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File: 2d6b25f5ee43425⋯.png (272.54 KB,511x388,511:388,000eee.png)

b02aa9 No.21084842 [View All]

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578 posts and 345 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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385b54 No.21085562





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13be16 No.21085563

File: 62550f435511591⋯.png (1.44 MB,1080x1224,15:17,Killary.png)




If you see Hillary Clinton you are looking at pure evil at the highest level.

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8ddcaa No.21085564


I hope Julie Kelly is on Bannon show in about 30 minutes. She usually reports on MAL court case

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b2ab56 No.21085565

File: 5066aa805750480⋯.png (486.88 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian tribunal awards gender-confused man $35k after spa refuses to wax him


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9a2a22 No.21085566


>2 minutes

Roger that.

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cdc0de No.21085567


Knowing how much effort the CIA and FBI put into the Russia collusion-conspiracy narrative; and knowing that Assange could essentially destroy the baseline predicate for the entire Trump-Russia investigation – which included the use of Robert Mueller; it would make sense for corrupt government officials to take keen interest after this August 2017 meeting between Rohrabacher and Assange.

That contact between Rohrabacher and Assange explains why those same government officials would quickly gather specific evidence (related to Wikileaks and Bradley Manning) for a grand jury by December 2017.

Within three months of the grand jury seating (Nov/Dec 2017), the DOJ generated an indictment and sealed it in March 2018.

The EDVA then sat on the Julian Assange indictment while the Mueller/Weissman probe was ongoing.

As soon as the Mueller probe ended, on April 11th, 2019, a planned and coordinated effort between the U.K. and U.S. was executed; Julian Assange was forcibly arrested and removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and the EDVA indictment was unsealed (link).

As a person who researched this fiasco, including the ridiculously false 2016 Russian hacking/interference narrative: “17 intelligence agencies”, Joint Analysis Report (JAR) needed for Obama’s anti-Russia narrative in December ’16, and then a month later the ridiculously political Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) in January ’17, this timing against Assange is not coincidental.

It doesn’t take a deep researcher to see the aligned Deep State motive to control Julian Assange, because the Mueller report was dependent on Russia cybercrimes, and that narrative is contingent on the Russia DNC hack story which Julian Assange disputes. Again, John Durham stayed away from it!

♦ This is critical. The Weissmann/Mueller report contains claims that Russia hacked the DNC servers as the central element to the Russia interference narrative in the U.S. election.

This claim is the fulcrum underpinning the Russia election interference narrative. However, this core and essential claim is directly disputed by Julian Assange, as outlined during the Dana Rohrabacher interview, and by Julian Assange’s on-the-record statements.

The predicate for Robert Mueller’s investigation was specifically due to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The fulcrum for this Russia interference claim is the intelligence community assessment (Peter Strzok); and the only factual evidence claimed within the ICA is that Russia hacked the DNC servers; a claim only made possible by relying on forensic computer analysis from another Michael Sussmann partner, Shawn Henry at Crowdstrike, yes another DNC contractor and collaborator with the Clinton campaign.

The CIA held a massive conflict of self-interest problem surrounding the Russian hacking claim as it pertained to their own activity in 2016. The FBI and DOJ always held a massive interest in maintaining the Russian hacking claim. Robert Mueller and Andrew Weismann did everything they could to support that predicate; and all of those foreign countries whose intelligence apparatus participated with Brennan and Strzok also carried a self-interest in maintaining that Russia hacking and interference narrative.

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4d4e3f No.21085568

File: 818ea4ef8809f0a⋯.png (7.26 KB,395x31,395:31,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_1….png)




Source: https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/VJT199/history/20240625/1355Z/VTBD/PGSN/tracklog

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fced68 No.21085569



4:20 PM


All devices provided specifically for comm here.

Secured (heavily).

Non Win 10.



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e25e04 No.21085570

File: 6ccadfa3278c964⋯.png (298.92 KB,768x577,768:577,ClipboardImage.png)


good points

setting their stage

these clowns…

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977841 No.21085571


X = the mark of the beast

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8ddcaa No.21085572


He did this right before the debate to give Joe a talking point

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cdc0de No.21085573


Julian Assange was/is the only person with direct knowledge of how Wikileaks gained custody of the DNC emails; and Assange claimed he has evidence it was from an inside DNC leak, not from a DNC hack.

The Russian “hacking” claim was ultimately so important to the CIA, FBI, DOJ, ODNI and U.K Intelligence apparatus. Well, right there is the obvious motive to shut Assange down as soon as intelligence officials knew the Mueller report was going to be public. And that is exactly what Main Justice and the U.S. intelligence community did.

This is why John Durham never touched it.

All of them know what happened.

All of them know why Julian Assange was taken from the Embassy in London. A bag had to be thrown over Assange in order to retain the justification for the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel and the larger Russian election interference claims. None of them do not know this. They all know.

Start asking the right questions about the timeline of Assange being arrested. Ask about the DNC hack and Russian provenance according to Crowdstrike, not coincidentally a Ukrainian originating company. Ask key and specific questions about the FBI working with Crowdstrike and about the DOJ and EDVA case against Assange.

The people around the DC Deep State all know what happened. So does Wikileaks. SO DO WE, and SO DO YOU!

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b18e34 No.21085574

File: 2b7c1e91dba2866⋯.png (634.3 KB,1028x999,1028:999,ClipboardImage.png)


Name bread Spotlight Edition and use picrel as dough image. I'll still collect notes for next bread.

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b18e34 No.21085575


#25847 >>21084852

>>21084908, >>21084994, >>21085001, >>21085161 Let's see what habbens tomorrow / Who is JC?

>>21084914 Yo mamma

>>21084951, >>21084929 Stella Assange: Emergency appeal for donations to cover massive USD 520,000 debt for jet

>>21084954 CNN Debate Moderator Dana Bash's former husband is an attorney and former Chief of Staff at the CIA

>>21084975, >>21085235, >>21085395 Events

>>21084981 Be a fukken spotlight

>>21084995 Cue 627

>>21085011 Judge Merchan partially removes Trump gag order in NYC case

>>21085026 Tucker Carlson reveals the truth about Mike Pompeo

>>21085028, >>21085066 Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years

>>21085046, >>21085239, >>21085347 Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity

>>21085096 Longtime Chicago Democrat Leader Ed Burke Sentenced to Prison on 13 Corruption Convictions, Receives Light Sentence

>>21085099 Election Integrity at Stake in Georgia: Fulton County Georgia Seeks to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots Amid Ongoing Lawsuits

>>21085103, >>21085170 PF: CONUS Activity

>>21085125 America First Legal Sends All 50 States a Plan to Use Existing Federal Law to Prevent Illegals from Voting in American Elections

>>21085147 PF: German AF GAF848 A359 FM BAERbock back to Berlin from Tel Aviv

>>21085151 PF: An army Priority Air Transport plane (PAT174) coming Port-au-Prince just visited Gitmo…

>>21085166 Shenanigans at the BSL Medical Center

>>21085174 Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official

>>21085193 Welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens - no proof of citizenship required

>>21085194 Tyler Cherry, Biden's new Assc. Communications Director Wiped his X Account

>>21085206 Fasting Boosts Cancer-Fighting Ability Of 'Natural Killer' Cells: Study

>>21085208 June goes out with a Bang

>>21085231 In Rare Move, Supreme Court Extends Its Term Into July To Allow For Several Large Rulings

>>21085234 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1942

>>21085236 Ukraine Asks Backers To OK Deeper Strikes in Russia

>>21085270 Western Intel Officials: Russia Behind Arson Attack At German Factory

>>21085344, >>21085424, >>21085437, >>21085456, >>21085471, >>21085476 PF: Julian Assange flight tracker

>>21085348 Treasury Basis Trade Stays In Vogue - Unless Volatility Erupts

>>21085256, >>21085271 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used J6 & Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent

>>21085372 CNN threatens YouTube channels that plan to provide Trump-Biden debate commentary

>>21085433 6 year delta: Q posted this picture of Bangkok, the place where Assange's plane refueled

>>21085384 Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent, according to bombshell claims from ex-girlfriend

>>21085394 North Dakota Senator, 80, to plead guilty to traveling to Europe to have sex with minors on taxpayer-funded flights

>>21085405 Humanoid robot with a face made out of living skin tissue is created by researchers in Japan

>>21085444 Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

>>21085481 Hungary Launches Foreign Influence Investigation

>>21085497 Surgeon General declares gun violence a public health crisis

>>21085551 Jack Smith Admits FBI Doctored Evidence to Produce Stunt Photos of Classified Docs During Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>21085101, >>21085116, >>21085133, >>21085307, >>21085340, >>21085391, >>21085429 Memes


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b18e34 No.21085576

#25847 >>21084852

>>21084908, >>21084994, >>21085001, >>21085161 Let's see what habbens tomorrow / Who is JC?

>>21084914 Yo mamma

>>21084951, >>21084929 Stella Assange: Emergency appeal for donations to cover massive USD 520,000 debt for jet

>>21084954 CNN Debate Moderator Dana Bash's former husband is an attorney and former Chief of Staff at the CIA

>>21084975, >>21085235, >>21085395 Events

>>21084981 Be a fukken spotlight

>>21084995 Cue 627

>>21085011 Judge Merchan partially removes Trump gag order in NYC case

>>21085026 Tucker Carlson reveals the truth about Mike Pompeo

>>21085028, >>21085066 Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years

>>21085046, >>21085239, >>21085347 Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity

>>21085096 Longtime Chicago Democrat Leader Ed Burke Sentenced to Prison on 13 Corruption Convictions, Receives Light Sentence

>>21085099 Election Integrity at Stake in Georgia: Fulton County Georgia Seeks to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots Amid Ongoing Lawsuits

>>21085103, >>21085170 PF: CONUS Activity

>>21085125 America First Legal Sends All 50 States a Plan to Use Existing Federal Law to Prevent Illegals from Voting in American Elections

>>21085147 PF: German AF GAF848 A359 FM BAERbock back to Berlin from Tel Aviv

>>21085151 PF: An army Priority Air Transport plane (PAT174) coming Port-au-Prince just visited Gitmo…

>>21085166 Shenanigans at the BSL Medical Center

>>21085174 Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official

>>21085193 Welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens - no proof of citizenship required

>>21085194 Tyler Cherry, Biden's new Assc. Communications Director Wiped his X Account

>>21085206 Fasting Boosts Cancer-Fighting Ability Of 'Natural Killer' Cells: Study

>>21085208 June goes out with a Bang

>>21085231 In Rare Move, Supreme Court Extends Its Term Into July To Allow For Several Large Rulings

>>21085234 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1942

>>21085236 Ukraine Asks Backers To OK Deeper Strikes in Russia

>>21085270 Western Intel Officials: Russia Behind Arson Attack At German Factory

>>21085344, >>21085424, >>21085437, >>21085456, >>21085471, >>21085476 PF: Julian Assange flight tracker

>>21085348 Treasury Basis Trade Stays In Vogue - Unless Volatility Erupts

>>21085256, >>21085271 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used J6 & Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent

>>21085372 CNN threatens YouTube channels that plan to provide Trump-Biden debate commentary

>>21085433 6 year delta: Q posted this picture of Bangkok, the place where Assange's plane refueled

>>21085384 Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent, according to bombshell claims from ex-girlfriend

>>21085394 North Dakota Senator, 80, to plead guilty to traveling to Europe to have sex with minors on taxpayer-funded flights

>>21085405 Humanoid robot with a face made out of living skin tissue is created by researchers in Japan

>>21085444 Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

>>21085481 Hungary Launches Foreign Influence Investigation

>>21085497 Surgeon General declares gun violence a public health crisis

>>21085551 Jack Smith Admits FBI Doctored Evidence to Produce Stunt Photos of Classified Docs During Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>21085101, >>21085116, >>21085133, >>21085307, >>21085340, >>21085391, >>21085429 Memes


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ce334c No.21085577

File: 9a283e8885691b1⋯.png (14.98 KB,547x127,547:127,ClipboardImage.png)



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b18e34 No.21085578


use this one.

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4b119c No.21085579

File: 0e5aec07ac6c130⋯.png (3.71 MB,3000x3000,1:1,snowden.png)

File: 830ddec8f188b11⋯.png (886.71 KB,967x1280,967:1280,snowdenthoughtofthatone.png)

File: 57f140e87906629⋯.jpg (465.72 KB,1079x841,1079:841,snowdenwelcomhome.jpg)



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fced68 No.21085580


Ask for more, Anons. You will get the confirms.

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211a03 No.21085581

File: 5fd750f404bec3d⋯.jpg (31.79 KB,474x266,237:133,th_861339444.jpg)

File: 65f5dc4799e776e⋯.jpg (48.11 KB,453x480,151:160,ecde46b85961eb642689a5b2a5….jpg)

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4d4e3f No.21085582

File: 06d859baf48a6cc⋯.png (21.72 KB,889x167,889:167,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_1….png)

Assange next flight time

Estimated time of departure in 5 hours and 34 minutes

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0b8946 No.21085583

File: 8077e098ef95f90⋯.jpeg (399.99 KB,767x588,767:588,1444DCCD_4091_4446_9F2C_7….jpeg)

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9a2a22 No.21085584

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9a2a22 No.21085585


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fced68 No.21085586

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68153c No.21085587

File: 912d81092b2aeb2⋯.png (27.15 KB,454x371,454:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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13be16 No.21085588

File: 002169b2b39a234⋯.jpg (107.78 KB,500x758,250:379,002169b2b39a2346e3e9f2fb79….jpg)

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fced68 No.21085589


Do you have the free time to BO?

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c05cf8 No.21085590



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7e7f3e No.21085591

File: 60467600ce85b0c⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,trillions_missing.mp4)

Donald Rumsfeld announces 2.3 Trillion missing from the Pentagon on September 10th 2001


#ArchiveOffline cuz jewtube wont

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cdc0de No.21085592

File: 8e47cb024e00e38⋯.png (96.21 KB,1106x620,553:310,ClipboardImage.png)


Betsy jones

June 25, 2024 9:23 am

Reading this from Sundance is going to take a serious cup or two of coffee.

But in the meantime..

Last night on the news of his release from the worst prison in Britain, I rejoiced. My first reaction…

Thoughts came after.

And yes, I have thought about it.

Australia was once a penal colony where convicted Brits were shipped. It was a dreaded punishment. I never thought this country would return to its roots, but it has.

A big open air prison awaits Assange…and much else besides I’d be willing to bet.

“Free, Free, Free At Last!!!”

If only it were true…

He joins the rest of the Western world’s “inmates” which number in the millions upon millions.

Welcome, Julian!!

We offer prayers for God’s protection …you (and we) will need them.

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4b119c No.21085593


Disregard the welcome home one. 10 minute delta not a good enough connection. Need to drop it so I don't repost. Wasn't mine but sneaks out sometimes.

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fced68 No.21085595


Looking for Patriots with more free time than workfags.

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c335e3 No.21085596

File: c64dde9b53d6843⋯.jpg (117.1 KB,766x500,383:250,Build_back_better_canoe_tr….jpg)

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1ad1c3 No.21085597

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)

June 25, 2024

Airman Accounted from Vietnam War

June 25, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Brown, C.)

June 24, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Murphy, J.)

June 21, 2024

USS Oklahoma Sailor Accounted for from WWII (Carroll, J.)

June 17, 2024

Airman Accounted for from WWII (Hohlfeld, J.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (DeCloss, R.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Prince, S.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Young, C.)

June 17, 2024

Airman Accounted for from WWII (Cash, R.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Gutterman, J.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Pierce, C.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Smith, E.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Ramos, I.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Hardman, K.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Colby, W.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Vorel, C.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Mitchell, J.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Ryhter, J.)

June 17, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Beaty, C.)

June 14, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from Korean War (Barrett, A.)

June 13, 2024

Soldier Accounted For From WWII (Dent, L.)

June 10, 2024

USS Oklahoma Sailor Accounted for from WWII (Thompson, G.)

June 10, 2024

Airman Accounted for from WWII (Pyle, E.)

June 6, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Hosfelt, H.)

June 4, 2024

Airman Accounted for from WWII (Cox, O.)

June 4, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Hudson, M.)

June 3, 2024

Airman Accounted for from WWII (Powers, C.)

June 3, 2024

USS Oklahoma Sailor Accounted for from WWII (Herbert, G.)

June 3, 2024

Soldier Accounted for from WWII (Loschiavo, B.)


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5a85a8 No.21085599

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB,500x500,1:1,quads.jpg)

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1fbda6 No.21085600


>House Cleaning.

(68) posts

(you) should get thrown out first

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fced68 No.21085601


Q called Julian years ago, at the outset.

Julian knows Q's name.

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ce334c No.21085602

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ac266a No.21085603

IDF massing troops on Lebanon Border


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cd3383 No.21085604


>economists say Trump’s tax cuts and policies would be a danger to our country.

Who knew that a waitresses tips were such a massive chunk of the tax base.

Someone needs to make an Uncle Sam meme.

Uncle Sam needs your tips.

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fced68 No.21085605


COMMS will confirm statements about it.

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0b8946 No.21085606

File: 8284b98ec422e8b⋯.jpeg (530.77 KB,1155x702,385:234,8AA0D2C9_3B8A_4331_8DE4_2….jpeg)

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510274 No.21085608

File: f892855306003f0⋯.jpg (148.02 KB,868x1061,868:1061,awesomeland.jpg)


ummm. you don't tell me what to do, think, feel? this place is awesome!

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547e1d No.21085609

File: 89708b3492a9fea⋯.jpg (350.58 KB,1130x1414,565:707,IMG_2961.JPG)

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3a42f3 No.21085610


>Dialectical behavior therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a specific type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that was developed by Marsha Linehan to treat individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and other disorders characterized by poor emotional regulation. DBT combines CBT techniques with mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies to help individuals manage their emotions, improve relationships, and reduce self-destructive behaviors.

Key Components of DBT:

Mindfulness: DBT emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and accepting one’s emotions, thoughts, and experiences without judgment.

Distress Tolerance: DBT teaches individuals skills to tolerate distressing emotions and situations without resorting to self-destructive behaviors.

Emotional Regulation: DBT helps individuals identify and manage their emotions, reducing the intensity and frequency of emotional episodes.

Interpersonal Effectiveness: DBT focuses on improving communication skills and relationships by teaching individuals how to express themselves effectively and assertively.

Benefits of DBT:

Improved emotional regulation and management

Reduced self-destructive behaviors

Enhanced relationships and communication skills

Increased self-esteem and confidence

Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression

Therapists and Clinics:

If you’re interested in pursuing DBT therapy, you can search for licensed therapists or clinics in your area that specialize in DBT. Some examples of therapists and clinics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, include:

Alberta Health Services

Zen Level Therapy

Elevated Abilities

NewVista Psychology & Calgary Counselling Services

Dookies’ Psychological Services

Remember to research each therapist or clinic thoroughly and ensure they are a good fit for your specific needs and goals.

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9a2a22 No.21085611






please migrate, bread lock coming

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fced68 No.21085612


This place…

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cdc0de No.21085614

File: 9d9bb31c440d644⋯.png (1.24 MB,1400x840,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump 'offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack'


Julian Borger, Owen Bowcott

February 19, 2020

WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange leaves Westminster magistrates court in London after a previous hearing last month. Photograph: Simon Dawson/Reuters

This article is more than 4 years old

This article is more than 4 years old

WikiLeaks published emails damaging to Hillary Clinton in 2016

Ex-congressman denies being middleman for US president

Donald Trump offered Julian Assange a pardon if he would say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic party emails, a court in London has been told.

The extraordinary claim was made at Westminster magistrates court before the opening next week of Assange’s legal battle to block attempts to extradite him to the US, where he faces charges for publishing hacked documents. The allegation was denied by the former Republican congressman named by the Assange legal team as a key witness.

Assange’s lawyers alleged that during a visit to London in August 2017, congressman Dana Rohrabacher told the WikiLeaks founder that “on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr Assange … said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC [Democratic National Committee] leaks.”

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13be16 No.21085615

File: 3ce01944d689ca1⋯.png (785.26 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,Screenshot_20240624_073248….png)

File: 83007e4d9e4e81a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1551,360:517,Scxfj.png)

File: b65788f4dab0785⋯.png (647.13 KB,1080x893,1080:893,Screenshot_20240307_073109….png)

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 84e05b56c85a804⋯.jpg (81.24 KB,500x501,500:501,MAGA_1_.jpg)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that FUCKEN taxpayer money going to illegal alien insects and non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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