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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

1b5ae8 No.21018740 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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701 posts and 479 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5f88ec No.21019560

File: d97d7d906c4030b⋯.png (46.31 KB,1111x814,101:74,n63463h3434.PNG)

2 dead in single-engine plane crash in Northern California

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (AP) — Two people were killed in a single-engine plane crash in Northern California on Thursday, authorities said.

Alpine County sheriff’s deputies were notified of an overdue aircraft around 1 a.m. Thursday, the sheriff’s office said in a statement posted to Facebook.

The Luscombe 8A aircraft’s GPS transponder showed that the plane was in a mountainous area near Luther Pass, about 10 miles (16 kilometers) south of South Lake Tahoe.

The two occupants, whose names have not been made public, were pronounced dead at the scene, the sheriff’s office said.

The National Transportation Safety Board said it was investigating the crash.


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fdb939 No.21019561

File: 9944beafbb21a7f⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,480x876,40:73,9944beafbb21a7f180b6e753a9….mp4)

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d3809a No.21019562

File: 6712fd9cc416b36⋯.png (1.07 MB,927x881,927:881,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c299e No.21019563


yes it was. I figured people knew that.

the story is from a long time ago.

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50e634 No.21019564

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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04da1b No.21019565


Both activities will leave you wet, pussy!

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031154 No.21019566

bread title: red text FAIL

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4895a7 No.21019567

File: 70058e10a3236e1⋯.png (1021.02 KB,474x1106,3:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c28bf278d6fa295⋯.png (316.04 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18819ec63952c50⋯.png (153.24 KB,474x263,474:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdb912 No.21019568


Imagine Dragons is worthless trash, rock without guitars.

A CabalJew band.

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fb8f0a No.21019569


says you a stupid faggot on a board that talks about magic books.

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50e634 No.21019570

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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cc95ad No.21019571


Why does he have Murdoch's kid on Tesla's Board of Directors?

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1b5ae8 No.21019573



#25775 >>21018766

>>21018860 President Biden's net approval average has reached an all-time low.

>>21018779 Times are a changing

>>21018932 A U.S. fast-attack nuclear-powered submarine arrived at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba on Thursday

>>21018966 Massachusetts Senate passes ‘Hero Act,

>>21019043 Happy birthday, Mr. President Dan Scavino Facebook

>>21019050 Is Congress's $17 million sexual misconduct hush money fund campaign finance violations?

>>21019061 POTUS Inspirational Video. Never Give up.

>>21019137 India AF IFC0504/14/24 C17 Globeys inbound to Dover AFB from Marseille, France depart

>>21019202 Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports


>>21019185, >>21019205 the Pentagon is seeking approval to feed American troops ‘experimental’ lab-grown meat

>>21019284 House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to ‘Tilt the Scales’ in 2024 Election

>>21019054 TRITON20 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone from Skunkworks at Palmdale,CA off Jacksonville

>>21019319 Trump Leads Biden by 10 Points With Critical Arizona Demographic.

>>21019306 Red Folder spotted @ Trump meeting with House, Senate Republicans at Capitol Hill

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78a0d9 No.21019574


in hindsight, a twin engine plane might be better.

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0c299e No.21019575


Thank you for the bread title, baker!

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d6980d No.21019576


Look for Green tomorrow.

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50e634 No.21019577

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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b6fbd6 No.21019578


“Black Hole Sun”

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fdb939 No.21019579


looks like you are talking about magic books anon

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4895a7 No.21019581

File: 871d1c7b55ed419⋯.png (199.62 KB,474x344,237:172,ClipboardImage.png)



You wonder why they're afraid of us?

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b07aff No.21019582

File: 8a3a33e88a7a1e0⋯.jpg (100.9 KB,474x1134,79:189,8a3a33e88a7a1e0204895ed06b….jpg)




Say, "I give you my word as Pleiadian."

Also carbon is crystalline.

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78a0d9 No.21019583


My man Sessions!

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50e634 No.21019584

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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2b9155 No.21019585

File: 2dbf0cea1a7b63b⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB,1016x792,127:99,1582941848.jpeg)

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99290c No.21019586

File: 94df7e103bc85d4⋯.jpg (183.29 KB,1200x1198,600:599,russia_china.jpg)

File: 370c1b537ae4db0⋯.jpeg (82.18 KB,720x720,1:1,370c1b537ae4db097ac1c0f00….jpeg)

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0e4b3a No.21019587

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB,660x780,11:13,6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853e….gif)

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2b43b7 No.21019588

File: 9adbbfd46e01b0b⋯.png (65.45 KB,851x414,37:18,ClipboardImage.png)



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0f3223 No.21019589

File: dc261a24000b476⋯.png (501.29 KB,672x700,24:25,las_vegas_killer_cia_guy_l….png)


>yes it was. I figured people knew that.

I'm a fucking noob. I've only been doing this 4 paltry years

Prior to that I didn't need any confirmation of what was going on, I just got it & got on with my life…

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50e634 No.21019590

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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c9249c No.21019591

File: 8ce6674ba8c4bd7⋯.png (628.65 KB,913x895,913:895,Screenshot_2024_06_01_1_07….png)

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031154 No.21019593


Christmas meme elf

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50e634 No.21019594

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB,660x780,11:13,Pepe_Wiz.gif)

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78a5a3 No.21019595


Coming in 2030.

[They] all know.

Trump knows.

If you cannot discern the time and season, you are blinded by deception.

Eliminate self-deception first so you can discern the forces of deception that are blinding you to the truth.

Jesus said: "You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times." Luke 12:56

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eee3a8 No.21019596


>magic book anon

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fb8f0a No.21019597


just challenging the narrative that people claim, when people claim they have the truth should that not be challenged or do you just let them spout off in their ignorance?

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c6ee33 No.21019599

File: 6f9f64a7fd1e005⋯.jpg (118.66 KB,519x636,173:212,WHINING_LEADS_TO_NETFLIX.jpg)

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fdb939 No.21019600

File: a3f5bf15fc1683a⋯.png (880.95 KB,1536x1511,1536:1511,a3f5bf15fc1683adc874acee54….png)

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78a0d9 No.21019601

File: 24c3a628da45ba9⋯.png (309.61 KB,378x423,42:47,Grease_Pulp_Fiction_16_Yea….png)

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50e634 No.21019602

File: 3166182a43104d2⋯.gif (252.59 KB,500x500,1:1,Pepe_Above.gif)

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d99ecc No.21019603

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)

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0c299e No.21019604


It's all good, anon.

I started really when Michael Hastings died.

Before that I used to post to slash dot as an 'anonymous coward'

I was a bit late to Q, didn't get to it till about Dec 18, 2017.

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0f3223 No.21019605

File: 093d1e0efd4ab6a⋯.png (51.14 KB,199x190,199:190,ClipboardImage.png)



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c6ee33 No.21019607

File: 1b4b96a11038c95⋯.jpg (90.66 KB,741x688,741:688,ALWAYS_ON_WATCH.jpg)

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1b5ae8 No.21019608

File: f3b1a39313f41af⋯.png (1.71 MB,920x920,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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50e634 No.21019609

File: 113036f512fa514⋯.jpg (234.69 KB,699x523,699:523,MemeWarVet.jpg)

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738e93 No.21019610


> rock without guitars.

Not true, their guitarist had a Trans Flag and pushed Trans agenda at the end..

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78a5a3 No.21019611


Your ignorance is glaring.

Q knows scripture.

Trump knows scripture.

Satan knows scripture.

You know nothing.

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d6980d No.21019612


I mean just be on the look out, might not be there. Red Folder marker can lead to many possibilities depending.

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50e634 No.21019613

File: 7759f53e7b7da32⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,480x480,1:1,1510732831403.jpg)

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4e1d4e No.21021537

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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