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File: 9441324a4b45f09⋯.png (67.35 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

fea3d2 No.21555658 [View All]

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701 posts and 559 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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18d41e No.21556951

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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965f15 No.21556952


Having fun talking to yourself, Bozo? You're a dying trend.

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f44178 No.21556953

File: 9b535729916b8b7⋯.png (363.49 KB,548x548,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice lads. They should all enlist in the Russian army to get some proper training and practice.

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8f75b5 No.21556954

File: ee20883a86ab317⋯.gif (7.75 MB,480x407,480:407,crackhunter.gif)

sure is a lot of panic in here

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3b5dbc No.21556955

File: 3a252bbc833c08f⋯.png (230.42 KB,615x406,615:406,Pepe_panic_smell.png)

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2aa964 No.21556956


what people that are correct and not afraid to stand up to gaslighting faggots? Are you a gaslighting fag?

This is war.

Support Trump, anons, but not this cult mentality bullshit. Support people world wide and not their cull bullshit. Now either you can sack up or continue to cry.

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65d52d No.21556957

File: 5dfb7930e071c36⋯.png (540.53 KB,1293x2173,1293:2173,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)


What if they were trying to limit his ability toactivatethe Insurrection Act?


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 12/31/202311:19:11

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 111675936068277521

DC_Draino / @DC_Draino 12/21/2023 16:02:50

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 111620428294780195

% buffered





Image Name: e1f147d3160aec84.mp4

Filename: ages/e1f147d3160aec84.mp4

Twitter deleted this video of Trump calling for peace & for everyone to go home just minutes after he posted it

They wanted J6 chaos to get worse

Then they suspended Trump on all social media & said he incited an insurrection

He couldn’t defend himself

DC_Draino / @DC_Draino 12/22/2023 10:17:01

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 111624730827676440

Image Name: 587cf1a889948bb3.jpg

Filename: ages/587cf1a889948bb3.jpg

When Twitter deleted Trump’s public request for people to go home on J6 only 5 minutes after he posted it, it seemed very strange

Wouldn’t they want peace?

Were they trying to frame him for their narrative?

But what if there was something else at play…

What if they were trying to limit his ability to activate the Insurrection Act?

The 1 prerequisite for invoking the IA is to first call for disorderly citizens to go home

And what did he say in his video? He called for people to go home

Was Twitter trying to thwart Trump’s attempt to comply with these requirements?

If so, who was orchestrating this?

Donald J. Trump reTruthed…

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ec45cc No.21556958

File: f814f55cdae0b8f⋯.jpg (97.14 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20240831_004719….jpg)

Only one moar sleep

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283fa1 No.21556959

File: c7933beb5738e2f⋯.png (334.28 KB,766x1860,383:930,00C7763E_D660_4A90_ACA4_FD….png)

File: 82dbfd44d1a8b9f⋯.png (1.79 MB,720x1600,9:20,9E1C36DC_B4BA_4B47_90FC_8C….png)

File: 4dba2c15f77604d⋯.jpeg (892.09 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,5FADD24C_FB79_497F_828A_1….jpeg)


no carpet crawling the other crumbs.

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a24db5 No.21556960



I love how none of it happens and they thrive while you slam your heels on the ground and cry like a faggot. Your reality has no bearing on mine. Keep eating negative shit till you waste away.

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ff3560 No.21556961

File: 4ef9b39b570eb03⋯.png (715.63 KB,1280x642,640:321,iltsospitm.png)

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f44178 No.21556962


Does she stuff a sock in her panties too, feel manly?

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2aa964 No.21556963


I think he did as one of his final orders in those last minutes that were not timed right or something.

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8f75b5 No.21556964

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)


The televised debates will take place on September 11.

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1704d7 No.21556965


That is why clarity and transparency are so important.

It will help people think about what is good and what is bad.

Freedom to take away the freedom of others is not freedom.

I think it is important to think about what kind of actions affect freedom.

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965f15 No.21556966


Training Tonight.

Last night's remarks about hoping they like big dogs.

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ff3560 No.21556968

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4b8859 No.21556969



















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64b875 No.21556970

File: be791dd96e6709f⋯.png (949.11 KB,941x1200,941:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

Also, doesn't the "B" in LGBTQIABCEASYAS123 mean two?

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8f75b5 No.21556971

File: 4ac13f24144061c⋯.jpeg (112.94 KB,874x622,437:311,Sanija_Ameti.jpeg)

She posted a picture on Instagram in which she was shooting at a depiction of the baby Jesus and Mary with a sports pistol. The comment: "switch off".

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965f15 No.21556972

Q these clowns are the dumbest entities on the internet.

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2aa964 No.21556973


but sadly your delusions of god have a bearing on everyone. So fuck off

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cf24c8 No.21556974

File: 5da4477aca00aa4⋯.png (3.86 MB,1370x1300,137:130,IMG_6561.png)

Kike run elections suck

Only way to get rid of Commies, stop working

Polish figured it out, so did USSR, why USA so dumb

Strike now or STFU

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a2fdc6 No.21556975

File: e1a1557b845d685⋯.png (98.75 KB,896x928,28:29,66dd03bc1f11d.png)

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196593 No.21556976


I love this post, anon. So true!

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c95101 No.21556977

File: 25d15a3e9abf064⋯.png (200.58 KB,500x583,500:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Is this where the QAnoners hang out?

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1704d7 No.21556978


Wouldn't making that more clear be an improvement?

If that foolish act is due to unconsciousness.

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965f15 No.21556979


Why are you here at a Biblical Great Awakening research board dedicated by Oath to saving the world, to complain about something you > don't believe in?

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65d52d No.21556980

File: 17ddc672b0109d3⋯.png (37.58 KB,418x244,209:122,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: 67bc9708d2c8e5a⋯.png (787.37 KB,1276x2929,44:101,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)



>What if they were trying to limit his ability toactivatethe Insurrection Act?

>Donald J. Trump reTruthed…


>I think he did as one of his final orders in those last minutes that were not timed right or something.


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump05/29/202010:42:51

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1266379480890773505 DELETED TWEET

The National Guard has beenactivated In Minneapolis. They have arrived on the seen. George Floyd will not have died in vain. Respect his memory!!!

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f44178 No.21556981

File: 27b36dac2daa64b⋯.png (1008.81 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Useless eaters get the shaft.

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965f15 No.21556982


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2aa964 No.21556983


lo and behold a smart anon. sadly if none of that transparency is done people will still be basing everything on lies and half truthes no further to the goal than any other. Just another roadblock. Freedoms to take away other peoples freedoms good shit anon

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d8dd30 No.21556984

File: c26cc83aba6c2a2⋯.png (210.68 KB,557x500,557:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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2aa964 No.21556985


you are saying it is a biblical GA. Maybe you learn the deception of your book the lies of your book the inaccuracies of your book. Maybe some things are more important to me than Jesus or Mohommed or moses or what ever fucking other ghost you want to pray to. Maybe kids deserve better than ancient lies. I believe in America. How about them apples.

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c95101 No.21556986


Trump along with the Russians, stole it from her.

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283fa1 No.21556987

File: 49a165e48b4e663⋯.jpeg (862.84 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,7776F9E5_DEEB_454B_AF26_E….jpeg)

File: ccec369f57ed12f⋯.png (4.5 MB,750x1334,375:667,4F1DD50C_2791_4EA8_BEFA_80….png)

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936632 No.21556988


Anon is amazed at anyone who still supports D's as it shows a lack of common sense, intelligence, critical thinking skills, self awareness, etc.

Anon hopes Trump 'scooby-doo's' these evil people.

dubz chekt

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a2fdc6 No.21556989

File: 1bbb6126ed18720⋯.png (29.19 KB,500x500,1:1,66dd6e1def48f.png)

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5cebfd No.21556990

Anon likes to go back and look at the replies to old Q posts, even from 2017. Literally nothing has changed here from anons, kek

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965f15 No.21556991

File: 1c3e282851c81c4⋯.png (613.07 KB,1364x1528,341:382,Stop_Blocking_Q_s_TRIP_COD….png)

File: cda4091e3e9a6a0⋯.png (1.07 MB,2906x1528,1453:764,Time_to_play_Dopey.png)


Slithering things here are limiting Q's trip code.

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936632 No.21556992


Funny how quickly you feds show yourselves.

makes for quicker filtering.

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83d448 No.21556993

File: 0553f11c44464e8⋯.png (257.8 KB,517x453,517:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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2aa964 No.21556994


funny how I dont care. If you can't tell you dont belong.

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d8dd30 No.21556995


If by "stole it from her" you mean they stopped the cheat, then you are correct.

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283fa1 No.21556996


hi Q

hello Q

you me Q


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8f75b5 No.21556997

Mikhail Kalinin, a member of the Soviet Politburo, was among those responsible for the Katyn massacre, having co-signed the order to murder thousands of Polish prisoners of war.


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965f15 No.21556998

File: 611f65fa73e5bad⋯.png (223.71 KB,919x573,919:573,828_r.png)


828 replies in Reality.

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481294 No.21556999

1st they came for the cats and I didn't say anything because I wasn't a cat.

Maybe it wasn't a dingo that ate your baby

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965f15 No.21557000

If you don't stand up against Wrong, you are consenting to that Wrong.

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965f15 No.21557001

Stand Up.

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