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File: c87438dafbc595c⋯.jpg (700.89 KB,1924x1081,1924:1081,bannder.jpg)

e791c2 No.21644628 [View All]

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701 posts and 402 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6edbf9 No.21645393

File: 00029ca1b54251d⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB,600x606,100:101,00029ca1b54251d5b4720fe0a….jpeg)

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a73406 No.21645394


This is to keep him onboard when Ukraine freezes this winter.

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75231f No.21645395

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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2a38a4 No.21645396


Weird mount lumps.

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75231f No.21645397



[THEY] are.

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f4f0c2 No.21645398

File: 4f814d3c2367cb0⋯.png (612.57 KB,842x478,421:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2114b No.21645399

File: 94c71647c9c577f⋯.jpg (171.9 KB,856x603,856:603,night_shift_20.jpg)

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5056c9 No.21645400

File: e193ed995238ad9⋯.webp (539.95 KB,634x620,317:310,e193ed995238ad9115ce81a35….webp)

October could be a bizarr month!

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e2114b No.21645401

File: 00421bec1dcce28⋯.jpg (146.89 KB,800x800,1:1,Night_Crew_kitten.jpg)

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6edbf9 No.21645402

File: de660141a63e560⋯.png (646.18 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


that boy got wings i tell ya

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e2114b No.21645403

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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ae676b No.21645404

Dear RNC,

Do you have people going out before/during/after Trump rallies to register new voters?

Asking for a bunch of frens…

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e2114b No.21645405

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,BadgeSuperElite.png)

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e2114b No.21645406

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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f4f0c2 No.21645407

File: 59a0d5304a9ab97⋯.png (12.69 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2114b No.21645408

File: 55e2e8449d23099⋯.png (381.11 KB,413x387,413:387,Pepe_Boston_Meme_Party.png)

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e2114b No.21645409

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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af251d No.21645410

File: d18252fba7a797f⋯.jpg (528.7 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240923_143204….jpg)

This defective just called her co worker a liar AGAIN and proceeds to drop whoppers and doozis AGAIN..

Tokyo Rose is amateur, comparatively




Deception used to achieve an end.

"tried to get her to sign the contract by subterfuge."

A deceptive stratagem or device.

"The meeting was a subterfuge to get him out of his office while it was searched."

That to which one resorts for escape or concealment; an artifice employed to escape censure or the force of an argument, or to justify opinions or conduct; a shift; an evasion.

Similar: shiftevasion

An indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; a blind. Refers especially to war and politics.

Deception; misrepresentation of the true nature of an activity.

Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.

"the holding company was just a blind"

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

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e2114b No.21645411

File: 0f32f442f7d016a⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,399x400,399:400,kitten_and_the_night_watch….jpg)

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cb6599 No.21645412


born again

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4fe3cd No.21645413

File: de1791b3e97e944⋯.png (2.05 MB,996x918,166:153,Screenshot_2024_09_23_at_1….png)

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e2114b No.21645414

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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dd3c40 No.21645415


It looks like stainless straps(hose clamps) covered with tape to minimize reflectivity

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41035c No.21645416

Which famous kid's that the Elite suck their adrenochrome

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e2114b No.21645417

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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ff4962 No.21645418

PDJT said if he loses, he's not running again in 2028

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e791c2 No.21645419



#26508 >>21644637


>>21644735, >>21644739, >>21644757, >>21645234 President Trump Holds a Rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania - 9/23/24

>>21644958 President Trump attends roundtable with farmers in Pennsylvania

>>21644752, >>21644770, >>21644778, >>21644947, >>21644989, >>21645019, >>21645039, >>21645064, >>21645070, >>21645083, >>21645228, >>21645355 Highlights of Trump Speaking to our Farmers

>>21645169 Sending prayers for the rally and TRUMP and the stream most extreme MAGA - RSBN

>>21645303, >>21645363 @ScottPresler WE DID IT! We flipped Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, from 🔵🔜🔴

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21644659 X’s legal team announced that the platform has taken steps to comply with the Brazilian court’s demands

>>21644672, >>21644712, >>21644733, >>21644742, >>21644759, >>21644789, >>21644831, >>21645023 US to Send More Troops To Mideast

>>21644673, >>21644691, >>21644693 SECOND HALF George Webb American Slaughter Pen DIGS Con't

>>21644675, >>21644677, >>21644938 Ryan Routh

>>21644680 New Law Gives Letitia James 'Unprecedented Power' Over 2024 Election

>>21644683, >>21644688 Ukraine Russia NATO

>>21644686, >>21644695, >>21644704, >>21645028, >>21645362 Zelensky Uses US AF C-17 for US Trip To Attack JD Vance & campaign for Harris

>>21644692, >>21644881, >>21644908 The Swamp Owns All of Project 2025

>>21644700 AMERICA IS READY!!!

>>21644702, >>21644706, >>21644719 DonJr - Zelensky's here right after a pro-Ukraine zealot tried to assassinate my father? Disgraceful!

>>21644711 Tina Peters will be imprisoned for protecting Colorado's election within two weeks

>>21644722 Mexican President Blames US For Upsurge In Cartel Violence In Sinaloa

>>21644727 Entrepreneurs unveiled a powerful technology platform to even up the fight with Leftist NGOs stealing U.S. elections

>>21644737 WILD “Hebrew Israelites” are organizing and marching through the streets of Springfield, Ohio

>>21644753 X/Twitter is reportedly set to remove the block button, which would still allow blocked users to see posts from public accounts

>>21644771 NASA & Space News

>>21644788 Biden admits he is NOT making decisions

>>21644799 Jewish community most targeted religious group, new FBI hate crime report says

>>21644848, >>21644904, >>21644906, >>21645260 A bunch of retired has-beens formed an org' just to endorse Commie Kamala

>>21644850 Diddy Was Awarded ‘The Keys To The City’ For NEW YORK, CHICAGO, LAS VEGAS AND MIAMI

>>21644919 Black Christians going hard for Trump!!! “WE ON THE TRUMP TRAIN"

>>21644927, >>21645119 RFK Jr Gives His Opening Remarks at Sen. Ron Johnson's Roundtable on American Health & Nutrition

>>21644954 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay.

>>21644965, >>21645088 Statement by President Donald J Trump

>>21645012 Netanyahu in 2017 talking of Israel's capacity to hack all devices

>>21645044, >>21645048 Refugees in Canada are getting as much as $5000 a month

>>21645069 kek Waiting for Fettermann to endorse Trump

>>21645130, >>21645137, >>21645170, >>21645187, >>21645194, >>21645258 They ALL Know About Diddy +. Have for a Long Time. Safety in Numbers.

>>21645146, >>21645156 Kamala Harris protesting against deportation of migrants with Jussie Smollett

>>21645252 Schumer desperately Race Baiting the Hispanic population

>>21645274 @JamesOKeefe OMG BIG REVEAL tomorrow on stage in Fort Worth, Texas, with Tucker Carlson

>>21645291 BOOM - @SigaTech has just TERMINATED Dr. Jay Varma effective immediately

>>21645304 "First time I’ve ever seen a “nation defending itself” offering pleasure cruises to watch the live genocide of Gaza

>>21645316 What's up with the warmonger's obsession with signing missiles and bombs

>>21645320 Kash Patel Challenges Any One of the 741 Warmongers for Kamala to a Public Debate on National Security

>>21645354 Debra Lambert elected next chief justice of Kentucky Supreme Court

>>21645384 Judge delays Menendez sentencing in corruption case until January 2025

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e2114b No.21645420

File: 1b10fafd4d06935⋯.jpg (183.59 KB,812x564,203:141,knightshift.jpg)

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f0aef6 No.21645421

File: a41606350df13df⋯.png (5 MB,2624x1670,1312:835,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5df74 No.21645422

File: 6a7f9d8ba1956b1⋯.png (71.73 KB,486x830,243:415,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like I found a culprit. it's this "static" script.

anybody know what it's for?

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f4f0c2 No.21645423

File: c6b1733afbfe21b⋯.png (694.85 KB,843x470,843:470,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2114b No.21645424

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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e2114b No.21645426

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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9397a1 No.21645428

File: 9215aaaea867da0⋯.png (96.89 KB,170x205,34:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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41035c No.21645429

Which famous kid's that the Elite suck their adrenochrome

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e2114b No.21645430

File: 6fd919611199eff⋯.jpg (226.27 KB,1040x798,520:399,DSCN0390_2_.jpg)

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6edbf9 No.21645431

File: 11c1dff07c828e8⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Teufel Hunded

The Legend

Although the spelling is inconsistent, the devil dogs legend is specific in some ways. It is related to a particular battle, a particular regiment, and a particular place.

As one version explains, in World War I during the 1918 Château-Thierry campaign near the French village of Bouresches, Marines assaulted a line of German machine-guns nests on an old hunting preserve known as Belleau Wood. The Marines who were not killed captured the nests in a tough fight. The Germans nicknamed those marines devil dogs.

Heritage Press International (usmcpress.com) says the shocked Germans coined it as a "term of respect" for the U.S. Marines, a reference to the ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore.

Let the Boys Play…with Extreme Prejudice

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e2114b No.21645433

File: 8517e994730cc58⋯.jpeg (256.09 KB,700x768,175:192,gys.jpeg)

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e2114b No.21645434

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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41035c No.21645435


Which famous kid's that the Elite suck their adrenochrome

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e2114b No.21645436

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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e791c2 No.21645437

File: 31cf87f544b32c0⋯.png (163.77 KB,470x341,470:341,31cf87f544b32c0fa7aa390a81….png)

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41035c No.21645438


Which famous kid's that the Elite suck their adrenochrome

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6edbf9 No.21645439




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e2114b No.21645440

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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41035c No.21645441


Which famous kid's that the Elite suck their adrenochrome

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e2114b No.21645442

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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e791c2 No.21645443

File: 500087c2b43ffff⋯.png (557.64 KB,600x485,120:97,500087c2b43ffffc611c3f4241….png)

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e2114b No.21645444

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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e791c2 No.21645446

File: 1e149f543f530fc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1160x773,1160:773,1e149f543f530fcf64fed074b9….png)

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