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File: 72f3700d7d4fe1a⋯.png (2.86 MB,2415x1490,483:298,00aa.png)

3cab43 No.21017434 [View All]

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268 posts and 184 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6e6c0e No.21018134


The prick boss takes "working parties", while others shit in the street…

Fucking prick

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40d608 No.21018135


Eat your prunes and carry on

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6e6c0e No.21018137


>it's own reward

No, not really. You that I should give two shots for your "kids"?

Fuck you, too.

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f85c4a No.21018140

File: e1d0f6629c8510a⋯.png (175.58 KB,492x498,82:83,ClipboardImage.png)


kek watching his water

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786072 No.21018142

File: 1358f917e9eb45e⋯.png (677.32 KB,599x750,599:750,Nigawarai.png)

File: c9d28b5f75c38a2⋯.png (134.82 KB,500x632,125:158,ba5320502cf2973cbc2b8e6af9….png)

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6e6c0e No.21018144


>our kids


Wtf, our kids?

This ain't no village, faggot

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786072 No.21018147

File: 8dd1be87b772358⋯.png (605.39 KB,477x477,1:1,r6dxr5e54.png)

File: 5652b6620c9e59a⋯.png (397.45 KB,592x531,592:531,zstdz.png)

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786072 No.21018153

File: 33e61529066723e⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,567x633,189:211,33e61529066723ecd01beb2f39….jpg)

File: caff4c6b5f9b7a0⋯.jpg (209.11 KB,851x876,851:876,caff4c6b5f9b7a0cd3cf709bfd….jpg)

File: 062c20ce212bd26⋯.jpg (72.44 KB,523x821,523:821,062c20ce212bd261fc4fa0c87c….jpg)

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6e6c0e No.21018158


Prunes? You have disposable income for a useless food as prunes? Do you drink prune juice, too, bougie faggot?

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c1fb39 No.21018163


maybe he grows his own plums and makes his own prunes, ever think of that?

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f85c4a No.21018168

File: b2c71ca1767f989⋯.png (95.46 KB,470x669,470:669,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c18a506e846a67⋯.png (17.76 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bead915620c0fcd⋯.png (117.91 KB,470x630,47:63,ClipboardImage.png)


don't usually scrape the 'incognito' account.. but mentions the DDOS again

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6e6c0e No.21018170

File: f8b60b54198c195⋯.jpg (909.67 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240613_110649….jpg)

Watching the water but I can't afford to pay attention!

Behest, though. And, I am, the best, that is.

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40d608 No.21018172


>useless food

useless words

<what's YOUR point

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72477f No.21018176

File: 6bd1fe5fac1b30d⋯.png (443.04 KB,544x387,544:387,holohoax2.png)

File: cf7dbcd869afeae⋯.png (94.47 KB,420x510,14:17,demonized.png)

File: b29ecede708d3ca⋯.jpg (22.65 KB,210x255,14:17,1499083af9f1bf4859c66c9271….jpg)

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c1fb39 No.21018178


his point is to try and make other people feel badly about themselves, is my guess.

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f404ed No.21018180

File: 41cd1192dcffeb9⋯.png (91.09 KB,1200x686,600:343,BEBA2F0C_E52E_4FD6_AE36_52….png)

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6e6c0e No.21018181

Say, again




share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

"the prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family"

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89a2d2 No.21018195

File: 1d8eb27909aa97f⋯.png (104.31 KB,346x338,173:169,Children_of_the_Rainbow.png)

File: bf8e9b2b6d4b818⋯.jpg (25.33 KB,680x404,170:101,BmkVJWa.jpg)

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b63cd4 No.21018200

You raise your children to be like you…

God save America!

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ccef2c No.21018209

File: b7b137e4865808a⋯.png (116.03 KB,251x280,251:280,3f0c67dcd173815b2163f8c15e….png)

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5a6277 No.21018211



Starlink Mission

Started 17 minutes ago

SpaceX is targeting Thursday, June 13 for a Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 6:10 p.m. ET, with opportunities available until 8:30 p.m. ET. If needed, additional opportunities are available on Friday, June 14 starting at 4:35 p.m. ET.



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ca38d5 No.21018215

File: 4494f917850bc01⋯.jpg (1.96 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_40_.jpg)


Point? Punish you for stupidity. Another question?

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ca38d5 No.21018222

File: 1ccbe872ab2e9be⋯.jpg (10.27 KB,170x198,85:99,images_194_.jpg)

File: fa5983a53b257b6⋯.jpg (4.99 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_49_.jpg)

still not lovin' police

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471857 No.21018224

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471857 No.21018232


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16f7b0 No.21018277

File: c544c07ebce725a⋯.png (260.93 KB,1170x630,13:7,IMG_2112.png)

How can a retard look at Garland’s Washington Post Opinion article without giving them an email address?

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899923 No.21018280

File: f5d63cec9114170⋯.jpg (215.22 KB,1023x768,341:256,f5d63cec91141702c9cfbfe9ce….jpg)

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16f7b0 No.21018285

File: 38ee306fa604408⋯.jpeg (245.33 KB,750x1217,750:1217,IMG_1381.jpeg)


Cutlass of Damocles…

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b0cb98 No.21018313

Got two breads going on

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3779f5 No.21018321

File: 5c854e687a99344⋯.jpeg (35.94 KB,700x483,100:69,powerfulniggatry.jpeg)

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c1fb39 No.21018340

why are RedState articles still calling the leader of Ukraine 'President'?

he's a dictator. The should call him that.

He banned the other parties.

He didn't hold the election.

He declared martial law.

He has inscripted all men from 18 to 60.

He is a dictator. Call him a Dictator.

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8575d7 No.21018342


Guess piggy got bored with Insulting Christianity. So he decided to meme an insult to Native American theology.

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c1fb39 No.21018351

Now that the 'petro dollar is no more' how will saudi arabia pay the united states for the mercenary use of our troops?

Can we expect them all to come home now?

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b0cb98 No.21018354


Doesn't speak well for ww3 drafting in America if they tell the truth now does it?




>now go overseas and give them democracy because those evil russians that hacked hillarys bathroom server got sick of NATO and biological warfare being staged in Ukraine after the C-A backed coup a decade prior

>ukraine on fire documentary

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c1fb39 No.21018361



Native American Theology?

the matriarch of a well known family who was a personal friend of mine was a devote Catholic. The children of that group bought into the marxist victimology and tried to resurrect an animist religion.

next thing the head of that group went to prison for bribery concerning something to do with casinos.

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c1fb39 No.21018365


not 'inscripted', conscripted. Sorry.

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36702d No.21018379

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB,791x529,791:529,faggotree.jpg)


How the fuck can you look yourself in the mirror with such pitiful "memes"?

I'm even ashamed to call them memes.

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8575d7 No.21018392


Pig defacing one their prophetic signs, the white Buffalo, by putting a cat face on it. Bad manners. Disrespectful to Native Americans. But it's not surprising because Cat Turd II has shown himself to be retarded like that over and over ad nauseum.

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3779f5 No.21018405

File: a86261e633560c4⋯.png (251.44 KB,374x390,187:195,wait.png)

people actually read mr pig memes?

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37bbb9 No.21018432

File: c55f37d725c0067⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,486x323,486:323,QR_ASS.jpg)


WTF Day Shift

What kind of shit sandwich did you just make for Evening Shift?

qrd please

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2ac4d2 No.21018450

File: 7951dd4e6668100⋯.jpg (24.76 KB,500x505,100:101,Last_Day.jpg)

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37bbb9 No.21018461

r u human?

This is a zombie bread.

"Everybody" still here is a bot I guess.


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2ac4d2 No.21018467

File: ea2decae7a30c04⋯.jpg (85.12 KB,960x956,240:239,Would_last_a_hour_at_Shack….jpg)

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02eb04 No.21018473

File: e32cf994d561129⋯.jpeg (596.96 KB,1167x623,1167:623,1E48EA3D_41E6_4016_B2C8_1….jpeg)

N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and just landed at Palm Beach Intl

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77dcd7 No.21018474

File: d4afb00a386a094⋯.mp4 (14.08 MB,480x854,240:427,2024_01_18_15_37_40.mp4)


>Catholic friends?


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2ac4d2 No.21018475

File: dd0e726559a6f00⋯.png (1.39 MB,768x781,768:781,toys_last_squeak_army_dog.png)

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3779f5 No.21018476

File: f52b817d79449a7⋯.jpeg (16.25 KB,225x225,1:1,beepboop.jpeg)

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02eb04 No.21018484

File: 76ec757f651a680⋯.jpeg (637.29 KB,1208x611,1208:611,BDEF93D7_A2E4_412B_835D_F….jpeg)

SAM044 C40B and JCOS related inbound to JBA (on ground by nao) from Brussels Intl depart

Def. Mins. conference going on and Sec. Def. Austin in attendance

NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

We have endorsed the first-ever NATO-Ukraine elevation cooperation road map,' Secretary General Stoltenberg says after NATO-Ukraine Council of Defence Ministers Session in Brussels


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2ac4d2 No.21018490

File: dd9b14d874fbc0b⋯.jpg (49.75 KB,593x905,593:905,Statue_of_Liberty_last_wor….jpg)

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6e3c12 No.21018491





Bread Lock Imminent

Please Migrate

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