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File: fd7b3221831f833⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x803,1200:803,ClipboardImage.png)

86368b No.20982585 [View All]

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616 posts and 402 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1c01d2 No.20983492

File: 5bd16211d5b1037⋯.png (668.11 KB,1723x2138,1723:2138,suspepe.png)


all board/bored personalities are sus

including you

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a46ecf No.20983495

File: a72cb0a95da6a43⋯.jpeg (137.13 KB,516x800,129:200,50BBDC92_8B53_4389_80A8_D….jpeg)

File: 7b43a249e2783d8⋯.jpeg (135.34 KB,531x800,531:800,760C49EE_39FF_4361_8D01_6….jpeg)


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7ed4eb No.20983496

File: 8fa9f7c2c91c516⋯.png (557.39 KB,433x637,433:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aab27 No.20983497


kek, the muhjoo shills really want to stop being called muhjoo shills. It's triggering them bigly.

Their reaction? They muhjoo again.

If they want to stop being called muhjoo shills, all they have to do is stop muhjooing.

But they won't stop because this is their last defense shield.




>By applying that logic's own pronouncements to itself, it follows that anyone who says "saying muhjoo is IDF/MOSSAD", are themselves IDF/MOSSAD.



they just did it again, they just did what they claim is only happening outside their warped projection infested heads.

They're panicking so bad that they're afraid of self-doxxing, so how to solve? Project and claim anon is self-doxxing as MOS.


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b63943 No.20983499


What ever happened to modesty?

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402502 No.20983500

File: c588744f0b0260b⋯.png (354.62 KB,971x551,971:551,ClipboardImage.png)


BVs are deleting stuff for no reason at all.

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499e74 No.20983501

File: 116f5c6dcd83e6d⋯.jpg (346.69 KB,1600x1029,1600:1029,big_pool.jpg)

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12b5b2 No.20983502

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9df11a No.20983503

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,0CDE432B_B18C_4EE9_8837_7….jpeg)


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8b1038 No.20983504

File: b0f2940aeafa4e5⋯.png (1.09 MB,4880x3856,305:241,amop_catmod.png)






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63cdd9 No.20983505


VS and bots.

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9496a3 No.20983506


Face must be posted, otherwise considered to be underaged.

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14a111 No.20983507

File: 3c01f8a6bb64f23⋯.png (432.06 KB,710x663,710:663,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0123ed9d2f9e830⋯.png (369.16 KB,710x509,710:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b1038 No.20983509

File: 018877e70520ddb⋯.gif (1.42 MB,200x153,200:153,200OOOII.gif)

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b34403 No.20983510

File: cc528560c94d265⋯.jpg (838.47 KB,1440x1920,3:4,Picsart_24_06_06_19_19_30_….jpg)

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b63943 No.20983511

Is playing dumb a super power?

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a55845 No.20983512

File: c8f1c9f135100ac⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,255x222,85:74,pepe_mic_drop2.jpg)


Anyone that doesn't know that it's a term that developed on its own here to refer to not just a poster of that narrative, but also the narrative itself, and tries to take a word that describes the deep state ass hats that get assigned into something to be shunned while desperately ranting about the IDF and MOS… Yeah, that gets you the filter for being a blatant clown.

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9df11a No.20983513

File: b24307e74e05b02⋯.jpeg (49.36 KB,886x581,886:581,A43D8A36_491F_446A_95BC_1….jpeg)

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402502 No.20983514


Image was posted in response to Tiffany Gomaz.

It was linked to that post.

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7ed4eb No.20983516

File: 6d2fdf7fc064e67⋯.png (165.31 KB,437x241,437:241,ClipboardImage.png)


Scenes from the operation of the Islamic Resistance targeting the Iron Dome platform in the Ramot Naftali barracks of the Israeli enemy army in northern occupied Palestine.

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a46ecf No.20983517

File: 2c62d99582f2b95⋯.png (788.41 KB,958x720,479:360,0696154D_975C_4916_A1E4_70….png)


Having 10 chins could win you the Them/They Universe Contest

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14a111 No.20983518

File: 48649f6cce7fb44⋯.png (606.09 KB,710x726,355:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b408d0ba9617146⋯.png (558.32 KB,710x716,355:358,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75bddb29aed57f9⋯.png (316.12 KB,710x640,71:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0700df7cf94448d⋯.png (511.19 KB,710x714,355:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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796157 No.20983520

File: 6beecc46ba14350⋯.png (613.33 KB,839x748,839:748,6beecc46ba143505a1c3e4564c….png)

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9df11a No.20983522

File: 4ea130547c2050a⋯.png (70.15 KB,225x225,1:1,268B36CF_7A42_47F4_B3B8_57….png)


Do the “New BO” routine next

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65cd37 No.20983523

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,2023_07_05_09_20_46.png)


>The pResident packed his pantaloons with poop in public.

Joe tried to fart but dropped a deuce instead?

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402502 No.20983526






Face posted earlier and linked to it, but my post was deleted because of suspected cp? ffs.

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46b95d No.20983529

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


>Face must be posted, otherwise considered to be underaged.

You're considered underage. Post tits.


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6936f0 No.20983530

>>20983087 WTF cares, we had measles annually every day growing up, making people afraid of all bugs, is creating paranoia.did they ever think the measles vaccine doesn't and wouldn't work?We never got the vaccine we got measles, gave it to our brothers and sisters, and kids in school gave it to us. We laid around at home for 4-5 days, and was given ice cream by our Mom. It was fun

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402502 No.20983531

File: 82edcf1d197b55f⋯.png (212.08 KB,1203x371,1203:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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796157 No.20983532


#25734 >>20982617

>>20982756, >>20982768, >>20982861, >>20983098, >>20983147 Eyez on Skyz

>>20982723 The Fallacy of Bidenomics: A Return to Central Planning

>>20982738, >>20982981 ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’

>>20982742, >>20982860 SPIEF 2024: Russia signals shift in cryptocurrency policy/USD bun

>>20982762 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy


>>20982841 China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), has been quietly but steadily accumulating gold reserves for the past 17 months

>>20982908, >>20983021, >>20983186, >>20983282, >>20983322 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day SH2-308: The Dolphin Head Nebula

>>20982915 GameStop Tumbles After Dismal Earnings, Announces Equity Offering Ahead Of 'Roaring Kitty' Event

>>20982926, >>20982958, >>20983332 Swamp Things

>>20982941 Judicial Watch Tom Fitton talking Lawfare on PBD

>>20982951 FULL SPEECH: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump

>>20982961, >>20982965 Nut Job Jennifer Rubin is Desperate, she’s afraid she’ll go to jail if Trump doesn’t. No wonder WAPO is bleeding money.

>>20982977 Moon Tree Dedication with Artemis II Crew

>>20983007 Pressler: Woman explains why she’s voting for Trump.

>>20983035, >>20983051 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20983046 The 28 sodas, juices and other drinks recalled by FDA due to containing harmful ingredients and cancer chemicals, The biggest beverage recall of the year so far was Fiji Water.

>>20983125, >>20983409 No talk of peace at Zelensky’s ‘peace conference’ – Germany/UN


>>20983227 My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20983254 Judge dismisses attempted murder and other charges in state case against Paul Pelosi’s attacker



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a46ecf No.20983533

File: 1fef2d858794f0b⋯.png (1.06 MB,932x1527,932:1527,IMG_0690.PNG)


Need some Fried Chicken

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9df11a No.20983535


Yeah ok spam neegar

You have sooo much credibility in here /s

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14a111 No.20983536

File: a6a547716688cb4⋯.png (593.89 KB,710x720,71:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c01d2 No.20983538



he's hallucinating something walks up to him

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63cdd9 No.20983539


No one's gonna check the LINK, don't be an idiot.

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6936f0 No.20983541

>>20983093 I don't know why, but I get really sick to my stomach when I see these two together, something very evil about that pairing

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3fbed8 No.20983543

You fag sodomite false rainbow worshiping retards.

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2a1ee2 No.20983545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


baker please add. It's notable because it is moving the overton window to recognize the reality of satanic worship as the gang level.

Tucker interviews Nayib Bukele, Prez of El Salvador:The Satanic Roots of MS-13 That the Media Hid From You


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a46ecf No.20983546

File: e165778e02858fd⋯.gif (958.53 KB,400x480,5:6,IMG_1672.gif)

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69bab4 No.20983549

File: c0e8991c99a451e⋯.jpg (51.86 KB,250x334,125:167,Admiral_George_Stephen_Mor….jpg)

File: 1e4200560efed58⋯.jpg (28.98 KB,320x480,2:3,jimmorrisonincest.jpg)

File: 01eef4bc99fb974⋯.jpg (182.67 KB,942x1118,471:559,morrison.jpg)

File: 3f5aedd9cc1e5f0⋯.jpg (60.38 KB,1555x240,311:48,morrisonheromccaincounterm….jpg)

File: eacaa71b12df5b3⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,914x597,914:597,morrison3.jpg)


serial killer fear pressed in the "News" was a psy-op. They use their own family members and are so arrogant they keep the name (family pride? kek)

Remember "Riders on the Storm"?

"If you give this man a ride,

Sweet Emily will die?"

Morrison's last song

His Dad was an Admiral in charge of the Gulf of Tonkin fraudulent excuse for entering VietNam (illegal war).

But was a good guy too, right? see picrel

Read up on "Laurel Canyon" music psy-op and Propaganda film studio there.

The Hippie movement had to be squelched.

Hippies hitch-hiked.

Sorta like COVID lockdown - they had to be sure people couldn't talk with each other nor connect out of their limited spheres.

Another part of the op was a gender -op.

Had to make woman afraid of men.

Bundy was perfect since he looked and acted normal ; therefor default setting for any woman would be fear of a normal looking man - even though that would be statistically illogical

Media magnifies anomalies.


Miles Mathis did the work on this.

I disagree with him in many cases but he does a lot of good work; even though he's a hang-out and maybe written by a British Team.

The pictures / images speak for themselves.

Mathis makes the case in his .pdf

There's some good vids or info maybe for meow only - 'get it while you can' perhaps on social engineering aspects of the "counter-culture" and how it fits with govenment - military simulations, (GLADIO - i.e. events for Propaganda) MKultra, management of crowds, mass behavior, creation of cults etc.

One can see the fruit of the work now with the insane mind-virus of Trump hate; enginered soley by Propaganda Mass Media

Check out Miles Matis full list of essays as well as work of Jan Irvin, Hans Utter, and "Zos" of burners.me for related info.

Lots has been wiped or taken down and the search engines will block it. Try qresear.ch

Morrison worked for the military, if nothing else works and you'd like to go deeper. And do save offline.

REMEMBER the incest song Morrison did too?

"Mother, I want to Fuck You"

"Father I want to Kill you"

He got thrown out of the Whiskey a'Go Go for that.

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6936f0 No.20983550

>>20983093 I've never understood why some crackers announce they are filtering others, like anyone would care, or think they are brave, I just think they have an inflated sense of their worth here.

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9df11a No.20983551

File: 302d4f2c19a8c8e⋯.gif (1.73 MB,434x266,31:19,71C4FD41_574F_4847_BD8C_C2….gif)

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46b95d No.20983552

File: 271e4e3d613392d⋯.gif (27.53 KB,198x188,99:94,muppets.gif)

Every excuse to delete anon posts right now.

That"SPAM"is unacceptable.

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187a80 No.20983553

File: 1240ca67cc23d61⋯.png (555.36 KB,480x608,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)


depends on which meaning you take from muhjoo.

Someone asked what it meant a couple of weeks ago and i pointed out that many of the posters think it is pro jew because it is making fun of people who post truths about jews as being nazi spammers while others think it anti jew by pointing out the jewish supporters who say jews can do no evil (more in line with the muhdick original meaning). Wow did that piss some anons off and since the former gets used around here the most, I usually assume muhjoo is trying to gaslight anyone who questions jews actions.

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796157 No.20983554





Migrate 'Mo's, lockin it up

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9d5c11 No.20983555



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71d5b4 No.20983556


Got carried away in the moment and decided to bomb France himself.

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a46ecf No.20983557

File: 8c88753bd414594⋯.jpeg (117.05 KB,920x826,460:413,IMG_1671.jpeg)

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a55845 No.20983559

Anytime in the next 4 hours getting a new IP hash. Switching ISP's to save money. Supposedly 3x the current speed too. I'll believe it when I see it.

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796157 No.20983560


repost nb

I get it


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