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File: 0940428a0f6f2c1⋯.png (68.74 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

435d2e No.21647545 [View All]

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480 posts and 292 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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004de4 No.21648136

File: bbcfdb5bed0bfec⋯.png (165.54 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


He is the king of psyoppers on the Dem side working for the official Psyop team. Especially b3078e7a52cef5b…

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52dd89 No.21648137

File: e25fa2d6872a44c⋯.jpg (66.88 KB,600x600,1:1,sword_of_archangel_michael.jpg)

File: c0cde683015fbdc⋯.jpg (436.26 KB,1452x1093,1452:1093,sgr_A_ESO_and_M_Kornmesser….jpg)

File: 57fcc0acd235596⋯.png (63.72 KB,220x221,220:221,Kaiserstandarte_Version2_s….png)

I hope Michael isn't seen as bad if he has wears black sometimes. This is way beyond Light and Dark. This about how we see and have been taught (deceived) to see things.

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04394a No.21648138

File: 37e6af7423a2583⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,976x567,976:567,bdd1f98ac8a83c32e920c33473….jpg)

File: 9be4a251d3eeeaa⋯.jpg (16.24 KB,474x230,237:115,th_3898206468.jpg)

File: fb859369ea8ea9e⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,700x394,350:197,6744bb12_aeda_11e7_aab9_ab….jpg)

File: fee413c89a14c54⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,375x211,375:211,45e7ed54be6fef89408720df54….jpg)

File: d14140b2033f92b⋯.jpg (86.02 KB,681x383,681:383,trump_paradise_newsom_brow….jpg)

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a0b95d No.21648140


Arch Angel Michael is Enoch, Metatron

and he is the Word, in Miltons Paradise Lost, theres a beautiful passage where Michael as he is called in Heaven, was the only one of the heavenly host willing to come down here and save mankind as he loved us so.. and his Father shone a light on him in Heaven and said "This is my Son, whom I Love Very Much" or something like that… beautiful passage… then i knew this was Truth

they gave him the name Joshua , yeshua, jesus, issa down here in this realm

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004de4 No.21648141

File: cf8d3c15a6dabf6⋯.jpg (99.28 KB,800x800,1:1,diddler.jpg)

File: 4a8fc572133f1fb⋯.png (530.96 KB,544x778,272:389,diddler.png)

File: 5229922328bf5b2⋯.png (691.52 KB,680x680,1:1,pdiddy.png)

File: 4c9c28e0281edb0⋯.jpg (137.5 KB,1043x675,1043:675,undertaker.jpg)

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f80777 No.21648142

File: 2c7bd3670737db7⋯.png (77.89 KB,668x546,334:273,orm.PNG)


Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com

Published: 21:45 EDT, 23 September 2024 | Updated: 01:51 EDT, 24 September 2024

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f80777 No.21648143

File: 662bc754bcbed2f⋯.png (33.16 KB,783x306,87:34,tro.PNG)



Feds demanded Adams admin’s communications with 5 more countries as Turkey probe expands: sources

By Craig McCarthy and

David Propper

Published Sep. 23, 2024, 10:46 p.m. ET

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a0b95d No.21648144



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319ed7 No.21648145

File: d3f480dbf2d70ce⋯.png (395.29 KB,539x960,539:960,d3f480dbf2d70cee50d54a99d0….png)

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46a43e No.21648146

>>21648087 whoa! They know something we don't. I seriously doubt this is about mass arrest or death.

Arrest wouldn't stop an elected member of Congress. They have to be allowed to come to the floor to vote. Only conviction.

This attempt looks more like they are expecting inconclusive election results.

By stating it is "until" a special election can be held (when the Constitution ends 118th at noon Jan 3) it carries over into what would be 119th.

This isDIABOLICALwar game this out anons.

every Blue State have their Governor appoint only dems to 119th by claiming their elections are inconclusive. Meanwhile Red States do the right thing and validate their elections ( which will include R & D winners) giving D control of both House and Senate without a single vote cast for the representative

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9205ab No.21648147


11 or more say you might be retarded

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f80777 No.21648149

File: 19cfc5009aa4dd8⋯.png (255.06 KB,605x517,55:47,did.PNG)




Diddy …. And Blackrock?

Interesting indeed



1:08 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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d470f1 No.21648150


Transubstantiation is, according to the teaching of the Church, "the change of the whole substance of bread into the substance of the flesh of Christ and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of the blood of Jesus".

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6545e9 No.21648151





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a0b95d No.21648152


you dont even know who Q is …flynn ran the st4einbart op in order to reveal whom he thought was Q

instead he fcked with arch angels..

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a0b95d No.21648154

they know who setup the drone attack on af1 in august 2020

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481c34 No.21648155

File: a9817fbfe7586fb⋯.png (292.3 KB,1022x1913,1022:1913,2024_09_24_2_27_56.png)





Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections

….the national emergency declared on September 12, 2018, must continue in effect beyond September 12, 2024. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13848 with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.



September 9, 2024.

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a26146 No.21648156

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)






Dueling morn'n spambots from Langley?

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a26146 No.21648157

File: 80a7ae7fbbed4d4⋯.png (181.21 KB,490x469,70:67,80a7ae7fbbed4d417d4410327c….png)


Q would confirm you are a bred goblin spamfaggot Retard who eats up bread while saying nothing.

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9205ab No.21648158


take your algorithm, shine it up real nice then shove it in your port side.

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f80777 No.21648159

File: 85470b973128577⋯.png (92.75 KB,434x602,31:43,pal.PNG)


NEW - Palantir wins $100M U.S. contract for AI targeting military tech. Maven Smart System, likely using Elon Musk's SpaceX satellites, uses battlefield data and advanced AI algorithms to identify targets.



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7d4100 No.21648161

File: cfbc305ae258997⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.83 KB,1280x1600,4:5,D01F0309_571E_43C4_BF87_8….jpeg)

Goodnight, frens.

<— morningfags, don’t click this shit without a mouthful of covfefe.

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b5df53 No.21648163

i was enjoying the diddydribble. has it dried up??

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a0b95d No.21648164


langley,, you know i think the cia isnt what we think it is .. i think there are more good in there than in the fbi… i think the fbi snaked jfk into thinking that the cia wa s the one to splinter

but thats pure speculation

i think snowden got the internet keys hacked and soon starlink will replace darpas www



i believe in pookahs too, have you met Harvey?

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a26146 No.21648165

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


She's Purdy

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dd33a1 No.21648166

File: 5a909fb9b1ec765⋯.png (375.09 KB,516x374,258:187,BA81807F_17D6_4E9E_AE35_AB….png)

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dd33a1 No.21648167

File: 0a9cd72aad4097b⋯.jpeg (131.24 KB,718x800,359:400,B505CAC9_813C_4927_96DE_A….jpeg)

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481c34 No.21648169

File: 85c725ea76940fa⋯.png (442.59 KB,1376x782,688:391,2024_09_24_2_38_09.png)





2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes Designated a National Special Security Event

Published By

U.S. Secret Service Media Relations

Published Date



The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” said Eric Ranaghan, the Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

The formal planning process is underway with the formation of an Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee is made up of senior representatives from federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners and will begin convening in the coming weeks.

In addition to the 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes on Jan. 6, the 2025 Presidential Inauguration on Jan. 20 was previously designated a National Special Security Event and planning has been ongoing for several months.

This designation allows for significant resources from the federal government, as well as from state and local partners, to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan. When an event is designated a National Special Security Event,the U.S. Secret Serviceassumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan.

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dd33a1 No.21648171

File: a7fd2edf465390a⋯.png (988.52 KB,793x1572,793:1572,42E40816_035D_4C94_96DA_89….png)

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f80777 No.21648172

File: c983de1ee86d488⋯.png (353.83 KB,610x880,61:88,so.PNG)


Lollita Nëgrita



There's a Haitian militia forming right now in Springfield, Ohio. This is a real threat to the American people.

Readers added context to this video on another post

That is Israel United in Christ, Inc. (IUIC) marching, NOT a Haitian militia.

They are known for their marches which have resulted in legal issues at times.

Original TikTok video.


Other video of the event.







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6:26 AM · Sep 23, 2024




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dd33a1 No.21648173

File: 65f096260be2e8b⋯.jpeg (128.64 KB,718x800,359:400,F138B65E_C719_431B_8DAF_9….jpeg)

Template Add Message

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6545e9 No.21648175

File: f2dbdc04941e07a⋯.png (93.96 KB,274x400,137:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't stop there anon…where you at on the chart?

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7d4100 No.21648176

File: 5cecf76494f5c78⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1423x1365,1423:1365,834B1DDD_E49B_4C96_9252_7….jpeg)

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74f756 No.21648177


Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

A prominent investor who has worked with a number of notable Democrats has been arrested on a warrant out of Las Vegas.

The suit claims the former member of US President Bill Clinton's administration owes them just under $4.5million,

He served as a member of Clinton's Domestic Policy Council from 2000-2001, before becoming a senior advisor to John Kerry in his 2002 Senate re-election and 2004 presidential campaign against George W. Bush.

He then served as the CEO of Rosemont Realty, a Santa Fe-based commercial real estate firm that is an offshoot of the New York company.

The firm had ties to President Joe Biden’s first son Hunter Biden, who served on Rosemont's advisory board.

He also founded The Burrell Group, which according to its LinkedIn, is 'a portfolio of individual privately held companies that focuses on medication education, behavioral sciences, financial services, commercial and residential real estate… in partnership with public and private universities, security and life safety systems.'

In addition to allegedly using money obtained under false pretense for his divorce, Burrell - who has five children - bought multiple mansions, many of which are being used as collateral and are at risk of being foreclosed.

As of writing, Burrell - who also worked as a contributor to The Huffington Post

>It sounds to me like he is a bag man for the Clinton's, Kerry, and the Bidens.


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dd33a1 No.21648178

File: 900ccf65af2af81⋯.jpeg (131.72 KB,784x656,49:41,D34D2A24_1569_405C_82DF_F….jpeg)

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f80777 No.21648179

File: c3d30955888cdfd⋯.png (314.12 KB,437x756,437:756,ir.PNG)


🗣💸 TRUMP CALLS ZELENSKY A GRIFTER WHO WANTS KAMALA TO WIN "SO BADLY", calling him out for scamming billions of U.S. taxpayers cash even as the two are expected to hold meeting (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/41745?single) on Thursday.

I think Zelensky is the greatest salesman in history. Every time he comes into the country he walks away with 60 billions dollars. He wants them [Democrats] to win this election so badly.

But I'd work at peace. If I win this election, first thing I'm gonna do is call up Zelensky and President Putin and say you gotta make a deal, this is crazy - Trump.

Earlier, Zelensky claimed "Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how", called his running mate Vance (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/41417) "Too radical and dangerous" for calling on Ukraine to compromise - Looks like It's gonna be one hell of an awkward meeting!

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost) @IntelRepublic

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9205ab No.21648180

File: 7e31aafb55edb3d⋯.png (1.92 MB,750x1334,375:667,08A924EA_506F_4E53_A86E_08….png)

File: 2a77a6def54e083⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x982,345:491,E8A85DC9_D4C7_449D_A6EC_29….png)

File: 2ab46a349bb368d⋯.jpeg (625.98 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,67779FD0_B6D4_4598_A7FA_F….jpeg)

File: 1c1a1f9304002b7⋯.gif (268.6 KB,220x167,220:167,1FB50813_882C_475A_A5EC_82….gif)



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481c34 No.21648181

#26512 >>21647556

>>21647570, >>21647638 Last big K-Mart store closes thanks to Bidenomics

>>21647573 Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie’ poll that has predicted every election but one since 1984: Trump 54% vs. Harris 39%

>>21647580 Kamala declaring war on white South Africans back in 1982

>>21647590, >>21647791 New Trump Tik Tok re: grocery store prices

>>21647610, >>21647627 Nashville postal worker placed on non-duty status after seen allegedly dumping mail in viral TikTok

>>21647637 Sammy Ravelo receives racist attacks from the Democrats after supporting Trump

>>21647671 Intrigue in Singapore as ex-minister prepares for rare corruption trial

>>21647691 Back in 2005, Kamala was front and center in destroying Michael Jackson

>>21647692 The plan to bankrupt America

>>21647696 Diddy dig

>>21647698, >>21647817 Researchers uncover remains of Ice Age mastodons in Peru

>>21647700, >>21647973, >>21648004 Elon Musk is programing an unbiased search engine and email service that will rival Google / anon discussion>>21647925 Musk: Google & Microsoft contribute a lot more to Dems than Repubs

>>21647705 The FBI's violent crime data from last year is very misleading

>>21647709 Seattle police will no longer respond to alarm calls unless without 'supporting evidence'

>>21647712 Ryan Routh Bail Denied After FBI Recovers Six Cell Phones and Google Search of How to Travel From Palm Beach County to Mexico

>>21647745 The NFL has rolled out what it calls a “non-partisan” NFL Votes initiative

>>21647769 Fetterman Warns [D]s that TRUMP is Far More Popular in Pennsylvania than They Think

>>21647775, >>21647816 Congress has no sessions in October

>>21647776 DJT: 9/23/24 | PENNSYLVANIA DonaldJTrump.com

>>21647777, >>21647837, >>21647915, >>21647928, >>21647959, >>21647967, >>21647968, >>21647970, >>21647977 9:40 PM Zero minute delta between Q+ and the 7777 post! Trump truthed "WORLD WAR III" exactly 77 Years 7 months 7 days from the END of WORLD WAR II; What does this mean?

>>21647798 Elon Musk met with the president of Argentina, Javier Milei in New York today

>>21647806 DJT: It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state


>>21647815 Earth to host 'mini-moon' for two months

>>21647835 Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21647845 DJT: When I am president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office

>>21647850 US sending more troops to Middle East as latest Israel-Hezbollah fighting sparks fear of all-out war

>>21647878 Kamala's father's book is her gameplan: accumulate everyone's capital, and distribute it to her peers


>>21647900, >>21647903, >>21647904, >>21647906, >>21647910 President Trump in Indiana, PA Rally - Archive

>>21647942, >>21647950 Tropical tracker of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

>>21648076 Michael Jackson's video game from 1991 is about saving the children from black hats surrounded by prostitutes. Coincidence?

>>21648087, >>21648128, >>21648155, >>21648169, >>21648146 Lawmakers want to make a constitutional amendment that would allow them to replace members of congress under the guise of a “mass casualty event” – IS THIS RELATED TO DESIGNATING J6 2025 as a NATIONAL SPECIAL SECURITY EVENT?? DIG DIG DIG

>>21648082 @laralogan: Does anyone else have the sense that they are stealing as much money as they can before the election, as they prepare to run for their lives?

>>21648142, >>21648177 Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

>>21648143 Feds demanded Eric Adams admin’s communications with 5 more countries as Turkey probe expands

>>21648149 Diddy…And Blackrock?

>>21648159 Palantir wins $100M U.S. contract for AI targeting military tech. Maven Smart System, likely using Elon Musk's SpaceX satellites, uses battlefield data and advanced AI algorithms to identify targets.

>>21648172 There's a Haitian militia forming right now in Springfield, Ohio. This is a real threat to the American people.

>>21647562, >>21647569, >>21647885 Memes


meant to bake earlier then got caught up in a DIG


baking soon

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f80777 No.21648183

File: ceb4a2e98292a4d⋯.png (70.18 KB,441x822,147:274,ha.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE! HUNTER Biden has secret business links to the hotshot lawyer at the center of Twitter’s battle against Meta’s new social network Threads. (https://www.the-sun.com/news/8566820/hunter-biden-business-ties-twitter-lawyer-battle-threads/) ( 1 of 3 )

Attorney to the stars Alex Spiro, 40, on Wednesday sent a letter on behalf of Twitter to Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg threatening legal action and alleging intellectual property theft over its “copycat” app.

Spiro is Twitter chief Elon Musk’s personal lawyer and has also represented celebrities such as Alec Baldwin, Jay-Z and Mick Jagger.

But until now his ties to the business interests of President Joe Biden's troubled son Hunter had remained a secret.

Leaked documents handed to investigative group Marco Polo by a whistleblower and seen by The U.S. Sun appear to show that Spiro took Hunter’s seat on the board of private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in February 2020.

BHR is Chinese Communist Party-backed and Hunter - who last month pled guilty to tax and firearm offenses in Delaware - has been accused of using it to peddle influence in China.

The files also reveal an apparent attempt to cover up Spiro’s involvement with the BHR board, including a letter signed by the company’s CEO Jonathan Li in which he made claims the company knew were false.

The new cache of emails shows that Spiro was first put forward by Hunter’s disgraced business partner Devon Archer as a possible supervisor at BHR in September 2018.

Convicted fraudster Archer and Harvard Law School graduate Spiro are former neighbors who used to live close to each other in Brooklyn.

It is not clear whether the move proposed by Archer to appoint Spiro as supervisor at BHR in 2018 went through.

Then in October 2019, Hunter announced through his lawyer George Mesires that he intended to resign from the BHR board of directors by the end of that month.

Mesires spelled out that he was responding to “significant press attention” to Hunter’s business activities in the months after his dad Joe had been confirmed as the Democratic presidential nominee.

The emails seen by The U.S. Sun show that a few months later, in February 2020, a BHR executive called Heng-Yin Zhang emailed paperwork for Spiro to sign so he could replace Hunter on the board.

An assistant at the Quinn Emanuel (https://www.quinnemanuel.com/attorneys/spiro-alex/#byCountry=1757&byChar=s&byProfileType=&bySearch=&byOffice=&byPracticeArea=&byLawClerk=&byAdp=) law firm where Spiro is a partner sent back the documents with Spiro’s stamp signature and a scan of his passport.

In April that same year, Zhang confirmed to Hunter’s business partners Archer and Jimmy Bulger that Hunter’s director position had been removed from official filing records.

A written board resolution document from April 2020 lists Spiro as a director of the company, while Hunter’s name is no longer anywhere to be found.

Another board resolution document from July 2020 carries Spiro’s stamped signature in his capacity as director.

Despite stepping away from the board, Hunter held on to his 10% stake in BHR through his company Skaneateles LLC.

Skaneateles is currently controlled by Hunter's personal lawyer Kevin Morris and still retains that 10% interest in BHR, business filings show. (https://twitter.com/TheGeorgeHQ/status/1652139294512025600?s=20)

The cache of new emails does not reveal why but in August 2020 moves were suddenly being made for Spiro to resign from the BHR board.

In September that year BHR received an appointment letter stating that Spiro was being removed as director. Then in October, Archer wrote to Spiro: “Please let this email confirm that though we explored the Advisory Board position at BHR the process was reversed and we are longer moving forward with on boarding. Thank you for your consideration.”

Spiro replied: “Devon - thanks for confirming nothing moved forward (as I never agreed for it to move forward).

“For the avoidance of any doubt, no one has or had my permission to use my name, likeness, etc for any purpose. Thank you.”

Following the presidential election in November 2020, Zhang wrote to Archer again to enquire about the status of Spiro’s directorship.

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319ed7 No.21648184

File: 8c119ca27a73580⋯.png (484.21 KB,1538x2048,769:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce85af No.21648186


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f80777 No.21648187

File: b2d52add588489f⋯.png (609.93 KB,589x633,589:633,lex.PNG)

File: 1f2d86d16c6ea27⋯.png (903.32 KB,653x602,653:602,ost.PNG)


End Wokeness


BREAKING: Tim Walz raised money today at the home of Alex Soros in New York

2nd meeting with him in 1 month


2:06 PM · Sep 23, 2024




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f35e81 No.21648188

It's time to start understanding what things are and what is actually happening in reality. There is a time in the future where reality will become more than questionable. That future is why we are all here. You have to remember and learn what is actually happening. This board is so much more than you know? Did you figure out how?

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f35e81 No.21648189


Orange assassination dress. Older pic, also looks like a composite AF. Enoch scroll stylized wall art.

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f35e81 No.21648190

You saw what happened here re: # #

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f80777 No.21648192

File: 0bdb433531eccf0⋯.png (71.27 KB,601x771,601:771,take.PNG)



Donald J. Trump


It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state. But reckless migration policy can change it quickly and permanently. Just like we’ve seen in London, and Paris, and Minneapolis. If Kamala Harris wins this election, she will flood Pennsylvania cities and towns with illegal migrants from all over the world—and Pennsylvania will not be Pennsylvania any longer.

When I am president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office. Those who do not belong, will be sent back home. We will end the invasion of small-town Pennsylvania—and we will END the destruction of America. trumpforce47.com/





Sep 23, 2024, 5:40 PM

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481c34 No.21648193

#26512 >>21647556

>>21647570, >>21647638 Last big K-Mart store closes thanks to Bidenomics

>>21647573 Trump leads Cincinnati ‘cookie’ poll that has predicted every election but one since 1984: Trump 54% vs. Harris 39%

>>21647580 Kamala declaring war on white South Africans back in 1982

>>21647590, >>21647791 New Trump Tik Tok re: grocery store prices

>>21647610, >>21647627 Nashville postal worker placed on non-duty status after seen allegedly dumping mail in viral TikTok

>>21647637 Sammy Ravelo receives racist attacks from the Democrats after supporting Trump

>>21647671 Intrigue in Singapore as ex-minister prepares for rare corruption trial

>>21647691 Back in 2005, Kamala was front and center in destroying Michael Jackson

>>21647692 The plan to bankrupt America

>>21647696 Diddy dig

>>21647698, >>21647817 Researchers uncover remains of Ice Age mastodons in Peru

>>21647700, >>21647973, >>21648004 Elon Musk is programing an unbiased search engine and email service that will rival Google / anon discussion>>21647925 Musk: Google & Microsoft contribute a lot more to Dems than Repubs

>>21647705 The FBI's violent crime data from last year is very misleading

>>21647709 Seattle police will no longer respond to alarm calls unless without 'supporting evidence'

>>21647712 Ryan Routh Bail Denied After FBI Recovers Six Cell Phones and Google Search of How to Travel From Palm Beach County to Mexico

>>21647745 The NFL has rolled out what it calls a “non-partisan” NFL Votes initiative

>>21647769 Fetterman Warns [D]s that TRUMP is Far More Popular in Pennsylvania than They Think

>>21647775, >>21647816 Congress has no sessions in October

>>21647776 DJT: 9/23/24 | PENNSYLVANIA DonaldJTrump.com

>>21647777, >>21647837, >>21647915, >>21647928, >>21647959, >>21647967, >>21647968, >>21647970, >>21647977 9:40 PM Zero minute delta between Q+ and the 7777 post! Trump truthed "WORLD WAR III" exactly 77 Years 7 months 7 days from the END of WORLD WAR II; What does this mean?

>>21647798 Elon Musk met with the president of Argentina, Javier Milei in New York today

>>21647806 DJT: It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state


>>21647815 Earth to host 'mini-moon' for two months

>>21647835 Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump

>>21647845 DJT: When I am president, all migrant flights to Pennsylvania will STOP the moment I take the oath of office

>>21647850 US sending more troops to Middle East as latest Israel-Hezbollah fighting sparks fear of all-out war

>>21647878 Kamala's father's book is her gameplan: accumulate everyone's capital, and distribute it to her peers


>>21647900, >>21647903, >>21647904, >>21647906, >>21647910 President Trump in Indiana, PA Rally - Archive

>>21647942, >>21647950 Tropical tracker of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

>>21648076 Michael Jackson's video game from 1991 is about saving the children from black hats surrounded by prostitutes. Coincidence?

>>21648087, >>21648128, >>21648155, >>21648169, >>21648146 Lawmakers want to make a constitutional amendment that would allow them to replace members of congress under the guise of a “mass casualty event” – IS THIS RELATED TO DESIGNATING J6 2025 as a NATIONAL SPECIAL SECURITY EVENT?? DIG DIG DIG

>>21648082 @laralogan: Does anyone else have the sense that they are stealing as much money as they can before the election, as they prepare to run for their lives?

>>21648142, >>21648177 Former adviser for senior Democrat is arrested near his newly sold $12.5million mansion in Nantucket after being a 'fugitive of justice'

>>21648143 Feds demanded Eric Adams admin’s communications with 5 more countries as Turkey probe expands

>>21648149 Diddy…And Blackrock?

>>21648159 Palantir wins $100M U.S. contract for AI targeting military tech. Maven Smart System, likely using Elon Musk's SpaceX satellites, uses battlefield data and advanced AI algorithms to identify targets.

>>21648172 There's a Haitian militia forming right now in Springfield, Ohio. This is a real threat to the American people.


>>21648183 HUNTER Biden has secret business links to the hotshot lawyer at the center of Twitter’s battle against Meta’s new social network Threads

>>21648187 Tim Walz raised money today at the home of Alex Soros in New York

>>21647562, >>21647569, >>21647885 Memes




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481c34 No.21648196

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481c34 No.21648197

bread locked please MIGRATE

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481c34 No.21648201



please repost, anon.

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