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File: 88e251a0709f216⋯.png (151.98 KB,837x404,837:404,000fff.png)

f40d3b No.20968753 [View All]

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701 posts and 478 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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34078c No.20969519

File: bdc883d3c7e2645⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,532x360,133:90,5690.mp4)

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2b2aa8 No.20969520

File: c56597e83c271b1⋯.png (563.46 KB,640x482,320:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969521

File: 5227a5f440d9364⋯.png (415.1 KB,560x380,28:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969522

File: bde5cb25134ffdb⋯.png (274.53 KB,490x327,490:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969523

File: e3e5851dd0b78e1⋯.png (448.44 KB,738x677,738:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969524

File: 198a7de98cfc0aa⋯.png (687.63 KB,720x513,80:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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34078c No.20969525

File: 648e64747c4bd7d⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,352x640,11:20,167.mp4)

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76fb8e No.20969526

God bless u anons, out of all I’ve put my body though, EDTA was the top, unbelievable zits

MMS is the latest, there is a reason I’m poastimg end of bread.

Fug, mms. Imo better than invermetin.

Yes I’ve tried dog worming tablets etc.

MMS is different.


Had a bad zit out my nostril which bread for a few daze.

U know what, strive, experiment and fk the world. Don’t listen to what u have been told.

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2b2aa8 No.20969527

File: 51af580c295a343⋯.png (518.54 KB,491x588,491:588,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969528

File: f8625b563ee6d5f⋯.png (339.98 KB,663x351,17:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969529

File: 98b4b5883c7a022⋯.png (256.45 KB,450x678,75:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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34078c No.20969530

File: 59aceeaa7a6b924⋯.png (2.7 MB,1934x1476,967:738,history_is_written_by_the_….png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969531

File: 030c30d94a47dbe⋯.png (261.58 KB,507x380,507:380,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969532

File: e15a8bfd2af558b⋯.png (339.21 KB,499x433,499:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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664129 No.20969533

File: 56cc9f74e56a166⋯.jpg (93.14 KB,728x728,1:1,His_brother_is_Tom_Ato.jpg)

File: 4fd89451460d3f6⋯.jpg (30.26 KB,400x400,1:1,42c3fab925b749c1bf3944643e….jpg)

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2b2aa8 No.20969534

File: 9b3a9388aec1423⋯.png (125.2 KB,260x259,260:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969535

File: 1d3de78861944f9⋯.png (445.66 KB,500x506,250:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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12aba3 No.20969536

File: c687b817b316a23⋯.jpg (220.39 KB,1778x1000,889:500,45b247d80f7b35328f02c093bd….jpg)

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2b2aa8 No.20969537

File: a3fa93d1b7787aa⋯.png (600.2 KB,612x675,68:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969538

File: b965c1fa0d60bcc⋯.png (178.62 KB,472x472,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969539

File: 636443703a72579⋯.png (441.95 KB,503x489,503:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969540

File: ec8c329a58efb2b⋯.png (362.07 KB,423x417,141:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c6301 No.20969541

File: 4d6f286e461df6b⋯.png (48.25 KB,611x413,611:413,ClipboardImage.png)




⚡️ Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician attacked with a knife in Mannheim, local outlet dpa reports citing security sources

Jun 5, 2024 · 7:38 AM UTC



Meanwhile in Mexico…

Oh no wait.

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2b2aa8 No.20969542

File: 2883e5b61f66f20⋯.png (103.57 KB,360x329,360:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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76fb8e No.20969543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry mms vid rel.

Was going to put a quips comment but all felt ill.

Yeh, nutter I am.

I’m proud of the fact.

Got locked up 2witce, all cause of the. NUmber 33.

Enjoy your journey. God speed n respect


Fug, 1st time of taking this, my dick grew to when I was 18, head wobbly (crown chakra activating) the piles weren’t good, but fuck that shit…



The electrolides slash electricity in my body is profound. Fgin love.it.

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cc4bf0 No.20969544


#25718 >>20968765

>>20968784 TikTok says cyberattack targeted brands and celebrity accounts, including CNN - reuters

>>20968788, >>20968805 Federal judge makes key rulings ahead of Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges in June - cnn

>>20968796, >>20968869, to be american is to defend democracy - joe biden twat and bun

>>20968812 Global warming accelerating at ‘unprecedented’ pace: study - insider paper

>>20968844 Ross Gerber Cautions 'Roaring Kitty' Over Short-Term Gamestop Position

>>20968857, >>20969043, >>20969059, >>20969074 Mexican Elections: 37 Assassinated, sheinbaum and b.i.s connection - anon bun and dig into mexico.

>>20968885, >>20968952, Ukraine might not join NATO – Biden - rt.com bun

>>20968929 Sen. Rand Paul withholds endorsement of Trump:- twat and mp4 vid

>>20968931 Trump reacts to guilty verdict, labels judge as a fraud, talks VP candidate | Greg Kelly Reports - youtube djt t.s pointer interview

>>20969319 Retired colonel Larry Brock thanks you for praying for him while his was locked up in the J6 DC gulag

>>20968972 >>20968470, >>20968501, >>20968610 djt t.s post and mp4 vid, new york election 25th june text 88022, plus election information and site link. p.b links

>>20968992, >>20969011, farage video from p.j.w - youtube and anon opine on vid.

>>20969008 Hedge Funds Flip Flop on Yen Option Trade as BOJ ‘Spooks’ Market - trading

>>20969087 US tech giant Google has accidentally collected children’s voice data and leaked information on the trips and home addresses of car pool users - twat

>>20969122, >>20969223, >>20969297, >>20969393 planefag posts bun

>>20969166 Flashback: Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah - pjmedia

>>20969181 Toddler kiIIed in stabbing attack in Ohio. Bionca Ellis ambushed a mother and her toddler in a parking lot - twat

>>20969201 Strategic Objective 4.5 is “Support Development of a Digital Identity Ecosystem - bio metric

>>20969217 Breaking News: F.D.A. Panel Votes Against MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD

>>20969236 NYpost with two stories about missing Birds. Posted back to back within three minutes of each other, odd coincidence or comms?

>>20969270 Donald J. Trump: The President of Precedents

>>20969202 RUSSIA IS FLASHING RED, THE WEST BETTER PAY ATTENTION - 4 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

>>20969294 King Charles bank notes enter circulation today - here are the first £5, £10, £20 and £50 serial numbers to hunt for that could be worth a fortune

>>20969295, >>20969307, >>20969349 1 frame of Aus national radar with a clear arrow pointing to the only military jet in the area

>>20969394 Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

>>20969401 Biden campaign tried to fact check and comes up lying

>>20969471 Gunman attempts attack on US embassy in Lebanon



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2b2aa8 No.20969545

File: d0b1091c29dc5df⋯.png (534.55 KB,613x408,613:408,ClipboardImage.png)

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76fb8e No.20969548

There s a reason why I posted at the end of the bread, don’t want no comment.

Has the bo been replaced?

Fast jack no moar?

Or was that fake news..

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2b2aa8 No.20969549

File: 688dbc9ed51495d⋯.png (109.76 KB,560x222,280:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a02a No.20969550

File: 265bb551b3dafb1⋯.jpg (80 KB,1170x817,1170:817,20240328_153822.jpg)

File: f5c0d4034d82579⋯.jpg (78.36 KB,958x1130,479:565,20240503_001724.jpg)

File: 41bf35cb7d7ed3e⋯.jpg (75.12 KB,456x712,57:89,20240525_121155.jpg)

File: d6ddb1dd39de4dc⋯.jpg (262.21 KB,1169x1270,1169:1270,20240425_164114.jpg)

File: 0af76d408482d5d⋯.jpg (279.62 KB,1290x1292,645:646,20240509_130320.jpg)

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2b2aa8 No.20969552

File: 11b3935d40523bb⋯.png (200.67 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecb717 No.20969553

File: 8ac008f9c720c08⋯.jpg (98.19 KB,1054x974,527:487,8798be7a072343e4.jpg)




you got this bakes?

just got here


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cc4bf0 No.20969554

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2b2aa8 No.20969555

File: 3545759c5be2653⋯.png (379.4 KB,500x503,500:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a02a No.20969556



Almost 420..]

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2b2aa8 No.20969557

File: 2d764004b57f2e6⋯.png (362.33 KB,501x576,167:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a02a No.20969558



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cc4bf0 No.20969559


good timing, saving that one


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ecb717 No.20969560


>>>20968972 >>20968470, >>20968501, >>20968610 djt t.s post and mp4 vid, new york election 25th june text 88022, plus election information and site link. p.b links

links? bakes…

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cc4bf0 No.20969563

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ecb717 No.20969564

File: 7cc7a7ba6e528ed⋯.png (1.42 MB,801x1000,801:1000,7cc7a7ba6e528ed450aa31f33e….png)

File: cfe32ce7c5ea3ce⋯.png (594.82 KB,743x861,743:861,cfe32ce7c5ea3ce143410382b0….png)

File: e923b2d7982bd1b⋯.png (155.01 KB,612x408,3:2,e923b2d7982bd1b2ac2acfe484….png)

File: c7b5dc454585d75⋯.png (226.91 KB,612x412,153:103,c7b5dc454585d75f99a96bea71….png)

File: 6c92db66d14310a⋯.png (414.02 KB,612x408,3:2,6c92db66d14310a61a663f147d….png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969569

File: f30492487caf958⋯.png (52.27 KB,195x255,13:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969570

File: 869124dae726b1b⋯.png (368.58 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecb717 No.20969571

File: 818cb629f58a7cc⋯.png (1.07 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc61240e0a0af41⋯.png (1.06 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac7a22f7d32ef5⋯.png (1.03 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422a3efa00f116a⋯.png (1.03 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df0dc8cfa2ae247⋯.png (1.42 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Loving the posters that show all the WINNING

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2b2aa8 No.20969573

File: 83805e21b2dadd8⋯.png (258.33 KB,384x367,384:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969574

File: 85b15f029136a4b⋯.png (251.68 KB,378x381,126:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969576

File: 834bc33a4a48cbb⋯.png (360.11 KB,447x612,149:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969578

File: 140f5a10462615b⋯.png (169.42 KB,400x245,80:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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a27903 No.20969579

File: 237c13f73ed261d⋯.png (978.74 KB,1054x690,527:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b2aa8 No.20969580

File: 92791e418a230f8⋯.png (582.61 KB,566x622,283:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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