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File: bb9db506b300b47⋯.png (48.05 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

3946e5 No.21053517 [View All]

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1bfa70 No.21054574

final bun for #25814

refresh for post count

need to handoff at the top - bu baker in the bullpen?

czech em

#25814 >>21053528

>>21053594 Pfizer Documents claiming that inhalation and skin contact with vaccinated people may transfer what’s in the vaccine to the unvaccinated population

>>21053729, >>21053939 Kim Jong-Un gave a pair of dogs as a gift to Putin

>>21053807 Gen Flynn w/CAP: In the 1970s, we had an unelected POTUS and VPOTUS (Ford and Rockefeller). Are we about to see the same thing happen? Could Hillary Clinton become POTUS w/out being elected?

>>21053984 ‘I Will Endeavor to Stay Alive’: Elon Musk Reveals There Were Two Failed Assassination Attempts Against Him

>>21054131 Lara Logan w/CAP: Every one of these bastards who knew the truth & said nothing is guilty of the same conspiracy. They are traitors.

>>21054167 DJT TS w/CAP: The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was passed AFTER the Great Depression had already started. If you want to study Tariffs, and how powerful they are…

>>21054350 A Cleveland digital newspaper was forced to retract a guest column after it was published with significant factual errors about FBI whistleblowers…

>>21054369 Coca-Cola heir and celebrity hologram creator is ordered to pay model $900 MILLION in one of the largest sexual assault verdicts in history

>>21054377 MIC update: Northrop Grumman plans to start with medium-caliber ammunition and then expand production to 155 mm tank and artillery ammunition in Ukraine

>>21054391 “I’ll Shank Your F*cking Neck!” – Pro-Palestine Protester Threatens to Stab RAV’s Ben Bergquam (VIDEO)

>>21054465 US government is set to halt all open orders for Patriot air defense systems and interceptor missilesuntil Ukraine has enough to defend itself from Russia’s air attacks

>>21054568 Joe Biden adviser had contact with Burisma during height of corruption probe, emails show

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3a549d No.21054575


"after loosing 700 officers in 5 years"

seems like a serious policy problem

they're treating the symptom instead of the problem

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d16232 No.21054576


kek yeah

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d731df No.21054577


so when rich guys rape their employees they just pay them money to make it go away and they keep raping other people. at a point doesn't the judice system have to hold them accountable regardless of their payouts?

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c51de2 No.21054578

File: e3ebac9d5473796⋯.png (56.65 KB,652x189,652:189,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21053807 Gen Flynn w/CAP: In the 1970s, we had an unelected POTUS and VPOTUS (Ford and Rockefeller). Are we about to see the same thing happen? Could Hillary Clinton become POTUS w/out being elected?


yesterday one of my digs i pulled up the 38th president. thinking not related i closed it down and went digging elsewhere


ffs old brain early morning aint working right

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bb52a8 No.21054579

File: ac22db6c1082851⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,17FE6156_BFA7_4106_B6A5_18….png)

File: 41acf6061353205⋯.jpeg (181.66 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,D3C8755B_2225_4DE1_98FD_9….jpeg)

File: 0a0c2c960a23d17⋯.jpeg (397.25 KB,1696x2048,53:64,53174F10_C8ED_44CE_A6D6_3….jpeg)

File: 868ea5b005a9a86⋯.jpeg (430.21 KB,2047x1345,2047:1345,013B8C4C_28A4_4D6C_87B2_0….jpeg)

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d731df No.21054580

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,chkt.gif)

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71749e No.21054581

>>21054575 it has been done before. Remember ever state is separate in these United United states. Each county is different.

history where the police force or security forces were replaced by alternative groups, often consisting of criminals or individuals with no prior law enforcement experience. Here are a few examples:

1. The Paris Commune (1871): During the Franco-Prussian War, the city of Paris was occupied by Prussian forces. In response, the Parisian population established the Paris Commune, a revolutionary government that seized power and replaced the regular police force with a new force composed of "Red Guards" – mainly made up of workers, artisans, and socialists. This experiment in direct democracy and social equality lasted for two months before being brutally suppressed by government forces.

2. The Red Terror (1918-1922): During the Russian Civil War, the Bolsheviks seized power and established a new police force, the Cheka (later renamed OGPU, NKVD, and KGB), which was initially staffed by revolutionaries and intellectuals. However, as time passed, many former criminals were recruited into the organization, leading to a significant increase in crime and corruption within the ranks.

3. The Shanghai Communist Revolution (1927): After the Communist Party of China seized power in Shanghai, they disbanded the city's police force and replaced it with a new militia composed of worker-peasant soldiers and street thugs.

4. The Iranian Revolution (1979): Following the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the new Islamic Republic of Iran disbanded the traditional police force and established a new morality police, known as the Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami (Revolutionary Guard), which was initially composed of loyal supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini. Over time, this force became increasingly militarized and became known for its brutal suppression of opposition groups.

5. The Sierra Leone Civil War (1991-2002): During this conflict, various rebel groups and armed factions vied for control, often replacing or co-opting existing security forces. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF), led by Foday Sankoh, was one such group that initially recruited former rebels and child soldiers to form their own militia.

It's essential to note that these examples often have common denominators: political upheaval, social unrest, or revolutionary fervor. In most cases, replacing existing security forces with criminal elements or inexperienced personnel can lead to chaos, instability, and human rights abuses.

In contrast to these examples, some successful instances of alternative policing models include:

* Community-based policing initiatives in various parts of Africa and Asia, where local communities take on responsibility for maintaining order and resolving conflicts through non-violent means.

* Peacekeeping forces in post-conflict zones, which aim to restore stability and provide security while promoting reconciliation.

In summary, while there are instances where criminal elements have replaced traditional police forces, these scenarios often arise from political turmoil or revolution. In most cases, these replacements can lead to instability and human rights abuses.

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997908 No.21054583

File: a02458c00a1a6f4⋯.png (211.01 KB,438x442,219:221,8b98bf4fe07519739920e40094….png)


Woke people in power (or having some form of power) always <<< always >>> double down on Stupid(tm).

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ccbf07 No.21054584


I don’t know what that means but I’m into it

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c51de2 No.21054585

File: 79eb24c98c60dbf⋯.png (200.45 KB,700x282,350:141,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_1….png)

File: ae55c949491b8ae⋯.png (677.41 KB,1434x1143,478:381,ae55c949491b8ae283f953765b….png)


> 38th


21 53

2 + 1 = 3

5 + 3 = 8


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0155b1 No.21054587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's a car in the field

Now in a column of flame

With two doors to choose

But only one bears your name

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1bfa70 No.21054601


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307c27 No.21054602

File: 3284fa181794887⋯.png (95.02 KB,601x565,601:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51832cc9038cbf6⋯.png (253.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


ECUADOR 🇪🇨 Metrics show a significant disruption to Internet service with national connectivity down to 44% of normal levels; the incident is attributed to a failure in the transmission line per CENACE. (NetBlocks)

Jun 20, 2024, 7:23 AM


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1bfa70 No.21054603


repost in next bred pls

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becc1d No.21054605

File: 0a4ea547e0c23d1⋯.jpeg (43.81 KB,464x346,232:173,41AC9BDA_BCE4_4A51_9460_2….jpeg)

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71749e No.21054606

How many s posts were deleted this bread?

Can we browse what was deleted some where?

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bb52a8 No.21054608

File: ac22db6c1082851⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,08A81083_3DCC_41F0_9BDB_CA….png)

File: 41acf6061353205⋯.jpeg (181.66 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,97B163D7_9C82_4993_9A32_7….jpeg)

File: 0a0c2c960a23d17⋯.jpeg (397.25 KB,1696x2048,53:64,8D577401_CB68_4F0C_A6B8_7….jpeg)

File: 868ea5b005a9a86⋯.jpeg (430.21 KB,2047x1345,2047:1345,0C81F76D_7B5B_4575_86CF_8….jpeg)

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71749e No.21054609


Kinda relatable

Flight deck can get pretty congested

Upgrades help

A stretch but fun way to review Q posts


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faf55b No.21054611

File: 90d3e975855b058⋯.gif (9.54 MB,480x853,480:853,9e3797c20d850861aff78be14e….gif)

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83a775 No.21054612


open two pages, don't refresh

you'll see the spam taken out

admins do it

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307c27 No.21054613

File: ed18f7ce3964839⋯.png (398.44 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking Charges

The Hinduja family, owners of the multinational conglomerate Hinduja Group, have topped the 2024 Sunday Times Rich List, becoming recognized as the richest family in the UK.

Originally from India, the Hinduja relocated their businesses to London back in 1979, steadily expanding its global presence until they became worth an estimated £37bn ($47bn).

Their business operations span 48 countries across various sectors: oil, chemicals, IT, cyber security, automotive, healthcare, trading, infrastructure, media, property, and power.

So it’s a bit surprising to find some senior members of the family involved in a scandal of alleged exploitation and human trafficking.

By Paul Serran Jun. 20, 2024 7:15 am


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1bfa70 No.21054615


repost in nb pls

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ccbf07 No.21054617


Looks like /ourguys/ going to Seattle first

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becc1d No.21054619

File: 2bdfe66e78e3931⋯.jpeg (188.35 KB,983x750,983:750,27A5B3B3_5C29_4FC8_AB80_8….jpeg)

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0155b1 No.21054620

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)


That looks notable.

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0155b1 No.21054624

KEK. Now a rapper has a mugshot for the media, on top of Mr. Timberlake? Something is fishy now.

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65dbb2 No.21054627

File: 79cb4dfcdf6cd2c⋯.jpg (73.01 KB,994x1024,497:512,4c490d2894a4b794d2430feff2….jpg)

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becc1d No.21054631

File: 212adf54686c6e0⋯.jpeg (27.82 KB,320x240,4:3,0F4AB1A8_2A99_459C_90C6_6….jpeg)

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0155b1 No.21054633

File: 1b3c44cff9a73d3⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingmarble2.png)

I mean, I guess everyone shouldn't be surprised about it. It's not unheard of for celebrities to follow trends that will boost their popularity/visibility. They see POTUS Trump's popularity increasing after his charges so it's like they want to see if they can do something similar. Just feels off.

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65dbb2 No.21054634

File: ed7636e04c6c497⋯.jpg (29.21 KB,602x600,301:300,arrrrrr.jpg)

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f8d5dd No.21054635


UK’s richest family on trial for human trafficking

Four members of the UK's richest family are on trial in Switzerland amid allegations they spent more money caring for their dog than their servants.

The Hinduja family, worth an estimated £37bn ($47bn), is accused of exploitation and human trafficking.

The family own a villa in Geneva’s wealthy neighbourhood of Cologny, and the charges against them all relate to their practice of importing servants from India to look after their children and household.

It’s alleged that Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, together with their son Ajay and his wife Namrata, confiscated staff passports, paid them as little as $8 (£7) for 18-hour days, and allowed them little freedom to leave the house.

Although a financial settlement over exploitation was reached last week, the Hindujas remain on trial for trafficking, which is a serious criminal offence in Switzerland. They deny the charges.

This week in court, one of Geneva’s most famous prosecutors, Yves Bertossa, compared the almost $10,000 a year he claimed the family had spent on their dog, to the daily amount they were allegedly paying their servants.

The Hinduja family's lawyers did not specifically deny the allegations of low wages, but said they must be viewed in context - noting that the staff were also receiving accommodation and food.

The charge of long hours was also disputed, with one defence lawyer arguing that watching a film with the Hinduja children could not really be classed as work.

Some former servants testified for the Hindujas, describing them as a friendly family who treated their servants with dignity.

But the allegations that servants’ passports were confiscated, and that they could not even leave the house without permission, are serious, because they could be judged as human trafficking.

Mr Bertossa is calling for prison terms, and millions of dollars in compensation as well as legal fees.

Dark side of Geneva

It is not the first time that Geneva, a hub for international organisations as well as the world’s wealthy, has been in the spotlight over the alleged mistreatment of servants.

In 2008, Hannibal Gaddafi, son of Libya’s former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, was arrested in his five star Geneva hotel by police acting on information that he and his wife had been beating their servants, including with a coat hanger. The case was later dropped.

But it caused a huge diplomatic row between Switzerland and Libya, with two Swiss citizens arrested in Tripoli as a retaliatory measure.

Just last year, four domestic workers from the Philippines launched a case against one of Geneva’s diplomatic missions to the United Nations, claiming they had not been paid for years.

The Hinduja's ongoing, high profile case will draw attention, once again, to the darker, uglier side of the city that likes to call itself "the city of peace".

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f8d5dd No.21054637

File: b0287c4ffb3f1a1⋯.png (78.58 KB,200x248,25:31,ClipboardImage.png)



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65dbb2 No.21054638

File: b01e3f853c08249⋯.png (904.25 KB,1075x948,1075:948,salute_potato.png)

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5b347c No.21054639

File: 73a7eafc4bf2486⋯.jpg (72.15 KB,960x782,480:391,86978533.jpg)

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f9b19d No.21054640

spam shill is pure hate.

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3b9eb9 No.21054642

It’s gonna be HOT one today!

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1bfa70 No.21054644


that's what you said yesterday

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3424e8 No.21054645


Bongino said that the other day, but he said Bidan's team will replace Kamala and put HRC in and then they will replace Bidan with her so she can run again against Trump. His theory is there is no one else that is acceptable to run

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04087c No.21054648

File: 160f901cf1fe9ba⋯.png (101.89 KB,180x240,3:4,dtyk.PNG)

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991835 No.21054656


>It’s gonna be HOT one today!

Brain gonna overheat, keep it cool.


>that's what you said yesterday

same observation, too lazy to link post.

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ccbf07 No.21054662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1bfa70 No.21054672

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,5c304f1c20519360059f47f033….png)

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ccbf07 No.21054673


So many have fallen victim to these scumbag narratives

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1bfa70 No.21054676

File: 71f408419ab6c7a⋯.jpg (106.61 KB,719x739,719:739,71f408419ab6c7ae74959ccd09….jpg)

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ccbf07 No.21054677


Haha mugshots sell like hotcakes

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1bfa70 No.21054679

File: 20efe6af3bbe1a0⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB,1284x1593,428:531,20efe6af3bbe1a0b8b55ed7b9….jpeg)

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1bfa70 No.21054681

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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b93d5e No.21054686

File: 0ead22c7e25b6ef⋯.png (486.67 KB,540x753,180:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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94f724 No.21054733

File: 29fb4c49539f20b⋯.jpg (132.25 KB,1480x833,1480:833,alito.jpg)

SCOTUS protect in crumbs, too

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