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File: a5d0ffbdee4d5e0⋯.png (563.25 KB,1322x746,661:373,QR_general_image_1.png)

e676a6 No.21109295 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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702 posts and 480 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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dd9954 No.21110048


why don't you ask her out since you love her so much

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8b814d No.21110049

File: 83c6781c3b6c1fb⋯.gif (2.29 MB,720x404,180:101,060637682.gif)

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288181 No.21110050

File: 53636316f15a1e1⋯.jpg (100.46 KB,500x785,100:157,Vgi.jpg)


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e8b601 No.21110052


#25874 >>21109306

>>21109366, >>21109467, >>21109724 DJT: Strange things …monster choke

>>21109458 Five people have been killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on Russia

>>21109478 baker claims

>>21109509, >>21109944 Steve Bannon says he has no regrets as he heads to prison

>>21109514 TG: The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane

>>21109621, >>21109917 Grand daughter of Leon Trotsky bioweapons called vaccines

>>21109627 AmThk: public knowledge that he had been given the questions in advance

>>21109638, >>21109664, >>21109955, >>21110010 Public Service Announcements

>>21109666, >>21109688 Evil Trips: Jill Biden Must Step Up Now to Help Oust Her Husband

>>21109694 Microcosm, Macrocosm

>>21109719 Russian state media parodies the presidential debate

>>21109848, >>21109913, >>21109975, >>21110007 Planefag reports

>>21109860, >>21109889 IBOR 2.0

>>21109878 Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness (2020)

>>21109923 21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn't Want You To Know


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5f3565 No.21110055


Stelter is obviously a 10 on the Stelter Scale.

What's Rappenport?

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47cbdb No.21110056

File: 1e1d0e73297bef2⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,428x321,4:3,KnockKnock.JPG)


Both tribunaled and executed years ago.

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83331f No.21110057

File: 944811b766a3e7a⋯.jpg (153.9 KB,720x841,720:841,Screenshot_20240629_104328….jpg)

In the satanic pedo cult

"Trust me" is a trigger

Everything after that is command programming.

So lie lie lie. push it and believe it

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2f1cdf No.21110058


How are magazines still in business?

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1421bb No.21110059



What makes Anon laugh is all these X accounts you see with over 50K or 100K followers who are all pushing Q related posts and even Q drops themselves are all probably lurking on QR but they never post. Just take all real anons research and memes and claim it for themselves and make a profit out of it because they are verified. Well we all know what Q said about PAYtriots. I've seen my memes used a few times by big accounts, I ask for no credit or fame, it does make me smile.

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5f3565 No.21110061


Yet he never posts the bikini at Maralago pic that I fucked up and didn't save at the time.

Tsk tsk

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947d9e No.21110062

File: 9c6318439d4bde4⋯.png (198.33 KB,770x752,385:376,1.png)




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f3e558 No.21110063

File: ada33fa955fa4c6⋯.png (348.89 KB,412x412,1:1,2annoying4me.png)

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107b5f No.21110064


>How are magazines still in business?

Paparazzi for show.

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711147 No.21110065

File: c0778d4980f6f03⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,578x389,578:389,BotsRUs.JPG)

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288181 No.21110067

File: c6591c09b86501c⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,500x642,250:321,87a_BV_v.jpg)



I'd do anything to get a date with Alina Habba she's awesome.

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653b46 No.21110068

File: 96c1074a9fdadb8⋯.png (65.39 KB,1334x352,667:176,ClipboardImage.png)

down she goes


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2f1cdf No.21110070


It was our turn.

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9227a2 No.21110071


Trust me, it’s not working.

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5f3565 No.21110072


Oh, I'm sure the Beanz Factor didn't crash to zero.

Still, there are a lot of Q digg type autists on the SM (mostly X haven't seen't any TS caps here yet).

They are becoming legion tho and when the BOOM (x4) hits they'll be in prime battleground real estate.

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dcd481 No.21110073


There are still people that don’t always want to read something on a device.

Not that I would buy that trash rag

But there’s something to be said for books and magazines in general.

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288181 No.21110074

File: 56ceb048c9eaed3⋯.jpg (68.36 KB,500x590,50:59,The_Dream.jpg)

Alina Habba is the ultimate attorney that's why she's Trump's attorney.

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5f3565 No.21110075


You should have sold the rights to the Nigga Baker yellow background series back then.

That was groundbreaking.

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3f9d29 No.21110077

Fake News and the Chevron decision coming next bread.

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911f1d No.21110079


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000000 No.21110080


>When is Merrick Garland being arrested for contempt of congress?

Luna wants to use an obscure House procedure that could see Garland arrested.

On the morning of June 24, she sent a letter to her colleagues, stating she would call up her inherent contempt resolution “in the next few days.”

When she raises the question of privilege, leaders will have to schedule action…


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5f3565 No.21110081


Fair compromise o7.

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f439d5 No.21110084

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)


Muh Dick made that meme and he's on Truth Social now.

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0407d3 No.21110085

File: f5649fc2ffaea9d⋯.png (204.63 KB,600x298,300:149,ClipboardImage.png)


But muh books, Anon. Kek.

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000000 No.21110086


>When is Merrick Garland being arrested for contempt of congress?

Luna wants to use an obscure House procedure that could see Garland arrested.

On the morning of June 24, she sent a letter to her colleagues, stating she would call up her inherent contempt resolution “in the next few days.”

When she raises the question of privilege, leaders will have to schedule action…


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5f3565 No.21110088


>Well, let's keep the whole Muh Dick is "someone else" thing on the down low


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16c3a8 No.21110090

File: b8790f63bed6ddb⋯.jpg (65.32 KB,629x397,629:397,8ve36v.jpg)


An homage.

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5f3565 No.21110093


Pronounced HOE-maj, right?

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f6f984 No.21110094


Go find the Prince Harry Muh Dick meme…lol

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dcd481 No.21110095

File: bce7986a2bcc8e6⋯.gif (221.01 KB,1200x480,5:2,1CCB0D82_72E2_4131_9711_AD….gif)

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e8b601 No.21110096

File: 0c24ca8bcfb3140⋯.jpg (96.98 KB,1000x1261,1000:1261,blackie.jpg)

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911f1d No.21110097

SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades

The records “rewrite the history” of the CIA’s covert and illegal MKUltra project, according to researcher John Greenewald Jr who spent almost 20 years trying to obtain the documents…



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0407d3 No.21110098


>When is Merrick Garland being arrested for contempt of congress?

He's one of the "Chosen Ones" (tm), Anon. Jews, for the most part, only follow Jewish law. They consider it above Common Law. Garfinkel won't be arrested and even if they do, watch the "muslim terrorist attacks" (tm) in America start up about the same time. You think all these "anti-Israel" (tm) protests are organic? Like the Summer of Love (tm) BLM riots of 2020? All that shit was funded by Jewish NGOs, Anon.

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65b6af No.21110099

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)






As a US citizen, shouldn't WE, THE PEOPLE, be in a complete uproar over Bidan's incompetence and scream for him to be 25th'd? Why are MSM and citizens not rallying for his removal after his dismal performance Thurs night? Why is it ONLY his choice for him to remain in office; and why have WE, THE PEOPLE put up with this shit for this long?

And if VP and Cabinet fail in their duties, then the MIL can step in.

Why are we not pushing this, vocally, loudly and from every street cornere?? He needs to be removed from office ASAP.

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16c3a8 No.21110100


Only if you're kamala or hawk tuah girl.

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5f3565 No.21110102

File: 11ac6658b8af6f5⋯.jpg (52.71 KB,480x480,1:1,MuhDick.jpg)


>Go find

Everybody has it somewhere.

Don't let them Karens tell you otherwise.

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5f3565 No.21110108


OHHHHmaj it is then.

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83331f No.21110110

Mother of darkness is women in the satanic pedo network that abuse children. If molesting children is your asassignment then you are place in education or nursing.

even newborns are molested to prepare them for the rapes later on.

Pray against so called mothers of darkness and sisters of light if you are so inclined 🙏

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fe1999 No.21110112

Roswell UFO crash date?

CIA creation date?


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e970ce No.21110113

File: 78d35c4a0ba3fcc⋯.jpeg (75.16 KB,269x269,1:1,9E751268_694F_4E4F_AA95_D….jpeg)

File: cafe3e48f04723c⋯.jpeg (502.27 KB,828x566,414:283,03B4E3B1_990C_43A7_ABE5_6….jpeg)

File: ab3281337c39a41⋯.jpeg (385.58 KB,828x520,207:130,3F8BB111_8C20_460A_8458_6….jpeg)

File: 701e5969cbba5e9⋯.jpeg (363.48 KB,537x773,537:773,3693DF7F_5CE0_427A_84AE_7….jpeg)

File: 08ac34913176f9c⋯.jpeg (494.61 KB,808x599,808:599,09A34680_4A78_4192_80DC_D….jpeg)

Here's to finally winning the revolutionary war.

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8ec212 No.21110114


o7 I lost that meme 👍

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107b5f No.21110115

File: 8ce009f35d6bcbf⋯.jpg (43.44 KB,474x710,237:355,th_3836129450.jpg)


>Go find the Prince Harry Muh Dick meme…lol

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67bf24 No.21110117


I think the Gaza/anti-Israel protests are basically organic.

That is why Israel is forced to respond to them, because they are dangerous to its' narrative.

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5f3565 No.21110119


>in a fishing incident


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dcd481 No.21110122

File: 73c75a819f63389⋯.jpeg (448.02 KB,769x698,769:698,7AE4F701_3216_4D95_B203_D….jpeg)

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107b5f No.21110123

File: d50531db2aa55eb⋯.jpg (180.96 KB,1170x728,45:28,Roswell_Incident_123894272….jpg)


>Roswell UFO crash date?

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