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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

eb87ff No.21558790 [View All]

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701 posts and 608 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b3aab4 No.21559554

File: 4191c5fe2cc341e⋯.jpeg (26.06 KB,739x415,739:415,images_2024_09_09T180228_….jpeg)

File: 9d63972c5f44f76⋯.jpg (190.48 KB,1200x675,16:9,Grace_Hopper_wcw_18nov15.jpg)

File: a80cf26e269b8c1⋯.jpg (44.08 KB,575x334,575:334,YaleNews_hopper_grace_UNIV….jpg)

File: 188db936a4c15f7⋯.jpg (13.15 KB,170x261,170:261,170px_Grace_Murray_Hopper_….jpg)

File: b8d9eb32d7ba062⋯.png (930.01 KB,1200x900,4:3,Grace2.png)

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1c75e6 No.21559555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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66caaa No.21559556


A real American hero if you ask me.

Unsung at that.

Thank you for this post :3

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c33eba No.21559557

File: 4b2bec71e4e90da⋯.png (263.8 KB,489x262,489:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c75e6 No.21559558


Her legacy lives on.

About 43% of banking systems in the United States use COBOL, a programming language that's more than 60 years old. COBOL is also used in other ways, including:

ATM swipes: 95% of ATM swipes use COBOL code

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fbd04e No.21559559

File: 4f30632ce358884⋯.png (411.29 KB,596x802,298:401,sl.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Andrew Stewart, the trans teacher from @WestBroadwayMS in Rhode Island claims he had to go on sick leave because of "injuries" caused by "classroom transphobia."

These are the people teaching your kids.

7:10 AM · Sep 9, 2024




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c33eba No.21559560

File: 3ac25340f5f541a⋯.mp4 (719.53 KB,480x852,40:71,giffaggotcfb891deef59.mp4)

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e09d12 No.21559561

File: 3ae1fae87850a25⋯.png (59.27 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed7ba2 No.21559562


the transphobia was in the classroom. So are the kids making fun of the retards?

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9b9fad No.21559563


>ATM swipes: 95% of ATM swipes use COBOL code

When I was "learning to code", COBOL back in the 80's,

they were saying it was on it's way out.


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4ca3c9 No.21559564

File: 3558b31dba9b0cb⋯.png (1.34 MB,1023x747,341:249,Blackmail.png)

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b3aab4 No.21559565

File: 9d63972c5f44f76⋯.jpg (190.48 KB,1200x675,16:9,Grace_Hopper_wcw_18nov15.jpg)

File: a80cf26e269b8c1⋯.jpg (44.08 KB,575x334,575:334,YaleNews_hopper_grace_UNIV….jpg)


yell it braless at 47

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5d743c No.21559566

File: 4d91862141c9c6f⋯.png (334.99 KB,600x511,600:511,Hillary_satanic_symbols.png)

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fbd04e No.21559567

File: 3582a1d7f58af3f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1005x710,201:142,sm.PNG)



Three powerful Dems sound major alarm bells over Comrade Kamala’s plans to BUTCHER social media…

September 6, 2024 (3 days ago)

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1c75e6 No.21559568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"We'll pay you 100 dollars for your egg"

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5d743c No.21559569

File: 22b9933934e5b87⋯.jpg (140.85 KB,695x523,695:523,Hillary_satanic_temple.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559570

File: 4f7ea45f8a9967a⋯.jpg (36.31 KB,562x295,562:295,Hillary_satanist_bert.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559571

File: 075d7fb5c9f3589⋯.jpg (37.41 KB,583x412,583:412,Hillary_still_boot_2_days_….jpg)

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b5131d No.21559572



was tryin the embed stuffs


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5d743c No.21559573

File: c4e3c928d71410f⋯.png (204.58 KB,486x260,243:130,Hillary_stinks_2.png)

File: 961b95e39aae358⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x176,255:176,Hillary_stinks_literally.jpg)

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4ca3c9 No.21559574

File: 75c506a3475479a⋯.png (510.03 KB,680x495,136:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d743c No.21559575

File: eca5ed987899192⋯.png (278.38 KB,576x498,96:83,Hillary_they_said_no.png)

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fbd04e No.21559576

File: 265b52f43010d62⋯.png (1011.32 KB,852x840,71:70,tin.PNG)

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5d743c No.21559577

File: 70752480d6d2a12⋯.jpg (127.71 KB,749x500,749:500,Hillary_they_never_thought….jpg)

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b18bba No.21559578

File: bc9b311771bbed8⋯.jpg (538.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,DCcapital.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559579

File: 2d5248301a289f8⋯.jpg (724.34 KB,1760x1381,1760:1381,Hillary_wheeze_Garrison_ca….jpg)

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4ca3c9 No.21559580

File: e77a62331f8c526⋯.png (363.16 KB,640x440,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d743c No.21559581

File: 9aad20a2385361c⋯.png (404.82 KB,759x500,759:500,Hillary_WTF.png)

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fbd04e No.21559582

File: e86726f5f72f423⋯.png (1.47 MB,1019x759,1019:759,tr.PNG)

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66caaa No.21559583

File: d5f29f5ce620b29⋯.png (163.13 KB,473x649,43:59,qaggdropimage4162.png)

File: 10e4addeb781c89⋯.png (40.09 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage3611.png)

File: 701b7d435f1e84d⋯.png (282.92 KB,473x984,473:984,qaggdropimage2648.png)

File: 1b81cc65cfcf5c3⋯.png (328.2 KB,473x1042,473:1042,qaggdropimage2568.png)

File: 80f0ffaf9616299⋯.png (60.77 KB,473x560,473:560,qaggdropimage2114_1.png)




We said no.

Keyword podesta

28 drops

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5d743c No.21559584

File: aae76e4b38c2609⋯.png (372.56 KB,1242x1080,23:20,Hillary_.png)

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cb788a No.21559585

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB,1440x1698,240:283,meme_thief.png)

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5d743c No.21559586

File: c94c56f5fa3b7f3⋯.jpg (100.27 KB,640x541,640:541,hillary_podesta_satanism_b….jpg)

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eb87ff No.21559587


Baker looking for handoff NB


#26410 >>21558793

>>21558811 Bereaved father of hostage to Netanyahu: ‘My son was murdered in a tunnel you built’

>>21558821 Zelensky’s ultimatums ‘a pain in the neck’ – Lavrov

>>21558831, >>21558842, >>21558872 Springfield police say no reports of pets stolen after viral postings

>>21558843 NYC Mayor Eric Adams tests positive for COVID-19

>>21558856 Guide to who is spending the most money to influence US politics in 2024

>>21558858 A Message from Catherine, The Princess of Wales

>>21558887, >>21559022 Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital for emergency heart surgery

>>21558907, >>21558920, >>21559297, >>21559444 Swamp Happenings

>>21558911 Food Standards in Australia and New Zealand are being changed so real food can be replaced with fake “food”

>>21558940 PF Gitmo express

>>21559007, >>21559023 Justice Department doing it's job

>>21558835, >>21558864, >>21559040, >>21559054 There were no sexual allegations until she switched from Dem to Repub

>>21559049 @ScottPressler - STOP ‼️ Please take a moment to check your voter registration status

>>21559054, >>21559092, >>21559124, >>21559176, >>21559192, >>21559193, >>21559231 CONDIT The Chandra Levy Affair

>>21559067 United Nations - The 'Summit of the Future' is Only Weeks Away

>>21559077 Hungary gives no quarter to illegal immigration. Bussed out to Brussels immediately.

>>21559091 BREAKING - NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban is expected to resign his post

>>21559097 12 year old caught for the 10th time stealing cars. no charges.

>>21559110, >>21559123, >>21559133 ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Acts As A Shadow Legislature In Rural America

>>21559115 Don Jr. - "I am your voice, I am your warrior, I am your justice, I am your retribution."

>>21559180, >>21559202, >>21559554, >>21559558 Moth Comms Grass Hopper Comms

>>21559195 GEOLOGICAL

>>21559224 Map of schools that have been reported by parent organizations as indoctrination hubs

>>21559252, >>21559307 So far a BRICS currency is just an idea.

>>21559260, >>21559270 President Trump's Health Related Executive Orders - 20 PDFs

>>21559261 Rumble is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Brazil

>>21559265, >>21559277, >>21559367 TRUMP TRUTHS Team Trump Confident They Have "The Momentum In This Race"

>>21559271 Elon BTFO to UK threat of summons

>>21559330, >>21559422 James Earl Jones, the voice of “Star Wars” villain Darth Vader, dead at 93

>>21559417 @RepAdamSchiff sums it up - Maduro Good

>>21559442 Michigan Supreme Court overruled lower court, Forcing RFK JR to now stay on ballot

>>21559484 Pope Francis is preparing to travel to Papua New Guinea

>>21559508 RT - ‘Biden is out to get me’: A Russian-American TV host facing 60 years

>>21559559 @libsoftiktok - These are the people teaching your kids.

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5d743c No.21559588

File: aa327981f9dc773⋯.jpg (426.13 KB,1210x1121,1210:1121,Hillary_JFKJr_planecrash.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559590

File: 535e88ba9d2b3ce⋯.jpg (74.1 KB,534x600,89:100,HillaryBeachBoot.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559592

File: 6878b56612229b7⋯.jpg (137.26 KB,1024x1100,256:275,HillaryBrainKuru.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559593

File: adb2ebfd9bd193c⋯.png (726.8 KB,1006x649,1006:649,HillaryBribes.png)

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5d743c No.21559595

File: 1c86fcf52c2f2f7⋯.png (737.9 KB,589x900,589:900,HillaryChairOrLethal.png)

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4ca3c9 No.21559596

File: e308e67bf62b7e3⋯.png (353.99 KB,600x413,600:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d743c No.21559597

File: faca40ce143e8ce⋯.jpg (101.89 KB,700x650,14:13,HillaryEatsBabies.jpg)

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fbd04e No.21559598

File: eb0be3ee4ef55e3⋯.png (362.71 KB,736x642,368:321,h.PNG)

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eb87ff No.21559599

File: 3c7454df1f21615⋯.jpeg (113.75 KB,1067x937,1067:937,3c7454df1f21615cde0d23bc2….jpeg)

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5d743c No.21559600

File: 60b28be6dcff54b⋯.png (258.59 KB,600x397,600:397,HillaryFiscalRelations.png)

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66caaa No.21559601



We have it all :3

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5d743c No.21559602

File: 7ffbe5e22a653a0⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,812x959,116:137,HillaryFixThisShit.jpg)

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5d743c No.21559603

File: 31c872e37fcbba1⋯.jpg (94.7 KB,634x997,634:997,HillaryHumaChelseaPickles.jpg)

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eb87ff No.21559604

File: 438e19898ee5c45⋯.png (90.83 KB,500x455,100:91,d0b24d5a5e71107fdd9e92355e….png)

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5d743c No.21559605

File: c23febe71bb9c08⋯.jpeg (59.11 KB,700x432,175:108,HillaryIsRapist.jpeg)

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eb87ff No.21559606

File: d16827af0d5000b⋯.png (706.46 KB,668x900,167:225,d16827af0d5000bc3287ff8027….png)

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