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File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,2022_03_29_21_15_12_maga_l….png)

cb384e No.21083080 [View All]

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259c1d No.21083920

File: db0708431cdefc8⋯.png (1.42 MB,992x589,32:19,ClipboardImage.png)


February 10, 2020

FBI, State Department Partner with Kenya to Launch First Overseas Joint Terrorism Task Force

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of State have partnered together to assist Kenya in creating the first Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) to be located outside of the United States. This Kenyan-led JTTF will be a multi-agency counterterrorism investigative force in Nairobi, Kenya.

The initiative to establish a Kenyan Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF-K) began after the al-Shabaab terrorist attack on the DusitD2 Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, on January 16, 2019. There was a pressing need for a JTTF that could be met through FBI’s training expertise combined with the State Department Bureau of Counterterrorism’s (CT Bureau) capacity-building efforts.

“The FBI is proud to have the opportunity to work with our Kenyan law enforcement partners on this initiative,” said Assistant Director of the International Operations Division Charles Spencer. “The first Kenyan JTTF will allow for a sharing of experience, knowledge, and capabilities that will enhance our shared commitment to countering terrorism around the world.”

“For over two decades, the CT Bureau has supported Kenya’s efforts to improve its law enforcement capacity to defend its borders and become a counterterrorism leader in East Africa,” said Ambassador Nathan A. Sales, the coordinator for counterterrorism. “The JTTF for Kenya will support the interagency approach required to successfully investigate and prosecute terrorists before they conduct attacks. I look forward to this unit standing up and the results that will surely come.”

“The U.S government has been a valued partner in combating terrorism,” said Kenya’s Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti. “I appreciate the effort and resources the FBI and Department of State have dedicated toward improving the capabilities of our officers through training, experience, and insight. Due to globalization and the rapid advancement in technology, terrorists and their sympathizers have also changed tactics and devised new methods to further their agenda. Endeavors such as the Kenyan Joint Terrorism Task Force will allow for a multi-agency approach to achieve common objectives and assist us in obtaining the upper hand against the enemy.”

The 42 selected Kenyan investigators will receive a 12-week intensive counterterrorism training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The FBI will administer the curriculum and provide training with assistance from other agencies, as applicable. The FBI and the CT Bureau will collaboratively assess the program.

The team will adopt methodologies used by U.S.-based JTTFs and be trained to handle sensitive counterterrorism intelligence shared with the Kenyan government. The investigators will be trained and equipped to investigate all terrorism matters deemed of significant importance to Kenya’s National Security Council. Upon completion of the course, the JTTF-K officers will return to Kenya, where they will be assisted by an FBI special agent mentor.

Investigations conducted by JTTF-K will be carried out in accordance with international law enforcement standards and in comportment with human rights. Legal authorities will be derived from the Kenyan constitution and international treaties. Cases will be prosecuted in Kenya’s courts, which promotes the U.S. goal of enabling foreign partners to successfully counter terrorist threats.

The JTTF-K is being funded by the CT Bureau under the Counterterrorism Partnership Fund, which was established by Congress to build the law enforcement capacity of partner nations on the frontlines of terrorism. It is part of a comprehensive program with Kenya to promote terrorism investigations and prosecutions, enhance crisis response, and strengthen border security.

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6cf39d No.21083921

final bun for #25845

backup baker in the bullpen? gotta wurkfag after the top

czech em

#25845 >>21083107

>>21083120 Snowy Hydro is pausing its cloud seeding program - cloud seeding operations are permitted under the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act.

>>21083189, >>21083446, >>21083627, >>21083846, >>21083874, >>21083906 Flight carrying Assange stops in Bangkok to refuel

>>21083218, >>21083226, >>21083820 Courts block Biden from canceling any more student loan debt

>>21083230 Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

>>21083312, >>21083340 The Rapidan dam in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, failed on June 24, 2024, due to intense flooding.

>>21083319, >>21083326 New York primary election day will decide key race between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer

>>21083404 Change of batter update? You know what this means… “Hillary Clinton book coming this fall”

>>21083414, >>21083436, >>21083444 CNN's Dana Bash (who will be moderating the presidential debate on Thursday) ex-husband was one of the 51 spies whoo FALSELY claimed…

>>21083439 Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

>>21083639 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/25/2024

>>21083658, >>21083778 Habenings for 6/25/2024

>>21083691 MTV Abruptly Nukes Site, Erases More Than 20 Years Worth Of Content

>>21083699 EU leaders agree on von der Leyen for 2nd term

>>21083780, >>21083800, >>21083842 Trump Campaign Hit with Gag Order by CNN Days Ahead of Network’s Presidential Debate

>>21083840 Supreme Court rejects appeals brought by RFK Jr.-founded anti-vaccine group over Covid shots

>>21083869 SpaceX GOES-U Mission Launch

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f171a4 No.21083922


Magnetism interacting at the counterspace interface yields matter.

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4cf5d6 No.21083923


>Magnets hold matter together.

Charged ions, energy, everything is energy, which never dies, only changes from one form to another.

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73f3b2 No.21083924

File: d69f3a4059410dd⋯.jpg (473.63 KB,636x781,636:781,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: 80cd61ccfb407e3⋯.jpg (444.39 KB,638x776,319:388,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: b365298d815d728⋯.jpg (178.89 KB,628x782,314:391,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: 870a4ddb2bc7c23⋯.jpg (182.08 KB,643x778,643:778,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

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ba6916 No.21083925

Just a joke. Not implying that I am. That wouldn't be right.

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73f3b2 No.21083926

File: 5ff70b012bed76a⋯.jpg (223.89 KB,966x776,483:388,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: 5fca30e17b3cf86⋯.png (2 MB,4931x3423,4931:3423,IMG_0143.PNG)

File: 99b8e98fb0f2e5b⋯.jpg (506.2 KB,1939x1619,1939:1619,Friends_Naughty_List_.jpg)

File: f7e50a6ac4913f4⋯.jpg (504.43 KB,644x783,644:783,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

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e95cb9 No.21083927

File: 41e530519c91537⋯.png (642.13 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is gravity?

Gravity is just a theory, much like Antifa is just an idea.

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5effa5 No.21083928


CNN make up department struggled to make predator look pretty here.

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729588 No.21083929



its called a skull


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8ab8cb No.21083930

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: fc58c392e0b6340⋯.png (11.56 KB,137x55,137:55,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_1….png)

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5effa5 No.21083931


Whole of CNN is an intelligence operation… that is why it is TANKING

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b36fe2 No.21083932

File: 6b988b5fb031c90⋯.png (523.05 KB,634x633,634:633,ClipboardImage.png)

'This is huge!'

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ca8739 No.21083933

File: 334e04c0da0d762⋯.jpeg (194.12 KB,500x748,125:187,D920C21C_62DA_4127_ABC5_C….jpeg)

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c2c1b3 No.21083935

Keep it up shills, you know anon had enough and is going to make all your lives miserable before you can escape this stage with a faked death.

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2e65e4 No.21083936


>Gravity is just a theory,

I science a 'Theory' is the highest status a concept can have.

It's not like in common speech where 'theory' just means a hunch.

In science for a concept to rise to the level of theory it has to have been rigorously tested and independently verified.

Human consciousness is just a theory…

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0d6211 No.21083937

File: 74e6e47043385ed⋯.jpg (141.23 KB,925x1140,185:228,316.jpg)

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43dabf No.21083938


Wait until Trump exposes that the student loan forgiveness will result in massive tax payments to the IRS. This will be epic.

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73f3b2 No.21083939

File: 697f54b679318a7⋯.jpeg (325.26 KB,1366x1366,1:1,20137EE6_056C_43B5_B86C_B….JPEG)

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c3f0b9 No.21083940


What is a woman, Joe?

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f171a4 No.21083941


Theory of man caused climate change destroys your puny postulate.

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4cf5d6 No.21083942



Do gravity and atmospheric pressure correlate?

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4231ce No.21083943

File: 77f5c11bbab2171⋯.png (212.29 KB,712x1430,356:715,789.png)

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7032cf No.21083944


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f171a4 No.21083945


Depends on the fart’s color.

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c764aa No.21083946


prob RRN

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0f28e9 No.21083947

File: bf6f800d3e89f27⋯.png (42.78 KB,596x424,149:106,ClipboardImage.png)



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2e65e4 No.21083948


>Theory of man caused climate change destroys your puny postulate.

Scientism is not Science.

The field is corrupt as fuck today.

However, "Man made climate change" is no where close to the level of 'Theory'.

It's a flimsy hypothesis at best.

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4880d2 No.21083950


do you have an address so I could search for it in archive?



is this the channel it moved to?

Jack Rhysider Archive Channel

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822510 No.21083951

File: cadb74b35936d40⋯.jpg (97.46 KB,720x731,720:731,student_loans.jpg)

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5effa5 No.21083952

File: f0c979f2616e96b⋯.png (956.43 KB,1029x1038,343:346,ClipboardImage.png)


This is what happens when you don't do NUREMBERG TRIALS for MASS MURDERERS

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279685 No.21083954


Looks to me like the plan is to cancel the debate and blame it on Trump. "Trump didn't follow the rules, so we can't have a debate."

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c3f0b9 No.21083957

File: 6c4256257e6a88b⋯.jpeg (100.77 KB,750x424,375:212,bill_nye_science.jpeg)


This. Magnetism and electricity explain it all. Gravity is fake and ghey, just like black holes.

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259c1d No.21083958

File: b241b4b319b6099⋯.png (317.1 KB,384x573,128:191,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is a woman, Joe?

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4cf5d6 No.21083959


Does Evolution deserve scientific high distinction of "theory"?

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7032cf No.21083960

File: 863ac3345a24513⋯.png (37.84 KB,700x449,700:449,ClipboardImage.png)


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0f28e9 No.21083961

File: 4e697a75954189f⋯.png (252.09 KB,578x432,289:216,fauci_science_.png)


>Scientism is not Science.

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840a92 No.21083962


fuck yeah

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f171a4 No.21083963



A truth.

In all things from man, follow the shekels.

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73f3b2 No.21083965




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4880d2 No.21083966


It wouldn't be a criticism if it were true.

So obviously biased they can't have people focusing on it.

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5effa5 No.21083967


All part of the WEF MARXIST plan… need to create a parallel economy.

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4cf5d6 No.21083968


Does terminal velocity increase/decrease in correlation to atmospheric pressure?

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a603a8 No.21083969

File: e4dd7368d991ad7⋯.png (93.28 KB,301x249,301:249,ClipboardImage.png)



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fcf6a7 No.21083970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fcf6a7 No.21083971



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2e65e4 No.21083972


>Does Evolution deserve scientific high distinction of "theory"?

Yes, It's an observed fact.

Let me guess, you're a creationist?

If I'm right, why can't you believe that God created the onset and his flawless creation was able to perfect itself through evolution and natural selection?

That's what a good programmer would do rather than design each thing individually.

Nothing is perfect forever, adaption is perfection.

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6cf39d No.21083974

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Moar Bread Just Ahead





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4880d2 No.21083977

File: 1f2bd6eebde5f22⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,2100x1861,2100:1861,projection1.JPG)

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f171a4 No.21083978


Heat of friction tolerance for materials reaching said velocity matters most here.

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