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File: addb008cfbe150d⋯.png (100.31 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

64ece9 No.21069328 [View All]

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701 posts and 324 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4c3c92 No.21070198


Walked in with respect, left with more than ever. The fake polls are glitching.

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021577 No.21070199

I like you Marla

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78691f No.21070200

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e39eee823c0db072d8f2dc560….png)

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eaddd8 No.21070201


I like you too Dave

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f2a524 No.21070202

File: ac8565495291f05⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,236x323,236:323,ac8565495291f05ced82c0c01d….jpg)

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9276f2 No.21070203

File: 0e8ea25632a8754⋯.png (207.15 KB,297x463,297:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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f55ad1 No.21070204

Last Call

#25832 >>21069342

>>21069375, >>21069404 Philadelphia police officer shot in the head in North Philly just blocks away from Temple as Trump was speaking

>>21069414 State of Things: MSNBC

>>21069499 Americans state they need $1.5 million to retire, per CNBC

>>21069527 The Civic Involvement Fund has operated from the shadows from an apartment unit in Brooklyn since launching in 2019

>>21069561 ICYMI: AoC tripping mad balls

>>21069566 LGBTQ+ librarians are upset they can’t give porn to kids anymore without pushback

>>21069680 Two thieves fight to steal a package as its delivered

>>21069687, >>21069714, >>21069726 Some more Biden cheap fakes

>>21069696, >>21069835 45 in N757AF 757 departed Philadelphia Intl to Laguardia Airport NYC

>>21069704 X22 Report w/ Eric Trump & Clay Clark

>>21069719 This judge is crazy

>>21069727 Wait for it…

>>21069819 Glenn Youngkin: Our mission between now and Nov 5th is to expand our majority in the House and win a majority in the Senate

>>21069879 San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke

>>21069907 Mark Cuban after 3:30pm PST is not real

>>21069964, >>21069663, >>21069793, >>21069812, >>21069910, >>21069933 Japan’s Retail Investors Eye Risky Wagers on Yen Intervention

>>21069936 HARNWELL: The main issue with illegal immigration isn’t the illegality — it’s the immigration itself

>>21069980, >>21070012 Baker Change

>>21070017 Scientists have spotted possible 'alien megastructures' around seven stars within 1,000 light-years of Earth. These might be Dyson spheres—huge structures built by advanced aliens to collect star energy.

>>21070108 His plane 747 HZWBT7 is sitting at Euro Airport in Eastern France and arrived on Friday.

>>21070126 .@Polymarket - Presidential Election - Winner

>>21070192 UKMTO WARNING - West of Al Hudaydah, Yemen - 06/23/24 0430 UTC - The Master of a merchant vessel reports being hit by uncrewed aerial systems, resulting in damage to the vessel.

>>21070194 Young Trump superfan in suit and yellow wig bursts into tears as he meets his idol at Philadelphia rally, as GOP VP pick is decided


>>21069412, >>21069547, >>21069591, >>21069752, >>21069756, >>21069893 Memes


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17a98d No.21070205



easy filters.

better than deletions.

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21c4e0 No.21070206


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51faf1 No.21070207

Congress, Courts, and Banks are the pillars of Corruption in America Today.

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4b7d0d No.21070208


Indemnify the police. It told you on 12/27/19, the cops are all nwo accomplices and have been infiltrated a long time ago. The last good ones died on 911.

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6f4aa2 No.21070209


Mainly VaticanClown not running his usual schizo routine and is trying to blend in. Poor fucker's brain is so shot he's unable to, but then again it's probably all just an act.

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9d0020 No.21070210


>easy filters.

>better than deletions.


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9b514e No.21070211

File: e34e9c04e7a4cb6⋯.png (39.16 KB,1001x820,1001:820,m654tm547m456.PNG)


In the Pipe, Five by Five Meaning

If you're using "in the pipe five by five" in a conversation, it typically occurs as a response to a question. The person will be asking you if you are on track to meet your goal, target, or destination.

The phrase acts as a confirmation of the other person's request, giving them confidence in your abilities. By saying "in the pipe five by five," you're referring to everything being on track to meet your target, and there is no chance of anything standing in your way of completing the goal.

Example Usage

Tom: "Hey Jim, how's it going with the project?"

Luke: "Great, Tom, we're in the pipe five by five.

Chris: "How's our travel time looking, Mike?"

Mike: "We're in the pipe five by five; I'm sure we're going to arrive on time."


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6f4aa2 No.21070212

File: 130516407792d01⋯.jpg (65.95 KB,496x661,496:661,nextbread.jpg)

Just one post after one post. No one can tell.

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4b7d0d No.21070213


Or were given the spike protein bio-weapon when they went to collect their funds from the 911 compensation fund. I am always right about these things. Logical thinking

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d45470 No.21070214


Why not both.

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f55ad1 No.21070215

Final, now baking.

#25832 >>21069342

>>21069375, >>21069404 Philadelphia police officer shot in the head in North Philly just blocks away from Temple as Trump was speaking

>>21069414 State of Things: MSNBC

>>21069499 Americans state they need $1.5 million to retire, per CNBC

>>21069527 The Civic Involvement Fund has operated from the shadows from an apartment unit in Brooklyn since launching in 2019

>>21069561 ICYMI: AoC tripping mad balls

>>21069566 LGBTQ+ librarians are upset they can’t give porn to kids anymore without pushback

>>21069680 Two thieves fight to steal a package as its delivered

>>21069687, >>21069714, >>21069726 Some more Biden cheap fakes

>>21069696, >>21069835 45 in N757AF 757 departed Philadelphia Intl to Laguardia Airport NYC

>>21069704 X22 Report w/ Eric Trump & Clay Clark

>>21069719 This judge is crazy

>>21069727 Wait for it…

>>21069819 Glenn Youngkin: Our mission between now and Nov 5th is to expand our majority in the House and win a majority in the Senate

>>21069879 San Francisco School District Has to Close Schools Because it’s Going Broke

>>21069907 Mark Cuban after 3:30pm PST is not real

>>21069964, >>21069663, >>21069793, >>21069812, >>21069910, >>21069933 Japan’s Retail Investors Eye Risky Wagers on Yen Intervention

>>21069936 HARNWELL: The main issue with illegal immigration isn’t the illegality — it’s the immigration itself

>>21069980, >>21070012 Baker Change

>>21070017 Scientists have spotted possible 'alien megastructures' around seven stars within 1,000 light-years of Earth. These might be Dyson spheres—huge structures built by advanced aliens to collect star energy.

>>21070108 His plane 747 HZWBT7 is sitting at Euro Airport in Eastern France and arrived on Friday.

>>21070126 .@Polymarket - Presidential Election - Winner

>>21070192 UKMTO WARNING - West of Al Hudaydah, Yemen - 06/23/24 0430 UTC - The Master of a merchant vessel reports being hit by uncrewed aerial systems, resulting in damage to the vessel.

>>21070194 Young Trump superfan in suit and yellow wig bursts into tears as he meets his idol at Philadelphia rally, as GOP VP pick is decided

>>21070211 In the Pipe, Five by Five Meaning


>>21069412, >>21069547, >>21069591, >>21069752, >>21069756, >>21069893 Memes


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9d0020 No.21070216


>Why not both.

KYS glowie

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ce8349 No.21070217


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ac9997 No.21070218


Great notes by the way.

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4b7d0d No.21070219


US Military, you have to take over all Law enforcement positions until we can have fair elections for cops and clean house. This will never end if they remain cops, they caused the fall of our society more than even the FBI that covered up 911. There is no other way, the Fraternal Order of Police are non other than the NWO Mafioso Cabal, this is why they let crime happen because those businesses that are being targeted, I can guarantee you are not cabal controlled. So this is the last of the small businesses that would hire vets going under by all these thugs, rioters and cops.

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863f19 No.21070220

File: 76788b032f1f74d⋯.png (365.78 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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17a98d No.21070228


>OMG, our hard drive are full of this shit.

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e88123 No.21070229

File: 39b47bdca92c3c3⋯.png (841.03 KB,640x662,320:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84f98ccb8b6ab3c⋯.png (643.31 KB,609x500,609:500,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21065916 pb

They say privileges when they attack our Constitutional rights.

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023b51 No.21070230

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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6f4aa2 No.21070231

Chalk up another failure for the fakefag shills. Claimed he never IP hopped and spent the rest of the bread IP hopping since that post. That's the kind of stupid you just can't teach someone.

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021577 No.21070233

Hope u dream nice

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f55ad1 No.21070234

File: 1e9b573a5d11d74⋯.png (623.22 KB,894x894,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)













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17a98d No.21070235


there is a string to put into the filter.

I do not have it.

if you ask nicely, anons will provide. if they are here.

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4b7d0d No.21070236


These are the same type of cops that I met at the VA and local hospitals guarding the killer doctors and nurses. They will not defend patients, even at their weakest moments in their lives. They either reiterate the doctors supreme authority, make excuses and refuse to investigate, pretend they are going to do something just to get rid of you, or threaten to arrest the whistle blowers on some bullshit charge such as interfering with their work, use the premise that they are defending others at the institution from you, or some other BS excuse. We have no law enforcement left in this country, just cronies.

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e88123 No.21070237

File: 32d7e50a150ba30⋯.png (323.26 KB,474x302,237:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1358b No.21070238

File: 21f0396c872e306⋯.jpg (148.32 KB,1200x670,120:67,media_GFqpL1eXwAgOg_i.jpg)

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538391 No.21070240

It was Flynn who offered Woolsey the job six days after Trump’s surprise victory in last November’s presidential election, according to the former CIA director who led the agency under President Bill Clinton. The offer, Woolsey said, was to lead the CIA and report directly to Flynn, a stipulation that prompted Woolsey to turn down the job.

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e88123 No.21070242

File: 0c125ce7e70dfe6⋯.png (113.09 KB,620x800,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21069153 lb

>FBI asking the public for information on the cause of the Ruidoso wildfires, offering a reward

Ask Soros.

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863f19 No.21070245


100% bullshit

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6bdc92 No.21070249

File: e27061fe88df911⋯.png (73.49 KB,870x676,435:338,823.png)

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243531 No.21070253


Tell those cunts, to fix their own shit.

The citizens didn't run psyops and tell lies.

Tell them, It better be a good fucking show.

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7d47ab No.21070259


sitchin's theory.

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7d47ab No.21070261

one has nothing to do with it you dumb nigger.

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7d47ab No.21070262

(you) are Reeeaaallly too stupid to chan.

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a1358b No.21070263

File: d568b40676daa85⋯.jpg (77.98 KB,666x931,666:931,media_GFrl06XXUAA1mII.jpg)

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7d47ab No.21070264

reee moar nigger

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945bc2 No.21070267

File: 6ff7324e5348268⋯.gif (296.8 KB,482x482,1:1,20210507_015211.gif)

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f79d8f No.21070271

File: 001daf574691eab⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,2048x1534,1024:767,IMG_6662.jpeg)

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a03fee No.21070272

Let's start the process. Above everything, I need to focus on is what I have in my head and how to spread it as quickly in a manner that is as fun as possible. 7 years of having the experience that led me here wasn't fun. Yes, I should be dead, I know this. Not only am I alive, and in perfect condition, except the one thing that lends provenance to my story.

To put things very plainly. It hurts to be me. You know this. It seems my sins are being paid for while I'm alive. Thanks be to God my sins are few, and minor. God I'd hate to feel what real sin feels like.

This is the tribulation of the 40 nights and days. Guess if I'm still alive, we're gonna win? What's the plan? The fact I'm here, talking to strangers that I've met before, says wonders about my level of sanity…Listen you know I'm all alone, 40 days remember? Send me some fun, please. Yes, I understand many are in harm's way, and probably have died keeping me safe…One day I'll do my best to comprehend who I am and give thanks properly to those who made my life a reality.

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945bc2 No.21070276

File: 3c1a17cc5804018⋯.gif (2.32 MB,196x350,14:25,20201024_113316.gif)

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945bc2 No.21070279

File: 381216193815bdf⋯.gif (928.97 KB,607x640,607:640,20201017_232501.gif)

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945bc2 No.21070284

File: 7f81fff2e6a1293⋯.gif (2.64 MB,614x818,307:409,20201018_020038.gif)

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ef048c No.21070288


Define 'Jerusalem'

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