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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

15f95d No.21557775 [View All]

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239cd4 No.21558759

File: f413241d65b4a79⋯.png (1.11 MB,985x553,985:553,ClipboardImage.png)

The Complete List Of Past GOP Presidential Ticket Members Who Say They're Voting For Trump

Jennifer Bendery

Fri, September 6, 2024 at 6:21 PM EDT·2 min read

WASHINGTON — When Kamala Harris accepted her party’s presidential nomination at the Democratic convention last month, several former presidents, vice presidents and nominees to these posts came together in a show of public support for her bid for the White House.

Barack Obama. Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.). President Joe Biden, who even dropped his reelection bid to unify not just Democrats, but Americans.

And on Donald Trump’s side? Which past Republican presidents, vice presidents and nominees are lining up behind him?

We didn’t see any of them speak in support of him at the GOP convention in July, but surely they’re out there.

Here, presented for the first time, is an exhaustive list of the previous Republican presidents, vice presidents and nominees to these posts who have publicly said they will be voting for Trump in November:

1.Sarah Palin. (God Bless Sarah Palin)

That’s it. That’s the whole list.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee reaffirmed her support for Trump in March 2023.

Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said he is “absolutely not” voting for Trump. Neither is former Vice President Dick Cheney, former vice presidential nomineePaul Ryan, or, presumably, former Vice President Dan Quayle, who helped prevent Trump from stealing the election in 2020.

Trump’s own former vice president, Mike Pence, whom Trump nearly got killed on Jan. 6, 2021, said “it should come as no surprise” that he will not endorse Trump.(He didn't even come close to being killed)

Former Republican President George W. Bush has not said if he’s voting for Trump, but in 2020 he reportedly said he would not support his reelection.

Bush didn’t have a positive response to Trump’s inaugural address in 2016, where Trump described the country as a dark wasteland of American carnage:

“That was some weird shit,” Bush reportedly said. (Dude you couldn’t even pronounce the word Nuclear! Don’t you think the real Weird Shit is when you and Cheney blew up the Twin Towers? Definitely weirder than anything PDJT could say.)



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e4d8c3 No.21558760

File: 821e9ca4e6cd535⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB,255x209,255:209,Guidestones_4.jpeg)

File: 1cf81b3e09f5c52⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,1152x646,576:323,GuidestonesShatter.jpg)

File: 8dea55b55e12615⋯.png (141.4 KB,396x267,132:89,Guidestone_reason.png)



The plan was written on the Georgia Guidestones in 12 different languages with the goal of reducing the population of the world down to 500 million out of 8.1 billion. That is 15 out of every 16 people dead. In the United States alone that would have been 314 million dead out of 340 million. The hospitals were paid by the pharmaceutical companies $36 thousand dollars to diagnose a death with Covid and many of them actually did whatever that they could to get their money. If the drug companies have that much money to kill that many people then they also have that money to pay out to the person who thwarted their plan.

The pharmaceutical companies along with all the deep state players like the CDC, WHO, and the Cabal owe me $36k dollars times 7.5 billion people which equals $270,000,000,000,000. Now think for a second, if I was willing to put my life on the line that you might live for free, what do you think I would do with all that money? The world would be free forever, there would be no poverty, disease, or wars. God destroyed the Georgia Guidestones and interceded for our sakes and left them a message.

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7ff1a9 No.21558761

File: 8cec9d9c93d32eb⋯.png (51.68 KB,735x1103,735:1103,sauce.png)


needs sauce

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0232f2 No.21558762


Kier and Tony cancelled our selection.

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6b8765 No.21558763


another riot and protest coms.

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82442b No.21558764


{They} don't expect anyone to believe the vids are of her since being "cancer-free".

Lotta hair on her head for a chemo victim

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9db8b6 No.21558765

File: a1948d4725eebfb⋯.jpg (71.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,001a.jpg)

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9544fc No.21558766

File: 3d3a413d089bb49⋯.jpeg (255.27 KB,1982x1316,991:658,IMG_9057.jpeg)


No you don’t Haitian

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0232f2 No.21558767


It's OK when the chicoms do it but not when the victims of communism do it?

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eb180f No.21558768


Jan 6th was led by Antifa and you all know it.

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3e3a12 No.21558769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I pray in Jesus' Name that this sermon finds the Patriot that needs it the most in this moment, amen.

"Overcoming In Spiritual Warfare"



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f52bf4 No.21558770

20.09 Japan Interest Rate

23.09 Market Mayhem

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239cd4 No.21558771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stephen Miller: Kamala Harris has an 'individual responsibility' for our border invasion crisis with ,Mark Levine



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4f3a9c No.21558773

Still a pos

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a948ac No.21558774


>Lotta hair on her head for a chemo victim

Ever heard of wigs?

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c2a4f5 No.21558775

File: fe216b231b16737⋯.png (444.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240909_151054.png)

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9db8b6 No.21558776

File: 8ca9a25d60155d9⋯.png (127.65 KB,370x195,74:39,10e.png)


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9db8b6 No.21558777

File: 56022a93d2c3143⋯.gif (306.96 KB,220x247,220:247,jesus_biglebowski.gif)


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0232f2 No.21558778

File: c0cdc3339666b19⋯.png (968.87 KB,542x812,271:406,ClipboardImage.png)


What do the marxist usurpers of PETA have to say?

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32b827 No.21558779

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


We got a Russian Vatican shill now?


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f4d3e1 No.21558780

File: 924279de52b7515⋯.png (29.91 KB,374x533,374:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cda05f94a6cef3⋯.png (14.98 KB,373x301,373:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fe2cec3f141eb0⋯.png (56.86 KB,783x490,783:490,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4e57ec59e8e39f⋯.png (7.6 KB,375x231,125:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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9db8b6 No.21558781

File: 850840eba886614⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,780x437,780:437,c1.jpg)

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ed27c7 No.21558783

File: 6c60a41c2ad4dc5⋯.jpg (111.13 KB,720x612,20:17,Screenshot_20240909_151007….jpg)


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f43bef No.21558784

File: 60419c5696117f7⋯.png (294.96 KB,841x379,841:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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9db8b6 No.21558785

File: 850840eba886614⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,780x437,780:437,c1.jpg)

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9db8b6 No.21558786

File: 850840eba886614⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,780x437,780:437,c1.jpg)

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bf070a No.21558787

File: ce9d05714821553⋯.jpg (193.18 KB,1284x1263,428:421,v.jpg)

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363d02 No.21558788




>>21557831 This is quite possibly the first cover of @TheAtlantic magazine ever (in 167 years!) to be published without a headline CZECH IT OUT

>>21557867 @realDonaldTrump TRUMP FORCE 47! #MAGA2024 Sign up today

>>21557881 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557920 "ReThinking Police"?

>>21557948 @USMarshalsHQ Always ready. #USMarshals

>>21557958, >>21557983 Kamala: "We extended Temporary Protected Status to over 100,000 Haitian Migrants…

>>21557965, >>21558010, >>21558011 Moar NASA

>>21558016, >>21558047 Japanese Knotweed Is Coming to Wreck Your Backyard—and Much, Much Worse

>>21558057, >>21558061 In the shadow of war, diplomats and experts seek to ban weapons from space

>>21558074 Legal election markets at scale

>>21558089 A CIA Whistleblower Allen Harrow Parrot has dropped hard evidence that pins the execution of Seal Team Six on Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Barack Obama and Joe Biden and they covered it up???

>>21558114, >>21558217, >>21558400, >>21558653, >>21558670, >>21558749 Swamp Meets

>>21558119 Kimberly Atkins Stohr: If Voters Don't Like Trump, "There's A Way" To "Eliminate Him From The Political Arena Entirely"

>>21558135 Nate Silver’s Latest Forecast Has Trump Winning Every Single Swing State in Electoral College Blowout

>>21558139 Austin Tells Zelensky: Long-Range Strikes in Russia Won't Be A Game Changer

>>21558147 The Prince and Princess of Wales

>>21558152, >>21558156 Tornado in Kansas, just like in "The Wizard of Oz"

>>21558160 How do the Iranians use the policy of "boiling the frog" against Israel?

>>21558199 8,000,000 children are reported missing in the US each year That's 21917/day.

>>21558202 Tom Cotton Exposes CNN’s 2020 Election Interference on Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up by Dozens of Intel Officials, Including Dana Bash’s Ex-Husband, Live on Air

>>21558223, >>21558261 'I was the US government's UFO chief – I know aliens have been found on Earth'

>>21558321 @BarackObama the “Uprising of the Sun” We can’t wait for you to see it.

>>21558377 Shawn Ryan Show | Megyn Kelly - The End of Mainstream Media

>>21558512 Legend of the ‘Black Knight’ satellite that some believe is a 13,000-year-old alien spaceship

>>21558611 CUI from the US Army highlights the growing presence of one of Venezuela's largest criminal organizations in the US

>>21558615 When Reddit buried Qanon, "it forget we were SEEDS."

>>21558617 Putin's party wins Russian regional elections

>>21558635 Big Lots, with 1,400 stores, files for bankruptcy as stock halves in value in minutes.

>>21558645 Las Vegas candidate attacked with a knife while putting up campaign signs

>>21558669 School Monitoring AI Sacrifices Student Privacy For Unproven Promises of Safety

>>21558690 Dem Grace Meng Once Praised High-Ranking Chinese Communist’s ‘Leadership,’ Unearthed Footage Shows

>>21558708 Conservative activist launches $1bn crusade to ‘crush’ liberal America

>>21558719 Kamala is sinking in the polls, tries comeback with this new ad

>>21558721 TRUMP TRUTH How About A Biden Comeback?

>>21558726 At Least 25 Killed, Scores Wounded in Intense Israeli Attacks on Central Syria

>>21558759 List Of Past GOP Presidential Ticket Members Who Say They're Voting For Trump

>>21558771 Levin: Stephen Miller says Kamala Harris has an 'individual responsibility' for border invasion

>>21558783 @elonmusk Save Them!

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de3ec9 No.21558789

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB,666x499,666:499,61dcf73abb3a1852b464b2952d….jpg)


Not surprised.

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7d2950 No.21558791

File: 49cb8dcd56f04c5⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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34589d No.21558794

shills spend so much time here trying to derail what we do.

all for a larp

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de3ec9 No.21558795


Idk. I was told told to comply no matter what.

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ed27c7 No.21558797

File: 08700e5100d2f70⋯.jpg (227.45 KB,720x1239,240:413,Screenshot_20240909_151650….jpg)


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82442b No.21558799


Far left looks like a two-headed duckling.

No tail(s)…

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363d02 No.21558800

File: 1b04daa5a32b86f⋯.jpg (43.68 KB,382x417,382:417,1b04daa5a32b86fe32e987c181….jpg)

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de3ec9 No.21558801



What are you actually doing here?

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0232f2 No.21558802

File: 4179444979910e1⋯.png (999.63 KB,945x911,945:911,ClipboardImage.png)


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94474e No.21558806


oprah$hithol struggle isREAL crack

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363d02 No.21558808

File: d9a5f117673ceb7⋯.png (171.4 KB,630x630,1:1,7556981_0_2555774261.png)

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363d02 No.21558815

File: eb102849d27ebf5⋯.jpg (366.28 KB,1983x2043,661:681,eb102849d27ebf5bbd6545d32e….jpg)

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ed27c7 No.21558817

File: bac9c3104c950f2⋯.jpg (197 KB,720x1130,72:113,Screenshot_20240909_152241….jpg)


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ed27c7 No.21558819

File: fa58dbad44aa383⋯.jpg (86.47 KB,672x960,7:10,20240909_152142.jpg)

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363d02 No.21558820

File: f2aef2e62b10528⋯.jpg (34.33 KB,400x301,400:301,f2aef2e62b10528120cf3b9d5c….jpg)

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363d02 No.21558825

File: e29721ff8b29590⋯.jpg (211.52 KB,828x841,828:841,e29721ff8b2959000813642bdd….jpg)

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363d02 No.21558826

File: 6a3ae3b2d4c02f5⋯.jpg (77.57 KB,752x499,752:499,2wi9bi_245034572.jpg)

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363d02 No.21558830

File: 3a0708516a1cc8b⋯.jpg (80.27 KB,500x693,500:693,3a0708516a1cc8bc7ac418b095….jpg)

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363d02 No.21558833

File: 2ebde5df4bcb1b1⋯.jpg (280.45 KB,768x772,192:193,2ebde5df4bcb1b19c287d9be48….jpg)

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363d02 No.21558834

File: 3ca531c2e2990b3⋯.jpeg (164.24 KB,679x670,679:670,3ca531c2e2990b3cff781e66e….jpeg)

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0232f2 No.21558839


That's evidence of a war crime.

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363d02 No.21558840

File: a0cff343908f8d0⋯.jpeg (122.5 KB,639x800,639:800,a0cff343908f8d09bbf9a11e7….jpeg)

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