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File: e2901f5958dae33⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,255x252,85:84,19f26536ed685b9138abc01f87….jpg)

529d09 No.21071029 [View All]

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521a9a No.21071830

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB,516x415,516:415,CHLukeComfy.PNG)

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3f81a6 No.21071831


you drop so much pain on the board though

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a9f6f1 No.21071832

File: a9839a8066ce27a⋯.png (873.95 KB,873x341,873:341,Screenshot_7413_.png)

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3f81a6 No.21071833


Steve Bannon

1: Coached Epstein in exchange for Funding

2: received $1 million from the WE BUILD THE WALL fraud.

3: bad mouthed POTUS in Wolff's book to which POTUS called Steve a loser who "beg and cries like a dog".

4: started warroom in 2017 and its CFO/COO is Grace Chong - https://twitter.com/gc22gc?lang=en

5: trial set for May 2024. The Prosecution considers Bannon the Ring Leader of the Build the Wall Scam. This isn't going away and good luck with your Pain.

6: trial Postponed until November. The Suspense!

Meet Grace Chong. The CFO/COO of Steve Bannon's WARROOM



Pay close attention to the names/faces of those who swirl about Steve Bannon and Warroom.

Do they have anything in common?

Do you think they have an agenda?

Here is Grace Chong with Karli Bonne A.K.A POISSANT A.K.A KARLI Q of MG Show/Inthematrixxx/P = Payseur Claim to Fame.

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87c654 No.21071834


>>21071050, >>21071053 ( >>21071743 ) , >>21071056, >>21071072, >>21071108, >>21071111, >>21071122, >>21071156, >>21071168, >>21071182, >>21071198, >>21071199, >>21071211, >>21071213, >>21071236, >>21071241, >>21071260, >>21071297, >>21071129, >>21071133, >>21071271, >>21071430, >>21071438, >>21071584, >>21071716, >>21071724, >>21071749, >>21071772

#25834 >>21071037

>>21071039 Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination?

>>21071043 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. #Anons

>>21071066 Roe Vs Wade MP4 #Abortion

>>21071069 British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years!

>>21071077, >>21071444 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity-Swedes at Lublin, French left Stockholm, tanker activity in E. Med

>>21071104 She's not wrong you know MP4

>>21071134 Biden and Zionism MP4

>>21071164 Lego going LGB

>>21071174 #25833 Posted in #25834

>>21071177 They are just coming right out with it - Cap rel


>>21071184, >>21071203 How The Supreme Court Swatted Down Hunter Biden’s Hail Mary Pass

>>21071187 NASA The Colors of Saturn from Cassini

>>21071188 Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech in the US Congress to publicly criticize President Joe Biden

>>21071262 President Trump said his running mate is likely to attend his first debate against President Joe Biden on Thursday.

>>21071298 Time to teach the normies that they are indeed normies and need to learn to dig

>>21071307 Doug Burgum just went on CNN, shut down Kaitlan Collins’ argument that Trump would be a “dictator”

>>21071310, >>21071779 SAM008 G5 departed Westchester Cty.

>>21071322 Happy Birthday Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas


>>21071335 OP: Focus24 UPDATED: 24/06/14

>>21071339 How could anyone not vote for this man?

>>21071345, >>21071362 BORDER PIN LIST & MEMES

>>21071349, >>21071364, >>21071510, >>21071512 J6 PIN LIST & MEMES

>>21071381, >>21071506, >>21071399, >>21071451, >>21071460 TWITTER GAME

>>21071382 Arizona requires proof of citizenship for state, but not federal elections

>>21071439 Coast Guard rescues 2 people from downed aircraft off Turks and Caicos Islands

>>21071440 1:00 PM EDT SpaceX is targeting Sunday

>>21071463 US Navy F-14 pilot recalls odd UFO sightings he had

>>21071468 Beating 'Their' Narrative

>>21071482, >>21071490 Information Warfare: Issues for Congress


>>21071498 MEME ARCHIVE

>>21071547 Anon Maps Q+ > Q #LightWorker

>>21071673, >>21071674 UFOs over the skies of Taiwan

>>21071686 Qresear.ch down

>>21071698 Black Maga Threatened? MP4 #Boldness

>>21071717 Update on Idaho water curtailment - cobalt mine situation MP4

>>21071718 Russia Federation 30883 Antonov AN-148 back to Moscow Chkalovsky AB

>>21071778, >>21071783 Full interview with Tech Billionaires with President Trump YT

>>21071781 Anons, did you read the Bible? Did you include the book of Enoch?


call it

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7436c5 No.21071835


It's the forearm btw, not the hand.

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3f81a6 No.21071836

File: f4e3ed2ab6c5beb⋯.png (291.74 KB,535x282,535:282,0qe.png)


who needs fucking confirmation when all you do is whine and suck ass?

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d53477 No.21071837

File: 7834855a2f0f1f0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1284x1350,214:225,1717188709228177_1_.jpg)

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3f81a6 No.21071838

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes 'bonkers' theory about CIA's 'takeover of the American press'PI

Such conspiracy theories are "classic techniques of propaganda," an expert says. By Mike Levine June 20, 2024, 12:17 PM

Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has received intense public scrutiny for promoting an array of unconventional theories, from claiming that vaccines are behind an "epidemic" of diseases in America to insisting that the CIA was directly involved in the assassination of his uncle, former President John F. Kennedy.

But one recurring conspiracy theory has garnered relatively little notice: his persistent assertion that major U.S. media outlets are being run by undercover CIA operatives or are controlled in some other way by the CIA, as part of a secret government plot to manipulate Americans' minds.

"The new head of NPR is a CIA agent," Kennedy declared at a New York campaign fundraiser in April, drawing gasps from some of his supporters.

MORE: RFK Jr. claims doctor said parasite 'ate' part of his brain

He was specifically referring to Katherine Maher, who nearly two months earlier became NPR's CEO and president after a long career in international development and digital advocacy. At the fundraiser, Kennedy said Maher's hiring at NPR was just the latest salvo in the CIA's "systematic takeover of the American press, particularly the liberal media."

Kennedy continues to amplify such claims at campaign events, in media interviews, and on social media, supporting them with what experts described to ABC News as "half-truths," "intimations," misinterpretations of law, and twisted historical anecdotes. He often cites widespread but utterly unsubstantiated allegations that a CIA program supposedly called "Operation Mockingbird" secretly recruited journalists decades ago to help brainwash Americans.

"Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today," Kennedy has said repeatedly in recent months.

Kennedy's questionable tactics are all "classic techniques of propaganda," according to Sarah Oates, a journalism professor at the University of Maryland who specializes in propaganda. And that's ironic, she said, when Kennedy is employing those techniques to claim that the CIA and its media proxies are the ones propagandizing Americans.

Kennedy has offered varying explanations of the CIA's supposed goal for the purported media takeover – from allegedly promoting the Democratic Party's agenda to protecting the "military industrial complex."

The theory Kennedy promotes is consistent with his long-running criticism of both the CIA, which he says "continues to be involved in the coverup" of his uncle's murder, and "the mainstream media," which he claims have "slandered and censored" him over the last decade.

But Oates said the CIA conspiracy theory also creates a "Catch-22 situation," where the CIA's secretive nature makes it virtually impossible to disprove what Kennedy is alleging – and media reports questioning it can be spun "as evidence that the conspiracy is true."

"And that's the challenge," Oates said.

In a statement to ABC News, a CIA representative said, "Any notion that CIA is controlling American media is absolutely false. CIA Is an organization focused on providing foreign intelligence information to policymakers and protecting the United States from a range of overseas threats."

'Compromised by the CIA'?

According to Kennedy, the CIA infiltration of media is wide and deep: The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, and several prominent online news sites, including the Daily Beast, are "under the control of Intelligence Agency operatives," as he put it in a late April post on X, formerly Twitter.

Penske Media Corporation, which owns Rolling Stone, Billboard, Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, is "a kind of front for the CIA," Kennedy said at the fundraiser in New York.

And "even journals like Smithsonian and National Geographic … appear to be compromised by the CIA," he said in an interview last year.

To support his claims, Kennedy last month cited writings from former CIA officer Kevin Shipp, a conspiracy theorist who openly supports the QAnon movement and claims "Pearl Harbor was a myth," as well as author David Talbot, whose 2015 book on the CIA was "animated by conspiracy theories" and "speculations" that "often run far ahead of the evidence," the San Francisco Chronicle said in its review of the book.

In addition, Kennedy has frequently cited a pair of articles from author Dick Russell.

Though Kennedy hasn't always mentioned it, those articles were published three years ago by the media arm of his own nonprofit organization, Children's Health Defense, which promotes vaccine skepticism and often alleges government corruption.


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adeaf3 No.21071839

File: 72d6de3ec0938ab⋯.png (727.24 KB,970x881,970:881,phone_dave.png)


>All data should have been stored on immutable blockchain before AI fakes came out

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3f81a6 No.21071840

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes 'bonkers' theory about CIA's 'takeover of the American press'PII

The articles attacked the "mainstream media" and said they "falsely vilify" Kennedy as a "disinformation 'conspiracy theorist,'" arguing that news outlets could be under "the sway of the intelligence apparatus."

To try to make that case, the articles offered a rambling dissection of the personal and professional lives of then-Rolling Stone editor Noah Shachtman, former Daily Beast chief John Avlon, and Markos Moulitsas, the founder of the liberal website DailyKos.

Kennedy has claimed the articles exposed their "agency ties," by reporting that Moulitsas began the process of becoming a CIA officer two decades ago while looking for work, and then chose a different career path. The articles also said that Avlon is "childhood best friends" with a former high-ranking national security official who once worked for an "intelligence agency-linked think tank." And they said Shachtman, who started covering national security issues long before joining the Daily Beast, was in regular contact with intelligence officials – which is typical of national security reporters.

Moulitsas told ABC News that Russell's articles are "utter horse crap" and "hilariously wrong." Avlon, who left the Daily Beast six years ago and is now running for Congress in New York as a Democrat, similarly called the articles "bonkers."

"I am not, nor have I ever been, a CIA agent or member of the intelligence community," Avlon said on a podcast last week when asked about Kennedy's claims, calling the accusations "a sort of cautionary tale about RFK Jr. … because he keeps saying this."

Shachtman, who stepped down as editor of Rolling Stone earlier this year, did not comment on the record about Kennedy's claims.

As for Maher and her alleged ongoing work for the CIA, the only alleged sources of such information Kennedy has pointed to are an online column by conservative activist Christopher Rufo and an X post from a writer who claims to be fighting government censorship and "mind control."

Both suggested that, as the writer's X post put it, Maher's resume and CV "scream spy": She focused on Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in college, she then worked for the World Bank and a host of democracy-promoting foreign policy organizations, she frequently traveled to Arab countries, and before joining NPR she helmed the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that maintains Wikipedia.

MORE: Month after announcement, RFK Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, remains in the shadows

"That would be a very normal and a very impressive CV" for someone who works in that foreign-focused sphere, Oates said, saying that Kennedy's CIA accusations are a "leap that a lot of people wouldn't make."

When Kennedy reposted Rufo's column in late April, he said, "I don't know if she is actual CIA, or just ideologically aligned." Then, at the fundraiser just three days later, he was unequivocal: "The new head of NPR is a CIA agent," he said.

"Geez," a woman in the crowd could be heard saying.

It's not the first time Maher has been accused of being a CIA agent: In 2016, when Maher joined the Wikimedia Foundation, a Tunisian blogger whom she had met before and even visited his home speculated online that her new job could indicate she's a spy.

"Seriously?" Maher responded. "I'm not any sort of agent. You can dislike me, but please don't defame me."

"Operate on evidence," she implored him.

An NPR spokesperson declined to comment to ABC News.


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298042 No.21071841

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a9f6f1 No.21071842

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

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a67498 No.21071843


they power alot of the states in the northeast USA

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3f81a6 No.21071844

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes 'bonkers' theory about CIA's 'takeover of the American press'PIII

'Makes no sense'

According to experts who spoke with ABC News, Kennedy has misleadingly tried to frame an alleged CIA "takeover of the American press" as not only plausible, but permitted by law.

Kennedy a lawyer who touts his own legal acumen claims that for decades, a law known as the Smith-Mundt Act "prohibited the CIA from spying on Americans or propagandizing Americans" – but then those laws were removed, "and now the CIA actually can legally not only spy on us but it can propagandize us," as he put it at the April fundraiser.

The Smith-Mundt Act, however, had nothing to do with spying and didn't even mention the CIA, which legal experts say is still restricted from spying on Americans and operating inside the United States.

Instead, the Smith-Mundt Act, enacted in the wake of World War II, allowed the State Department to distribute propaganda overseas.

Then in 2013, with the internet making it hard to wall-off information from abroad, Congress and the Obama administration signed off on updates to the Smith-Mundt Act that allowed Americans to access and review the State Department-produced content sent overseas. The revised law specifically said that none of the resources it provided could "be used to influence public opinion in the United States."

The revised law also made it clear that it applied "only to the Department of State," not any "other department or agency of the Federal Government."

"So there was still a prohibition that prevented messages from targeting or being designed for people inside the United States," said Mac Thornberry, the former Republican congressman from Texas who led the push to update the Smith-Mundt Act and retired in 2021 after more than 25 years in Congress.

Several years ago, when various social media users began alleging, like Kennedy does, that the Smith-Mundt Act's changes allowed the U.S. government to propagandize Americans, both the Associated Press and the fact-checking Poynter Institute labeled the claims "false."

"The simple explanation that the [law was updated] just to reflect the existence of the Internet somehow is not what some people want to hear, so they have to come up with other explanations that get pretty far-fetched," Thornberry said.

"It makes no sense to me," he said, especially since "there are a number of [other] laws that limit what the CIA can do."

In its statement to ABC News, the CIA said, "Federal law prohibits the Agency from engaging in domestic propaganda efforts and CIA takes this very seriously."

'Operation Mockingbird'

As Kennedy tells it, the CIA has deliberately used American media before to spread propaganda at home.

"[The CIA] had a program called 'Operation Mockingbird,' where they had [many] of the leading journalists in our country, and editors … actually working for the CIA and propagandizing Americans," Kennedy said in an interview last month.

According to Kennedy, it was all "revealed" in the 1970s by a Senate probe of CIA activities, which helped uncover a cache of secret documents known as the "Family Jewels" – as well as by Pulitzer Prize-winner Carl Bernstein, who in 1977 published a lengthy piece in Rolling Stone titled "The CIA And The Media."

But an ABC News review of Bernstein's article, publicly-released portions of the "Family Jewels," and the Senate's final report found no information to support Kennedy's claims that journalists were used to deliberately propagandize Americans or that a propaganda-pushing program called "Operation Mockingbird" even existed.

The Senate report and Bernstein's article were both clear about one thing: The CIA's use of media personnel in the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s didn't target Americans; it targeted foreigners, who were largely viewed as fair game then.

The world at that time was gripped by the Cold War, and the U.S. government was scrambling to protect America from the growing threat of communism – so the CIA asked employees of U.S. media organizations to help. Some "provided cover for CIA agents abroad," while about 50 journalists around the world collected intelligence and would "at times attempt to influence foreign opinion through the use of covert propaganda," concluded the Senate report, which was released in 1976.


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3f81a6 No.21071845

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes 'bonkers' theory about CIA's 'takeover of the American press'PIV

"We have taken particular caution to ensure that our operations are focused abroad and not at the United States," the report quoted former CIA director William Colby as telling investigators during their probe.

Though the Senate report counted about 50 American journalists as CIA "assets," Bernstein's article, published a year later on Oct. 20, 1977, alleged a much broader program, saying that more than 400 American journalists "secretly carried out assignments" for the CIA – and many even got paid.

"The Agency's use of journalists in undercover operations has been most extensive in Western Europe … Latin America and the Far East," Bernstein wrote.

MORE: Biden, in counter to RFK Jr., gets endorsement of other Kennedy family members

"The tasks they performed sometimes consisted of little more than serving as 'eyes and ears' for the CIA; reporting on what they had seen or overheard in an Eastern European factory [or] at a diplomatic reception in Bonn," Bernstein wrote. "On other occasions, their assignments were more complex," such as "plant[ing] false information with officials of foreign governments."

But, echoing a concern raised by the Senate report, Bernstein also said that some "fallout" pieces of propaganda distributed overseas inadvertently making their way to Americans "is inevitable." Colby later told lawmakers it happened on "a few minor occasions."

In his 1977 article, Bernstein named several prominent U.S. media organizations, including ABC News and the New York Times, that he said provided cover to CIA operatives or had employees who personally helped the CIA over the previous two decades.

Many media executives, however, disputed parts of Bernstein's reporting, both before and after it was published.

The senior vice president of ABC News at the time, William Sheehan, told the New York Times in 1977 that "there was no arrangement by this company to provide cover for the C.I.A," and that "there was no one on our staff" working for the CIA – though the New York Times quoted an unnamed, former ABC correspondent claiming otherwise.

In December 1977, two months after Bernstein's article, the New York Times reported that during the Cold War the CIA did use American journalists to gather intelligence. But, said the Times, they were not used "to further its worldwide propaganda campaign."

"[None] of those interviewed … said that the CIA had ever encouraged them to slant their dispatches to suit its purposes or to compromise themselves journalistically in any other way," the New York Times reported.

Despite all that, Kennedy continues to claim that American journalists aiding the CIA were intentionally manipulating their fellow Americans: "Their job was to propagandize the American people," Kennedy said last month on an episode of his own podcast titled "CIA Propagandizing Americans."


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3f81a6 No.21071846

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes 'bonkers' theory about CIA's 'takeover of the American press'PV

That's "a completely different thing" than what the CIA actually did, Oates said.

"The CIA has been found to have done shady things, including with journalists," she said. "But he's using the missteps and some of the scandals that have happened in America to try to build into a propagandistic conspiracy theory."

'Just go' look

In the late 1970s, after the CIA's Cold War-era use of journalists was exposed, the CIA announced a series of restrictions, recognizing that "the use of American journalists and media organizations for clandestine operations is a threat to the integrity of the press."

As for whether any of that was part of an "Operation Mockingbird," neither Bernstein's article nor the Senate report makes any mention of such an operation. Neither do other publicly-available congressional reports or declassified CIA documents.

Portions of the "Family Jewels" that the CIA released in 2007 do reference a "Project Mockingbird," but they repeatedly and explicitly state it was a short-lived leak investigation that secretly tapped the phones of two journalists in Washington, not a decades-long global program that gained willing cooperation from dozens or even hundreds of journalists.

"Project Mockingbird, a telephone intercept activity, was conducted between 12 March 1963 and 15 June 1963, and targeted two Washington-based newsmen who, at the time, had been publishing [classified materials]," a once-secret document from the 1970s said.

Claims of a much broader "Operation Mockingbird" first emerged more than 40 years ago, and now they are being amplified by a significant candidate for the U.S. presidency.

"All of the propaganda that particularly liberals are hearing is all controlled now by the intelligence agencies," Kennedy told supporters at the fundraiser in April. "I'm going to be called a conspiracy theorist for saying it, but just go [look]."

ABC News repeatedly asked Kennedy's campaign to point out any references to an "Operation Mockingbird" in congressional proceedings or government documents, and repeatedly asked for more information regarding the theories espoused by the candidate, but several representatives for Kennedy never responded to multiple messages from ABC News.


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a9f6f1 No.21071847

File: abe32a7aa149311⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,498x487,498:487,Seize_the_Memes_of_Product….jpg)

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cba948 No.21071848

File: 1da205fd0804ed2⋯.png (383.85 KB,592x841,592:841,san.PNG)


Wall Street Apes



Immigration Accountability Project: Biden Admin “Orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. — State election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”

“I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30,000,000 noncitizens, so foreign born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws.

The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with.

We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”

2:01 AM · Jun 23, 2024




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1e0c99 No.21071849


wonder if his running mate is joe biden…or at least the guy under the mask…

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f8d4b3 No.21071850

File: 36a843cd31aab48⋯.png (81.02 KB,654x252,109:42,ClipboardImage.png)

ass parrot spreading lies for zombies

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298042 No.21071851


remember that statement by Q team.

We have the "X" whatever?

to stop total blackout?


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a9f6f1 No.21071852

File: cddd5ef3b50beb2⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,720x760,18:19,MSM_Manipulation_WSJ.jpg)

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59b3e0 No.21071853


We're gonna blow your mind.

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2a1753 No.21071856

File: 501c63f9fbb8883⋯.png (931.42 KB,819x620,819:620,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9f6f1 No.21071857

File: 5a1bf4266a7b500⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,750x500,3:2,KAVANAUGH_1.jpg)

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298042 No.21071858


i forget the code word for that?

not "key'

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59b3e0 No.21071859


I'm not lying. Ask for confirmation.

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87c654 No.21071860

#25834 >>21071037

>>21071039 Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination?

>>21071043 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. #Anons

>>21071066 Roe Vs Wade MP4 #Abortion

>>21071069 British Court Reveals Paul Ryan Was the First One to Receive a Copy of Steele Dossier Back in 2016 and He Hid This For Years!

>>21071077, >>21071444 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med. Activity-Swedes at Lublin, French left Stockholm, tanker activity in E. Med

>>21071104 She's not wrong you know MP4

>>21071134 Biden and Zionism MP4

>>21071164 Lego going LGB

>>21071174 #25833 Posted in #25834

>>21071177 They are just coming right out with it - Cap rel


>>21071184, >>21071203 How The Supreme Court Swatted Down Hunter Biden’s Hail Mary Pass

>>21071187 NASA The Colors of Saturn from Cassini

>>21071188 Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech in the US Congress to publicly criticize President Joe Biden

>>21071262 President Trump said his running mate is likely to attend his first debate against President Joe Biden on Thursday.

>>21071298 Time to teach the normies that they are indeed normies and need to learn to dig

>>21071307 Doug Burgum just went on CNN, shut down Kaitlan Collins’ argument that Trump would be a “dictator”

>>21071310, >>21071779 SAM008 G5 departed Westchester Cty.

>>21071322 Happy Birthday Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas


>>21071335 OP: Focus24 UPDATED: 24/06/14

>>21071339 How could anyone not vote for this man?

>>21071345, >>21071362 BORDER PIN LIST & MEMES

>>21071349, >>21071364, >>21071510, >>21071512 J6 PIN LIST & MEMES

>>21071381, >>21071506, >>21071399, >>21071451, >>21071460 TWITTER GAME

>>21071382 Arizona requires proof of citizenship for state, but not federal elections

>>21071439 Coast Guard rescues 2 people from downed aircraft off Turks and Caicos Islands

>>21071440 1:00 PM EDT SpaceX is targeting Sunday

>>21071463 US Navy F-14 pilot recalls odd UFO sightings he had

>>21071468 Beating 'Their' Narrative

>>21071482, >>21071490 Information Warfare: Issues for Congress


>>21071498 MEME ARCHIVE

>>21071547 Anon Maps Q+ > Q #LightWorker

>>21071673, >>21071674 UFOs over the skies of Taiwan

>>21071686 Qresear.ch down

>>21071698 Black Maga Threatened? MP4 #Boldness

>>21071717 Update on Idaho water curtailment - cobalt mine situation MP4

>>21071718 Russia Federation 30883 Antonov AN-148 back to Moscow Chkalovsky AB

>>21071778, >>21071783 Full interview with Tech Billionaires with President Trump YT

>>21071781 Anons, did you read the Bible? Did you include the book of Enoch?

>>21071050, >>21071053 ( >>21071743 ) , >>21071056, >>21071072, >>21071108, >>21071111, >>21071122, >>21071156, >>21071168, >>21071182, >>21071198, >>21071199, >>21071211, >>21071213, >>21071236, >>21071241, >>21071260, >>21071297, >>21071129, >>21071133, >>21071271, >>21071430, >>21071438, >>21071584, >>21071716, >>21071724, >>21071749, >>21071772 MEMES


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8b4fd9 No.21071861


Operation Mockingbird was a clandestine operation by the CIA in the mid-20th century that aimed to influence media for propaganda purposes. It involved recruiting journalists to spread CIA propaganda and gather intelligence. The Smith-Mundt Act, on the other hand, was originally designed to prevent the U.S. government from disseminating propaganda to domestic audiences, but it has undergone revisions over the years.

Theoretically, if Operation Mockingbird were still active and combined with the possible relaxation of restrictions under the Smith-Mundt Act, along with the widespread use of television cameras and skilled actors, it could potentially create a scenario where fictional or misleading news and narratives could be disseminated to manipulate or stress a populace. Here’s how this could hypothetically unfold:

1. Manipulation of Media: Operation Mockingbird involved influencing mainstream media through journalists who were either directly employed by the CIA or were unwittingly spreading CIA-approved narratives. If such operations were still in place, it could influence the content and tone of news stories.

2. Legal Framework (Smith-Mundt Act): Originally, the Smith-Mundt Act restricted the dissemination of propaganda to domestic audiences. However, revisions have loosened these restrictions, potentially allowing government-produced content to be more readily available within the United States. This could include narratives that align with government agendas, even if they are not entirely truthful.

3. Visual and Theatrical Impact: With the widespread use of television cameras and skilled actors, visuals and narratives can be crafted to evoke specific emotional responses from the audience. This combination could amplify the impact of fictional or exaggerated stories meant to induce fear, anxiety, or stress among the populace.

4. Social and Psychological Effects: If fictional or misleading news were systematically spread through mainstream media channels and supported by visual elements and credible-looking actors, it could erode public trust in the media and government institutions. This erosion could lead to heightened social tension, polarization, and anxiety among the population.

It’s important to note that while the theoretical possibility exists, there are significant ethical, legal, and practical barriers to such manipulative actions. Contemporary media landscapes involve multiple checks and balances, journalistic ethics, and independent scrutiny that make widespread manipulation on the scale of Operation Mockingbird less likely in democratic societies. However, vigilance against misinformation and propaganda remains crucial to maintaining informed public discourse and democratic processes.

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a9f6f1 No.21071862

File: 14f62ba9734a2c6⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,680x340,2:1,Chickens_conspiracy.jpeg)

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59b3e0 No.21071863

I was embedded before Q's first post.

I was not the only embed.

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2817f9 No.21071864

File: 942ad6f23cab105⋯.png (178.54 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9f6f1 No.21071865

File: 8f15eedc2aee794⋯.jpg (88.32 KB,540x460,27:23,Truth_vs_MSM.jpg)

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96d957 No.21071866


Is the joke that there are no black kids who made it to be seniors?

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a9f6f1 No.21071870

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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59b3e0 No.21071871

The Opposition had embeds (in play) on_board before Q's first post as well.

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197391 No.21071873


i will make it to the end

man it hurts

learned yesterday about walks in the morning and evening; they're good for the soul and also the body

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a9f6f1 No.21071877

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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a67498 No.21071879

File: 3db2364667374cb⋯.png (7.86 MB,5000x5000,1:1,3db2364667374cbe421a118c1c….png)

File: 79dc69d5b8dbf66⋯.jpg (60.59 KB,960x640,3:2,Le_mystere_Melania_Trump_s….jpg)

File: d5278c9be41b0c0⋯.jpeg (116.98 KB,2048x1408,16:11,GQt8wztXkAArOnG.jpeg)

File: cb47e21c35061b0⋯.jpeg (429.04 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQt8wzwWkAAiBja.jpeg)

File: 5bcc5d045cabf2b⋯.jpeg (398.54 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQt8wz0XUAAbRkj.jpeg)

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e97790 No.21071881

File: 12af1bf93f323b8⋯.png (1.09 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


that's not politically correct

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a9f6f1 No.21071882

File: f2fb20e7dfcd9e5⋯.jpg (101.26 KB,889x500,889:500,Scarborough_dead_intern_co….jpg)

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f8d4b3 No.21071883

File: 36a843cd31aab48⋯.png (81.02 KB,654x252,109:42,ClipboardImage.png)

digital fart messenger corpse sparrow remembrance and fELONy drumpf larpin nazi pedos were french an had germs

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59b3e0 No.21071884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons. Song just for (you).

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abcba0 No.21071885

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)


Remember when you used to copy the new memes one individual would post, even the filenames and any changes to the filenames and then post it immediately afterwards. Remember when you used to claim you were rent and mortgage free? Remember how you spent a year imitating one Anon to try and sow division on the line and ultimately failed? I remember and I will always take the opportunity to remind you and everyone else as well what you did, all out of jealousy and spite. You poor bastard.

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2a7835 No.21071886


can someone please confirm

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a9f6f1 No.21071887

File: 1bbd0a119928423⋯.jpg (141.87 KB,590x421,590:421,Putin_with_Orthodox.jpg)

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a9f6f1 No.21071889

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,1000x1000,1:1,archive_that_shit_nigga.jpg)

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87c654 No.21071890

#25834 >>21071037


Q Research General #25835: Teach a Normy Research for a day and He will Meme for a lifetime Edition




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2a1753 No.21071891

File: 798892d6e4bbee3⋯.png (248.09 KB,525x317,525:317,Dclock2big.png)

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