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File: b3a95f0bc2c5737⋯.png (419.53 KB,600x336,25:14,000iii.png)

605f5c No.21629351 [View All]

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0214d7 No.21630242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed14f9 No.21630243

File: 165d04da2f94d3d⋯.png (310.67 KB,604x451,604:451,imp.PNG)




The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

Why is this important?

Wojcicki is mentioned in the Qdrops as Being Associated with creating a Mass Surveillance State in a Collaborated effort between Silicon Valley and the CIA & NSA

Sergey Brin (born in Madcow), the founder of Google, was married to… Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andme, whose sister is Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube

[DARPA] (she died recently though😉

Funny how they’re all connected, eh?

The drops also elude that [DARPA] aka Google played a role in the spy campaign against Trump… same with Twitter 1.0… which was believed to be used in an assassination attempt, where they tried to shoot AF1 out of the sky.

The End Goal:

The research arms of the CIA and NSA hoped that the best computer-science minds in academia could identify what they called “birds of a feather:” Just as geese fly together in large V shapes, or flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in harmony, they predicted that like-minded groups of humans would move together online. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.

At this point, Iris scanners are now on our phones screening our eyes to “confirm our identity”… Q eluded to how long before that becomes a drop of blood?

In addition to all of this, there’s also the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.


5:12 AM · Sep 18, 2024




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ea5c0a No.21630244


I don't trust Desantis to be handling this either!!

He tried to run against Trump and take him down.

Not on our side!!!!

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0214d7 No.21630245

File: 28413091944865d⋯.png (54.51 KB,1008x708,84:59,NSBABF.png)

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32abf0 No.21630246

File: 91b63c1755226fe⋯.png (9.67 KB,378x205,378:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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931c56 No.21630247

File: be891c1f6a8f701⋯.jpg (154.1 KB,800x534,400:267,BF5B8E6A_ED92_4FCF_AAEC_97….jpg)



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0214d7 No.21630248

File: c0976bf92577d00⋯.png (19.58 KB,263x398,263:398,00000ns2.png)

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0214d7 No.21630249

File: 6b5b1d68a742038⋯.png (527.23 KB,1502x920,751:460,1apray3.png)

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162945 No.21630250


>Funny how they’re all connected, eh?

What's the commonality? Don't think MJTruthUltra is going to say it, though.

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5035ff No.21630251


>Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass

Is that what Q was talking about?

Or was it 'forgive us our debts'

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0214d7 No.21630252

File: 209d3d7b8eb6f83⋯.gif (1.41 MB,498x252,83:42,2j.gif)

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8bf5b9 No.21630253

File: 8b3a225a35aaad5⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,288x512,9:16,vaxxgirl.mp4)

Is this girl dead?

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0214d7 No.21630254

File: 632dae27b8e01ac⋯.png (784.51 KB,4432x4368,277:273,11c.png)

File: 896dfcc9085378d⋯.png (313.24 KB,3176x2280,397:285,11d.png)

File: e8424a49efa03dc⋯.png (1.85 MB,1912x1072,239:134,11e.png)

File: 3309100eeec1287⋯.png (413.65 KB,525x442,525:442,11f.png)

File: 420d4354f7200af⋯.gif (137.62 KB,220x133,220:133,002a.gif)

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b6d6ad No.21630255


some priests still recite that prayer at the end of every mass, anon.

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0214d7 No.21630256

File: a8f7247983aee45⋯.png (455.13 KB,2120x2836,530:709,00000kekb.png)

File: c507d60d0aaa879⋯.jpg (175.41 KB,700x393,700:393,000PRAY.jpg)

File: 3ffc361bea9141c⋯.gif (2.47 MB,600x459,200:153,3ffc361bea9141c55bd5e39010….gif)

File: bd6a8ae97ff9070⋯.png (323.41 KB,417x655,417:655,praymotherfuckerspraykek3.png)

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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ed14f9 No.21630257

File: fc3fc14d391a7d2⋯.png (817.74 KB,607x616,607:616,pepe_b.PNG)



put two and two together


: to make a correct guess based on what one has seen or heard : to figure something out

You weren't home so I put two and two together and went back to your office to find you.


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0214d7 No.21630258

File: faeac904476dd48⋯.gif (1.08 MB,356x200,89:50,2a.gif)

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bbc718 No.21630259

get me a new partner. will i ever know happiness?

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522517 No.21630260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0214d7 No.21630261

File: 9656815396a4f75⋯.png (158.61 KB,1170x531,130:59,9f3.png)

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8d3125 No.21630262


The Gayway Pundit is never notable.

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06ad94 No.21630263



#26490 >>21629363

>>21629380, >>21630102, >>21630115 First WH Cabinet meeting and JILL Biden sat at the head of the table

>>21629407 Here are the Republicans who voted NO on the SAVE Act

>>21629424, >>21629486, >>21629499, >>21630021 ECW - Diddy is currently on suicide watch

>>21629429 DeSantis Says FBI Won’t Cooperate with State’s Investigation into Attempt on Trump

>>21629430, >>21629444 House Report Shows California’s Covid Fraud Was So Much Worse Than You Think

>>21629436 Ukraine bans official use of Telegram app over fears of Russian spying

>>21629445 Ohio Gov Mike DeWine’s History Raises Concerns About Potential Conflict Of Interest With Haitian Migrants


>>21629452, >>21629890 Batteries in walkie-talkie bombs had been laced with highly explosive compound

>>21629468, >>21629563, >>21629660, >>21629791, >>21629793 NASA Space Stuffs

>>21629514 Chechen Warlord Infuriated After Cybertruck Remotely Disabled

>>21629535, >>21629566, >>21629573, >>21630041 Diddy a.k.a "Ciroc Obama" Meets Barack Obama for the First Time Obama praising Diddy

>>21629549 FITTON: Secret Service Failing Trump is a Political Issue!

>>21629550 Three Mile Island Planned Restart To Power Microsoft Data Centers

>>21629552, >>21629809, >>21629891 Trump rally in Arizona may have been hit by a covert UV LIGHT DIRECTED ENERGY ATTACK

>>21629568, >>21629678 Resignations

>>21629578, >>21629696, >>21629722, >>21629730, >>21629963 Hey Democrats, Words Matter. "He is a threat. Period. Point Blank."

>>21629598 Charleroi, PA is a town of 4,000 people. 2,000 Haitian immigrants just arrived on their doorstep.

>>21629607 ‘THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST 2’ will begin filming in early 2025. Jim Caviezel returns

>>21629642, >>21629729 'Owl' helicopter crash in Gaza caused by low visibility, not enemy fire

>>21629645 Rumble Scores Discovery Win In Defamation Suit

>>21629657 Security video near Trump golf course seized

>>21629666 diddy's confirm - Take a look at Chrissy Teigen's Tweet history

>>21629695 EU Boss brings Ukraine cash to reconnect its war-damaged electricity grid and boost its heating capacity

>>21629710 FBI Informant Played Key Role In 9/11 Attacks, Newly Unsealed Evidence Shows

>>21629749, >>21629954 Dan Bongino - A Shocking Revelation About Trump's Threat Level

>>21629768, >>21629799 Husband of Russia’s richest woman arrested after deadly shooting

>>21629805, >>21629985, >>21630034 Shooter DIGG -This WAS NOT part of the original article; meaning, this information was added recently.

>>21629810 Australia Prioritizing the Creation of a Wholesale CBDC

>>21629864 CDC Revelation - COVID Vaccine Linked to 24-Year Lifespan Reduction

>>21629877, >>21629892, >>21629899 'UOCAVA' overseas votes need no ID to vote on line

>>21629929 VP Kamala Harris Live Remarks from Atlanta, Georgia

>>21629935, >>21629943, >>21629950, >>21629957, >>21629980 Justice Department doing it's job

>>21630163 Trump should give these as comparisons: MEME IT UP Side By Sides

>>21630180, >>21630205 main course served - An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio

>>21630214 SEC Filing against Disney ABC - influencing the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election.

>>21630207 Prayer for the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.

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0214d7 No.21630264

File: 4fd73043768beed⋯.jpg (72.3 KB,992x558,16:9,00001vv.jpg)

File: 05b17815a1cf942⋯.png (461.96 KB,829x818,829:818,rat6a.png)

File: 28ad27045f6f44a⋯.jpg (7.73 KB,220x165,4:3,images_1_.jpg)

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)

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0214d7 No.21630265

File: 627ec57f39c605c⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,221x346,221:346,000nazinigs.jpg)

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ed14f9 No.21630267

File: 2ebed9c1102c079⋯.png (786.03 KB,595x828,595:828,bo.PNG)


Bo Loudon


Look at this photo from 2001 of First Lady Melania Trump and a 7 year old Tiffany Trump.

The FAKE NEWS hasn't only hidden Donald's loving side, they've also hidden Melania's.

Share this post so it goes viral so people can get to see a side of Melania they've never seen before!


11:47 AM · Sep 17, 2024




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f89c89 No.21630269

File: 13e493411d296c5⋯.png (140.14 KB,478x734,239:367,ClipboardImage.png)

ah right totally iran

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0214d7 No.21630271

File: ae94f9d4b62c96d⋯.jpeg (9.48 KB,255x216,85:72,rackem.jpeg)

File: 8edacd5afb52798⋯.jpg (82.27 KB,800x533,800:533,rus44.jpg)

File: bcaf2afab7c34e6⋯.jpg (11.21 KB,259x195,259:195,rus11.jpg)

File: 5fecc89e4d6ff69⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,225x225,1:1,ru77.jpg)

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931c56 No.21630273

File: 194d016121d0ab7⋯.jpeg (723.2 KB,2072x2072,1:1,AI_Gay_Bazza_02.JPEG)

File: 1889e77e02d6665⋯.jpeg (917.85 KB,2450x2450,1:1,AI_Michelle_Obama.JPEG)

File: f95898f4ab03778⋯.jpeg (68.72 KB,432x549,48:61,Obama_Broke_Butt_Mountain.JPEG)

File: efef4d6d4118b06⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x674,600:337,Obamas_On_The_Run.PNG)

File: 48bc9dad96f27d7⋯.jpeg (36.83 KB,416x379,416:379,Obama_CIA.JPEG)

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0214d7 No.21630274

File: 8d2f6b85861b390⋯.png (576.6 KB,782x1062,391:531,cath_char_229.png)

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

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06ad94 No.21630275

File: 6d7a95fb1a39d54⋯.png (209.76 KB,472x659,472:659,0730cead241b6a2ff2d8b4b322….png)

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e6bae8 No.21630276

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

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774b89 No.21630277


If true we're all dead. Well, not the fuckers who can run to a fallout shelter, they will be fine, the rest of us are gon go 'boom pffffft!'

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c7be31 No.21630278


Iran is suddenly doing all kinds of nefarious shit. totally not coordinated to drive a narrative, tho, is it?

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000000 No.21630279


Hi shittysauceanon!

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0214d7 No.21630281

File: 10b659c82df1078⋯.png (775.95 KB,1266x718,633:359,MM14.png)

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162945 No.21630282

File: 462a47a9dea67c2⋯.png (562.17 KB,890x872,445:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Gayway Pundit is never notable.

Hoft was comped years ago, by his Jewish Press Secretary (only one TGP ever had, I might add), Lucian Wintrich IV. (((They))) didn't put him into play, though, until Oct 7th, 2023. That's why Larry Johnson is now persona non grata at TGP. He wasn't pro-Israel™ enough.

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0214d7 No.21630283

File: 2ff838673bff452⋯.gif (83.92 KB,500x271,500:271,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

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0214d7 No.21630284

File: 98f957c10e2cfc9⋯.png (387.41 KB,417x655,417:655,praymotherfuckerspraykek4.png)

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5035ff No.21630285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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06ad94 No.21630286

File: af18edca3324787⋯.png (270.36 KB,764x432,191:108,mike_lindell.png)

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ea5c0a No.21630287



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0214d7 No.21630288

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB,660x767,660:767,a4_wa.png)

File: 87f549271a07923⋯.png (714.01 KB,1138x1010,569:505,cia_epstein_24.png)

File: 8c3669508cf6ec6⋯.jpg (191.7 KB,1025x1200,41:48,SA6.jpg)

File: e12287537f1f513⋯.png (1.11 MB,1132x1004,283:251,SA7.png)

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,SA8.jpg)

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0214d7 No.21630291

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB,793x630,793:630,Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)

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0214d7 No.21630293

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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0214d7 No.21630294

File: 817b91de65c58f5⋯.png (435.94 KB,1524x936,127:78,0000000a0.png)

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0214d7 No.21630296

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)

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162945 No.21630299

>>21630282 (me)

Press Correspondent, not Press Secretary. Apologies, Anon. Quitting smoking has some side effects.

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0214d7 No.21630300

File: 66591922e89d21f⋯.png (3.61 MB,1537x1841,1537:1841,0COINCIDENCES1.png)

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06ad94 No.21630301

File: a6017e90fd87ea2⋯.jpeg (142.99 KB,861x645,287:215,a6017e90fd87ea271dabbbc5f….jpeg)

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0214d7 No.21630303

File: 046d3f893fa6c41⋯.png (1.43 MB,1537x1298,1537:1298,0COINCIDENCES7.png)

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