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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB,1748x938,874:469,_WWG1WGA_.jpg)

cdcf61 No.20984400 [View All]

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56d1f0 No.20985126

Part A isfinal


#25736A >>20984403

>>20984405 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20984422 Blind Subservience To "Patriotism" Has Destroyed America

>>20984426 RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.

>>20984428, >>20984584 PF Global Hawk up out of DC area is cruising along Mexico border after doing it's best to avoid flying over land

>>20984437 The new Miss Maryland USA is a man

>>20984439 Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back


>>20984458 Novara REACTS To 7-Party General Election BBC Debate

>>20984463 Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans

>>20984466 Justice Clarence Thomas formally reports trip to Bali paid for by conservative donor

>>20984468 @Snowden Looking forward to this! Q3785 Looking Forward to that flood Sir!

>>20984477 PF Conus activity: Four E-6 Mercury - two R135 SIGINT - one E3TF AWACS

>>20984486 Beyoncé gave concert tickets to Ketanji Brown Jackson & Justices Book Deals

>>20984500 transgender who shot six people to death at a Nashville Christian school, left behind notes allegedly focused on her “imaginary penis”

>>20984501, >>20984505, >>20984945, >>20985060 POTUS: JOIN TODAY! https://trumpforce47.com/

>>20984508 The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump Victor Davis Hanson

>>20984513 New Filing by Lake and Finchem: 2020 and 2022 Elections in Maricopa “No More Reliable than a Ouija Board”

>>20984516 USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

>>20984544 Finland becomes first country in the world to offer Bird Flu vaccines to humans

>>20984419, >>20984551 Tucker Carlson: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

>>20984563 Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views

>>20984579 Former Senior Executive at Chinatown Bank Sentenced to 3 Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling More Than $700,000 From Employer

>>20984585, >>20984590 Judgements on Covid and PPP Fraud Schemes

>>20984605, >>20984945, >>20984968 How to inspire people to show interest in your failing business

>>20984623, >>20984669 @WarRoom John Solomon On FBI Protecting Biden Family, Necessity To Enlist MAGA In Local And State Elections

>>20984648, 20984528 '97 SCOTUS 9-0 decision: Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void - anon bun

>>20984690 more PF: SAMs,PAT, and Navy G5s to JBA-Trudope to Calgary

>>20984703 DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans

>>20984749 New Emerson Poll — Trump leads Biden 44-38 with all candidates included

>>20984773 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K

>>20984792, >>20984798 TURLEY: Garland’s Moment of Truth: With the Perjury Referral, the Attorney General Faces a Clear Choice Between Principle and Politics

>>20984815, >>20984866, >>20984985, >>20985035, >>20985036 Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them - A Questionable Web posting by someone who claimed to have been in contact with one of the TRUMP trial's jurors

>>20984833 Catch and release leads to four counts of sexual assault and one count of assault against a person with a severe mental handicap

>>20984840 MIKE LINDELL: "Our Election Software: An Insecure System, in an Insecure Database, in Plain Text."

>>20984852 NY Democratic congressional candidate calls for MAGA re-education camps

>>20984863 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20984864 The right could win big in Europe – thanks to young people

>>20984873 steven spielberg helped direct pResident biden's major speech normandy DDay80



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c64005 No.20985127

File: 8a312ed022ac907⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,632x344,79:43,Cruise_Missile_Hitting_Pen….mp4)



Controlled 9/11 attack Truther Shill

They all work for the government.

Already displayed himself as an owned Hang-out artist

Not to put too fine a point on it; but Fuck HIm.

Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist and author. He formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government …

senior fellow at Hoover Institute.

anway, "Archetects and Engineers" total hang 0ut controlled opposition

How America was Lost" the name of his book.

By vicious Shills cover-up artists such like Himself?

Figures he's go against Patriots.

He's doing some sophistry with his mis-characterization of Patriots.

Saudi Arabia didn't get the blame for 9/11

What's he been smoking?

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35660b No.20985128


why would he when the big guy will pardon him?

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5f722d No.20985129


Did they go put talking guff to the devil or with a whimper

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d02bee No.20985130


he will wait till after the election, nov 6 but before inauguration day. then he will issue the pardon. why the wait? optics. if he does it before the election, the awakened masses and more will flock to Trump. O'biden and company know this! obiden and company fear this almost as much as they fear Trump

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52bf0a No.20985131


Didn't you ever watch as dye is placed into a leak to trace where the fluid goes ?

Each choice allowed a mapping of their network, Does the phrase "we have it all" make sense when you understand the moves made looking backwards.

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5703cd No.20985132


You're a lazy complacent fag.

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c64005 No.20985133


no one cares. idiot.

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9b5aa4 No.20985134

Cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

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4ea317 No.20985135

BO, restore Q's trip code.

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56d1f0 No.20985136


#25736B >>20984403

>>20984893 Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial Judge Recently - Gave 1-Year Sentence in Similar Case

>>20984902 3 Russian Naval Vessels will arrive in the Port of Havana next week for an Official Visit

>>20984906, >>20984934 DOJ recently indicted Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on a children’s hospital performing sex change procedures on minors

>>20984922, >>20984937 Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

>>20984979 According to the Live TikTok Follower Count = Trump has 5.5 million more followers than Biden

>>20985002 7 killed as school bus plunges into Syrian river


>>20985034 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20985042 False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

>>20985049 Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast

>>20985057 BREAKING: NY Judge Merchan Informs Lawyers of ‘My Cousin is a Juror, Trump is Getting Convicted’ Facebook Post Left on NY Court Page, Pre-Verdict.

>>20985071 @WarRoom MUST WATCH: John Amanchukwu Demolishes The ‘America Is Racist’ Narrative

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38a73d No.20985137


Christmas Day Pardon

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1b85de No.20985138



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5703cd No.20985139


>8 years

maybe 3 months were revealing. The rest has been nonsense propaganda. You're a lazy complacent fag.

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1a320d No.20985140




Boner Trump appointed the key people the approved of the 2020 election… lol




Amy Coney Barrett

Brett Kavanaugh

And so many more…

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cd2c6d No.20985141

File: e0d494fbaa93e7d⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,259x194,259:194,download.jpg)


A liar. Do tell Carnac.

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a756f5 No.20985142


jfk is wrong

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dfb078 No.20985143


"should" is a parental word, in a world full of children.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

As long as it takes to go down the road is as long as it takes to return.

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df29cc No.20985144

File: 0be67177ed24b26⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,657x527,657:527,ebf27ab4b55f6ac7ef796fe3b0….jpg)


Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone.

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bbbea7 No.20985145


Thanksgiving pardon. Which turkey will be set free?

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4ea317 No.20985146

File: aa5f06b1085381c⋯.png (93.93 KB,300x199,300:199,CourtesyCall.png)


You escalate? > WE Escalate.

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bc714e No.20985147

File: e82b04304f0d9d3⋯.png (416.54 KB,653x816,653:816,HR8081.png)


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d813af No.20985149


NG says it's ok for (You) to kys, anon. Do a flip?

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52bf0a No.20985151


The big guy killed his first wife and daughter, sacrificed Son #1. You think he won't order an end to this fuck up.

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35660b No.20985153


nah, his base (wut?) will be enraged that hunters going to jail but Trump's not. The pardon will be immediate.

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7b9018 No.20985155

File: 0a5c282cb05f821⋯.png (1.21 MB,700x906,350:453,dvfghs.png)


You Jews have no access to the source, you are eternally excluded.

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4ea317 No.20985156


Time is NOW.

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5703cd No.20985157


A retarded monkey on life support could do it way quicker.

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6db4c0 No.20985159

File: 0147bda444afd69⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1200x1161,400:387,0147bda444afd69148d8619f6d….jpg)

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4ea317 No.20985160

Anons, BE LOUD.

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d754a0 No.20985161



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4fbab5 No.20985162


>built in a day

I think you may be looking at the wrong trajectory

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5dffb7 No.20985163


Maybe that's just you. I get exited for tomorrow. Before Trump and 8kun I would dread there being another day.

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35660b No.20985165


That was Biden, not Potatus Bidan

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5dffb7 No.20985166



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bf6ccc No.20985167

File: e672ceccde8ebc7⋯.png (289.9 KB,609x848,609:848,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b32cf5a4c2e5684⋯.png (292.59 KB,609x865,609:865,ClipboardImage.png)

Politico pushing troll story

It does seem likely to be a fake — but Merchan didn’t indicate one way or the other whether he considered it serious. May have been sharing out of an abundance of caution in case others saw the screenshot.


This is an obvious troll.

Here is the Facebook profile of the poster, who appears to have made multiple posts like this throughout the trial (we located at least one more so far).

Their bio states: "Transabled & a professional shit poster."

Their profile photo is of their account being restricted by Facebook.

Their one image is the post on the right.


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56d1f0 No.20985168

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73b496 No.20985169


whiskey turkey

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4ea317 No.20985170


7/11 - Christmas in July.

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03bd27 No.20985171

File: 91067b2b8b96c9f⋯.png (87.71 KB,757x90,757:90,ClipboardImage.png)


that nigger needs to hang

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1a320d No.20985172

File: 5d5f9485c525a22⋯.png (802.52 KB,1080x1012,270:253,Shit.png)

File: 54121cbe8e2d68b⋯.png (839.63 KB,1080x1182,180:197,Nut_Jobs.png)

The white house's leading concern is did Joe shit himself.

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5703cd No.20985173

Is the plan to NOT wake up normies. Cause if so, congrats, things are going according to plan.

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5f722d No.20985174


Did they go talking guff with the devil or with a whimper

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4ea317 No.20985176

24 hours, BO.

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56d1f0 No.20985177

File: 621d35f39c42556⋯.png (328.18 KB,320x484,80:121,Screenshot_2024_04_08_at_2….png)

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4ea317 No.20985178

We will escalate accordingly. Promise.

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a756f5 No.20985179


faggot prol died lik a nazi fichtl

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3787be No.20985180

There is no stage 5. TYB

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cd2c6d No.20985181

File: 1d54e58a684a383⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,540x960,9:16,imigrant_invasion.mp4)


Treason from the top down.

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5703cd No.20985182


>Before Trump

Sorry I didn't know you were homo.

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