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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

3ab2d7 No.20991829 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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701 posts and 370 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8df09a No.20992624

File: 6dad5ee2be9304e⋯.png (766.71 KB,606x606,1:1,Barry_and_Big_Mike_01.PNG)

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9ac9d3 No.20992625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8c8414 No.20992626

seems like time for adults and common sense.

The children fucking play 18 hrs a day.

Aye Governor Can you get me a few million more PCR test kits from the Germ Cult?

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b5c3f3 No.20992627

File: 9e09ef122c3e980⋯.png (1.75 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Bread is in the oven.

Updated internationals.

Can you collect?

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60d480 No.20992628


No I did not read the board.

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cdf1f9 No.20992631

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fe4616 No.20992632

File: 3c7e037b2de44bc⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,500x375,4:3,3c7e037b2de44bc82839772a4e….jpg)



on it

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60d480 No.20992634


Only Less than 10 can verify Q.

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eab65e No.20992635


It’s okay anon

I’m killing it in all the ways that matter

And some weird indescribable force is pulling me forward and the easiest way has been to give in to the trust fall

And then when the shit goes really really good you’re like… I knew it. (Even tho you doubted so hard) kek

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b5c3f3 No.20992636

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9ac9d3 No.20992637

Can see all recent testies!


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047d2c No.20992638



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e3f2fc No.20992639


The mightier you are, the mightier you will be judged. Define: My people.

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60d480 No.20992640


That makes no sense. Unless you are anti-PHIL.

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728b56 No.20992641

File: 4d4936ccebd165f⋯.png (136.49 KB,370x214,185:107,4d4936ccebd165f12de78caa81….png)

Hebrews 13:2 KJV

What are the chances on this board?

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60d480 No.20992642

These people are stupid.

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b5c3f3 No.20992643


I just refreshed…

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8df09a No.20992644

File: 37cf5512d7d5d2b⋯.gif (240.44 KB,259x400,259:400,IMG_1717.gif)

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fe4616 No.20992645


uh huh


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9ac9d3 No.20992646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c8414 No.20992647

did you get some of those JohnsHopskins Swabs? Did you sign something first?

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fe4616 No.20992648


>Even tho you doubted so hard


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e3f2fc No.20992650


Wages are always due.

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fe4616 No.20992651


shit, i though you meant


>South Africa #13


>Canada #59




> Japan/Nihon #23

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60d480 No.20992652


Jesus Christ saved my Life.

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60d480 No.20992653


1Jo 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

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b5c3f3 No.20992655


I've updated Japan twice now.

It's like we keep traveling back in time…

Maybe it doesn't need to be in the dough?!

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f73039 No.20992656

Observe, Gentlemen…


the fucked.

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fe4616 No.20992657

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e3f2fc No.20992659


What is more important in life except saving lives? Actions and inactions.

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60d480 No.20992660

File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)


It will only work if the QR bread banner is correct.

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e3f2fc No.20992664


Then testify.

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859ca1 No.20992665

hubris is all you know.

it is your death.

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60d480 No.20992666


Jhn 15:13 - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

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9ac9d3 No.20992667

Working hard to remove those hooks

don't struggle

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e3f2fc No.20992669


>hubris is all you know.

>it is your death.

hubris is the only word you know

it is your life.

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332b5e No.20992670


>Who taught humans how to make weapons?

a meat lover?

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fe4616 No.20992671




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60d480 No.20992673

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e3f2fc No.20992674


Verily true. For a man that sees himself in another life is more than himself.

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60d480 No.20992675


Your carnal imagine will slay you.

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60d480 No.20992678

You think your life is flesh and blood? Think again.

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60d480 No.20992679

"Stormy Weather"

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b5c3f3 No.20992684

File: e3db7122f7286c4⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Almost 50 posts in 2 hours you sure know a lot.

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60d480 No.20992685

File: b53c5d3128ec8ee⋯.png (983.16 KB,1273x806,1273:806,1956.png)

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60d480 No.20992689


You don't care….

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78a9c5 No.20992691

Operator1 is active.

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b5c3f3 No.20992692

File: 74438ccdaeaaa10⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,407x600,407:600,1715476238636584.jpg)

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e3f2fc No.20992693


To bear the cross for others is the way, not the life but for the life.

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28c153 No.20992694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Austin Powers - fook me and fook yu


1.5K subscribers

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