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File: aad962f60c9e86f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1800x1012,450:253,aad962f60c9e86f517cf4266f3….png)

d8a70d No.21030925 [View All]

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701 posts and 458 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0fb659 No.21032003

File: 101faa3b6bd314a⋯.png (1.01 MB,821x869,821:869,ClipboardImage.png)

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02b247 No.21032004

File: 1bf15bac5c1f828⋯.gif (2.22 MB,498x298,249:149,3756FBE0_581D_4774_A7F2_B7….gif)

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2690c9 No.21032005

File: 075c0dc07a06884⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,596x500,149:125,Fathers_Day_Save.mp4)


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65e38f No.21032006


>Learn board tradition. Respect board tradition.

kek the seal has already long been broken when it comes to that

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1aea6d No.21032007



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966b92 No.21032008

File: 763b7debdb35d88⋯.jpg (72.18 KB,574x574,1:1,1510765637162.jpg)

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183eda No.21032009

File: 66560144ceee57b⋯.png (807.45 KB,938x942,469:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eb0e5 No.21032010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"What comes around goes around"

MarMari suspended from Assyrian Church

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d6e7a9 No.21032011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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966b92 No.21032012

File: b58a6fef54dcb0f⋯.gif (1001.43 KB,600x450,4:3,1510796598156.gif)

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a905ec No.21032013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neville Goddard (The 5 Lessons 1948) In His Own Voice

The Inner Guidance











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bd60c6 No.21032014


>11:12:00 -> 11:11

fuck my aggregator. happens sometimes.

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08ced2 No.21032015

File: 3bfb4cf5644dee3⋯.png (496.97 KB,442x553,442:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a67bf No.21032016

File: c11a9846c723f3b⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB,480x852,40:71,pjCPYsryQ6iwLpEI.mp4)

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966b92 No.21032017

File: 68ba6ad541295a0⋯.gif (684.41 KB,800x732,200:183,1510811667926.gif)

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6171ae No.21032018


Always make it about race

Define controlled opposition: these guys

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940a71 No.21032019

File: 2511af939fb5536⋯.png (12.03 MB,3416x2558,1708:1279,ClipboardImage.png)

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966b92 No.21032020

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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d8a70d No.21032021


#25789 >>21030943

>>21031878 PlaneFaggin’: ‘housekeeping’ from last night (AF2 applied to kneepads) and Potato still inactive at LA

>>21031219, >>21031154, >>21031096 German police fired shots at a person who threatened officers with a pickaxe and an incendiary device on the sidelines of a Euro 2024 soccer fan parade in central Hamburg

>>21031172, >>21031188 Musk rp: How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it

>>21031243 Did you see what Congress just passed?!? Young people, In the words of my friend @ScottPresler, a vote for Joe Biden is a vote to send you to war!

>>21031256 Chicken Flu 2024: Same playbook as Swine Flu 1976.

>>21031269 @jsolomonreports Trump went into the deepest of blue cities, Detroit, got the endorsement of a former mayor and went to a Black church

>>21031329 MSNBC host worries that debate is unfair to Biden because our expectations for him are so high – KEK

>>21031332 America Reacts to Dr. Phil’s Interview With Donald Trump; town hall starts @1:07

>>21031391 US Passports Can Now Be Renewed Online: State Department

>>21031407 Former Obama fundraiser is so fed up with the left that she’s selling her million-dollar Dem collectibles

>>21031494 Steve Quayle interview re Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe

>>21031495, >>21031541 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Black Hole Destroys Star

>>21031501 Luna says she's heard Biden will be replaced as candidate

>>21031504 Mark Levin on Bobblehead Biden

>>21031581, >>21031583 I’m the Governor of Nevada. This Is Why Trump Is Doing So Well With Our Voters

>>21031592 @realDonaldTrump 6/15/24 | DETROIT, MICHIGAN


>>21031599 @realDonaldTrump Pritzker/Q

>>21031662 Former US Special forces and Green Beret reveals plans to release a biological tsunami right in the heart of Japan on June 16th???

>>21031666 The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers.???

>>21031678, >>21031847 Zelensky has introduced a law to allow for the harvesting of body organs without consent

>>21031687, >>21031697 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031718 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031766, >>21031781 F-22 Raptors Chase SpaceX Falcon 9 Over Cape Canaveral Space Force Station

>>21031825 Bible bombshell as archeologists find evidence for story about angel killing 185,000 soldiers in one night

>>21031861 Duh, control of said farmland, next dumb question

>>21031883 Phelan Acolyte Pushing Caucus to Disregard Republican Voters’ Agenda

>>21031887 Actura New Zealand collapses - Kiwi parents left thousands of dollars out of pocket for space school tours

>>21031898 @realDonaldTrump /Q

>>21031900 @realDonaldTrump '''WE MUST HAVE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS! Look at what is going on in Puerto Rico and beyond.



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76a76e No.21032022

Release the Diddy tapes

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966b92 No.21032023

File: 328dbc695eb880b⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,798x600,133:100,jfk_cia.jpg)

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98af49 No.21032024

File: d98fe822f5b6ff1⋯.jpg (103.1 KB,700x700,1:1,Crazy_Time_Bonus.jpg)


>Is she not real?


>has she ever been real?

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480408 No.21032025

File: fc0994fcf75af36⋯.jpg (200.18 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_16_12_0….jpg)

File: d4662ab91150937⋯.jpeg (441.31 KB,2047x1403,89:61,GQDu813WAAAOcPg.jpeg)

File: 2bbd596dcc58a97⋯.png (116.46 KB,640x946,320:473,61_5_.png)

File: 7d978208bc4f2bc⋯.png (404.88 KB,640x1756,160:439,1846.png)

File: 04882e59d4e0583⋯.jpg (567.81 KB,1280x1226,640:613,beebo_youtube_richardas_ru….jpg)

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bb3eb4 No.21032026


Isn't that what I'm asking

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183eda No.21032027

File: cf7fcd1ae920aa1⋯.png (795.11 KB,938x942,469:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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966b92 No.21032028

File: 57fe5a907c2213f⋯.jpg (143.1 KB,1190x892,595:446,POTUS_Deep_State.jpg)

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a905ec No.21032029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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966b92 No.21032031

File: c08b0148df71ef3⋯.jpg (407.87 KB,1600x900,16:9,PepeShiva.jpg)

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940a71 No.21032033

File: 86ebd0f0b039003⋯.png (1.46 MB,960x646,480:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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02b247 No.21032034


You certainly know way more about FaceDump than I as never been or done many social media

>muh board tradition

Post the unnecessary sauce that’s never been needed next

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e80fe8 No.21032035

File: 75ad0d03f9a861a⋯.mp4 (14.71 MB,292x480,73:120,perot_on_foreign_influence.mp4)



NOTABLE → Ross Perot

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966b92 No.21032036

File: 1c30a8e04d9a404⋯.jpg (519.66 KB,926x1067,926:1067,NoCoinTellPro.jpg)

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183eda No.21032037



>PDJT 04/26/2024 20:23:15 if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist


>X: https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live






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b725cb No.21032038


are (you) real?

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966b92 No.21032039

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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966b92 No.21032040

File: 6a102dacdcc711e⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,611x900,611:900,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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183eda No.21032041


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940a71 No.21032042

File: c6635783c8c28d8⋯.png (155.78 KB,332x332,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>sinclair loses contract on nihue


>>oompa loompas still mad bout bunghol laser

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a9b627 No.21032044

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3eb536 No.21032045

File: 92ef0111faaa2f9⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,576x626,288:313,frogs.mp4)

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b725cb No.21032046


it's what you are assuming

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65e38f No.21032047

File: 91c5377023f6339⋯.png (454.65 KB,409x604,409:604,PhilS.png)

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183eda No.21032048


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02b247 No.21032049

File: f527984c6388924⋯.gif (756.63 KB,400x225,16:9,DEFF15FF_03DD_43EC_8398_6B….gif)

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480408 No.21032051

File: f88fc62203df606⋯.png (486.26 KB,596x623,596:623,f88fc62203df606469ef3fe2ee….png)


had me all wound up about a 1 minute delta. 2 moar weeks again. fuckin' hell

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966b92 No.21032052

File: 71a564560ac0b74⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1920x970,192:97,_Anonymous_12_days_ago_1ed….jpg)

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65e38f No.21032053

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,PHIL_lies.jpg)

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183eda No.21032054


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4b2fce No.21032055




>>Ronaldus Maximus



Donaldus Maximus


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d8a70d No.21032060

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