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File: 8f0afb01e688c62⋯.png (52.09 KB,250x140,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

51b5a2 No.21063087 [View All]

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701 posts and 444 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7c530d No.21063859


Produced and directed by Albert Brocolli and (((SPECTRE)))


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2e5934 No.21063860



#25825 >>21063098

>>21063159 Dr. Jerry Tennant Gives Compelling Talk on the Body’s Electrical System and Healing with Voltage

>>21063171 US State Department's ‘The Welcome Corps’ allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants

>>21063184 Santa Monica’s New Law Will Send Properties into Foreclosure for Large Investors to Snap Up

>>21063190 Four members of Britain's richest family handed jail sentences

>>21063136, >>21063144, >>21063181, >>21063202 Memes

>>21063324 CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL

>>21063329 Polish president to visit China

>>21063840 ExLabs Receives Space Force Funding Increase to Further Develop System for Advanced Capture Solutions

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6d5092 No.21063861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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715ce5 No.21063862

File: 3a8fa9a50c0d039⋯.png (481.32 KB,638x635,638:635,036befa96b6e3ad1566ad4ea6f….png)


I'm back around in this town

In the Ghetto of the Internet back on this beautiful image board,

Surrounded by intelligent minds and little persona swine's, doing nothing but wasting our time.

I'll be humming and drumming my banjo until the next bake.

I'll be showing the board This snake just made a big mistake.

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7c530d No.21063863



Produced and directed by (((FDR, Churchhill, Eisenhower, Billy Wilder and SPECTRE)))


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972d44 No.21063865



Start reading

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551e7f No.21063867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Waste It On anon

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245aaa No.21063868

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

File: 5729bb86c65a70a⋯.jpeg (1012.43 KB,1536x901,1536:901,5729bb86c65a70a1ed73aff18….jpeg)

File: f31d9cc80a88685⋯.png (360.52 KB,474x680,237:340,f31d9cc80a88685be8644bfbd1….png)

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7c530d No.21063870

File: 4aac2179bdbe61c⋯.gif (732.65 KB,498x498,1:1,ek.gif)

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28f7dd No.21063871

File: 44976e2dcfd9620⋯.gif (3.09 MB,502x544,251:272,390eec69d80b59a7483301de0f….gif)


>: Correct-sentence-structure-communication-parse-syntax-grammar-performance.

soo hawt right NOW!

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6d5092 No.21063872

File: d60dc823808f4aa⋯.png (537.36 KB,980x520,49:26,whatisths.png)

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f7f1bf No.21063873



I take a lot of Magnesium now, but not that type

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f487ca No.21063874

File: 59afbaadce9595d⋯.mp4 (10.15 MB,854x480,427:240,EYCus_caa_2_.mp4)

File: f9aed317a8c0f51⋯.png (852.22 KB,1080x1147,1080:1147,Screenshot_20240621_220522.png)


Reposting POTUS

Better video o7


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551e7f No.21063875


it will help you

most magnesium is not in bioavailable form

Mag Threonate was developed at MIT

get some

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d3ce9d No.21063876

File: d7ca634cfbc16de⋯.gif (304.26 KB,358x200,179:100,IMG_2285.gif)


The anion is irrelevant.

BBB transports Magnesium as it will/needs.

Don’t be a sucker.

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804ae6 No.21063877

File: 0a428ff4eb35dcb⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,640x480,4:3,y54w525423.mp4)

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0a9c46 No.21063878


[Spiritual war]

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b0cd8f No.21063879

File: 231334da5b5a903⋯.png (11.89 KB,249x255,83:85,fb50e068404869a00c6404855d….png)


It is a joke for low iq faggots with no comprehensive skills

I followed along with dudes acid trip intill he made it clear he doesn't understand the form and order of the evil courts he is trying to navigate just a moron throwing shit at the wall false statements and fraud happens in court daily but if there is no mechanism to stop it it is called presitent lol the system is broken talking gibberish legal theories is not going to correct it

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28f7dd No.21063880

File: b28aa437aebeba0⋯.gif (7.47 MB,600x519,200:173,b28aa437aebeba06823c691705….gif)

File: 96d306735fb2c17⋯.jpg (181.67 KB,932x1166,466:583,96d306735fb2c17966246c9be7….jpg)

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14a3f9 No.21063881

File: 8b5fe0f60cfb874⋯.png (2.44 MB,1200x1015,240:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5934 No.21063883

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a69a0 No.21063884

File: e87eab2b9d46708⋯.png (447.72 KB,646x800,323:400,Loretta16.png)

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551e7f No.21063885


most forms of magnesium have laxative effect because they can't be taken up by cells

unabsorbed, it heads for the poop chute

don't be a shitter

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46ff15 No.21063888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hannity i was under pressure to push the vaccines.

you wanna see a preview of the shitshow.

watch the farage interview with panomoran .



Note: hopeful this will stay up for a while before they take it down. A gotcha interview. similar to what trump will be doing on the 27th June in enemy territory.

they will not let farage debate the other leaders or with a audience on the bbc.

what a come down for nick robinson, he was like a college leaver with a complete lack of knowledge, trying to twist the narrative and throwing accusations. no wonder no one like the bbc, impartiality of this kind belongs in the dustbin of history. midwit is the only word anon can think of to explain the tactics used by this moran.


GE2024: Nick Robinson interviews Nigel Farage, tries gotcha questions (21Jun24)


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bad325 No.21063889



Not surprised at all

Totally FOS.

If muh fren persists I’ll bust that out.


A few weeks ago it was Fulford

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d3ce9d No.21063890


Gut absorption is limiting, true.

But crossing the BBB any associated anion at time of ingestion is moot.

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245aaa No.21063891

File: 1736979ae7e11ec⋯.jpeg (51.71 KB,500x508,125:127,F8jRZ9OWoAAvrAw.jpeg)


finish line coming

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c24c7c No.21063895


Nice collection of notable notes ya got there.

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90622c No.21063899


Thankee Kindly

Anons put 'em down, baker at the time picked 'em up

Now shills really need the stuff buried

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972d44 No.21063900

They really think they’re protected

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46ff15 No.21063901

File: 9132037dc093536⋯.png (724.14 KB,595x453,595:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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28f7dd No.21063906

File: cd50a8f1c7590ec⋯.jpg (184.42 KB,850x1280,85:128,2023_09_29_18_05_00.jpg)



Fiction doesn't exist… STAY-OUT of the FICTION-COURTS or you will get harvested.

[EX]PAND your thinking.


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51d3f3 No.21063909

let me know if i need to take notes.

I can dig and take notes

….and let the baker simply bake it at the end.

Information is the key to winning the battle

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90622c No.21063910


About this one:


>>21060740 Call for digs: Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

This has happened before, smaller scale. An earlier South Africa bread had some stuff posted indicated Louis Armstrong (Satchmo) was used as a tool by clowns to

get access to government officials.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken Launches Global Music Diplomacy Initiative, Music Icon and Former U.S. Jazz Ambassador Music Director Quincy Jones Receives Inaugural Peace Through Music Award

Fact Sheet

Office of the Spokesperson

September 27, 2023

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken launched the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative, a worldwide effort to elevate music as a diplomatic tool to promote peace and democracy and support the United States’ broader foreign policy goals. The Initiative aims to leverage public-private partnerships to create a music ecosystem that expands economic equity and the creative economy, ensures societal opportunity and inclusion, and increases access to education. It will build on current public diplomacy music programs to create public-private partnerships with American companies and non-profits to use music to meet the moment, convey American leadership globally, and create connections with people worldwide.

With senior Biden-Harris Administration officials, a bipartisan cohort of Members of Congress, music industry icons, leaders from the arts and humanities, and alumni from the Department’s music diplomacy exchanges the Secretary announced the American Music Mentorship Program, the Fulbright-Kennedy Center Visiting Scholar Award in Arts and Science, and efforts to bring American music and lyrics into classrooms across the world as part of the United States’ investment in English-language learning worldwide.



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765c57 No.21063913

File: f663bc7d6bd92a4⋯.png (249.82 KB,719x420,719:420,ClipboardImage.png)


is this any good?

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46ff15 No.21063914

File: 088e9065735c8db⋯.png (653.38 KB,466x720,233:360,ClipboardImage.png)

Getting very close to red dawn

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2e5934 No.21063916

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad2aa2 No.21063920


russia and china

Gog and Magog

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804ae6 No.21063924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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741c0a No.21063926




The temple He referred to was His body. Mary's not His mother, she birthed the temple.

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742308 No.21063928

File: 8b5ac384a010d20⋯.jpeg (55.19 KB,589x613,589:613,8b5ac384a010d205d1cc62fd7….jpeg)

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bad325 No.21063929

File: cfdeff473599db9⋯.jpeg (770.09 KB,1034x747,1034:747,1DA6E1ED_AE62_49CC_B561_F….jpeg)

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2aeb3b No.21063930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d64ba5 No.21063931


Man is cast in Gods image.

A woman is cast is Satans image.

Why does Baphomet have boobs?

Because Satan is a woman.

Eve = Evil

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28f7dd No.21063933

File: 2788abd9730e904⋯.jpg (147.47 KB,751x663,751:663,Screen_Shot_2023_09_12_at_….jpg)

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0a9c46 No.21063937



(You) forgot]




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d64ba5 No.21063939


Can we torture them first?

Just a little bit, OK I lied, maybe a lot?

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28f7dd No.21063944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try harder

: Learning:

Neville Goddard (The 5 Lessons 1948) In His Own Voice

The Inner Guidance

>>21030966 pb


>>21031237 pb


>>21031360 pb


>>21031553 pb


>>21031798 pb


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0bbac7 No.21063949

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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37b95e No.21063951

File: 633b32c788be045⋯.png (375.84 KB,631x474,631:474,633b32c788be045f997295e515….png)

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