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File: a191f3eb4cbab2d⋯.png (1.61 MB,1800x1012,450:253,8kun_main.png)

b3aac0 No.21290627 [View All]

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e0d7a3 No.21291394


please notable this

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b2dcaf No.21291395


The C_A breaks families apart.

Spooks break families apart.

Witchcraft breaks families apart.

SRA breaks families apart.

The rich get richer.

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f6376e No.21291396


dropped too much at the casino with too many bills to pay. do the natives get any that dough anyway?

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787d7e No.21291397


beaware of alligators in street's

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f7e910 No.21291398


Chasing the elusive sub 1" MOA in 22lr DOES get expensive.

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fecc6d No.21291399

Kamala Wins.

MAGA Continues

Jack Tweet: "2030"

Trump Destroys the fully exposed cabal when he takes office in 2030.


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d7ddcf No.21291400

File: 4855b5e5dcd0c42⋯.png (697.39 KB,1029x809,1029:809,blu.PNG)

File: fe43d0596e63896⋯.jpg (64 KB,617x834,617:834,blue_anon_1.JPG)


How BlueAnon conspiracy theories are gaining momentum since the assassination attempt on Trump

There has been a wave of fake news on social media since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13 and some of these fake stories were largely spread by liberal, anti-Trump accounts. The Washington Post said this demonstrated the growing momentum of a new leftwing conspiracy theorist movement, which has been baptised "BlueAnon". Our team took a look at a handful of the fake news items shared by these accounts.

Issued on: 25/07/2024 - 12:01

8 min

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3cf33c No.21291401


22 short, long, magnum, .556, 223…

mostly just different pill and powder load. correct?

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3d0816 No.21291402



Cue the violins…..

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c428a8 No.21291403


Ruined his whole family over getting the story.

There is no Qanon so he rally fucked up.

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6dd801 No.21291404


two moar weeks ad infinitum

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5d4dda No.21291405

Newsom Issues EO For California Cities To Remove Homeless Encampments After Supreme Court Ruling

After years of encouraging rampant crime and degeneracy among the homeless population, and just in time for an election talking point, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order on Thursday for the removal of homeless encampments across the state.

"We must act with urgency to address dangerous encampments," Newsom said in a statement.

The Supreme Court's decision is related to a lower court's ruling on a case known as Grants Pass, which blocked cities from clearing encampments.

Earlier this week we noted that San Francisco has already taken steps to craft policies which allow officials to begin sweeping encampments, according to Mayor London Breed. As the Epoch Times reports, officials are contemplating options with the city attorney’s office and more information will be shared soon, according to Ms. Breed.

“This decision by the Supreme Court will help cities like San Francisco manage our public spaces more effectively and efficiently,” Ms. Breed said in a June 28 press release. “This decision recognizes that cities must have more flexibility to address challenges on our streets.”


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b2dcaf No.21291406

Spooks call “Qanoners” weirdos creeps Embarassing everywhere they go.

Spooks rape “Qanoners” privacy.

Spooks traffic “Qanoners”.

Spooks loosh from “Qanoners”.

Spooks are acting stupid.

Spooks should write more articles.

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ac056c No.21291407

Thanks Jim for everything. You've no idea how much this board helps me cope with who I am. Not a lot of people I can tell, you might not even know yet.

Folks, the world will now change rapidly. For years the truth has been broadcasted by me and others like you to those that surround us. Seven long years. What you will witness will be miraculous. In the blink of an eye (seven years) the world will realize what they have been hearing is the truth from 'conspiracy theorists'. They'll realize all of them have been useful idiots to promote evil and greed worldwide. Most will wake up. 10% just refuse to see the truth and will never wake. Expect a Revolovtion to occur spontaneously.

You are a part of something mankind rarely sees, a once in 6000-year event.

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336d7e No.21291408


>QAnon Broke Families Apart


Don't believe everything you read.

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db3ec4 No.21291409


Yesterday in DC.

Kamala's supporters took the 3 American flags down from the tallest flagpoles.

Burned them.

And then rose 3 palestine flags up those poles.

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9b971b No.21291410

File: 2c6e9bc7aed2cee⋯.jpg (36.91 KB,640x440,16:11,lva5t0eqivc21.jpg)

1000 anons give 20 bux a month = we'd operate in comfy mode no problem

big fat FINAL loaf


#26093 >>21290642

>>21290656, >>21290987, >>21291269, >>21291351 House votes to condemn Border Czar Kamala Harris’ handling of the Southern Border. 6 Democrats voted with Republicans

>>21290664 Kimmel OUT retiring, mysteriously removed either way GONE


>>21290703, >>21290745 PlaneFaggin'


>>21290738 il Papi TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21290739, >>21290757, >>21290768, >>21290784, >>21290792, >>21290851, >>21290860, >>21290877, >>21290889, >>21290914, >>21290929, >>21290939, >>21290988 Today's Deltas

>>21290750 Crooks searched 'How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?' The same day he registered for the Butler rally.

>>21290751, >>21290802, >>21290881, >>21291146 USSS was already on the roof

>>21290758, >>21290927, >>21290941, >>21290957, >>21291181, >>21291202, >>21291235 Swamp Events

>>21290765, >>21290770, >>21290776, >>21290779 Silicon Valley’s swing away from Democrats goes well beyond the presidential race

>>21290788, >>21290815, >>21290871, >>21290925, >>21290954 Mil Posts Decodes

>>21290793 how did Crooks know that the buildings he visited and shot from were not in any of the threat zones?

>>21290820 These are the consequences of Kamala's OPEN BORDER.

>>21290845 Easy Identification, make her Famous.

>>21290887 China's tiny 'Golden Toad' rover used AI to take an epic photo on the moon's far side

>>21290892 @OMG Secret Service agents reveal critical details about the Trump assassination attempt

>>21290903, >>21291191, >>21291248 Scenes from Union Station, about an hour after the Israeli prime minister spoke to Congress

>>21290931 @AOC Just so we’re clear, Netanyahu has lost so many people that he is addressing just a fraction of Congress

>>21290943, >>21290971, >>21291007 Space News

>>21290947 Navy SEALs fired for refusing COVID vaccine for religious reasons score major win against Biden administration

>>21290956 Body Cam Footage Chuck Grassley released on J13 Assassination Attempt

>>21290960 DNC will hold a virtual nomination of Coup-mala and is blocking delegates from nominating any new candidates

>>21290967 The Court just granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s unlawful rewrite of Title IX

>>21290977, >>21291166 Donald J. Trump - 2024 GE: Rasmussen Poll

>>21290982 @GenFlynn - Is the Old Guard ready?

>>21291000 @Tucker & Ben Carson: The Left’s Worship of Kamala Harris, and God’s Mission for Donald Trump

>>21291019 Melania Trump plans release of 'intimate' tell-all memoir

>>21291022 Polling Has Always Showed America Doesn't Like Kamala Harris More Than Joe Biden

>>21291030 Dave Walsh Exposes Kamala's Radical Energy Plan

>>21291049 Mike Benz: Kamala Harris's Border Plan

>>21291054 Newsom issued an executive order Thursday to direct state agencies on how to remove homeless encampments

>>21291073, >>21291227 Donald Trump May Not Have Been Hit By Bullet, FBI Director Says

>>21291074 The Origins Of NATO's Role In Internet Censorship

>>21291097, >>21291213, >>21291341 John Eastman: Kamala Harris may not be eligible to be President Why isn't anyone talking about this?

>>21291110 TRUMP TRUTH We’re not ready for a Marxist President, and Lyin’ Kamala Harris is a RADICAL LEFT MARXIST, AND WORSE!

>>21291131, >>21291141 Trump's new book 'Save America' chronicles first-term triumphs, outlines blueprint for a winning second

>>21291161 Republican AGs accuse Biden's education secretary of 'flagrant' Hatch Act violations via student loan handout

>>21291193 PLEASE SHARE! LET’S MAKE THIS GO VIRAL: Fan-made Donald J. Trump 2024 campaign ad 🇺🇸

>>21291216 A military review board grants “full relief” to 24-year-old soldier with debilitating heart condition linked to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine

>>21291221 Department Of Veterans Affairs Faces $15 Billion Shortfall

>>21291233, >>21291270 Kamala Harris’s First Campaign Ad Touts Abortion, Trans Pride, Trump Lawfare and Beyoncé

>>21291256, >>21291278 Gaslighting the Public on Kamala Harris as ‘Border Czar’

>>21291264, >>21291326 The Army will be rescinding medals of honor awarded to soldiers at Wounded Knee.

>>21291297 8Kun NEEDS (YOU) TO FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Fight with words, with cash, with prayer.

>>21291319 Local cops refusing to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires

>>21291325, >>21291340, >>21291349, >>21291367 Some of the People Behind Kamala Harris and the Progressive Agenda

>>21291344, >>21291364 Whistleblower Reveals Secret Service Declined Drone Support Offer from Local Law Enforcement Prior to Rally

>>21291378 NORAD detects, tracks and intercepts Russian and PRC aircraft operating in the Alaska ADIZ

>>21290727, >>21290742, >>21290930, >>21290950, >>21291147 memes

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4c6ba0 No.21291411

File: a563c7748366965⋯.png (322.54 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_govtrack_us_1….png)


How is the lamestream media going to spin the 'border czar' in the congressional record. Kamala Harris is not a border czar'… Oh wait congress just passed a resolution calling her 'border czar'

H.Res. 1371: Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border.


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14dd1a No.21291412


TY Anon, I can't believe I forgot the video.

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d2df30 No.21291413

File: 9e4626e083b0bd3⋯.png (490.8 KB,696x504,29:21,Screenshot_2024_07_18_at_0….png)

File: 4f6f6dc8906d8fe⋯.png (846.54 KB,570x688,285:344,Screenshot_2024_07_17_at_1….png)

File: 448f18ae13a9659⋯.png (1.2 MB,944x752,59:47,Screenshot_2024_07_17_at_1….png)

File: aa5d81bb5075fb4⋯.png (1.51 MB,1120x1050,16:15,djt_fifth_fitty.png)


money talks…

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53fcd5 No.21291414


You can always count on liberals for the most insanely condescending racist arguments you've ever heard

"Ya'll blacks are gullible because the trauma from being slaves made you foolish so we will explain life for you."

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ac056c No.21291415


Anons do have broken families now.

Anons are now being listened to by others.

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db3ec4 No.21291420


That's why we stopped voting blue and started voting for Trump.

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aea235 No.21291421

File: 2f37bf18bc63d3f⋯.png (4.09 MB,2880x1562,1440:781,protess.png)

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e528af No.21291422

File: c296c93b8652cc7⋯.png (212.18 KB,1008x880,63:55,ClipboardImage.png)


>the current DNI


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70e762 No.21291423


Bless you

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058f4a No.21291424


You are welcome to join us at our weekly Qanon church services. Wear a mask like Trump or Biden wear and drop some money in the plate while the fat lady is singing. I just got promoted to usher so it will be me passing the plate.

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d2df30 No.21291425

already did

so, newscum using legion from quebec?

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0cfdff No.21291426

why are jews so hellbent on promoting homosexuality?

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aed3c9 No.21291427




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6dd801 No.21291428


oh brother not this again McCain, Obama, Harris they don't care and will put through anyone they want. nobody will stop them will they?

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16c80c No.21291429

File: 3da41793c139340⋯.jpeg (700.68 KB,1170x2356,585:1178,IMG_9415.jpeg)

File: 411a8dd35396c7b⋯.png (974.05 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9413.png)

File: 802f53fb76f176b⋯.jpeg (603.04 KB,1170x1941,390:647,IMG_9414.jpeg)

File: 0f1c10fd668cf27⋯.jpeg (920.32 KB,2160x1539,80:57,IMG_2749.jpeg)

Nope, he knew!




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69d868 No.21291431

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

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d2df30 No.21291432


ms13 from c(_)a market st.?

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9b971b No.21291434

File: e1c458ef7630a84⋯.png (315.52 KB,550x330,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

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69d868 No.21291435

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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216502 No.21291436


this is so we never allow this to happen again, kamala is exposing the rats for us

the top tier is wiped out, its the bottom tier that blends inthe most and difficult to weed out i believe

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8ee667 No.21291437

File: dd93e5ed46d72e2⋯.png (278.81 KB,599x598,599:598,n763bv542352354.png)

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9b971b No.21291438

File: 55d46f241e24f2a⋯.jpg (25.01 KB,570x310,57:31,fbbb.jpg)

File: 75d6bcfa5501d64⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,210x255,14:17,75d6bcfa5501d64ee813be4d2f….jpg)

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69d868 No.21291440

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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4d8dca No.21291441


surely there's some rich fags who could easily take care of it

as much as they love mocking poorfags, it should be no issue

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c17661 No.21291443

File: 0d584034990cc41⋯.png (150.47 KB,640x568,80:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2dcaf No.21291445

Spooks deprive “Qanoners” of sleep.

Spooks electroshock “Qanoners”.

Spooks use mind control to put “Qanoners” in deathly/violent situations.

Spooks “gangstalk” Qanoners.

Spooks act like anons.

Spooks are cowards.

Spooks feed a higher loyalty.

Spooks call the cops.

Spooks are cop callers.

Spooks are cry babies.

Spooks are an embarrassment to society.

Spooks are a disgrace to the history of civilization.

Spooks narrate internal dialogue of anons in which they put in their head using voodoo like the pedophiles they are.

Spooks don’t narrate your true subconscious.

Spooks deserve the rope.

Spooks will get the rope.

Spooks are panicking.

Will project that I’m panicking.

Spooks are larping.

Spooks don’t have much time left.

If Spooks had more time they wouldn’t be panicking.

Spooks get the rope.

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9b971b No.21291451

File: d8475c61c4b45ac⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,255x186,85:62,d8475c61c4b45ac4fe0aef3241….jpg)

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69d868 No.21291452

File: 7bb47c5d67913b3⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,599x561,599:561,Q_trolling_universe.jpg)

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af50b1 No.21291453



Wray's sting

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216502 No.21291456

be careful what voices in your head you follow

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69d868 No.21291457

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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9b971b No.21291459

File: 72281e7b65cc4cd⋯.gif (2.12 MB,244x253,244:253,72281e7b65cc4cdf739859d6cd….gif)

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48e1e9 No.21291460

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,05d17fc6793207c45600b7cda9….jpg)

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