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File: bd971873a80955b⋯.png (79.12 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

f854ff No.21006944 [View All]

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701 posts and 579 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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11c802 No.21007687

File: bd32ca4ec88e82e⋯.png (8.99 KB,919x42,919:42,7A1A1B5B_F08A_4576_B00B_EE….png)

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64c517 No.21007688

In the year 2100, Mega-City Two, on the West Coast of North America, becomes infected with the virus 2T(fru)T (a play on tutti frutti), which drives people violently insane before a painful death. Scientists in Mega-City One manage to develop a vaccine, but authorities find it impossible to safely land at Mega-City Two's airports. The only option is to send a land expedition of Judges across the "Cursed Earth"–the remnant of Middle America that multiple nuclear (and conventional) wars have reduced to a barren wasteland.

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d8f1f1 No.21007689

File: db48a6c48d268fe⋯.jpeg (317.52 KB,1478x1043,1478:1043,IMG_1897.jpeg)


Can’t chicken without a license.

Makes sense.

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019e7d No.21007690

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. MTG Explains Why The U.S. Owes $0 To NATO

(I can't listen to her voice, maybe there are some anons here that can report on this. I live in GA, I love the Southern Accent, always have since I got here in 1990, jsyk)



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953a8a No.21007691

File: c19d76cf7e06a69⋯.png (436.38 KB,806x1136,403:568,moon_man.png)


sensible policies

if that's islam, then let's allah up

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c2f77e No.21007692


ha ha ha, the UK is clown central

in the UK you need a license to watch tv and now your chickens need ID

top kekkies!

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0a796c No.21007693

File: fe6423529bafd66⋯.png (276.84 KB,674x465,674:465,ClipboardImage.png)


You're sheltering chickens under the floor boards aren't you?

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336c7c No.21007694

Learn to pronounce com·mut·er



a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.

"the company provides showers and lockers for bicycle commuters"

synonyms: daily traveler, traveler, passenger, straphanger, suburbanite

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80d902 No.21007695



#25762 >>21006959

>>21006996 Steve Bannon on Tucker: Responds to Being Ordered to Prison

>>21007020, >>21007088 King Charles' first official portrait since his coronation has been vandalised by an animal rights group

>>21007021, >>21007029 Mystery of private jet that vanished on cold, snowy night in 1971 with five people on board is finally solved

>>21007046, >>21007103 Jimmy Carter dog comms

>>21007049 Four campaign workers in Connecticut charged with mishandling absentee ballots

>>21007065 Judith Butler, the ‘Godmother Of Queer Theory’ Admits Her Work Champions Pedophilia And Turning Kids Gay

>>21007066, >>21007077, >>21007099 Who are the Partners of the NGO which Compiled the Enemies of Ukraine List?

>>21007082 ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman trending toward landslide loss to NY Dem rival George Latimer

>>21007084 Israel lobby funded a quarter of British MPs

>>21007124, >>21007208 A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

>>21007143 But Hunter got high

>>21007145 US Wants To Create 'Hellscape' Of Drones If China Attacks Taiwan

>>21007151 PF: CONUS activity

>>21007265 Eric Trump: Trump doesn't have a liquor license, or is an officer / director of any entity that holds a liquor license in NJ

>>21007274 NORTHCOM and NORAD are on alert

>>21007277 Elizabeth Warren has asked the Fed to cut rates tomorrow

>>21007296 JPMorgan Risk Swap Ends Up at a Familiar Place: Rival Banks

>>21007311, >>21007321 How was Capone put away?

>>21007335 Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology

>>21007358 General Milley was in direct communication with Susan Rice (Obama's National Security Advisor) in the leadup to Jan 6

>>21007337, >>21007372 Gamestop now has over $4+ billion in cash

>>21007368 Bensman: There's An Uprising Among European Populations Over Illegal Immigration

>>21007369 Planned Parenthood caught on video admitting to trafficking minors to other states for abortions without parental consent

>>21007383 Washington teens arrested for scuffing Pride crosswalk with scooters could face 5 years behind bars

>>21007398 The middle schooler whose speech was too patriotic isn't allowed back to school next year along with his sisters

>>21007407, >>21007504, >>21007682 Do you believe in coincidences? Tomorrow's delta is Qpost with image (Q gun) named 6_11, which is day Hunter sentenced for gun crimes

>>21007433 AG Paxton: Today we received a major victory against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education re: transgender policies

>>21006980, >>21007040, >>21007068 (You), >>21007341 Memes


>>21007469 Joe Biden in less than a minute - Count the Lies


>>21007521 Gov. Andrew Cuomo to be grilled on COVID nursing home blunders days after Republicans slammed Dr. Fauci for 'lying' about masking and social distancing

>>21007542 Trump-backed Nancy Mace wins South Carolina first congressional district primary over Kevin McCarthy-backed challenger

>>21007545 'STUPID AMOUNTS OF MONEY’: State Department Official Admits 'Mistakes' in Ukraine

>>21007555 @KenPaxtonTX 🚨 NEW: We have reached a landmark settlement with Johnson & Johnson

>>21007569 Obama signs steel beam installed on top of presidential center

>>21007578 @DonaldJTrumpJr They're mad because no one is buying their bullshit anymore!

>>21007587 Nadler received donation from former domestic terrorist in months following Jan. 6

>>21007615 Hunter Biden is a red herring. The real person of interest in the Ukraine bribery/laundering is the Big Guy.

>>21007635 Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to ensure that voter rolls are constantly updated and accurate

>>21007662 Australian Senate Launches Major Inquiry into Soaring Deaths Among Vaxxed

>>21007669 ITS HAPPENING: The UK forcing the registering of all backyard Chickens


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03ccbd No.21007696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


War Castles - Military Insider :Robert-Leroy: Horton - [Updated Version]

TR3B News




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2f120f No.21007697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c2f77e No.21007698


kek, that's a good one

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a5d59d No.21007699

File: e79c24bf8177a5e⋯.png (324.31 KB,418x633,418:633,Hamas.png)


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e4c56c No.21007700

File: 32cd1455abd6832⋯.png (651.71 KB,500x693,500:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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64c517 No.21007701

File: 7e8950a50beb177⋯.mp4 (2 MB,480x360,4:3,Trump_Wings.mp4)

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8fb08d No.21007702

File: 97d13611a608179⋯.png (303.37 KB,706x633,706:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b132f No.21007703

File: 1350cff7089bf01⋯.png (171.65 KB,490x301,70:43,ClipboardImage.png)


Terror ism

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953a8a No.21007704

File: 07cfa56cb45ff2b⋯.png (534.54 KB,651x753,217:251,ClipboardImage.png)


so, politically speaking, jews think this is evil, correct?

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40fdfb No.21007705


Gotta fill-out another form or register with another website to obtain your rights.

The government sickness is everywhere.

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5d907b No.21007706

no one talks about Aaron Swartz anymore

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2aec41 No.21007707

File: fd8cc91b6bfb218⋯.jpg (101.82 KB,784x439,784:439,CHICKEN_OR_PIG.jpg)

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53d823 No.21007710

File: 9ae2557f1afbea9⋯.png (133.26 KB,766x1474,383:737,1487.png)


Alot of people posting this drop on Twitter tonight. Delta for tomorrow:

THIS BOARD in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.


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761dd2 No.21007711

File: 050f5e5f32f0da0⋯.png (5.03 KB,271x186,271:186,ClipboardImage.png)


Couldnt happen to a nicer pedo

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284934 No.21007713


A person can be pardoned before even being charged.

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e948ac No.21007715


Who do you trust? 99% worship Satan.

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869d14 No.21007717

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953a8a No.21007718

File: 3e99de62b16866c⋯.png (409.99 KB,588x587,588:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a92e0039b87ac1b⋯.png (375.94 KB,568x717,568:717,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd3bbd71ac84af2⋯.png (600.52 KB,715x1024,715:1024,ClipboardImage.png)




no way anyone is that dumb

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a0d9e3 No.21007719


Some Anons I meetup with in DC and talked to on J6 haven't talked to me since because I had told them that Pence was a "good" man.

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a4bb10 No.21007721

File: 17a831a078b82f7⋯.mp4 (9.29 MB,576x1024,9:16,fcb8f13dcb39747c6e80f283d4….mp4)



use their bullshit to fight their bullshit


psa icymi

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03ccbd No.21007722


[same-vid-as] this post. >>21007696



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80d902 No.21007723

File: 6920d09f13b35e3⋯.png (1.15 MB,680x652,170:163,6920d09f13b35e3b31dcc0fe7a….png)

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953a8a No.21007724


"transmit at 2047 volts"

those are science words but they don't really connect in that way

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a5c492 No.21007725

File: 05a15c0b614e968⋯.jpeg (347.27 KB,749x1016,749:1016,4BC6EBBE_EFA9_4522_9EF2_2….jpeg)


Who’s monitoring? The chicken police?

Same as hose pipe ban police & tv detector police . Some just say no . Likelihood of local bobbys getting out from under the mountain of box ticking and form filing out next to zero . Kek

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e4c56c No.21007726


Look at Israelis and every other jihadis they created. They learned that irrational hate is more useful.

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bb0771 No.21007727

File: 3cf42ff7157457d⋯.png (1.64 MB,1920x1080,16:9,GWB.png)

File: adb5ed18c61b5e5⋯.png (928.14 KB,993x702,331:234,bush_funeral.png)

File: 8b6bf9b25356d8a⋯.png (97.55 KB,653x746,653:746,Bush_SA.png)


optics Anon.

they focused the cameras on those envelopes for a reason.

some got them, some did not.

some shared the content

some did not.

some may have different content

some may not.

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ec5551 No.21007729

File: e36dfb1b340d473⋯.jpeg (249.3 KB,990x1500,33:50,IMG_0583.jpeg)


my dog identifies as a chicken

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80d902 No.21007730

File: 341d256d2fc3c32⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,720x500,36:25,341d256d2fc3c320b3a39d8cf6….jpg)

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)

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4b132f No.21007734

File: 1d8e9688646d1d7⋯.jpg (62.2 KB,960x720,4:3,c1fb317d263b2be5e497eeff7d….jpg)

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a5c492 No.21007735

File: a069d9065ba4bea⋯.jpeg (77.69 KB,657x255,219:85,18430266_825C_4EAB_AC5E_4….jpeg)

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019e7d No.21007737

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boyle: Europeans' Revolt Against Immigration Foreshadows President Trump's Victory In NovemberI love this guy, him and Bannon at Breitbart waged war on the left in 2015 and 2016 to get Trump elected.



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a0d9e3 No.21007738

File: 4d5ba11687bd922⋯.png (28.67 KB,543x329,543:329,ClipboardImage.png)


>They're mad because no one is buying their bullshit anymore!



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e73772 No.21007740

File: c7f98efc6e30c62⋯.png (59.43 KB,702x435,234:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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10de1d No.21007741


NO ONE knows what was in those envelopes!

Except the recipients.

Could be directions to the berevement dinner location.

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6ce4ed No.21007742


why did Q post gun upside down, easily couldve made post with gun right side up

must be something to that

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40ac45 No.21007743



antichrist incoming

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80d902 No.21007744

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03ccbd No.21007745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TR3B captures cabal member with tractor beam and then does hyper jump


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9d90c4 No.21007747

File: 75cbd012731ae90⋯.jpeg (560.55 KB,743x1046,743:1046,21F3361F_5067_4D39_A51B_9….jpeg)

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bb0771 No.21007748

File: 58181a03aa7e3fa⋯.png (41.72 KB,559x470,559:470,ClipboardImage.png)


No. 100

Look at the date

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bc118e No.21007750

File: 2e6d14964c9874b⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,255x223,255:223,2e6d14964c9874b7ab89713450….jpg)

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