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File: 85666fb6f5db10a⋯.png (63.5 KB,255x140,51:28,ClipboardImage.png)

bf7f0e No.20974792 [View All]

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701 posts and 393 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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737bcc No.20975808

Notables - FINAL

#25725 >>20974803

>>20974877 trump interview with sean hannity 5th June 2024 - quotation

>>20974894 The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the Men Who Rule the Planet

>>20974930 Reid letter to Comey Aug 27, 2016 / Trump - Russia, Russia, Russia

>>20974950 Former President Trump says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has "become like a Palestinian."

>>20974993, >>20975100, >>20975181 NYPD will REVOKE Donald Trump's gun permit after conviction in hush money trial

>>20974995 Trump: The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming because that's the real deal

>>20975028, >>20975040, >>20975050, >>20975061, >>20975072, >>20975084 Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York - Appellate Division, First Judicial Department

>>20975056, >>20975166 4 year Delta - Q 4427, 4426

>>20975068 TikTok confirms CNN, other high-profile accounts hijacked via zero-day vulnerability

>>20975080, >>20975217, >>20975224 President of El Salvador says M3-13 is performing Satanic child sacrifice rituals - Tucker interview

>>20975135 Fauci's cabal likely to destroy evidence crucial to social media censorship case, doctors warn

>>20975156 PF Report - Left Coast style-AWACS, Rivet Joint and tankers S from Nellis heading off shore

>>20975162 U.S. Indo Pacific Command repost of @DeptofDefense

>>20975297 GEOTUS now advocating vote by mail. Gee, I wonder why?

>>20975401 Avalon Ventures XI, L.P. Sold $82.125m of Janux Theraputics-June 5th - Mr. Kinsella is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

>>20975535 july 9th very important date - Q 3387


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f8c075 No.20975809

File: 35e5517cb16dc81⋯.jpeg (408.11 KB,1179x2100,393:700,IMG_7620.jpeg)

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00f74a No.20975810

File: 68a771678347d1c⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,624x336,13:7,ruoshifyifrhgwiu.mp4)

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e00880 No.20975812


>what my brain has been conditioned to think

one does not "condition" a brain to think

one "conditions" a brain to believe without thinking

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51f124 No.20975814



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00f74a No.20975816

File: 0e72d05a8f360a1⋯.png (741.32 KB,464x568,58:71,0e72d05a8f360a12fd0cba6acb….png)

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cfe3ef No.20975817

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41e49e No.20975818


Please pray. Thank you.

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51f124 No.20975820


knows nothing of mental discipline.

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1913f2 No.20975821

File: bc3ee98a26b7d85⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,640x354,320:177,Sean_Penn_the_fucking_idio….mp4)

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737bcc No.20975822

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cfe3ef No.20975823


Your mom's stole shakil dick

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51f124 No.20975824


lacks adaptability.

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b358f8 No.20975825


yer doing better than most yet there is much pain headed your way still as well


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737bcc No.20975827

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11caa7 No.20975828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only thing I'm sure of is that only God has ever given the spark of life and a soul.

The original Greek texts that the old and New Testament were written in are very revealing.

Sacred Sodomy: Church Cover-Up EXPOSED


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d71886 No.20975830


both as damning as doctrine.

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cfe3ef No.20975831


they call it coincidentally

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1913f2 No.20975832



Do not mistake my lack of interest and humor for a misunderstanding.

I've been here since the cast iron sink in the Usenet basement.

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737bcc No.20975833

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82a621 No.20975834

thinks it knows aught of God.


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f8c075 No.20975835


Amen. o7

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c001d1 No.20975836

File: e2c1fb19537f2ef⋯.jpeg (932.28 KB,1242x1917,46:71,1775C7E7_0661_4C94_B378_3….jpeg)

File: f0ca88742710132⋯.jpeg (1.87 MB,1242x1633,54:71,A2DB830E_5104_4A34_AE1F_D….jpeg)

File: 328cdb8f1c36daa⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1220x990,122:99,705FF1FB_623C_4E67_A1DC_8….jpeg)

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cfe3ef No.20975837


Zip your mouth for the smell

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00f74a No.20975838

File: 5df744c65f404e6⋯.png (661.41 KB,934x601,934:601,5df744c65f404e69af40c01edc….png)

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1c90c5 No.20975839


Never trust a jarhead with a ship designation

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82a621 No.20975840


means nothing in deep waters.

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11caa7 No.20975841


belief is the enemy of knowing. I have experienced knowing.

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82a621 No.20975843


dat hubris be thick tonite.

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f8c075 No.20975845


Jesus Christ is the only source of peace I have ever found.


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737bcc No.20975846

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597d50 No.20975847


knowledge is the death of faith.

get your axioms straight.

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e00880 No.20975848


>Jesus Christ is the only source of peace I have ever found.

opiate of the masses

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00f74a No.20975849

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,1200x627,400:209,42b581b47f9b27ee488cebf723….jpg)

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2bb3b1 No.20975850


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11caa7 No.20975851


not knowledge. knowing.

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1913f2 No.20975852



Getting late…

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2bb3b1 No.20975853

keep trying.

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dc5413 No.20975855

File: de49a0289c9ca12⋯.gif (462.97 KB,640x427,640:427,20200912_004757.gif)

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cfe3ef No.20975857

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e00880 No.20975858


>The only thing I'm sure of is that only God has ever given the spark of life and a soul.

sure of something that is impossible to verify

believes that is some sort of validation

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1913f2 No.20975859

File: 5f63bccb4e6bbb7⋯.png (100.06 KB,640x891,640:891,ClipboardImage.png)



I often forget the company in which I keep.

Anons here are the best of the best!

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1c91ea No.20975861

File: 2a7c2a28ba81bc0⋯.png (73.17 KB,254x151,254:151,13ce3d3a57967d75e2430705cd….png)

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b47226 No.20975864

File: 337b7b2c649c67e⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,2048x2048,1:1,1711509188594027_Universal….jpg)


Onwards, buttercup

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67da75 No.20975877


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67da75 No.20975878

because you always follow your program.

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7295c2 No.20975880

File: 483108d74bc60e2⋯.gif (1.51 MB,807x807,1:1,20200922_210431.gif)


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ad1da3 No.20975883


Pic is fake.

But what do you know about navigating a burning ship?

You see, the fire will spread, if you let the wind blow it the wrong way.

So they turn the ship to keep the fire contained.

Did she turn away from the wind? Which way did she steam? Why?

About the same time as the EAM's started

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e9ad29 No.20975885


Odds of damaged US carrier being in any port next to another carrier in this short a period of time? Zero.

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6457a0 No.20976443

File: b079591a06f4d52⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,480x600,4:5,Unveiling.mp4)

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