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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

8d3283 No.20995160 [View All]

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701 posts and 388 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fa7723 No.20995957


Yeah maybe his mask was coming off from the heat.

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b6deb2 No.20995958


Spare me yer bullshit script reader

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f98b85 No.20995959

File: d5ef5f94747fdc7⋯.jpg (421.36 KB,531x1339,531:1339,Big_Mike_Tiffany_Muscles_O….jpg)


Has Big Mike done something new with his hairdo?

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315531 No.20995961

Watch these IOF colonizers show off how they STOLE $29 million from Gaza!!


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905781 No.20995962

File: 8e5fee11357956e⋯.png (15.36 KB,1077x279,359:93,shills_whine_04092020.png)

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e89709 No.20995963

File: 76c9a1c6f2c4034⋯.png (32.85 KB,397x461,397:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99300443317c6e3⋯.png (140.76 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f97956d139f295⋯.png (325.66 KB,905x528,905:528,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 401ecb92ae31be6⋯.png (65.13 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 584f82dd010bb6e⋯.png (34.53 KB,356x449,356:449,ClipboardImage.png)

media server under attack..

literally nothing to see here!

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7412fe No.20995964

File: 82ff00e589419bc⋯.png (1.16 MB,693x937,693:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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b79458 No.20995965

File: 5f915691057a048⋯.png (2.96 MB,1707x960,569:320,ClipboardImage.png)


good to release the pain.

do not ever be afraid of loss.

it is like a bereavement.

but all you can do is your best with honour and integrity.

Do not self destruct, you have the lords work to do, it is not over yet.

We are on a mission from God.

Invictus poem written by William Ernest Henley in 1875,

see meme


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27f8c5 No.20995966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is crazy. Can they not resist this stupid shit? I liked marshmellow. :(

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71bdee No.20995967

File: 1befbd5d4d3603a⋯.png (529.54 KB,797x495,797:495,1befbd5d4d3603a17da140f9e9….png)

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7e85e3 No.20995968


He either tossed a page or it blew away during "The Snake". Then he ad libbed a lot of it and finally came back to the poem at the end. Then, yes, the last line was backward. On purpose?

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496903 No.20995969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f31d5d No.20995970

File: ce74bdbb5252da8⋯.jpg (53.29 KB,500x815,100:163,MAGA_Black_Ops_1_.jpg)

File: 4db6bcc4640ab50⋯.png (1018.42 KB,1080x1075,216:215,Screenshot_20240609_091111….png)

Trump's Third Term Is Coming Soon

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a0452c No.20995971


>Le Pen


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7ec721 No.20995972


I hate to say it but I feel like the boss is going to pull Tulsi Gabbard out of the hat and shock everyone.

Pros and cons are there but it would be a shocker.

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fa7723 No.20995973

File: 9509d89fd9ee827⋯.png (461.14 KB,771x400,771:400,cap_adjust.png)


He adjusted it as they sang happy birthday too.

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e91473 No.20995974

File: 5d2f53a319e2783⋯.png (47.89 KB,1378x473,1378:473,cn.PNG)

File: 347e509a58f4b97⋯.png (1.01 MB,637x854,91:122,france_vest.PNG)


France's Macron calls for snap election

after losing big to the far right in EU vote

CNBC, by Katrina Bishop

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/9/2024 5:29:34 PM

French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday said he would dissolve the country's parliament and call for a new legislative nationwide vote after suffering a heavy defeat at EU elections. The shock announcement came after exit polls published by public broadcaster France TV indicated that Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National, or RN) is set to win around 31.5% of the vote, compared to 15.2% for Macron's Renaissance party. "I will … not be able, at the end of this day, to act as if nothing had happened," Macron said in a TV address, according to a translation by CNBC.

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26e13a No.20995975

wide gap toothed grin

is also body double trump

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e46e09 No.20995976

File: d5aaff7a8b4b60c⋯.png (434.81 KB,836x531,836:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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71bdee No.20995977

File: ffc0eec8b5fb04a⋯.png (3.77 MB,2361x1718,2361:1718,TrumpIsBatman.png)

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df6462 No.20995978


Well, If there were ever a time to leave the club

Now the let in the Pedophiles & Satanists


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19f958 No.20995979

File: 575bc135216133e⋯.png (2.66 MB,1850x1342,925:671,big_mike.png)

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e89377 No.20995980


>Spare me yer bullshit script reader

Whoops, i forgot where I parked my car.

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f98b85 No.20995981



The fuck?

Is The Plan™️ is a scam?

"Lock her up" was just a catch phrase too huh Q.

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8b3490 No.20995982

File: e70ee0369897a81⋯.png (424.61 KB,844x741,844:741,1676734171957779.png)

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924dd2 No.20995983



baker, trying to support you

but many of your notes do not reflect what anons consider notable

ery little actual news, only material related to Trump or Q


If not, you are not suited to bake.

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f98b85 No.20995984


I meme and generally shit the place up a bit.


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af8ef5 No.20995985


Stormy Daniels Slams Speculation She’s Part Of NXIVM Sex Cult: It’s A ‘Terrible Conspiracy Theory’

Now this is wild! Stormi Daniels is on the defense after online conspirators claimed she was a branded member of a sex cult, NXIVM! Now, she's viciously denying the claim and her reasoning is quite interesting…


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e91473 No.20995986

File: 65d0c0f6b276925⋯.png (729.52 KB,671x714,671:714,vet.PNG)


Federal Prosecutors Charge Gang Members

in Chicago Veteran’s Murder After State

Attorney Kim Foxx Refused

Breitbart Crime, by Amy Furr

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/9/2024 5:08:40 PM

Federal prosecutors have taken on a case regarding the 2021 murder of a National Guardsman in Chicago after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office refused to charge a gang member in the killing. The victim in the case is identified as 19-year-old National Guardsman Chrys Carvajal, who was spending time with his family in 2021 for Fourth of July celebrations on the city’s Northwest Side, CWB Chicago reported Saturday. An image shows the young victim: [Tweet] Law enforcement asked for charges to be brought in the case, but prosecutors claimed there was insufficient evidence to do so and said the officers needed to have more proof.

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e89709 No.20995987





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924dd2 No.20995988


*if not reporting news….

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71bdee No.20995989

File: 89f5185f266b2b1⋯.jpg (92.83 KB,600x562,300:281,Fishing_Is_Fun.jpg)

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41f076 No.20995990





we are 7 years in, have you faggots not figured this all out by now

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d3bb99 No.20995991


Let the shills bake then

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f31d5d No.20995992

File: a51e8f13bdb80d8⋯.png (728.63 KB,1080x1057,1080:1057,Screenshot_20240608_152957….png)

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d60b22 No.20995993



it was like 150 degrees on that stage and you expect him to be perfect

you sorry ass cunts would have been dilating and seething

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96d957 No.20995994

File: 14d8e2ff2b06594⋯.jpg (47.08 KB,629x634,629:634,media_F8hQukBXIAEoLR0.jpg)

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b89ea0 No.20995995

File: 47a5051d1aa7bc7⋯.png (1.39 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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eafdaa No.20995996


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444539 No.20995997


oh yeah, guess what! you have that all over the fucking planet!

>You are dumb as all Hell…. Moran…

it makes no sense talking to you, first of all you are insulting and second you always try to generalize everything and everyone. That's not very productive. But don't worry, same people like you are running around in Europe thinking Americans are all retarded and uneducated idiots who can't even speak a foreign language because they barely speak their mother tonge, imagine… how does that make you feel?

Zactly! You have this kind of people and that kind of people also in your own country…

I really recommend to travel a bit and make up your own mind!

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146ae9 No.20995998

File: 73314d8b4228ea8⋯.jpeg (142.86 KB,1000x800,5:4,73314d8b4228ea815723da7b6….jpeg)

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f98b85 No.20995999


Inb4 she turns 180 degress once elected.

Another Meloni? Better not be.

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f6aa18 No.20996000



>Jesus Christ was fucking PISSed at his apostles most of the time because they were stupid fucks (at the time) that couldn't piece together even the most basic of clues. We are no different and are even more clueless.

Jesus' apostles were literally children and he referred to them as such, according to the original Greek.

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b79458 No.20996001


why.? looks good..

especially during rally.

the only other thing of note was the macron decision..

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fa7723 No.20996003


He usually is perfect. I'm just trying to see behind the curtain is all.

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58ad04 No.20996005

File: 898b51affe3a3af⋯.png (640.32 KB,709x710,709:710,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN not taking it well

Far-Right gains rock European politics

French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved his country’s parliament and called snap elections after an EU exit poll showed a historic surge for the French far-right.

Exit polls have showed gains for far-right parties in Germany and Austria, as three days of voting wrapped Sunday across the EU’s 27 member states.

But the mainstream center-right European People’s Party (EPP) is predicted to remain the largest political grouping in Brussels, and its leader has promised to guard against extremes “from left and right.”

The vote, one of the world’s largest democratic exercises, comes at a pivotal moment for the EU, which is grappling with issues ranging from the wars in Ukraine and Gaza to immigration and climate change.


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394ba0 No.20996007


Keep swimming with Sharks please.

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00e1cc No.20996009

File: 62f2f248f1ea322⋯.jpg (35.92 KB,234x362,117:181,4b7a22f05afaf8bd14df37d586….jpg)


Is that a real life dekub scrub?

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d3bb99 No.20996011

His teleprompter was messed up again, pissed him off

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00e1cc No.20996013

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