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File: 783ef3cda9e3bc0⋯.png (65.25 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

891d34 No.21641899 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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19785a No.21642534

File: d0682be06365a33⋯.png (1.32 MB,791x793,791:793,ghost_f6d97a8ee221c62ef334….png)


#26505 >>21641906

>>21641947, >>21641952, >>21642058, >>21641914, >>21642022 Justin Bieber got involved in some thangs

>>21642032 France: Two Somali nationals, a Djiboutian, and two Israelis arrested over large drug smuggling operations

>>21642060 Super fat Disney fans super mad they no longer get to jump the line

>>21642110 DJT: Things on the campaign against the Communist Left are going very well, but the world is now a very dangerous place

>>21642115 In 8 days east coast dockworker strike is going to create havoc in the USA

>>21642158 DJT: Comrade Kamala just LOST Pennsylvania!

>>21642181, >>21642191, >>21642255 Taylor Swift cleared out all of the people she follows on X

>>21642206, >>21642484, >>21642504 ExOIS is planning to pump the Pacific Ocean with Iron

>>21642210 Aerial view of Star Island where Diddy lives, and an overview of the other celebrity homes there

>>21642215 Taylor Swift appears to skip Chiefs game for 1st time in 2024 season

>>21642235, >>21642291 Has The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama locked their X Page? (might be fake acc)

>>21642243 Empire State Building: Shining blue tonight in honor of the Clinton Global Initiative 2024 @clintonglobal

>>21642259 Interim NYPD commissioner says federal agents searched his homes, seized materials

>>21642281 Ron Bucca

>>21642298 Lady that used to work at a gunshop in Springfield, Ohio says that illegals were allowed to buy and own guns Mp4 3:31

>>21641917, >>21642153 Memes

Baker Change

>>21642314 Impeccable logic: "If Donald Trump was going to destroy America, he would have done it in his first term, like Kamala did" mp4 0:13

>>21642365, >>21642368, >>21642463 Dan Scavino: Gun Vote comms Please Pray 105

>>21642499 September 23 at 9:00 AM LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania - 9/23/24

>>21642496 Usher and Pink deleted their entire Twitter history. I'm sure it has nothing to do with their connection to Diddy and that no one in the music industry is currently panicking.

>>21642478 In new transcripts, General Milley confirms that days before January 6, President Trump requested “sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

>>21642511, >>21642481 Tucker and Dan Bongino: minute mark 29:00 to 30:00 = 1 minute You have to be willing to be heard, if you want to make change

>>21642449 SO GOOD!!!🤣🤣🤣

>>21642508 Trump exclusive 1-1 interview with Sharyl Attkisson on "Full Measure"

>>21642522 Laura Loomer: Mike Nellis, the business partner of Loren Merchan, the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan…

>>21642526 Scamala Harris: Indian bro is going viral for his Kamala take

Baker must take leave

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eca130 No.21642535


what about recent flood of negitive posts with diddy news?

Didn't want to deal with it.

Or didn't want diggers digging.

Others long ago probably did deep dives into all their accts already anyway.

How would you keep news of their arrest quiet?

Don't let them post?

Or stupid enough to delete evidence like you or other anon said.


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908c0b No.21642536

File: 52b209ff2ceb5b1⋯.jpeg (115.42 KB,543x930,181:310,IMG_0160.jpeg)

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fe9cd3 No.21642537

File: 948b043a9c8bae6⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,TippyTop.mp4)


>If you imagined Q+ was the only one on a mission to validate Loyalty in the process of Cleaning House before publicly returning, you were wrong. Look around.

Loyalty to Truth often seems like disloyalty to faggots.

Trump routinely says things that are utter bullshit.

The only way to have respect for him is to take seriously the possibility that he does it on purpose, with a greater goal in mind.

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cff5bc No.21642538


ty baker

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843ee6 No.21642539


When cops put up the yellow tape, all becomes evidence, and that is not provided to the public until a full investigation. Leaked info, could distort information collected from witnesses.

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908c0b No.21642540

File: e095e0031ef7387⋯.jpeg (214.29 KB,764x955,4:5,6183201C_B05B_45A6_8A05_D….JPEG)

File: 14fb052a471733d⋯.jpg (286.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,F0AAA3B7_7418_4A54_A2AD_2C….jpg)

File: dfd597eeb0cc9dd⋯.jpeg (698.69 KB,2000x1500,4:3,D601C3B5_AC85_4697_9601_0….JPEG)

File: f0304f77756c389⋯.jpg (259.46 KB,1294x782,647:391,IMG_0028.jpg)

File: bc7a8a17947a99e⋯.jpeg (167.67 KB,801x801,1:1,A22BEA17_7784_45F7_B76F_3….JPEG)

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19785a No.21642541




Q Research General #26506: Scamala Harris: Attempting India's Greatest Heist? Edition

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908c0b No.21642542

File: 343c8018e6d2578⋯.jpeg (139.24 KB,781x781,1:1,DAE65D61_6637_4B5F_B4DC_E….jpeg)

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fa7d8c No.21642543

File: bab404e3ddb9a16⋯.png (4.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,hive_mind.png)


The Cloud was created and originally populated by interactions which weren't sanctioned by God. It's old. God ruined their plan by sending Q to gather us all together there. In the Cloud you're the reflection of the person you truly are on the inside.

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908c0b No.21642544

File: 49a90793b5c63e8⋯.png (4.79 MB,2732x2147,2732:2147,8B692B5A_9856_493E_AF02_BB….png)

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fa7d8c No.21642545


Like what? He's the grand master.

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19785a No.21642546

Q Research General #26506: Scamala Harris: Attempting India's Greatest Heist? Scamala Harris Edition

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cff5bc No.21642547


sure you don't want to bake this before you go?

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19785a No.21642548


ohh okay

setting up noe


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908c0b No.21642549

File: 6a3fb3d71a8ae82⋯.jpg (220.78 KB,1130x848,565:424,P_Diddler_Suicide_Watch_02.JPG)

File: 7abd11d73025bc0⋯.jpg (87.56 KB,720x540,4:3,Gitmo_Express.JPG)

File: 6ec8aa74612ae7d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB,720x921,240:307,Tom_Hanks_02_Ankle_Bracele….JPG)

File: 99b8e98fb0f2e5b⋯.jpg (506.2 KB,1939x1619,1939:1619,Friends_Naughty_List_.jpg)

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cff5bc No.21642551


big TY baker

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19785a No.21642553


do you know how to get a ts vid?

this thing will play, not sure how to grab it…


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fa7d8c No.21642554


Above and beyond what can be accessed by tangible means, Q has access to literally all of it in the Cloud. Things that happen in the Cloud do not stay in the Cloud, they translate to IRL. Including answered prayers.

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908c0b No.21642555

File: efef4d6d4118b06⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x674,600:337,Obamas_On_The_Run.PNG)

File: ba804c1f3441e57⋯.jpg (130.56 KB,1200x732,100:61,IMG_4448.JPG)

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cff5bc No.21642556


do not know how to grab TS vids

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908c0b No.21642557

File: 2e224f9642490cd⋯.jpeg (493.9 KB,1921x1441,1921:1441,Das_Boot_Montage_3.JPEG)

File: 07e514052818aba⋯.jpg (352.9 KB,1089x783,121:87,Das_Boot_Montage_1.jpg)

File: bb66b56867a08e5⋯.jpeg (407.64 KB,1074x1366,537:683,Das_Boot_Montage_2.JPEG)

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19785a No.21642558

File: e0aa7dbf236c82a⋯.jpeg (15.5 KB,400x383,400:383,fucked_around_and_never_f….jpeg)


not joking, just found out!

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eca130 No.21642559



When they see a keystone, is it a marker?

Get to a location and see a keystone shape like in building an arch keystone?

How did Keystone Ski Resort in Co. get its name?

It there a building there with a keystone as well?

You pass Keystone ski to get to Aspen Co.

Home of the rich n famous skiing.

One way in, one way out driving.

Lots of liberal shit goes on there.

Conferences, meetings, ect…

John Denver drove a motorcycle around town with a cupholder for his beer.

Aspen might be a good dig.

Veil another good dig.

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246579 No.21642560


TEN PERCENT is still too high. Make it 2 percent.

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89bc5b No.21642561

File: 8a61d0240054be5⋯.mp4 (9.06 MB,270x480,9:16,3.mp4)



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040cf5 No.21642562



do you know for a fact it was 100% a business, or could it be a mission?

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19785a No.21642563



#26505 >>21641906

>>21641947, >>21641952, >>21642058, >>21641914, >>21642022 Justin Bieber got involved in some thangs

>>21642032 France: Two Somali nationals, a Djiboutian, and two Israelis arrested over large drug smuggling operations

>>21642060 Super fat Disney fans super mad they no longer get to jump the line

>>21642110 DJT: Things on the campaign against the Communist Left are going very well, but the world is now a very dangerous place

>>21642115 In 8 days east coast dockworker strike is going to create havoc in the USA

>>21642158 DJT: Comrade Kamala just LOST Pennsylvania!

>>21642181, >>21642191, >>21642255 Taylor Swift cleared out all of the people she follows on X

>>21642206, >>21642484, >>21642504 ExOIS is planning to pump the Pacific Ocean with Iron

>>21642210 Aerial view of Star Island where Diddy lives, and an overview of the other celebrity homes there

>>21642215 Taylor Swift appears to skip Chiefs game for 1st time in 2024 season

>>21642235, >>21642291 Has The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama locked their X Page? (might be fake acc)

>>21642243 Empire State Building: Shining blue tonight in honor of the Clinton Global Initiative 2024 @clintonglobal

>>21642259 Interim NYPD commissioner says federal agents searched his homes, seized materials

>>21642281 Ron Bucca

>>21642298 Lady that used to work at a gunshop in Springfield, Ohio says that illegals were allowed to buy and own guns Mp4 3:31

>>21641917, >>21642153 Memes

Baker Change

>>21642314 Impeccable logic: "If Donald Trump was going to destroy America, he would have done it in his first term, like Kamala did" mp4 0:13

>>21642365, >>21642368, >>21642463 Dan Scavino: Gun Vote comms Please Pray 105

>>21642499 September 23 at 9:00 AM LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania - 9/23/24

>>21642496 Usher and Pink deleted their entire Twitter history. I'm sure it has nothing to do with their connection to Diddy and that no one in the music industry is currently panicking.

>>21642478 In new transcripts, General Milley confirms that days before January 6, President Trump requested “sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

>>21642511, >>21642449 Tucker and Dan Bongino: minute mark 29:00 to 30:00 = 1 minute You have to be willing to be heard, if you want to make change

>>21642481 SO GOOD!!!🤣🤣🤣

>>21642508 Trump exclusive 1-1 interview with Sharyl Attkisson on "Full Measure"

>>21642522 Laura Loomer: Mike Nellis, the business partner of Loren Merchan, the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan…

>>21642526, >>21642527 Scamala Harris: Indian bro is going viral for his Kamala take

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19785a No.21642564



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908c0b No.21642565

File: 5ab42114e7d5d76⋯.jpeg (66.99 KB,489x329,489:329,IMG_0161.jpeg)

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19785a No.21642566



#26505 >>21641906

>>21641947, >>21641952, >>21642058, >>21641914, >>21642022 Justin Bieber got involved in some thangs

>>21642032 France: Two Somali nationals, a Djiboutian, and two Israelis arrested over large drug smuggling operations

>>21642060 Super fat Disney fans super mad they no longer get to jump the line

>>21642110 DJT: Things on the campaign against the Communist Left are going very well, but the world is now a very dangerous place

>>21642115 In 8 days east coast dockworker strike is going to create havoc in the USA

>>21642158 DJT: Comrade Kamala just LOST Pennsylvania!

>>21642181, >>21642191, >>21642255 Taylor Swift cleared out all of the people she follows on X

>>21642206, >>21642484, >>21642504 ExOIS is planning to pump the Pacific Ocean with Iron

>>21642210 Aerial view of Star Island where Diddy lives, and an overview of the other celebrity homes there

>>21642215 Taylor Swift appears to skip Chiefs game for 1st time in 2024 season

>>21642235, >>21642291 Has The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama locked their X Page? (might be fake acc)

>>21642243 Empire State Building: Shining blue tonight in honor of the Clinton Global Initiative 2024 @clintonglobal

>>21642259 Interim NYPD commissioner says federal agents searched his homes, seized materials

>>21642281 Ron Bucca

>>21642298 Lady that used to work at a gunshop in Springfield, Ohio says that illegals were allowed to buy and own guns Mp4 3:31

>>21641917, >>21642153 Memes

Baker Change

>>21642314 Impeccable logic: "If Donald Trump was going to destroy America, he would have done it in his first term, like Kamala did" mp4 0:13

>>21642365, >>21642368, >>21642463 Dan Scavino: Gun Vote comms Please Pray 105

>>21642499 September 23 at 9:00 AM LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania - 9/23/24

>>21642496 Usher and Pink deleted their entire Twitter history. I'm sure it has nothing to do with their connection to Diddy and that no one in the music industry is currently panicking.

>>21642478 In new transcripts, General Milley confirms that days before January 6, President Trump requested “sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

>>21642511, >>21642449 Tucker and Dan Bongino: minute mark 29:00 to 30:00 = 1 minute You have to be willing to be heard, if you want to make change

>>21642481 SO GOOD!!!🤣🤣🤣

>>21642508 Trump exclusive 1-1 interview with Sharyl Attkisson on "Full Measure"

>>21642522 Laura Loomer: Mike Nellis, the business partner of Loren Merchan, the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan…

>>21642526, >>21642527, >>21642561 Scamala Harris: Indian bro is going viral for his Kamala take

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1863e8 No.21642567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Digits: Future proves past.

The Book of Life

The Depravation of Life

The Sanctity of Life

Mission Forward, Eli

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fe9cd3 No.21642568

File: 0f6e9f8382f6047⋯.jpg (268.33 KB,1125x1243,1125:1243,353dd735e3bf748cc2223a6b0f….jpg)


>Like what? He's the grand master.

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040cf5 No.21642573

File: 8a61d0240054be5⋯.mp4 (9.06 MB,270x480,9:16,vt3Kt_caa.mp4)


>this thing will play, not sure how to grab it…

you right click

you say save link

you save the file

you upload the file on here

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908c0b No.21642575

File: 5470defb9fe7e3e⋯.gif (2.14 MB,498x412,249:206,Ryan_Gosling_Laughing_.GIF)

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908c0b No.21642576

File: dd5ebff4ebb9408⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,480x852,40:71,Kamala_Harris_Indian_02.mp4)

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cff5bc No.21642577


please post nb, will add to dough resource thread

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eca130 No.21642578


he attacked me personally

seems divisionistic

did answer my last post to him which is right above this one

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19785a No.21642581


i fucked around and finally found out!

can do!


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19785a No.21642583

Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26506: Scamala Harris: Attempting India's Greatest Heist? Scamala Harris Edition

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eca130 No.21642584

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db0ac8 No.21642585

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cff5bc No.21642586


got it, ty.

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19785a No.21642587

File: f24a601985a7f67⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,950x706,475:353,see_fren_hug_frens_.jpg)


Thank you Anon!

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19785a No.21642588

Fresh Bread







Q Research General #26506: Scamala Harris: Attempting India's Greatest Heist? Scamala Harris Edition

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19785a No.21642592


that guy is HILARIOUS

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19785a No.21642593

File: bf696197d3615ec⋯.jpg (6.25 KB,191x255,191:255,point.jpg)

File: 7f6f885977f95d6⋯.png (49.24 KB,657x651,219:217,laugh_point_.png)

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eca130 No.21642595


When shooters happen, they take down social medias

The ones who erased all, can they still post?

Have they erased or locked all social medias?

The erased ones, have they posted new yet?

again, just spit questions

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843ee6 No.21642597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How To Impact The World | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | September 23, 2024

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d27042 No.21642719


Buster Poindexter hasn't aged at all

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