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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

5b91c9 No.21014635 [View All]

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312 posts and 189 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d723df No.21015178

federal agents die fourth.

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ef6ffc No.21015180

File: a41c877154faa51⋯.jpg (141.15 KB,695x500,139:100,Kek_Gums.jpg)



Well that escalated quickly from yesterday.

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a75867 No.21015181

File: 2cd3e409e994cae⋯.jpg (96.33 KB,720x480,3:2,16939540_renaissance_angel….jpg)



That's because you're breaking the 4th wall. You're not supposed to look at the observer, they aren't used to being noticed.

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fa83a4 No.21015182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The battles we now have to fight are nuance and intricate, we need laser like precision of thought to be able to see through the stuff that is influencing us on a day to day basis.

The usual events are borne out of cause and effect, a time old truth known by many in the leverage industry, from media to politicians and spin doctors, but they also know that if you have data on individuals such as big meta data then you know what people are like and also how to use crowd control to manipulate them. It is like chess but with real people as Q says.

On a lower level this is how women control men, they are taught from almost birth that the way to get things is to manipulate the boys and men and women now, and the ultimate lottery ticket is to have a willing slave to do all the heavy lifting whilst ensuring that he serves them with unending devotion and overlooking and making excuses for all the crap behaviour, because i am women and hear me roar, (marriage, memberships, ideologies, religions etc etc) keyword LOVE) this word has been used to start and finish lives ever since language was invented ,

There are things in this world that are so hard to explain. I believe I have gotten to the bottom of almost all things that make us tick but the last subject and the start of chapter 9 of my four red pills thread I am finding the must difficult to begin and yet it is what makes the world go round LOVE.

there are so many facets to this. From personnel, romantic, lust. Passion. Greed. Validation. Patriotic. Ambition.

The word love is so much more. People have died. Betrayed. Stole. Cheated. And killed in the name of this one word. It evokes so many emotions and actions. It can inspire. Defeat. Brings despair or joy. Jealousy , Revenge.

In the right hands it is more powerful than any super power. In the wrong hands it can be used for the most destructive purposes. It is the one thing we all long for but it is a double edged sword. Which can kill a opponent or yourself. Through strength of character or rage.

Thise who use it for leverage can command undying commitment and loyalty or sacrifice of ones own life for another.

I see this as the weapon which is the most deadly used for control and emotional blackmail and bargaining and it is firstly in the firm grasp of women.

Yet men feel and sacrifice it more without even realising it.

So where to begin?

To be continued

This has been the hardest chapter to start or try to quantify.

It is a self control or a control mechanism. It is a yearn. A ache. A everything good bad and destructive .

For now this is a good description of love by banditrants


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35de50 No.21015183


Food Porn is the Internet's original purpose.

Everyone knows that!

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45963c No.21015185


>The Madman comes with all that knowledge.

So damn mad that the knowledge could be stolen like anything else.

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d723df No.21015187


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54c9cd No.21015188

File: 4b0f1103756b907⋯.jpg (3.36 MB,3000x2000,3:2,20240612_033120.jpg)

They are wearing the same pink pants suit

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35de50 No.21015190


The past 3 days of gluttony.

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a75867 No.21015192

File: 20d481107528ecc⋯.png (36.77 KB,680x581,680:581,sick.png)



Probably three times over by now…

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35de50 No.21015193


What are you, twelve?

Lame af

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eeb4f5 No.21015195




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fa83a4 No.21015197


you have never had a original thought in your head.

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d723df No.21015199

thinks it thinks

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d723df No.21015201


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a75867 No.21015204

File: 8e365b54bdac3b4⋯.png (472.68 KB,492x620,123:155,Bric_Dog.PNG)


This society steals everything from us within the first week of berth. Par for the course.

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422570 No.21015205


Why is the spouse Neilia and not Jill?

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35de50 No.21015209


Patriotic American food limerick goes here.mp4

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35de50 No.21015213

File: 1e75ee1697e09d0⋯.png (37.98 KB,617x493,617:493,ClipboardImage.png)


Saving for last…

"Pow, right in the kisser!"

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a75867 No.21015214

File: bdd6684f22221a6⋯.jpg (39.58 KB,800x800,1:1,1fda767286dcf7062f91098905….jpg)

Are you supposed to actually get used to this?

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22d5e6 No.21015215


Why build infrastructure or maintain it.

The country has been sold.

Vultures now circle to devour remnants of carrion.

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22d5e6 No.21015217

I guess I shoulda learnt Russian.

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35de50 No.21015219


You sound superior.

Maybe you can simply kill everyone you don't like?

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fa83a4 No.21015220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





note: right now i am just finding random videos but there will probably be better videos out there which go into better visuals and explanations, plus this is just a first draft of what i believe is the meaning of love !!!

Theory of LOVE ? words and emotions matter, the love making has been changed to sex, and then to take it further down, it has been changed to fcuking, and banging and every other horrible thing that can be attached to it.

Men who have lost faith with marriage as it has been turned into a weapon of a resourced based business and commodity, men have turned into simps and cucks, or sex starved idiots who will lie, cheat and anything to get sex. Porn is everywhere, freely available and the whole world seems to be losing its mind, all negative energy.

Child birth has been violently attacked with birth control, sex, abortion and children have been used as a resource by females who have been propped up by the state, where having a baby guarantees them privileges, divorce courts, men have been used as cash cows and blamed for everything under the sun. Now separated due to the pandemic and sex is made scarce as even if indulged, it is done under fear of being caught, All this imbalances the liquid in a human body and this will effect the children born.


Nikola Tesla and other findings of calm of frequency and water memory?

Music and frequency effect water, water carry's memories, this will include dna and sperm?

1) https://youtu.be/wvJAgrUBF4w ←frequency resonance in sound


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22d5e6 No.21015222


I’m a quick study.

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ad718a No.21015223

File: 1e4f00517e4d1a5⋯.jpeg (185.88 KB,1236x1339,12:13,GP7S3XgXYAAHZYq.jpeg)

File: e7374cffa67b9a2⋯.jpeg (94.11 KB,1460x807,1460:807,GP7YKtsaQAABCiJ.jpeg)

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35de50 No.21015224

File: fc72d0509864609⋯.gif (296.16 KB,400x560,5:7,roller_fun_wee_coaster_pep….gif)


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e8befd No.21015225


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35de50 No.21015229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a75867 No.21015234

File: d012b90616b6a70⋯.png (43.56 KB,1858x893,1858:893,Final.png)


>Maybe you can simply kill everyone you don't like?

If they have committed a crime and I can identify them, prosecution would then be warranted. Have to know who it is and be able to point them out for all to see. Consent of the people and whatnot…

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35de50 No.21015236

File: 885caa64a23a1d7⋯.png (1.98 MB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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9f1fac No.21015238

File: a021cc4f5d9ef1e⋯.png (4.19 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_2083.png)

There’s another one of those weird ticks.

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35de50 No.21015240

File: 387508dd336fe97⋯.mp4 (683.5 KB,640x266,320:133,Blazing_Hanging_House_equa….mp4)


>Consent of the people and whatnot…


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35de50 No.21015242


one kek only

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a75867 No.21015244

File: 16d23931a18e44b⋯.jpg (124.92 KB,1000x780,50:39,Vector_Orient_Logo.jpg)


When even the advertisements have a message.

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ef6ffc No.21015245

File: 8e22c9625f35d5b⋯.png (3.96 MB,1920x1078,960:539,50DCAF13_97DA_4505_8E40_A7….png)

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35de50 No.21015246

Nuking crumbs is forbidden!

>Consent of the people and whatnot…

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a75867 No.21015248

File: ed4bcb331494f42⋯.png (562.71 KB,632x738,316:369,Doot.png)


You can always count on the True White Brother for the dance moves.

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22d5e6 No.21015249

Be the Indigo Child you are.

That’s your purpose, fuckers.

Now shine.

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249b40 No.21015250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef6ffc No.21015254

File: 0547c6ce756320a⋯.gif (78.85 KB,480x320,3:2,IMG_1695.GIF)

File: 7b43a249e2783d8⋯.jpeg (135.34 KB,531x800,531:800,760C49EE_39FF_4361_8D01_6….JPEG)

File: c0933b3b4636d30⋯.gif (437.25 KB,480x360,4:3,IMG_1697.GIF)

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249b40 No.21015255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45963c No.21015257


>This society steals everything from us within the first week of berth. Par for the course.

That is why I posted the alien memes, they have attempted to copy and paste themselves and tried to blame this failure on someone else, this is where everyone fucked up because these are the crimes that nobody could ever defend.

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35de50 No.21015258

File: cd6a09d366b255d⋯.mp4 (15.69 MB,480x268,120:67,VACCINE_YOU_GET_TO_DECIDE.mp4)


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57bcd8 No.21015260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57bcd8 No.21015261

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c87f57 No.21015262

File: fd18529bf8b57eb⋯.png (108.02 KB,603x843,201:281,ClipboardImage.png)


Willis hopefully going down soon

BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled against Fani Willis and the corrupt judge in the Young Thug trial where Attorney Brian Steel discovered a plot by Willis and the judge to intimidate witnesses

Willis isn't just corrupt with the Trump case, she's corrupt all around

Steel was held in contempt of court by the judge after revealing he knew what they were planning and the GA Supreme Court just stepped in to stop him from going to jail


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21b328 No.21015263


just locked this bread due to heavy shill activity.

will open it in a few minutes to let anons with Proto to find their Proto credentials, then turn Proto on.

Bakers can request Proto creds from BO.

Don't bake another bread, I will bake one after Proto is turned.

more info forthcoming….


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21b328 No.21015266

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21b328 No.21015290






proto is ON for the moment, please use it to post until it is turned off.

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