used to be GMO.

GMO is the crap Big Pharma forces Americans and the rest of the Western world to eat to make them fat and sick.

Is it still?

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f07ad3 No.21654607



one of those scoundrels should fit in yur oval huh

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1a03b3 No.21654608


Probably going to change it back to his Jewish Surname if I had to guess.

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f07ad3 No.21654612



nigga still mad he homo

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f32adb No.21654614

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why does his hair have purple lights on it?



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3c4230 No.21654615

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3a96d7 No.21654616

File: b0466625b2e4422⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,1125x1737,125:193,IMG_4342.jpeg)

Let’s goooooooo Ladies!!!

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e0ad26 No.21654619

File: f3a6dcf2db0c6b3⋯.jpg (690.28 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240925_072617….jpg)

File: 36c1f86030a0510⋯.jpg (136.19 KB,863x1390,863:1390,original_film_title_blood_….jpg)

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f07ad3 No.21654623



its totally bordeline personality disorder to fight with yur own dellusion btw

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415bf8 No.21654628

File: a4e69502e9f65e0⋯.jpg (30.33 KB,612x408,3:2,aoc_look.jpg)

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e0ad26 No.21654629


Carbon before Carbon (S)

Solid = diamond

Needs P = F = MA

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b941c1 No.21654683

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b941c1 No.21654685


fags couldnt even close a bread


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