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File: a1aeb09cd8401da⋯.png (34 KB,255x144,85:48,a1aeb09cd8401dad1128975774….png)

e5819c No.21005207 [View All]

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59eb5d No.21006029

File: f9049889e740850⋯.png (558.08 KB,920x518,460:259,ClipboardImage.png)



>>>>>>>Shrine locations map for Lookout Landing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Popla Foothills region is where you’ll find the Popla Foothills Skyview Tower, the Faron Grasslands, and the Highland and Lakeside Stables.

There are eight shrines in the Popla Foothills region.

En-oma Shrine (0104, -2517, -0087)

Ishokin Shrine (-0562, -3524, 0129)

Jiukoum Shrine (0867, -2280, 0141)

Jochisiu Shrine (0931, -1902, 0030)

Joju-u-u Shrine (1516, -3576, 0142)

Susub Shrine (0348, -2050, -0026)

Utojis Shrine (1217, -2542, 0096)

Utsushok Shrine (0669, -3358, 0072)

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47963f No.21006032

File: 689009114f2bee0⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB,576x624,12:13,IMG_0122.MP4)



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fb36c8 No.21006035

Mr. Biden: It's time once again to do what I did when I was a senator. Ban assault weapons. I mean it. Who in God's name needs a magazine that can hold two hundred shells?

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9f775b No.21006038

File: f95911d4daeaa4b⋯.jpg (43.37 KB,1200x675,16:9,matthew_j_platkin_33937227….jpg)


>Matthew Platkin

Heres the re-tard

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d6f368 No.21006039

File: 122c771c63c38ff⋯.png (4.39 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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629b17 No.21006040


ffs, Tucker throwing down the 22 comms…

bring it already

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99cf54 No.21006042

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5d14a1 No.21006043

File: 8de1ceb1fe49c4b⋯.png (838.7 KB,1206x794,603:397,epstein_white_house.png)


Six men have been arrested in the Netherlands following the discovery of seven shipping containers converted into cells and torture chambers.

7 July 2020

Inside the containers was a dentist chair with straps and handcuffs.

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c6fc46 No.21006044

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603c53 No.21006045

File: 86276b7f69cd5c4⋯.png (139.61 KB,516x466,258:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb36c8 No.21006046

Mr. Biden: The only industry in America that has immunity are gun dealers. We got to end it. End it now.

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936026 No.21006047


I would have found him not guilty because the form violated his 2A.

No infringements

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caf6f6 No.21006048

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59834c No.21006049


When Trump Get's back in the WH

Those 22 Million will flee to Canada

Hope Canadians are ready for an Invasion

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1f62d9 No.21006050


Nobody gives a fuck about NASA

Shill baker puts it notables every single day though.

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0dfe31 No.21006051



> throw Pedo Peter under the bus?

FIB will just say he's a harmless dotard and not prosecute because no jury will convict.

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629b17 No.21006052


Kabbalist spouting elevens and twenty-twos

TC = Ultra Faggot

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9fb62f No.21006053

File: 2c709dc96f04c11⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,640x360,16:9,BIDEN_FROZEN_1718064824134.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


There's so much to unpack here.Bearded dude in a dress. Biden's frightening smile and frozen face. Doug Emhoff is worried about something. And Kamala is just grooving.


RNC Research

11:51 AM · Jun 11, 2024



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47963f No.21006054

File: e106922b7cffa60⋯.jpg (158.43 KB,1280x1211,1280:1211,photo_2024_06_11_08_04_26.jpg)



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936026 No.21006055


It’s not what happens to Hunter which is of interest.

It’s what did Trump and Q focus on Hunter: WHERE’s Hunter

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629b17 No.21006057


Doug is worried about his butthole

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59eb5d No.21006058

File: 6ea980075d7d394⋯.png (684.27 KB,920x518,460:259,ClipboardImage.png)



>>>>>>>>Shrine locations map for Lookout Landing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Rabella Wetlands region is where you’ll find the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower, East Necluda, and Lurelin Village.

There are four shrines in the Rabella Wetlands region.

Bamitok Shrine (3094, -3209, 0082)

Marari-In Shrine (4632, -3712, 0018)

Sifumim Shrine (2826, -3271, 0078)

Tokiy Shrine (2304, -2377, -0028)

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d6f368 No.21006060

File: e343a16d1fb3416⋯.png (1019.89 KB,1024x836,256:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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4260b1 No.21006061



Why link the shill an not President Trump?

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fb36c8 No.21006062

Mr. Biden: And by the way, if they want to think it's to take out government [gun rights] if we get out of line, which they're talking again about, guess what, they need F-15s, they don't need a rifle.

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47963f No.21006063

File: 4a3c43a06a8e6e4⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,1280x644,320:161,photo_2024_06_11_08_04_29.jpg)



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59eb5d No.21006065

File: 9b389babbdb9cd2⋯.png (744.84 KB,920x518,460:259,ClipboardImage.png)



>>>>>>>>>Shrine locations map for Lookout Landing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Mount Lanayru region is where you’ll find the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower and Hateno Village.

There are six shrines in the Mount Lanayru region.

Anedamimik Shrine (4231, -2178, -0012)

Jikais Shrine (4266, -1674, 0182)

Jogou Shrine (3346, -1188, 0057)

Mayahisik Shrine (3730, -2057, 0189)

Zakusu Shrine (3527, -1481, 0168)

Zanmik Shrine (3469, -2180, 0148)

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47963f No.21006066

File: 20f9eb9ff874435⋯.jpg (116.09 KB,978x1280,489:640,photo_2024_06_11_08_33_38.jpg)



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22a605 No.21006070



Isn't that about the distance from the Florida Keys to the N coast of Cuba?

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3c4a57 No.21006071


anon calls bs that Bidon actually wrote this.

If it was potato, make him read it live! If he can get through any sentence without dropping a deuce in his diapers, then anon is convinced.

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caf6f6 No.21006072

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687963 No.21006074

File: 1edf1be353f6724⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,972x1353,324:451,FpaKy_CWYAEwXid.jpg)

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1f4fb2 No.21006075


Neutral principals ultimately nullifies the constitution.

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9fb62f No.21006076

File: 76917400978a236⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,640x360,16:9,BIDANCAN_TCLAP_com_1718131….mp4)


Citizen Free Press


Joe Biden's face of absolute horror as he tries to clap along.

From The Maine Wire 11:54 AM · Jun 11, 2024



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d6f368 No.21006077

File: 2fdf92f1e2506d5⋯.png (917.29 KB,995x948,995:948,ClipboardImage.png)

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67d4ca No.21006080


>>21005496 Hunter's Laptop was entered into evidence.

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629b17 No.21006081

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1f62d9 No.21006083


Nobody gives a fuck about NASA

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1f62d9 No.21006085


Nobody gives a fuck about NASA

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47963f No.21006086

File: ab197efb44418f4⋯.jpg (102.8 KB,981x1280,981:1280,photo_2024_06_11_09_20_10.jpg)



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687963 No.21006087

File: 7672cd4dc966bc0⋯.jpg (89.64 KB,960x960,1:1,1f1777a2f8aa7d33a295658c9b….jpg)

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67d4ca No.21006089


it's a "Q ship"

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1f62d9 No.21006091


Nobody gives a fuck about NASA

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1f62d9 No.21006094


Nobody gives a fuck about NASA

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005492 No.21006095


Well, that's a relief. It's about time he shut up.

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9b8255 No.21006097

File: edbefb0fe8881ca⋯.png (294.58 KB,767x564,767:564,FEE28D95_E3B5_46DF_BA70_14….png)

Yet you keep replying to it

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b9a2e8 No.21006098


FDR put coal miners under martial law during his WW

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936026 No.21006099


Miller is wrong . It’s a coverup for Obama, Soros and DS

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e9de9e No.21006100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump RIPS Joe Biden In Vegas!


130K subscribers


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198a4a No.21006101

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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