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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

01d195 No.21048167 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 354 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2e9c4d No.21049017


you are clearly a racist

jews did nothing wrong

you probably hate african anericans too

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0baeb7 No.21049018


do not post evil nazi stuff here pls

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d5898b No.21049020

File: 373cd403bdb7e76⋯.png (153.03 KB,628x326,314:163,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_0….png)

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add662 No.21049021


It’s their Death-blossom. Last Stand. But God cut off all their thorns… just sticks and stones now.

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69c560 No.21049023

final bun for #25808

hold them laties till the top

czech em

#25808 >>21048176


>>21048196 3rd Marine Division: " Our #Marines rehearse proper weapons handling ptechniques during Korea Viper 24.2

>>21048241, >>21048252, >>21048361 PDJT @TS

>>21048251 Sciffty: I’ll always stand up for our hardworking brothers and sisters in labor

>>21048338 Philip Morris suspends nationwide sales on Zyn online after D.C. subpoena

>>21048430 Pelosi, McCaul-Led US Congressional Delegation Meet Dalai Lama, Hold Rituals With Oracle Nechung

>>21048533 Bun of CoreysDigs: University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21048657 Spike protein and amyloid aggregates found in recipients of mRNA transfusions

>>21048848 ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year

>>21048861 DailyMail: Biden should REPLACE Kamala Harris on the ballot with Hillary Clinton, Washington Post columnist claims

>>21048866 Rand Paul, GOP Senators Put Fauci Ally on Hot Seat During COVID Origins Hearing

>>21048876 Today a bipartisan group of Senators led by @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner asked the Federal CIO Clare Martorana to explain how she has fulfilled her responsibilities on classification reform

>>21048881 CBS: Misleading video clips of President Biden watching a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Italy went viral last week, prompting the White House to say Biden is victim to a simpler version of "deepfakes."

Baker pick up

>>21048992 Allison Huynh, a former Obama fundraiser who helped raise millions for his 2008 presidential campaign, said she is fed up with Joe Biden and will support Donald Trump…

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0ff34d No.21049025


>and the people who were the LAST to find out the truth

Is that the part where Tulsa comes in?

A bunch of blacks got killed by the mob there?

I know Tulsa plays a role in it I just can't memberberry why.

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4c05df No.21049027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Something Good Coming

by Tom Petty

I'm watching the water

Watching the coast

Suddenly I know

What I want the most

And I want to tell you

Still I hold back

I need some time

Get my life on track

I know that look on your face

But there's somethin' lucky about this place

And there's somethin' good comin'

For you and me

Somethin' good comin'

There has to be

And I'm thinking 'bout mama

And about the kids

And the way we lived

And the things we did

How she never had a chance

Never caught a break

And how we pay for our big mistakes

I know so well the look on your face

And there's somethin' lucky about this place

There's somethin' good comin'

Just over the hill

Somethin' good comin'

I know it will

And I'm in for the long run

Wherever it goes

Ridin' the river

Wherever it goes

And I'm an honest man

Work's all I know

You take that away

Don't know where to go

And I know that look that's on your face

There's somethin' lucky about this place

There's somethin' good comin'

For you and me

Somethin' good comin'

There has to be

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d5898b No.21049028

File: 0666751e2539a5e⋯.png (274.69 KB,768x427,768:427,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_0….png)

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4c05df No.21049029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Something Good Coming

by Tom Petty

I'm watching the water

Watching the coast

Suddenly I know

What I want the most

And I want to tell you

Still I hold back

I need some time

Get my life on track

I know that look on your face

But there's somethin' lucky about this place

And there's somethin' good comin'

For you and me

Somethin' good comin'

There has to be

And I'm thinking 'bout mama

And about the kids

And the way we lived

And the things we did

How she never had a chance

Never caught a break

And how we pay for our big mistakes

I know so well the look on your face

And there's somethin' lucky about this place

There's somethin' good comin'

Just over the hill

Somethin' good comin'

I know it will

And I'm in for the long run

Wherever it goes

Ridin' the river

Wherever it goes

And I'm an honest man

Work's all I know

You take that away

Don't know where to go

And I know that look that's on your face

There's somethin' lucky about this place

There's somethin' good comin'

For you and me

Somethin' good comin'

There has to be

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add662 No.21049030


Which one links to actual Q-related research?

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76cc82 No.21049031

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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f3e5ac No.21049033


AL Trumponi

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add662 No.21049035

It’s always funny when Clown tech fails.

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69c560 No.21049036

anons refresh as needed. taking out the usual spam trash

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c1e041 No.21049038


>Anons requested a Clean House.

>Anons were promised a Clean House.

>Anons are being provided that Clean House.

Some foolish 'cleaners' take cleaning a bit too literally.

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d5898b No.21049039

File: 8d30278f3d0892d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1212x758,606:379,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_0….png)

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add662 No.21049040

It’s about to get really hot in here.

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f3e5ac No.21049042


Indeed shiprock bill yaateeh

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0ff34d No.21049044


None of them duh.

QR is a news agg ala old school Drudge Report now.

The news unlocks is the loophole modern day anons use as justification.

It's not that hard to figure out.

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a3127f No.21049046


lies, all lies

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3db493 No.21049047


The world doesn't need saving… it's fine with or without humans. Many people need saving, but that's what Jesus does. I'm here to help reorient traumatized sheeple as events unfold. Anons' research helps build my ready-reference database.

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0ef5e4 No.21049049


more lies from an anti semite

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add662 No.21049052


Q no longer supports this board because this board no longer supports Q.

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f3e5ac No.21049054


Shimasani ashdla beeso bee holo

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0ef5e4 No.21049055


good, let's get rid of the trash that infests here

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6aa132 No.21049058


Gave up on bitching about the tripcode hunh?

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0ef5e4 No.21049060


you are a NAZI

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add662 No.21049061

Q supports anons. Anons support Q. This board no longer supports either.

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0ef5e4 No.21049065


you are SICK and hateful

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0ff34d No.21049066


My take is Q isn't all that happy about his private board getting fucked with nor the F&G 2022 drops.

But, still, this is the only image board where there are anons that follow Q and want to see how it ends.

Until that changes….

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2f6472 No.21049067

/qresearch/ = traitors identifying themselves…thank you

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76cc82 No.21049070

File: 00a13306d15604c⋯.jpg (71.31 KB,800x500,8:5,JN_VS_NJ.jpg)

More reruns on the Kun

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69c560 No.21049072


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3db493 No.21049074


>… commemorates the abolition of slavery in 1865…

Not accurate. Slavery was abolished January 1st, 1863. Galveston, Texas didn't receive (or perhaps publicly acknowledge) that fact until June 19th, 1865.

That's a time lag of 901 days (2 years, 5 months, 19 days). Why celebrate an occasion commemorating poor communications resulting in prolonged slavery and ignorance of the law?

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cc8217 No.21049078


And 15% black

5% white!

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cd270e No.21049079

Good morning

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3db493 No.21049081


IF the meaning of Juneteenth was as you state in this meme, it's spreading disinformation. The correct date is January 1st.

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7842d1 No.21049082

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c4ef10 No.21049083

How do you remind people that are doing pretty good that they were slaves to keep the division going?

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7a5542 No.21049084


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0ff34d No.21049087


Back when Juneteenth got so hot right now several years back a massacre was a big part of it.

And I'm pretty sure in happened in Tulsa.

Fuck, I really don't want to digg on this shit…

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7a5542 No.21049089

File: 2d2a079f4e76207⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,255x170,3:2,tendiecolors.jpg)

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7a5542 No.21049090


Courtesy Fresh

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2e9c4d No.21049092



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cc8217 No.21049093

File: 8bee05a924e303c⋯.jpeg (53.9 KB,549x424,549:424,Alice_oh_dear.jpeg)

File: 737db11d9c4eee7⋯.png (347.45 KB,297x399,99:133,737db11d9c4eee7001e92cd2d6….png)

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69c560 No.21049094

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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0ea5c1 No.21049099

File: 3d59e28e280aa0a⋯.jpg (90.22 KB,663x500,663:500,3d59e28e280aa0a594bb5299a7….jpg)

File: b858fc329415008⋯.jpg (60.75 KB,395x449,395:449,b858fc32941500839a8e986d4f….jpg)

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3db493 No.21049102


The Tulsa mob attack occurred decades later, on May 31st, 1921.

It's an event about racism, but not about the Emancipation Proclamation.

PBS's B.S. version:


Wikipedia's apparently reasonable version:


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3db493 No.21049109


Yeah, happy holiday celebrating the deliberate dumbing-down of America and the witholding of the truth of our freedom. Big whoopee dip.

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db0240 No.21049111

File: bf3a6ce9ea3a533⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,203x249,203:249,bf3a6ce9ea3a533d2652f8a2b….jpeg)

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