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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

628903 No.21059691 [View All]

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b438d5 No.21060653


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d8ba70 No.21060654

File: b9be29f9a8cadd6⋯.mp4 (14.6 MB,480x854,240:427,2024_01_18_15_37_32.mp4)



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581ed7 No.21060655

File: fa90206c95dba42⋯.png (117.82 KB,593x762,593:762,ClipboardImage.png)

TRex5.56🇺🇸🤠 @TRex556

“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” -George Washington

"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."

- George Washington

“You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ.

These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do every thing they can to assist you in this wise intention…”

George Washington's letter to local Indian leaders.

"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more

distinguished character of Christian."

- George Washington - The Writings of Washington, pp. 342-343

#school #TenCommandments #GeorgeWashington #Trump #bible

Jun 21, 2024, 10:06 AM


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b9506c No.21060656

I don't need to write into law he has he because all she knows is law.

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44660e No.21060657

File: d8fbed2028dbda0⋯.png (195.26 KB,532x490,38:35,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Swiss court acquits members of UK’s richest family of human trafficking: judge

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/swiss-court-acquits-members-of-uks-richest-family-of-human-trafficking-judge/


So much for the Swiss being neutral…

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b9506c No.21060658

this whole thing is insulting to him.

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5badc8 No.21060659

File: 7f39b0136d404f1⋯.png (52.09 KB,712x586,356:293,925.png)

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628903 No.21060661

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1ecc43 No.21060662

File: 1648764aff6ecc2⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1669,1080:1669,ClipboardImage.png)

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0055c1 No.21060663

File: 4ebfd5b92d06a65⋯.png (110.64 KB,536x311,536:311,ClipboardImage.png)


tippy top keks

apparently the reporter has seen a few memes

i dropped this back in may of this year!

we are the news now


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98ae50 No.21060664

File: fab1bd4938e55d2⋯.jpeg (351.3 KB,1340x1088,335:272,F267685A_FE2D_4A7E_B9D5_F….jpeg)


Federal Reserve Act passed on Dec 23 announced to public on Dec 24th, 1913

It’s charter supposedly expired in 2013-depending on who you believe and also the McFadden Act of the 50s supposedly gave it an unlimited charter.

Either way it’s operated since that time and can argue that since a transaction occurs the parties acknowledge that a “contract” exists so the extension not needed.

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b438d5 No.21060665






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724b23 No.21060666


>Swiss court acquits members of UK’s richest family of human trafficking

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b9506c No.21060667


I am going to bed.

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42e666 No.21060668


You buy that nonsense? Roberts is a traitor in bad behavior.

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b438d5 No.21060669



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27647e No.21060670


Muh winning

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fddb6f No.21060671

File: 152580a22dc324b⋯.png (255.13 KB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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197069 No.21060672

File: 94e6cc76503873a⋯.jpg (193.4 KB,1600x1022,800:511,A10_gun.jpg)



That's not a GAU-8.

This is a GAU-8

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b7ceb2 No.21060673

File: 4151e30032c1510⋯.png (29.72 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


and wash em down with a big can of BRAWNDO

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44660e No.21060675

File: f32be3f33e2f5fc⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,480x852,40:71,cTvEbRRoZR_8pGCd.mp4)

National service or you loose your bank account

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87aca6 No.21060676


repost with sauce nb plz


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fddb6f No.21060678

File: ed254af3634cdbe⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,244x255,244:255,BidenBrawndo.jpg)

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b9506c No.21060679


What? you want What?

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83dc8a No.21060680

File: d0891c04d0f4288⋯.png (143.12 KB,444x606,74:101,1051.png)

File: 4bdc667fbbab585⋯.png (391.6 KB,783x603,87:67,seized.png)



10:51 AM · Jun 21, 2024


That didn’t take long.


Strength test.

For God & Country!

We Fight for FREEDOM.



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d65d8b No.21060681

File: 64c21ec038a579b⋯.png (1.82 MB,804x1122,134:187,gm.png)

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eda2c0 No.21060682



Why TF do we have hundreds of thousands of sexual deviants employed buy the govt??

Why TF do we have hundreds of thousands of govt employees at all??

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b9506c No.21060683

You think you, a mortal, can come close to competeing with let alone, taming

MY daughtet is that What you wanted?

No help do it yourself.

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bbcea0 No.21060684


Roberts is a treasonous cunt. 922(G)(8) violates the constitution and is null and void. They are KNOWINGLY violating the constitution.

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30a6b0 No.21060686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why would these objects be considered extra temporal?

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b9506c No.21060688

I'm going to bed I am tired as fuck and had a two hour buffer period thanks to the mods who detest me and can't keep up with The Song TM

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788b04 No.21060689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:30 AM EDT

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the Constitutional Convention of UNITE HERE

New York, New York





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b9506c No.21060690


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83dc8a No.21060692

A dedicated COMMS thread would be beneficial.

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fddb6f No.21060693





Either remove from notables or add Anons context?

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51622a No.21060695



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9d6d28 No.21060696

File: 935fadea39a3fce⋯.png (154.83 KB,992x840,124:105,ClipboardImage.png)


>No words

I beg to differ, Chief Nerd: Every. Single. Time. Jeanne is the daughter of Pauline. Pauline is also the grandmother of Dean Phillips. I'm sure this is all a coincidence, though.

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44660e No.21060697



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b7ceb2 No.21060699

File: 64884b3990d9eb1⋯.png (36.27 KB,704x704,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d65d8b No.21060700

File: a5b715558d2a7a3⋯.png (591.57 KB,980x654,490:327,gm.png)

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87aca6 No.21060701


#25821 >>21059698

>>21060239, >>21060357, >>21060466, >>21060528, >>21060608 PlaneFaggin’: Med./Europe

>>21059732 Seoul says South Korean soldiers fired warning shots after North Korean troops crossed border in 3rd crossing in June.

>>21059814 Back Up Account Ben Garrison Cartoons - @GrrrGraphics has been hacked and deleted!

>>21059816, >>21059963 BOOM: Texas Children's Hospital Reportedly Has Closed Its Pediatric Sex-Change Clinic (at Least for Now)

>>21059867 WW3 update: The US has permitted Ukraine to strike targets on Russian territory using American-made weapons anywhere across the front line

>>21059869 Too late for sorries: Fox News host Sean Hannity admits that he was under a lot of pressure to tell his viewers to get the COVID vaccine.

>>21059930 Metro Atlanta judge Judge Christina Peterson arrested and faces felony charges. willful obstruction of law enforcement officers by use of threats or violence

>>21059952 DJT TS w/CAP: A big article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, along with virtually every legal scholoar and expert, that I DID NOTHING WRONG…

>>21060102 Southwest Boeing 737 plunges within 500 feet of Oklahoma neighborhood setting off emergency alarms and terrifying residents…

>>21060108 $9 million in taxpayer dollars are going toward this hotel and Boston has done a good job of hiding their migrant crisis

>>21060114 @NavalInstitute A review of the Falkland Islands reveals similarities to the sovereignty dispute between China and Taiwan

>>21060125 New York governor signs law aimed at protecting children from 'addictive' social media algorithms

>>21060182 1976 Swine Flu Vax - Future Proves Past

>>21060184, >>21060354 First Look with The Post’s Jonathan Capehart

>>21060185 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21060186, >>21060187, >>21060211, >>21060215, >>21060516, >>21060518, >>21060520, >>21060522, >>21060560, >>21060689 Swamp Talk

>>21060194 When the Boston Children's Hospital Gender Clinic locked down and tried to delete all the videos, they didn't actually pull them from their hosting website

>>21060202 War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21060206, >>21060267, >>21060295 James O’Keefe just shoved a legal dagger in the heart of Disney, exposing them to years of litigation

>>21060209 Eric Holder

>>21060226, >>21060422 @RealGenFlynn Could the Democrats be considering a scenario that involves replacing Joe Biden?/WI: Recall @SpeakerVos

>>21060244 Pedos be Pedos

>>21060255 August. Hot???

>>21060285, >>21060294 NATO

>>21060306, >>21060374, >>21060395, >>21060455 NASA

>>21060320 Guess who just invested in cobalt mining in America?

>>21060362, >>21060657 Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges/acquitted

>>21060380 WestPoint_USMA Day 0 complete!

>>21060488 hurricane season, secure yo guns?

>>21060491 #DeepStateDiaries PART 2 Internal docs from Biden’s DHS show their plans to target Trump supports as domestic extremists.

>>21060496, >>21060510, >>21060517, >>21060545, >>21060651, >>21060685 SCotUS Today: "From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into the country was characterized as 'of favor [and] not of right'."

>>21060498, >>21060503 TGIQ Friday/Deltas today

>>21060508 U.S. Secret Service and Milwaukee officials outline 2024 RNC security measures

>>21060510 "From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into the country was characterized as 'of favor [and] not of right'."

>>21060523 Japan space agency suffers multiple cyberattacks since last year

>>21060546 Consumer Watchdog: Tether Has Become a Crypto of Choice for Cartels, Terrorists, and Human Traffickers

>>21060548 ICYMI: 31 out of 32 babies died. Pfizer knew, the Ottawa Police Service was informed by Detective Helen Grus, they did nothing about it


>>21060554 Judge Aileen Cannon is considering Jack Smith's appointment to Special Counsel today.

>>21060603 @usairforce USAF + USMC = a winning combination 💪

>>21060609, >>21060613 #OTD 1942, the Japanese submarine I-25 fired seventeen 5.5-inch projectiles at Fort Stevens on the coast of Oregon.

>>21060615 GAU 8 PWNER'S ASSOC ISSUES STATEMENT/Deity to be the First and Final judge


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628903 No.21060702


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51622a No.21060703



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9e8aab No.21060705



can never get Telegram to work when needed

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83dc8a No.21060707


No, on this board, like the Clock thread.

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3177a4 No.21060711


Good morning!

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87aca6 No.21060715

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cfc185 No.21060728


More muh winning

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1ecc43 No.21060731

File: 8cb9e37751ee55c⋯.png (162.1 KB,486x494,243:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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628903 No.21060734


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