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File: a9be55deff8953b⋯.png (67.3 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

e141a5 No.21280314 [View All]

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701 posts and 391 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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957e91 No.21281099

File: b0f2418f6246282⋯.png (426.12 KB,872x734,436:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2be1 No.21281100


Indian people should reclaim that story.

It is a cute story that was mistakenly taken as derogatory towards Black African Americans.

Many Indian people have Black skin but the illustrators were probably only familiar with Black skinned African Americans.

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d5ad3d No.21281101

File: cf8780653a6a141⋯.png (2.23 MB,1336x934,668:467,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_0….png)

File: 858b08abd6c7995⋯.png (782.66 KB,472x676,118:169,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_0….png)

File: 073b500cf9e967b⋯.png (573.17 KB,1368x436,342:109,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_0….png)


The Siberian tiger or Amur tiger is a population of the tiger subspecies Panthera tigris tigris native to the Russian Far East, Northeast China[1] and possibly North Korea.[2] It once ranged throughout the Korean Peninsula, but currently inhabits mainly the Sikhote-Alin mountain region in southwest Primorye Province in the Russian Far East.


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632912 No.21281102

File: 26021d75130f891⋯.png (225.57 KB,493x510,29:30,ClipboardImage.png)

Welcome all newfags

keep your socks dry and dont do anything stupid like get yerself killed


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957e91 No.21281103

File: d5df665ee69beae⋯.png (142.1 KB,479x547,479:547,55e6930db043569a.png)

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95c540 No.21281104

White Hat comms:

>Diet Coke

>Vanilla Ice Cream

>Corn on the Cob

>Blue Butterflies

>Movie References

>Certain numbers (17, 69, 420, 147)

>Rocket Ships



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17755e No.21281105


civil rights movement destroyed Sambo's restaurant chain started in 1957

After the first Sambo's was opened in 1957, the restaurant was expanded to more locations. In late 1963, it had restaurants in 16 cities – in California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona.[3] By 1969, the company had grown to 98 locations,[4] and over the next two years diversified to create additional restaurant franchises, including Red Top Hamburgers, Heidi's Pie Shop, and the Blue Ox Steak House.[4][5]

In the latter half of the 1970s, pressure began to mount on the chain to change its name, drawing protests and lawsuits in communities that viewed the term Sambo as pejorative towards black Americans….

- wikipedia

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4aea43 No.21281106

File: 69bf320ed92419d⋯.png (248.37 KB,499x562,499:562,ClipboardImage.png)


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d15f5b No.21281107

File: 68509ab4c088cf5⋯.png (68.67 KB,638x479,638:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d9c1238621d0e3⋯.png (344.32 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79bf0437565cf3d⋯.png (66.14 KB,500x310,50:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4855e4186caea8⋯.png (121.29 KB,469x468,469:468,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0174216c4a84d75⋯.png (556.5 KB,1644x1331,1644:1331,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2be1 No.21281108



they were more familiar with Black African Americans and had probably never met or seen a Black Indian person

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cc5993 No.21281109

File: 3aa1a0aa85c6e5d⋯.png (201.23 KB,477x909,53:101,ClipboardImage.png)


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d83de5 No.21281111


what did you call me?

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a03a9d No.21281112

File: adad66fa53947ad⋯.png (283.17 KB,508x768,127:192,ClipboardImage.png)


lots of Philippines OP Love

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17755e No.21281113



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c2fbf4 No.21281114

File: f570e4125b5720f⋯.png (205.83 KB,493x534,493:534,ClipboardImage.png)


Heats starting Early in August

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b635ea No.21281115

File: 2504c41a8866036⋯.png (708.35 KB,1000x495,200:99,a347c2ff5faf62fdf0f372f288….png)

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685bcc No.21281116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Know! >>21281113

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957e91 No.21281117

File: b039473f2ddd983⋯.png (230.81 KB,640x439,640:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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257744 No.21281118

File: c35f8c83bfe0728⋯.jpg (148.93 KB,640x480,4:3,c35f8c83bfe07283e7647d0390….jpg)

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77bdc3 No.21281119

File: 5a3e731ff946905⋯.png (261.47 KB,504x896,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

Ports Matter


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e51285 No.21281120

File: 45ad09793663883⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,640x480,4:3,ssstwitter_com_17217763105….mp4)




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17755e No.21281121


over and over…..

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17755e No.21281122

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6c6832 No.21281123

File: bc5a12720eeb789⋯.png (83.37 KB,478x299,478:299,ClipboardImage.png)


Dont Tequila the Messenger Bird

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c6ff13 No.21281124

File: 168ac78a0748d51⋯.png (785.53 KB,733x528,733:528,ClipboardImage.png)

Olympics fuck yeah

Israel will bring an army to defend their athletes

France is full of Wahabi Muslims!

What could go wrong?!

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17755e No.21281125

#26081 >>21280319

>>21280356 Kimberly Cheatle was part of Vice-President Dick Cheney’s security detail

>>21280361 US banks to begin reporting Russian assets for eventual forfeiture under new law

>>21280380, >>21280396 Sea Space Air MIL News

>>21280429 RR Two days ahead of schedule.

>>21280464, >>21280465 Secret Service Director And Her Answers About Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21280525 The ‘server’ brings down the house.

>>21280539 200+ NYPD officers sworn in as US Capitol Police Special Officers to assist with tomorrow’s address to Congress by Netanyahu

>>21280546 Teacher hit with maximum sentence after she's found guilty of child sexx abuse

>>21280728 CASUALTY LIST 118th Congress (As of 07/22/2024) Retiring or seeking other office

>>21280737 BLM called the move to anoint Harris as Biden's successor a "blatant disregard for democratic principles"

>>21280748 Thomas Matthew Crooks' father breaks silence following shooting at Trump rally

>>21280783 We Have More People Supporting the Rights of Palestinians, to Life

>>21280791 Turn the NOTABLES into the new Drudge Report. Sell advertising there to pay for the place.

>>21280811 Staged graduation picture? anons prove me wrong or right!

>>21280821, >>21280844 ~ notable ~ NEW WATKINS REPORT ~ https://watkinsreport.com/

>>21280821, >>21280844, >>21280847, >>21280878 WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

>>21280850, >>21280860 Shooter's Dad Was Profiled By Trump Campaign, Had MAGA Yard Sign: Report

>>21280853, >>21280858 il TRUMPO

>>21280872 Trump's Epic Round of Golf Goes Viral, serving as a fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project

>>21280880 RoofTop BodyCam Footage The audio has been cleaned up and increased volume.

baker change

>>21280901 Evan Wright, who was writing about being brainwashing in MKU program, is dead

>>21280368 Russell Fry Laces Into Secret Service Director Over Her Answers About Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21280954 Secret Service encourages Trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies

>>21280960 Matt Gaetz Presses Prisons Director About Refusal To Let Him Interview Peter Navarro

>>21280974 NZ discovers 200,000 cases of abuse of vulnerable adults and children in "care" from 1950 - 2019

>>21280977 "Harris Honeymoon" won't last

>>21280992 Kamala Harris to skip Netanyahu's joint address to Congress, speak at black sorority convention instead

>>21280994 Meme of the thread

>>21280995 200 NYPD policing at the Capitol this week

>>21281000 China wants 50 countries involved in its ILRS moon base

>>21281005 Polls Show Trump With Commanding Lead Over Harris Among Independents

>>21281017 Eighteen members of the British Special Air Service and French army soldiers were killed in the strike on Odessa - report


>>21281030 ARCHIVING the convo on the roof

>>21281036 ROBERT GOUVEIA UPDATE 2HR STREAM: Cover-Up Committee FORMED; Cheatle RESIGNS; Local Cops FIGHT BACK!

>>21281073, >>21281044, >>21281047 @ChuckGrassley - SENSITIVE CONTENT: July 13 Bodycam footage provides more info than Secret Service will share w America

>>21281089, >>21281102, >>21281106, >>21281109, >>21281112, >>21281114, >>21281119, >>21281120 Mil tweet: US & Phillippine Coast Guard side by side - message to China? ("do not fuck with us") plus others

>>21281092 Mil tweet today re sub sinking a train during WW2, KEK


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d5ad3d No.21281126

File: 4f75f46ca399efb⋯.png (648.3 KB,516x754,258:377,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_0….png)

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dfac70 No.21281128

File: 30c77ef708e559e⋯.png (379.35 KB,497x904,497:904,ClipboardImage.png)

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957e91 No.21281129

File: 76171eea9282db6⋯.png (423.47 KB,681x681,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7fb2c No.21281130

File: f49c5f571e2ff1b⋯.jpg (312.07 KB,1130x1545,226:309,IMG_4450.JPG)

File: 84335cda90464c1⋯.jpg (221.73 KB,1130x1544,565:772,IMG_3421.JPG)

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957e91 No.21281131

File: 124b4820e7f5847⋯.png (978.17 KB,547x666,547:666,124b4820e7f5847f18d1762cd3….png)

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d5ad3d No.21281133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


jheri curl the gangsta gateway drug



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1e6335 No.21281134


watch this thing full screen and just keep your eyes on the clouds in the sky. see the way they are dancing around behind the trees and the water tower in the foreground? what the actual fuck?

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d15f5b No.21281135

File: ef34cea698c0f4a⋯.png (282.01 KB,736x636,184:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba0333471d00f56⋯.png (43.63 KB,270x179,270:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88cc6e70a79bc83⋯.png (1.02 MB,1440x1304,180:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d81a2f3465f1577⋯.png (160.88 KB,480x446,240:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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685bcc No.21281136

>>21281121 Just Trigger.

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957e91 No.21281138

File: 70617614319b801⋯.jpg (74.27 KB,637x728,7:8,barry42.jpg)

File: 47ce16568b77b0d⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,403x397,403:397,barry49.jpg)

File: 40e8fb947581c69⋯.jpeg (182.73 KB,777x760,777:760,bigmike1.jpeg)

File: b0d2a958237f97f⋯.jpg (119.09 KB,762x675,254:225,bigmike1.jpg)

File: 9c056a474f25045⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB,715x896,715:896,bigmike14.jpeg)


one can only dream

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d83de5 No.21281139


chat noted

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d5ad3d No.21281140

File: 6ce9f8b9375d399⋯.png (946.63 KB,748x666,374:333,Screenshot_2024_07_24_at_0….png)

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3a86b6 No.21281141

File: 19185958ba5a7c7⋯.png (324.04 KB,492x555,164:185,ClipboardImage.png)

Could easily force some ordinarily good foreign workers to unknowingly commit crimes which can culminate to attacks on our soil…Internet changed the battle lines forever…but Trump fixed that early…FBI is onboard to stop before it gets that far if needed.

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ea09da No.21281142




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b7fb2c No.21281143

File: b461d0e4b37ba1c⋯.jpeg (649.84 KB,892x1002,446:501,IMG_5583.jpeg)

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dcd4f7 No.21281144

File: c33bfe1f5886de3⋯.png (213 KB,489x699,163:233,ClipboardImage.png)

New New Fags…feel free to lurk


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17755e No.21281145

File: 09b3769e0996236⋯.png (507.37 KB,591x468,197:156,fresh_bread_3.png)

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10b372 No.21281146

File: 3574e07e3f0f900⋯.png (207.53 KB,501x539,501:539,ClipboardImage.png)


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77bdc3 No.21281148

File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

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685bcc No.21281151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7fb2c No.21281152

File: 5ceefbbf496367a⋯.jpeg (112.23 KB,800x613,800:613,Bieber_Lurk.JPEG)

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d15f5b No.21281153

File: ef3ae8ceb1d213f⋯.png (368 KB,1200x1425,16:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 298bf9ff0ee62b5⋯.png (227.51 KB,1193x745,1193:745,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23ba77ead32599a⋯.png (94.58 KB,526x640,263:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2be1 No.21281157


So fucking ridiculous

will the chip on their shoulder ever go away?

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685bcc No.21281158

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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